You're My Mate... Forever

By CedricDiggorysCho

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Lexie has known that Andrew would be her mate ever since she first became a werewolf. He’s funny, nice, under... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

133 3 2
By CedricDiggorysCho

Chapter 2

I sat on the couch. Waiting for Andrew. I constantly looked at the clock. I picked up the phone and called him. I had probably blown up their answering machine.

"Lexie, you need to stop worrying." Ben told me from inside the kitchen. "He's got a life outside of you." I threw my head on the back of the couch, falling backward.

"He hasn't had any contact in four days, Ben." I groaned.

Ben shrugged. "Slumber party?" he suggested.

"Yeah right," I said skeptically. "Andrew would never have a slumber party, he told me himself."

"Well maybe he's camping. That's what some people do in the summer. CAMP." Ben said loudly.

"Then why don't we?" I called back, getting close to losing my anger with Ben. My temper was on the edge these days. Ben set down his cup of water loudly. He opend his mouth to say something, but then closed it. Then he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he spoke.

"Lexie," he told me, his voice shaky, trying not to yell. "I honestly do not like Andrew. At all. In fact, I am very close to hating him."

"WHY?!" I yelled. "WHAT DID HE EVER DO TO YOU?!" Ben's eyes got darker, and his breathing got faster and deeper.

"Ben...." I said, backing up. ", Ben..."

He launched himself at me. And I dove away. I growled and then rippled into a wolf. Ben took that time to try and attack me. He jumped and tried to bit my leg. I'm sorry to say he succeeded. It hurt so bad that I wasn't aware of turning back into a human.

"Lexie...?" he said slowly. "Oh, no...why'd I do that? Oh, Lexie, no..."

I sat there twitching, my leg all curmpled and bloody. I stuggled to not pass not, but I guess I was bleeding bad enough to get this woozy.

From what must've have been a million miles away, I heard the door open. And open a million miles further, I heard Andrew's voice. At first, his voice was calm, and then it  went quickly to probably yelling. I wouldn't have known. I was just about to pass out.


A warm, wet rag was being pressed to my forehead. I immediately wanted to know what my leg looked like. I lifted up my head and tired to see.

"Whoa, no, no, no, Lexie. Keep your head down. You'll have plenty of time to look at your leg." Andrew's voice told me.

"Andrew." I clarified to myself stupidly. "Where were you?"

"I can't tell you, darling-"

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL HER A DARLING! THAT'S MY JOB, BOHENDRIK!" I heard a booming voice yell.

"I can't tell you." Andrew rephrased, not even glancing at the way of the voice.

"How's my leg?" I asked.

"Not broken, but cracked. Ben isn't strong enough to break your bones anymore." he laughed. I guess I should've laughed too, but I thought back, thinking as when I was seven or eight. Ben could've easily broken one of my bones then.

"Lexie, I have a completely off topic question." Andrew said.

"Go for it."

"Alright..." he leaned in - obviously he didn't want Ben to hear, wherever he was. "Why didn't Ben ever find a mate? He'd probably be happier with one."

"He probably would, wouldn't he? Well, the story is that he never really found anyone. Every year at New Skill mating season, he always tries to find someone, but he never really does." I giggled. Lonely Ben.

"Well, yeah, I mean, I've been here when he left for New Skill mating season, but I thought he just went to help out. I didn't think he was actually participating."

"Well, he was." I said plainly.

"Frankly, I don't think there is any possible way we won't become mates." He whispered smartly.

"I don't think there is either." I said.

He kissed me and then I fell asleep.


Sorry again for the short chapter! (the majority in this book will proabbly be shorter chapters:))

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