I wish all guys were like my...

By sweet_nightmare92

1.6M 26.6K 8.1K

"Best friends don't date their best friends!" Tasha Olivier has always been left by all the guys she has date... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
A little something for you to look forward to! ;)
Side Story: "Just like the first time."

Chapter 11

46.5K 743 426
By sweet_nightmare92

I updated! Yahooo! Sorry this took so long.. Something's wrong with my keyboard. It's rebelling against me. Sometimes it would not type at all and would really piss me off. Sometimes it would type but would not type what I was typing and would type of its own! It's kind of creepy....and annoying! So this one took me dayssss to write because I had to bring my patience to the fullest with my keyboard.. =(( thankfully, I finished it! Yehey!

Please do forgive my errors. Especially when you see letters that shouldn't be there, or missing letters. Keyboards fault! hahaha!

Nevertheless, I hope you still ENJOY! =)))

(Back to Tasha's POV)

I woke up with a head start.

My head was spinning and was hurting it feels like it's about to break. My body feels so heavy too and my throat feels so dry. My eyes feel heavy and so is my body.

I tried to remember what I must have done the previous day to earn this killing feeling. The first thing that crossed my mind was Sean's party. Oh yeah! The party. I remembered...

Before I could compose my thoughts of last night, I felt churn that I jumped from my bed and ran to the bathroom and hugged the toilet while I threw up. I was throwing up so badly that I didn't notice that someone came into my room until that person was holding my hair from my face for me.

"Done?" Cole said in a teasing voice that made me roll my eyes at him. Cole chuckled taking a rubber band from my first aid kit and tied my hair into a ponytail. 

After I had the feeling that I already have emptied my stomach, I got up, washed my face with cold water and brushed my teeth twice. I really hated the after taste throwing up leaves in my mouth. 

Cole was opening my curtains when I went back to my bedroom. I squinted from the light and collapsed back to my bed. I'm trying to piece up my memory once again. I don't really remember going home. Or climbing to bed. I was still in my clothes that I wore at the party. Didn't I changed before I went to bed? My head hurt the more as I thought about it.

"What time is it?" I muttered as I closed my eyes and placed one arm above my eyes. My head is still hurting so bad.

I felt my bed sank as it carried Cole's weight. "It's already 9 in the morning, babe."

I jerked up but also immediately went crashing back to the bed as the sudden movement made my head spin and throb further. "Ack! We're late!" I said feeling upset. I hated being late and much more being absent. And at the state I'm in, I'm going to be absent.

Cole chuckled and lifted my throbbing head slowly, and slipped a pillow below it so that my head was slightly elevated. "Well we are actually going to be absent today. It's obvious that you can't go to school and of course, as the awesome best friend that I am, I'm staying here to take care of you." He handed me a glass of water and some Tylenol for my headache. I gladly took it. Cole knows me too well. I wonder what I would be like without him. I'd be a total mess, I bet.

"So," I asked after taking a long swig of water. "what happened last night? I don't really remember anything.Why was I drunk?" I straightened up and leaned into Cole's shoulders instead. He wrapped one arm around me. His touch comforted me that it started to ease the throbbing in my head.

"You don't remember drinking a bottle of beer and two cups of gin?" He asked with an amused voice.

I frowned. A bottle of beer and two cups of gin? "I did?"

"Yes, babe. I found you about to fall from the front porch. You told me that Matt gave you something really spicy and since you can't find any water, you opted for those. And by the way, I still have to have a talk with Matt about letting you drink those and eat those spicy stuff."

I giggled at Cole. "Yeah, I think I remember. Don't have a word with Matt. He didn't knew I was bad with alcohol."

"You know you're just too good to be true, right? And no, I am still having a talk with that guy. No one gets my best friend drunk except me." 

I slapped Cole's thigh as he laughed at my poor attempt to hurt him. I was still feeling weak. "I'm hungry, Coley."

Cole nodded and helped me to my feet. "I knew you'd say that. Why don't you go change first? No offense, Tash, but you still reek of alcohol. I'll cook something while you clean up, okay?" He kissed my forehead as I made my way to the shower and soaked myself in hot water for about fifteen minutes.

Since we won't be coming to school today, I decided to put on Cole's green shirt that he left here and some short shorts. The smell of egg and bacons were already filling the kitchen when I wentdownstairs.

I quietly sat down as I waited for Cole to finish cooking. His back was on me, and for the first time, I noticed how well-built and muscular my best friend actually is in his fit white shirt. His broad shoulders were perfect. Heavens! His six pack can also even make you faint. I honestly can't help it but stare each time he walks around the house without a shirt on. He was muscular but not bulky. He was tall but not gigantic. Just perfect. It's not like I haven't noticed it before that I actually have a swoon-worthy best friend. But right now, I start to notice how many girls just can't resist him. He has awesome hair that any girl would give everything just to have their hands run on them. He has eyes that can make you melt. A perfect nose and full mouth and electrifying smile. I have to admit that Cole really is hot.

Cole also is quite the gentleman. He's caring and sweet. Geez! He can even cook. I was broke from my thoughts when I heard Cole clear his throat and chuckle. "I know I'm good looking, Tash. You don't have to make it so obvious." I rolled my eyes at him. Jerk! Yes, Cole can also be full of himself sometimes.


Have I just been checking out my best friend? Oh. My. Gosh. I did not just check him out! That's just, well, gross. Right? You, don't ever check out your best friend. It's like having a forbidden love, right? Besides, Cole doesn't see me that way. I was just like his sister. And well, I like Xavier.

I saw Cole pushed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me with two white breads. I smiled at him. "Thanks."

"No problem. Eat up." Cole returned my smile. I started eating as Cole stared at me. As I ate, I tried to recall the events of last night. I didn't like having gaps in my memory. It makes me feel...vulnerable. And I hate feeling vulnerable. Unfortunately, alcohol can powerfully drain my memories. I sighed in defeat. That's when I remembered having dreamt of something. Or was it a dream? Of course it is a dream. Cole would never say those things in reality.

"I dreamed of something last night." I decided to tell Cole about it.

Cole raised an eyebrow at me. "Yeah? What about?"

"I dreamt that you said that you were in love with me." I said as-a-matter-of-factly. Cole's eyes widened and his face turned scarlet. See? I told you it was a dream. Cole's probably surprised I dreamed of something like that by how wide his eyes grew. And he probably turned scarlet because he thinks it's just disgusting, or inappropriate that he would say such a thing to me.

"I know, funny dream, right?" I snorted at him. I saw him swallow hard and clear his throat. "So, what did you answered me? In your dream."

I frowned. Now that I think about it, I don't really know. I don't remember that part of the dream. Just the part about him telling me he's in love with me. "I don't actually remember. I probably punched in you in the face or kicked you in the groin." That's probably what I would do in reality.

He laughed but it did not reach his eyes. I wonder why? "Well, I'd be happy if you don't do that." He said so softly but I did not fail to hear it. "That's....an interesting dream." This time, he said it louder.

I shrugged and jumped off my seat to wash my plate. "The right word is funny. Anyway, what do you have for me today? Since you're keeping me hostage here at my own house."

Cole walked to stand beside me as he brushed a hand on my cheek. The contact suddenly made me shudder. Cole's touch sent electricity running to my spine. This has never happened before.Geez! I'm acting weird. First, dreaming about him confessing to me, second, me checking him out, and third, feeling strange from his touch. What's wrong with me? "I'm not keeping you hostage, babe. I'm taking care of you." He started to dry the plates I had just finished washing. 

"Whatever, Coley." I wiped my hands and started to head out of the kitchen. "Can we just watch a movie? I'm still feeling a bit of headache."

"Of course. You have the privilege to choose the movie."

I laughed and went to pick a good movie to watch with my best friend.


"I really don't get it why girls like this kind of films. Aren't they too unrealistic?" Cole complains as we watched New Moon on DVD. We have been all sprawled on the entertainment room some hours already. I suggested, or more like insisted, that we have a marathon of the Twilight Saga after we finished re-runs of Pretty Little Liars. I have the complete DVD collection until Eclipse and has been promising myself to be the first to buy the Breaking Dawn DVD as soon as it is out in the market. I'm actually addicted to it just like other girls in the world. 

I snorted at Cole as I snatched the bowl of popcorn from him. He has been openly giving his lousy comments on it ever since we started with Twilight. "It's romantic."

He rolled his eyes at me. "You're acting like a girl, Tash."

"I am a girl, Coley. And girls like this kind of films."

Cole just shrugged and leaned back on the couch as he continued to watch with me. I can't help but smile. No matter how many times he complains, he still watches it with me. He's like a Twilight-conforming-best-friend.

After a moment he said, "If you were Bella, would you choose your best friend, or the new guy?"

"Edward's really not a new guy, Cole. He's been in Fork's longer than Bella." I retorted.

"Fine. But just answer the question. The best friend, or the other guy?"

I thought about that for a moment. Well I actually like Edward since his really sweet and honest to Bella. But me personally, I actually like Jacob. "I actually like Jacob. But I think that Bella's right with Edward. I actually like them both!"

Cole chuckled as he leaned his head on my shoulder. "Can't decide between the two, huh?"

"Well, they are both amazing guys."

"I was hoping you'd like the best friend better." He muttered. I was about to ask him another question when his cell phone rang. He quickly answered it.

"Hello?" he said to the other line. "Yeah, I'm at her place. Okay, I'll be there in ten. Bye." He quickly hang up and stood. 

"Who was that?" I asked him.

"Jake. I asked him take our notes of today's lessons. I'll just go and meet him? Do you want me to get you something? Like chocolate? or ice cream? or coffee?" Cole snatched his keys from the table and smoothed his wrinkled shirt.

I smiled at my very sweet and thoughtful best friend and shook my head. "No, thanks, Cole. I'm good."

He returned the smile and leaned down to plant a kiss on my forehead. "Alright. Be back soon, babe. Bye!"

"Drive safe."

The house instantly fell silent as soon as Cole had left. Funny how he seem to take the light and life of the house with him when he left. And I, actually felt dull without him. I sighed and slumped deeper into the now uncomfortable couch when the doorbell rang. I hurriedly jumped out of the couch thinking it was Cole.

"Did you left something?" I said as I opened the door and got face to face with a very handsome looking Xavier. "Oh, Xavier!" 

"Well, hi there, princess!" He grinned widely at me that it made me smile too. I noticed that he was holding a bouquet of roses in one hand. "Here, I got this for you. I heard you were sick so your good and loyal knight is here to make you feel better."

I giggled as I happily took the roses from him. "This is very sweet of you, Xavier. Thanks. Come in."

He executed a bow which made me giggle more and said, "Anything for my lovely princess."

Xavier went inside and slid down to Cole's spot on the couch. After I placed the roses on the best vase in the house and left it in the dining table, I joined Xavier on the couch who had one of myphoto albums open on his lap.

"You look very cute when you were still a kid. No wonder you grew up to be so pretty." He complemented me and instantly making me blush. It sure does feel something to have a hot guy tell you you're pretty.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"You work with kids?" He asked me as he pointed to a picture of me surrounded by little kids in one orphanage. The picture was followed by more pictures of me and the kids on the orphanage.

I smiled. "I love kids. I sometimes help teach kids at our church. I have always wanted a younger brother or sister so I guess that's why I'm pretty attached to kids. That picture was taken at St. Mary's Orphanage. I joined the volunteers club at school and we used to go to orphanages, home for theaged, and such to do services and volunteer works. But I'm mostly into our outreaches concerning the kids. I love them too much to be the most active member when it comes to the children's division." I laughed and saw Xavier smiling at me.

"That's just awesome! It seems that the kids like you too looking at the picture."

"We always have lots of fun. I actually even visit even if we don't have club activities. You can come with me one time if you like to." I offered.

Xavier's eyes beamed at me. "Seriously? I'd love to! Well, I actually like kids too. I'm actually kind of weak when it comes to them. I remember that one time I guess during my first stay at Australia that I decided to play the role of a tough and bad boy student. It was actually going well until our school decided to have this adopt-a-kid-for-a-week program and I just can't help but give the cute kids lollipops everyday and play with them. So there goes my tough and bad boy image."

I laughed and imagined a tough looking Xavier suddenly going soft on a pair of gooey eyes. It was funny!..and really sweet.

"That's just cute." I smiled at him.

He chuckled and closed my album returning it under the table. I then offered him a glass of juice and some pretzels.

"Are these the kind of stuff a sick person should eat?" He inquired as he took some pretzels. "Aren't you supposed to eat chicken soup and some oranges?"

I laughed and took a handful of popcorn. "I'm not actually sick. Just...a little hangover from last night's party. I accidentally had some alcohol in my system."

I expected Xavier to probably laugh at me or tease me. But instead he frowned and pouted at me. And my gosh! I never thought that anyone could be so cute when he pouted. Because Xavier is probably the cutest pouting guy in the whole universe right now.

"Speaking of the party, you ditched me." He said, a little sad it made me guilty. He just looked so cute and sad right now, that I the moment I realized it, I already had my arms around his neck.

"I'm terribly sorry, Xavier. I really didn't mean to leave you at the party. I was just so drunk and so out of it that Cole decided to take me home. I'm really sorry." I pulled away from him but Xavier held my hands in his.

"Because you look so adorable when you're guilty, I'll forgive you. But you owe me." He smiled at me.

"Then what can I do to make it up to you?" 

He flashed me another smile before he answered, "Go on a date with me."

I just stared at him for 7 good seconds before raising an eyebrow. "Date?"

He nodded at me. "Yeah. Let me take you on a date. A real one this time. I know that we already kind of went out but that was hardly a date. So now I'm officially asking you to go on a date with me." I think I saw him blush.

And the blush did it! I stared at him again not believing my ears that Xavier Harris just asked me on a date.

He cleared his throat and looked down, a little shy. "But well, I actually don't want you to feel obliged to go on a date with me just because you ditched me, so you can actually say no if you don't-"

"YES!" I suddenly exclaimed sounding a little too excited than I wanted to sound in front of him.

Xavier blinked a few times at me. "Yes, I shouldn't make you feel obliged, or yes you'll go out with me?"

I giggled and rolled my eyes at him. "Yes, I'd most definitely love to go on a date with you, Xavier." I may actually sound very eager but I don't care anymore. Xavier just asked me out! My heart is doing cartwheels inside my chest right now.

Xavier grinned and hugged me tight. "Thank you! I'm really glad you said yes."

Just then, the front door opened revealing Cole with two notebooks on one hand and a pizza on the other. He raised an eyebrow when he saw Xavier and I in each others arms.

I immediately wriggled out of Xavier's hold and sat up straight. "Hi, Cole." I greeted him sheepishly. It was very awkward having my overprotective best friend see me hugging another creature of the male species besides my brother. He has never been comfortable with the sight.

"What's going on here?" Cole's tone was accusing as he looked back and forth within me and Xavier.

"Well, Xavier visited me." I answered.

Cole continued to stand there not dropping the stuff he was carrying or his raised eyebrow. "And you just feel like hugging him?"

Xavier answered before I could. His tone was still calm despite the accusation and bitterness in Cole's. "We were just celebrating." He grinned at him.

This time, Cole came closer to us and had dropped the pizza on the table. "What for?"

Xavier grinned once more at me. "Well, I'm just really glad that Tasha has agreed to go on a date with me."

The instant Xavier said those words, I saw Cole's face twitch and his eyes turn sad. His face suddenly down. I can't help but also feel down that my best friend is looking that way.

Cole though immediately recovered, sat down beside me and buried his eyes deeply in mine. "Oh. So a date. Well, I hope you enjoy taking Tasha. She eats and laughs like a pig." Cole teased as I slapped him hard on the shoulder.

"I do not!" I exclaimed turning red in embarrassment. How can he say that in front of Xavier? Cole laughed but it didn't reached his eyes. His eyes were still void of other emotions except....sadness. He turned to the TV and grabbed a slice of pizza.

I shrugged the uneasy feeling inside of me and grabbed two slices of pizza handing the other one to Xavier. We watched the movie in awkward silence with just Xavier constantly smiling at me and Cole all stiff beside me. I could only hope that this week would be better.


there you go! haha! I promise to edit this chapter later.. I know its got flaws.. school is giving me no time to write! =((

Vote? and tell me what you think of Xavier and Cole! XD


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