The Vampire Prince And Me.

By Maroon1479

815K 21.1K 1.4K

Dorinda finally happy. She has Lucas and she's getting married. Life going great for her. She has her vampire... More

The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter One.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Two.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Three.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Four.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Five.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Six.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Seven.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Eight.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Nine.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Ten.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Eleven.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Twelve.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Fourteen.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Fifteen.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Sixteen.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Seventeen.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Eighteen-Part One.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Eighteen-Part Two.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Ninteen.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Twenty.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Twenty-One.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Twenty-Two.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Twenty-Three.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Twenty-Four.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Twenty-Five.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Twenty-Six.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Twenty-Seven.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Twenty-Eight.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Twenty-Nine.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Thirty.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Thirty-One.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Thirty-Two.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Thirty-Three.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Thirty-Four.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Thirty-Five.
The Vampire Prince And Me. Epilogue.

The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Thirteen.

18.4K 556 24
By Maroon1479

"I'm not coming out!", I said over the curtain and looked at myself in disgust. I look like a total whore!

Like Queen Araebella said; me, Kayla, my mom, and her were going lingerie shopping for my freaking honeymoon. It was nice for all to hang out, but it was a little weird since I'm trying on skimpy cloths.

Really, I can't stop thinking about poor Xavienna. She got five years in prison, but it totally sucks since she's pregnant and have to give her baby to Wilhelm mother until she gets out. It was hard to hear that'll they be separated.

They all giggled and Kayla said, "Come on, lets see! We bet you look hot!", she said excitedly.

I wanted to pull the blue short shorts down since my crotch was pretty much hurting from how freaking tight they were, but since they are short, I can't unless I want me butt to be showing! This sucks. Ugh.

I was wearing a blue button up blouse shirt, but my chest was showing a little from where the button didn't button. I was also wearing lace up black stockins that stop in the middle of my thighs with some black pumps--which were killing my feet. A pair of hand cuffs were hanging from one of the belt holes of the shorts and I was wearing a cops hat.

And sadly, this was first outfit I had to try on from five.

I groaned, "Ugh, I hate you guys!",

"We love you, too.", Kayla giggled.

I rolled my eyes and hesitated for a moment, but pulled the curtain aside and they grin and giggled with each to other. I scowled at them, "You guys are just horrible, you know.",

"You look amazing, Dorinda.", Queen Arabella said. "Lucas is sure one lucky man.",

My cheeks blushed up and I didn't say anything.

"Only if you dad could see you right now.", my mom chuckled. "He would be staring in horror and his eyes would be burning out.",

I rolled my eyes and took hold of the curtain, "I'm changing--",

"Wait!", Kayla said and walked up to me. "You have to turn around.",

"Why?", I groaned, shifting my weight on one leg.

She pursed her lips at me and put her hand on her hip, "Dorinda, don't be such a downer. You shouldn't feel insecure in--",

"I'm not feeling insecure, Kayla--",

"You should feel so confidant and sexy in that. You should be prancing around and enjoying yourself. Don't you feel like such a beautiful women in that?", she asked, looking up and down at me.

"I feel like a prostitute.", I admitted.

She rolled her eyes, "You look sexy. But come on, get you butt back in there and trying the sexy little maid one.", she said, giggling again and poked my arm and I just rolled my eyes and went back in.


After one hour of trying on the outfits, we finally settled on a red and gold lace garter slip up. Kayla wanted me to get a costume lingerie, but I like the simple lingerie. To tell you the truth, I was starting to have fun after the maid outfit.

I never felt so strong and sexy before, but after I put them on, I felt like I could wear anything and I like having the attention on me a little for once...

Oh, jeez, what am I becoming?

Oh, I'm sure I'm not turning into a Emma or Lena.


Thirty minutes later...

I went into my room and went over to my closet immdenily and stuck the outfit far back in the closet when my door opened and my body snapped up and closed the door.

I turned around and smiled at Lucas, "Hello.",

He gave me a confused look, "Why are you so happy?",

Hmm, I'm wondering that to. I don't know why I was so happy to tell you the truth. I wanted to be worried about Xavienna--which I am, don't get me wrong--but I can't just stop thinking of my wedding and Lucas.

I guess the outfits made me feel bubbly.

I rolled my eyes, "I can't be happy? I had a good day...for once.",

"Well, I wish I could say the same.", he said, looking down at his shirt. His white t-shirt was dirty with grass stains and dirt. "You father very competitive when it comes to football.",

"He had Cain on his team, didn't he?", I asked as I walked up to him.

Him, his father, my dad, and Cain all hanged out today and I guess they did normal guy stuff--well, it was normal for my dad and Cain, King Luka probably thought it was odd for a king to be fooling around and Lucas just hates sports.

"Actually, I had him on mine side. Your father and mine won though.", he said, taking my arms around and wrapping them around his neck. "I think...they're becoming friends.",

I chuckled at his annoyed face, "Is that a bad thing?",

"You father likes my father more then me.", he said, fake pouting. "And I thought everyone liked me.",

I just chuckled again and shook my head.

"Guess what I asked Cain today.", he said, smiling down at me.

"What?", I asked.

"Well, I need my best man, so I asked him.",

I smiled proudly up at him, "Aw, that's great. You two are becoming best friends.", I giggled and poked his chest.

He rolled his eyes, "More like friends. Guys don't have best friends like you girls.",

"Yes guys do.", I said, rolling my eyes. "Maybe not here, but on Earth, yes they do. So, what did he say?",

"He hesitated, but said sure.", he said. "He got really cocky though after.", he said, rolling his eyes. He lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waste. He put on a grin, "So, how was lingerie shopping. Can I get a preview of what it looks like?", he asked, kissing my neck.

I gave him a fake chuckle, "Ha-ha, Lucas," I said, pulling my head away so he would stop, "and no, you can't. It's suppose to be a surprise and it's going to stay that way.",

He sighed, "Fine, I guess.",

He put my down and walked over to the radio in my room. I forward my eyebrows as I watched his back as he picked up a cd and put it in the radio and he clicked the button to change the song.

"What you doing?", I asked.

He turned back around with a grin on his face, "I just realized we need to find a song for our first dance for when we're married.", he said, holding out his hand for me. "And I doubt a song from Pit Bull and Enquire Iglesias 'I like it' wouldn't be perfect.",

I gave him a one side grin and took his hand, "Well, this is sweet of you.",

"Well, I need my practice.", he said, winking down at me. "I need to learn how to dance formally and what better then my amazing Doe?",

I shook my head and put my hand on his shoulder and he put one hand on my back. As I lead the way on how to waltz, I grinned up at him, "How do you really not know how to waltz or ballroom dance? You born in the ninth century.",

"Cause I would either not go to events or I would just sit down and be bored. I thought the dances were so lame. You should have seen me on mine and Xavienna wedding day. I swear I made such a fool out of myself. She kept on groaning and wincing every time I step on her foot or dress.", he chuckled.

I giggled and I lifted our holding hands up for me to spin around and put my hand back on his should and he put his hand back on my back, "Well, don't be stepping on mine. I'm still scarred from the last time I taught you how to ballroom dance.", I sarcastically said.

He rolled his eyes, "You were told I was horrible.",

"I didn't know you that horrible. I mean, it could have been Jasmine that taught you instead of me and she could have had slightly bruises feet afterworld, but you got stuck with me. And if I remember, you didn't want it to be me.", I said.

I lifted our hands around and spun. "Well, I was just trying to hid my feelings by being mean.", he said. "I was pretty horrible back then.", he said, frowning. "I'm sorry for ever hurting you. I never meant to.",

I gave him a smile, "It's okay. It's in the past--the past can never repeat it's self.",

He returned the smile, "Your to good for me, you know.",

I shrugged, "Ehh, I know.", I said and giggled.

Lucas leaned his head down and kissed me as our body swayed back and forth.


A few hours later...

Lucas, Kayla, Cain, and I walked into a club that was on Earth were all species could come. It was huge and lots of people were dancing, talking, drinking, and hanging out.

My arm was wrapped around Kayla and she grinned, "Oh, yeah, I'm so going to have fun!", she yelled as she dragged me out onto the dance floor and she took both my hand as we started dancing.

We giggled with each other, loving that were hanging out together since we haven't had real fun in such a long time since we're soo busy!

I felt lots of people eyes on me and I herd some people talking to Lucas and saying so many thing I could understand, but they were asking him how he was and stuff like that.

Some people whistled at us and I felt my cheeks blush up, but I continued laughing with Kayla, enjoying myself. I bugged Lucas earlier about being bored and suggested us going out and of course, I hesitated, but finally agreed.

Even, I need a good distraction and a day off from wedding stuff and the whole issue with Wilhelm, Samuel, and Xavienna. I still scared Wilhelm and Samuel could just attack us at any second since we have no idea where they disappeared to.

I didn't notice Lucas sneaked up to us and took my hand and twirled me and moved us away as he said to Kayla, "I'll be taking her now.",

Kayla rolled her eyes, "Best friend stealer.",

Lucas just chuckled and stop twirling me when we we're far enough and I chuckled, "She's going to get you back for that.",

He shrugged and took my hand, "She'll get over it.",

We started dancing together and I liked that fact that we were having fun together for once. Even though I could feel people stares--mostly the vampires--I ignored them, not letting them get to me. They should get over it and realized I'm going to be one of them soon...

Jeez, it still frighten me though. Become a forever...never growing older...watching my family grow and forever...

I shook my head a little to let go of it. I'm changing because I want to be with Lucas, I'm doing this for us. I know how I feel and I know what I want. I want to be with Lucas and I'll do anything. As long as Lucas is by my side and he'll love me, I'll be fine and happy.

Joe Jonas song Just In Love came on, on perfect timing. It was a good song to dance to for me and Lucas and he must have agreed. He pulled me into his arms and we swayed our body side to side as he sang the lyrics in my ear and I giggled as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

When the song ended, Lucas brought his lips to mine and kissed me roughly. When he pulled away, he said, "I love you, Doe.",

I grinned up at him, "I love you to, Lucas.",

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me up a little on his feet and I stepped on my tip toes. Since I was now taller, I had to lean down to kiss him and he grinned.

After a few more minutes of dancing, I looked around to see where Kayla and Cain was. Kayla was chatting with a few girls, but I couldn't find Cain. I stepped up my tip toes and I saw Cain over at the bar. He was looking at the shelf that was stacked with alcohol and he looked bored. His right elbow was propped up on the counter as he lazily brought the bottle of Corona mouth and took a sip.

I frowned at him. Why isn't he having any fun? I want him to have fun and not have a boring time. What's going on with him anyways?

"I'll be right back.", I told Lucas and he just nodded his head. I made my way threw the crowd of people with 'excuse me'. When I was right next to me, he didn't even look at me. I sat down on the stole next to him and leaned down on the table, "You alright, Cain?",

He took another sip of his beer and sighed, "Just peachy, D.",

"What's wrong, Cain?", I asked. I reached out and touched his shoulder, "Is everything okay? Isn't your mom getting better?",

He nodded, "Yes. She's almost done with cemo, but that isn't it. I'm-", he closed his eyes and shook his head. "Never mind. My problem, not yours.",

I took my hand away and leaned in, "You can tell me, Cain. I'm not going to judge you or anything",

A small grin appeared on his face, but he gave none amused chuckle, "Of course you wont, D. Your to nice to judge.",

I rolled my eyes, but decided not to argue about that right now. "Yeah, anyways, are you going to tell me?", I asked. He simply just shook his head and I groaned, "I'm going to keep asking you until you tell me, so you better just tell me now or I'll have to nag it out of you.",

He sighed, "Fine, I'll tell you. I'm...lonely.",

"Lonely?", I questioned. "What do you mean? You missed being home with regul--human people or-",

He looked at me, "Being with someone is what I mean.",

My looked down at the floor as things started to feel awkward. I didn't really know what to say about that. Did I hurt him that bad? Liam quickly got over it and I have no problem with him wanting to be with Kayla. But why is Cain being so...stubborn?

I looked back up at him, "Isabelle really likes you.",

He groaned and turned back to staring at the shelf, "I already told you how I feel about that. Don't get me wrong, she's beautiful, it's just...she's human...I'm not anymore. I don't want to change her into what I am to let her go threw that pain.", he look at me again. "Changing painful, D. You remember what I went threw. I thought I was dying. I can't put someone else threw that. Even, being with someone always brings heart ache and it's not me that will get hurt.",

"Well, it's not like I'm saying you have to marry her.", I said coldly, getting frustrated with him. "I want you to be happy and your just acting like a baby.",

He snorted and got up from the stole, "Well, D, we're all not lucky to have an exception to be with the person we love. You got lucky with Lucas to be with him. Were's are forbidden to have any kind of relationship with other species but witches and other were's.", he gulped the rest of the Corona down and practically slammed it down on the table. "And I'm sorry I can't get over the first girl I ever loved.", and with that, he turned and left.

I put my elbows down on the table and ranked my hands threw my hair and shook my head in frustration. Why is he doing this? Why does he have to make me feel so bad? I'm trying to help him be happy again, but I guess nothing ever simple and easy.

I thought this would be one thing I could easily fix, but I guess I was wrong...

I felt a hand go on my shoulder and I lifted me head and turned my head around to see Lucas. He sat down on the stool where Cain was sitting before, "He's almost drunk, Doe. Just let him be for the night and he'll apologize tomorrow-",

"It's not that, Lucas.", I said. "I hurt him and I feel so bad. I said sorry, but it's like it's not enough for him. I want him happy, but all he does it cover it up with a fake smile and always training to keep him distracted. He's so damn difficult.",

He took my hand and pulled me a little so I got up from the stool and he sat me on his lap, "He'll be okay, Doe. All he needs is time right now. He's a very inpatient person so of course he's going to act like this.",

I lead my head down on his shoulder, "I know, but I just hope I don't lose him cause of all this.",


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