Tokyo Girl In Paris

By SatinDolls

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Sometimes finding the man you love isn't as easy as it sounds. Especially if this man lives in Paris and you... More

Diary: Chapter One

Diary: Introduction

467 5 1
By SatinDolls

Tokyo Girl in Paris

Diary: Introduction

Dear Diary,

My name is Mila Silverbloom and I was born in Tokyo, Japan. Don’t get too excited though. I am not one of those exotic, smart and beautiful Japanese girls. In fact, I was quite the opposite all my life and spent about 1% of said life even living there.

You see, my father is an air force officer and before we were perma-stationed here in Butt-Crack, Egypt (Lamar, Colorado) we were a traveling family. About half a second after I was born we added Italy, Germany and then 15 of the continental US states to our list of homes.

Anyways, where was I? Oh yea, Japan.

So while I didn’t spend any real time in Japan I still grew up with this odd connection to it. At first it was a new episode of Dragon Ball Z a night. It then got upgraded to dressing like an anime kitten, spurting out random Japanese phrases whenever it made sense or I could remember them, infinite loves for unrealistic and godly looking Japanese men with super powers and even going to… GASP!… conventions.

Yea, we all know that kid. And trust me, I was that kid. I was also fat. Not just a little fat but super fat. I guess people around the world could call it “American Fat” and I was no stranger to the exotic meals of America at that.

And so it looked as if my fate was sealed. This was, of course, until I hit the 9th grade and fell madly in love with Roderick Bordeaux. This boy single handedly turned my world upside down and I couldn’t think I would ever be the same again.

You see, Roderick Bordeaux was a French transfer student who walked into the school like it was his own personal red carpet and had all the girls falling over backwards for him. He, like myself, was only a freshman but even the teachers couldn’t resist his… how you say… charms?

He never looked at me. I don’t think he even knew I was there, which was hard considering what a massive load I was. I tried talking to him, asking him what he listened to and what he liked. But it was like when the words would leave my mouth they would get together and conspire against me. They would turn and twist about making me sound like an idiot!


What I meant: “Hey, Roderick. It is a rainy day outside. Say, do you like the rain?”

What came out: “H-hey, Derick. There sure is a lotta mud out there. Do you like mud?”


What I meant: “Wow Roderick, that suit looks so good on you!”

What came out: “Wow Roderick, I eat that suit off of you!”

My reputation around school quickly became known as that girl with incessant word vomit. It was almost as bad as the girl who actually vomited all the time. She was in my fourth period.

She really did vomit all the time.

Anyways, he ended up moving back to Paris in the spring. The girls cried like Justin Bieber had just died. They wore black for days afterwards and rumors of girls getting his home address to mail him started gang wars in the locker rooms.

But I didn’t take it lying down. In fact, the Roderick Bordeaux event was not only an awakening but a new found goal in my life. While he had never taken any of the girls at our school, much less kept in contact, I wanted to be Roderick Bordeaux’s wife someday!

I couldn’t shut my eyes without thinking about him. His light, caramel colored hair, bright blue eyes and suave persona were like a drug. I was addicted to him. And so, like any crazy and in love fat girl, I printed out pictures of him and plastered them to my walls.

This drive also caused me to get an afterschool job at a local gym. Because I was so fat I was kept in back for a long time washing stuff and after everyone would leave I would clean their sweat off the machines and floor. But as a bonus they would also let me work out.

Three years later I was their poster child for what “Ray’s Gym” could do for you! I lost an entire person in weight (200 lbs to be exact) and rid myself of all my nerdy obsessions that came in relation to Japan. In fact, I had now looked down on the kid I once was!

I had also been saving. I knew my summer trip after graduation was going to be to Paris. I knew that, as I had evolved from the caterpillar to this luscious butterfly, I would find Roderick Bordeaux and make him mine!

There was just one problem. Nobody had heard from him in three years!

Oh boy, this was going to be difficult. But Roderick, you are worth it!

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