Fairytale Short Stories

By coffee14

2.5K 14 0

Remember when your mother used to read you bedtime stories? And that they were quite interesting? Well, I mad... More

Fairytale Short Stories

2.5K 14 0
By coffee14


These are just some short stories that I made up. I hope you enjoy reading them as they are for your own entertainment.  ENJOY!!!!!

 PART l 


There was once a tall, prolific, tree that stood in the middle of a great forest. This tree was called the "Golden Tree." The reason why the people called it that was because of the golden leaves of the tree. It also bore lush apples that were claret red.

Everyone knew about the tree, and they had sought to get one of the apples. It was said that if you ate one of those apples, you would be filled up for a long time. In other words, you wouldn't go hungry for days! The Golden Tree was just a tree that you could just go and pluck an apple from. It was heavily guarded by a ferocious bear, Tholis.

Tholis was a bear that would immediately attack anyone that dared enter the forest. Though everyone feared of this bear, they knew well that Tholis guarded the forest and the Golden Tree. His sharp claws and long, rotting teeth would scare anyone.

One day, however, there was a poor man named Ethan. He was a peasant and he had a family to feed. Ethan struggled hard to find food for him and his family. When he overheard of a conversation about Tholis and the Golden Tree, he became widely interested.

"Wife, I will go to the forest and ask Tholis if I shall have an apple from the Golden Tree," he announced to his wife.

"No, dear husband, you will surely get killed. Many people has tried that, and they never come back!" His wife said worriedly.

But Ethan shook his head. He was determined to get at least one apple so that he and his family wouldn't be so famished. Ethan set out during the evening to the forest. The forest was not a long way, but it did require a lot of energy to be able to pass the bumpy rocks.

Ethan had finally made it to the forest and right in front of his face, he saw Tholis. Tholis was standing, and looked determined. Once he saw Ethan standing a few feet away from him, he became angry.

"Why do you wish to come to this forest?" The bear asked as he growled.

Ethan swallowed up his courage and said with a trembling voice: "I come here, because I wish to have one of your apples from the Golden Tree."

Tholis gave out a harsh laugh. "You know why people want the apples? They want it so that they could satisfy themselves. But no one dares to get it."

If Ethan hadn't brought his weapon, a bow and arrow, he would surely have no choice but to go back home empty-handed. He slowly took out the bow and arrow out of his sack. His plan was to shoot Tholis with an arrow, and then quickly get an apple.

"Go back home," Tholis said. He then laughed harshly. "Imagine a poor man like you try to get an apple from the Golden Tree. Pathetic!"

Ethan's face started boiling and he quickly took action. He rapidly put the arrow in place and then aimed right at the heart of Tholis. Tholis screamed in pain as his big body collapsed on the ground. "You peasant!" Tholis cried out in pain.

Ethan had no time to lose, so he quickly ran towards the tree and plucked as many apples he could get. And right when he did so, the leaves of the tree started to turn from gold to green. The tree's leaves did that when someone plucks an apple or more from it.

Tholis couldn't do anything to stop Ethan. Within minutes, he had died. Ethan ran over the bear's body and ran towards home.

When his family were happy that Ethan had successfully got the apples, they all decided to give the remainder of the apples to everyone else in the village. All the people thanked Ethan over and over again. He had became a hero of his village and was respected by the people. And he and his family never had to feel the unbearable feeling of hunger ever again......


There were once two queens that had despised each other. They were both actually sisters, but they didn't like each other at all. Queen Evora was the queen of ice and Queen Loirette was the queen of fire.

Ice and fire was definitely different, as ice is cold and fire is hot. Queen Evora's kingdom was made of ice and was so cold that her people had to wear big fur coats to keep themselves warm. All of the villages were actually igloos that had many layers of packed snow. Queen Evora's palace was made of thin sheets of crystal ice. Everything looked blue and white all together.

Queen Loirette's kingdom was quite different from her sister's. It was very hot in her kingdom that everyone looked sunburned and they sweated a lot. Everything was made of bricks baked in the hot sun. Queen Loirette's palace was also made of brick that was red. There were many fireplaces inside the palace. And everything looked red and orange all together.

Though the two queens resented each other, the people of those two kingdoms were unhappy. They didn't want to live in a kingdom where it was too cold or where it was too hot. They wanted it just right.

One day, Queen Evora received word that the Queen of Fire was planning to have a war against Evora's.

Immediately Queen Evora became distressed and had then finally decided to go to war as well. Her advisors begged her to decline, but the queen didn't listen.

"Ice will win against fire," was all she said.

When Queen Loirette heard that her sister agreed, she tried to think of a way that get herself to win. "Fire will win against ice," she said to herself.

In order for one of the queens to win, they must attack each other and her kingdoms. Whichever surrenders, that queen will win.

All the villagers gathered together and desperately wanted their sovereign rulers to stop. But they could do nothing, for they were just villagers. Queen Evora was dressed in a gown that felt really cool to the touch. Her crown was made of ice adorned with diamonds.

Queen Loirette was clothed upon a sizzling gown that looked like it was glowing. It had tiny flames around the hoop of her waist. Her crown was made of gold and had flames around it.

Both queens were ready to fight each other. Queen Evora first took action as she hurled a big ball of snow and threw at her sister's village. Immediately, all the fires and flames died out as it was touched by the snow.

Queen Loirette became angry at this and hurled back a ball of fire and it melted Evora's palace. Both queens started hurling at each other ice or fire. The villagers were frightened, because it was causing damage of their villages.

This continued for a few hours until Queen Loirette remembered that her power of fire could become greater if she closed her eyes and chant the words. She did so and then a big sizzling ball of fire and flames came about and it destroyed all of Queen Evora's kingdom.

The Queen of Fire started to rejoice as she saw the look of defeat of Queen Evora's face.

"Ha! I have won over you, dear sister. Now you must admit that fire is better than ice!"

Queen Evora looked down and admitted it. She looked at her kingdom and saw that it was indeed destroyed. But then, something happened. Queen Loirette's kingdom started to topple over and all the fire died out.

"No!" Queen Loirette cried out.

At that moment Queen Evora realized that fighting wasn't worth it all. She decided to apologize and then her sister did the same. All the people became happy at this. The Queen of Fire and the Queen of Ice rebuilt their own kingdoms, but this time, they made it just right for their people. Instead of it being too hot or too cold, it became just right. The two queens became best sisters and they successfully ruled their kingdoms for the rest of their lives......


A wicked witch, Auloria, was the most hated person of her time. Auloria was said to have practice black magic and casted spells and curses on people. She lived deep in a forest, where no one dared to come because they feared of the witch.

Auloria hated everyone and hated animals as well. If she saw a dog or sheep, she would immediately cast a spell on it and the poor thing would stay like that for the rest of their lives. Many people hated this witch and they had tried to kill her, but was unable to.

One day, Auloria was using her crystal ball to watch if anyone was coming near her forest. The crystal ball could see anything from a long distance. The witch used it everyday. As she watched, she saw a handsome man which she took to be a prince. Now, Auloria never felt love inside her, but during this moment, she did. She looked longingly at the prince before looking away.

"He dares come near my forest," she said to herself.

The prince and his retinue soon left the forest. Auloria commanded the crystal ball to follow their moves, which it obediently did. The wicked witch had then decided of a brilliant plan, yet so evil: she would turn herself into a beautiful woman and try to win the prince's heart. Then, she would lure him into her forest so that she could turn him into a bird and lock him in a cage forever. But if Auloria loved the prince, why cast a spell on him? She knew that if she did this, then she could have him forever.

The witch then used her magic to turn herself into a beautiful golden-haired young lady. "Now, he will look at me with love," she said as she looked at herself at the mirror.

Auloria used her broomstick and flew towards the prince's palace. She felt quite certain that it would work. The prince was out in the royal gardens when the witch unexpectedly showed up. She smiled sweetly, when inside her she smiled malevolently.

The prince immediately fell in love as he saw Auloria in her false form. "I am Prince Edward," he said to her. He bowed down to her.

Auloria felt delighted and continued with her plan. Soon after, Auloria then led the prince to her forest. Night was falling and Prince Edward didn't know what this witch was going to do him. "Here we are, my sweet prince."

She took him inside her cottage. Prince Edward knew that just by looking at this cottage, it was that of a witch. The smell was unbearable of fumes and potions. The handsome prince tried to not show his fear; he planned on escaping as soon as possible.

Auloria sat him down on a chair and without warning, she chanted the words to the curse as she waved her wand.

"Handsome prince, handsome prince. With my word, I now turn you into a bird!" Auloria then pointed her wand towards the prince, but he quickly stumbled onto the floor.

She missed, and tried again but the prince was faster than her. Right when Prince Edward ducked, Auloria slipped on a bottle of potion that had been knocked over. This potion could turn you into dust if it touched your skin, and that is exactly what happened to Auloria. She screamed, but already she was turning into white dust.

Within minutes she was nothing but a shapeless mass of white dust. Prince Edward looked at it with shock, but was relieved. He escaped from the cottage. Everyone heard what had happened and they were glad that the wicked witch was gone. Prince Edward soon married a beautiful princess from a foreign land. They both lived happily ever after, without a witch going after them.....



Once upon a time, there lived a greedy king. His name was King Gabriel. Though he was rich and had complete power, he still felt it wasn't enough. The king was greedy and loved jewels and money more than anything in the world. But he mostly loved gold. Yes, it was gold that made King Gabriel really happy.

One day, the king was sitting on his throne, counting all of his jewels. He realized that all of jewels and valuables weren't enough. So he summoned his servant, Maxwell.

"I want more riches, go find me more jewels," the king commanded.

Maxwell obeyed and went out to search for more jewels. Once he found them, he put them in a sack and carried it back the magnificent palace. The servant didn't understand why the king needed more jewels when he already had so much.

"I have brought you all the jewels I could find, Your Majesty," Maxwell panted.

King Gabriel was delighted. He enjoyed his new jewels and looked at them with pride. But then, he decided there was something else he had wanted. So, he then summoned his servant.

"I want more riches, go find me more silver," the king commanded once more. Silver wasn't high prized as gold, but it was still valuable to the king.

Maxwell obeyed once more and set out to find more silver. He found piles of them and brought it to the king. King Gabriel was again delighted. He soon lost attention to his jewels and started paying more attention to the silver. But once again, the king still wanted one more thing left.

"I want more riches, go find me more gold," the king commanded.

Maxwell had to obey the king again and went to find more gold. Finding gold wasn't that easy as Maxwell soon came to realize that. But he couldn't come back to the king empty-handed. Surely there was gold somewhere!

The servant almost gave up when he came to a white rabbit.

"What brings you here?" The rabbit asked.

Maxwell sighed and explained to him that he was ordered to bring more gold. The rabbit listened carefully.

"There is gold somewhere, but you cannot take it. If King Gabriel wants the gold, he must give up all his riches. The gold that I have is worth a lot, but the greedy king can't have this gold and his riches at the same time," said the rabbit.

"Alright, I will see if the king will give up his riches," Maxwell replied. He went back to the palace and tried to not fear of the king's reaction.

However, King Gabriel started throwing his bursts of anger at Maxwell. "I MUST HAVE THE GOLD!" he roared.

Poor Maxwell had tried to calm down the king, but King Gabriel wouldn't calm down. But then, the king decided to go to the rabbit and demand for the gold. Maxwell pleaded with the king to not do so, but a greedy king would never listen.

Once King Gabriel approached the rabbit he demanded for gold. But the clever rabbit didn't obey. "You simpleton, you shall give me your gold. I will have your head cut off!"

The rabbit took out the gold and the king tried to not drool because the gold was so shiny and vibrant, that he longed to have it. "This gold is yours if you will just give up the rest of your riches," said the rabbit.

Suddenly, the king grabbed the bucketful of gold and galloped away in his horse. The rabbit did nothing to stop him, because he knew what was going to happen to the king. As King Gabriel was in his palace, everything suddenly vanished.

All the jewels, silver, and gold disappeared before the king's very eyes. The palace collapsed and disappeared, too. All that was left was the king and his servants. What had happened was that the gold had a power to it. Because the king was so greedy, the rabbit used his secret powers to vanish King Gabriel's valuables. Gold is one thing, but greediness is something we must avoid...


There was once a baker that owned a bakery shop. He was well known for baking blueberry pies. But he then realized that no one started to buy them anymore. He thought that his pies were starting to taste awful. 

So he went out and searched for an ingredient that would make the pies taste better. An old woman gave him tiny bottle of a strange mixture.

"Put this in your pies and people will love them," she said to the baker. "But, remember to only put one drop for each pie or else the pie will have blood on it," she warned.

The baker thanked the woman and went to his bakery shop. He put one drop for each of his blueberry pie and then he took a bite of it. It tasted wonderful! Soon, it was opening time and his customers came in. They tasted the pie and started to love it.

As the baker baked more blueberry pies, he then had an idea. If one drop makes the pie very good, then another drop will make it even better!

"I will just do that," the baker said as he put two drops for each pie.

He completely forgot of the old woman's warnings. The pies didn't look any different. The baker was just about to taste it when suddenly a customer walked in. He went to the customer and she ordered some blueberry pie.

The baker gave her the pie that had two drops of the mixture in it. She tasted it and suddenly she spit it out.

"There is blood on it!" she exclaimed.

The baker then realized what he had done and apologized to the customer. He then noticed that there was a pool of blood coming from the kitchen. He went inside and gasped at what he saw. Blood was gushing out of the pies! The baker tried to stop the flow, but the blood was like a river.

It soon started to rise and the baker didn't know what to do. The old woman suddenly appeared and looked disappointed.

"I told you to not put more than a drop," she said to him. "Two drops means that you are adding poison as the blood is poisonous."

The old woman then snapped her fingers and the flowing blood vanished. The old woman vanished as well. The baker stood there, expressionless. He then knew why it was important to follow directions.....


 Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Mary. She was said to be really beautiful that all the other girls envied her. With her long red-gold hair and merry crystal blue eyes, it was no wonder that she became the jewel of all.

There was also a jealous witch that deeply envied Mary. This witch was not the type of witch that would look ugly and unappealing. No, this evil witch was actually beautiful. But not as good-hearted and beautiful as Mary. The evil witch soon came to realize that and she was determined to get Mary out of her way. The witch soon came up with a plan that was most likely to not fail.

One day, Mary was out in a meadow as she was plucking berries from the bushes. Her sweet voice as she sang, filled up the silent air around her. There were some birds singing along with Mary.

The witch was hiding behind a tree and took out her magic wand. And then, she chanted the words to her curse and immediately poor Mary was instantly turned into a rose.

Yes, she was turned into a red rose. Mary didn't quite realize what was happening, but as she transformed into a flower, it was too late. The witch cackled with laughter and then she vanished. Mary was a big red rose stuck to the ground. She still had her mind with her and she started crying.

Mary was a rose for quite some years. As people would walk by it (her), they noticed that the flower had tears in it. They began to wonder why a rose would have tears, as if it were actually crying. So, they began calling it the "crying rose".

No one knew that the rose was actually Mary. She would cry and cry. The witch, on the other hand, forgot about the curse she had put on Mary. So, she soon forgot about it. However, there was only way that could break Mary's spell. And if that happened, the witch would die.

 One day, however, a handsome prince was riding on his horse. He became too exhausted to continue his journey. He decided to rest in the meadow. As he lay down, he noticed a big red rose. It caught his eye and he began to walk towards it.

Right when he saw the rose, he saw tears. That was when he realized that it was the crying rose. At his palace, he had heard his servants talking about it. But the prince never knew he would actually see the crying rose in person.

The prince picked up the rose, and as he did so, a great burst of light shone before his very eyes. Instantly, a beautiful girl stood before him. The prince looked at Mary in awe and was surprise that she was the crying rose.

For the spell to be broken, a handsome prince must pick up the rose from the ground. That was what had happened. Mary became very happy and the prince kissed her.

Meanwhile, the witch knew that the spell had been broken. She instantly melted and disappeared forever. The prince and Mary soon married and they lived happily ever after....


There was once a powerful magician and a powerful wizard. The two were great sorcerers because they had powers and magic. The magician knew that the wizard was just as powerful as him. And he didn't like one bit.

The magician had also realized that the wizard owned a powerful amulet that he would use when he would conduct powerful spells. This amulet was something that the magician didn't have and he desperately wanted it. And he was determined to steal it.

Though the magician knew many kinds of magic, even dark magic, he decided to do one so that he could steal the amulet. The magician was in his lair and thought of something.

He then knew what to do. He would use his magic to turn himself into a great hawk. Hawks have a keen sense of vision and this would help him. So, the magician did that and he was soon a gray-brown hawk.

The wizard was out in a vast forest as he was studying which trees would be best for him. Little did the wizard know about what his enemy, the magician, was about to do.

The magician flew out into the darkened sky and used his hawk eyes to survey the ground. He soon found the wizard. The wizard held out his hand to catch a drop of water from the sky. But as he did so, the amulet dropped onto the ground.

The magician quickly swooped down and caught the amulet just before the wizard could.

"Give me back my amulet!" Shouted the angry wizard. He knew that the hawk was the magician and that his plan had worked.

The magician laughed harshly. "The amulet is mine, therefore I will be powerful than you!"

The wizard gritted his teeth and immediately chanted words to cast a spell on the magician. But he soon realized that it didn't work, because the amulet wasn't with him. The wizard thought hard on what he would do.

He suddenly came up with a plan. Since the magician took the form of a hawk, he would easily die if he were eaten by a vicious serpent. The wizard grinned at himself. Yes, he would find a poisonous serpent that would eat the magician.

The wizard soon set out to find a serpent. He finally found it: a black, venomous, and slithery serpent.

Meanwhile, the magician was still flying out in the sky. He didn't know that death was about to meet him. When the magician was certain that the wizard was gone, he flew down to a tree branch and stood on it.

It didn't take long for the wizard to find his enemy. When he did, he took out the serpent and it immediately sensed the presence of a hawk. It slowly and carefully went to the magician, who was unaware of the serpent.

Suddenly, the serpent lunged at the magician. He screamed out and tried to fight the serpent, but it was too powerful. It bit him in his chest and blood started trickling down.

The wizard stood behind a tree and watched the scene. He was watching as this entertained him. The magician soon couldn't do anything more and the serpent gave one more bite to the stomach. The magician was soon dead.

The amulet had dropped to the ground when the serpent attacked the magician. The wizard retrieved it and smiled to himself. He had won this match........

PART lll


A long time ago, there was a poor boy that lived with his mother. The boy, Tom, tried to live his rural way of life. Tom didn't like to live like a peasant, neither did his mother. But if he could find something that was very valuable he wouldn't be so poor.

On a sunny day, Tom went out to chop some logs. He got out his axe and chopped, chopped those logs. As he did so, he heard a faint whispering coming behind him. He looked behind him, but saw no one.

Thinking it as a strange thing, Tom put down his axe and went towards the trees. He kept on walking when he suddenly saw a giant hole on the ground. He looked it with shock, because he never noticed that hole before.

Tom was always a curious boy, so he decided to investigate the hole on the ground. No one was with him. But suddenly, he accidentally fell onto the hole. As he slammed into the ground, he coughed. There was a lot of dust and spiderwebs!

"Someone get me out of here!" Tom yelled.

No one didn't answer. He struggled to climb up, but he failed. As Tom sat on the dusty ground, he noticed something that caught his eye. On the bottom of the hole, there was a shiny green thing that stuck out of the dirt.

Tom dug and then he gasped. There was five green emeralds! It was all so shiny and glittery that it would amaze you if you saw just one glimpse of it. Tom was mesmerized, but then he didn't understand why there were emeralds in a bottom of this hole.

Just then, wind started to come and it became really strong that it picked up Tom and took him out of the hole. This was really strange, but Tom was just glad he found emeralds.

"Don't give them away," whispered a voice in Tom's ear.

Tom looked around, but saw no one. This voice was unexpected. Tom ran all the way home and showed his emeralds to his mother. She was delighted and she and Tom knew what to do with them.

They both decided to give them away to someone wealthy that would pay them a lot of money for them. Tom ignored the voice's warning. He wanted to live the life of a rich person. So, they sold all 5 emeralds and soon they became really wealthy.

3 years had passed by and Tom and his mother were very content. They lived in a grand mansion and had servants to do things for them. Tom had then completely forgot of the voice and what it had said to him.

But one day, things didn't go well. Tom noticed that the wind was becoming stronger. He suspected it as a tornado, but he didn't feel so certain. The wind gradually became strong and stronger. Soon it picked up the trees and even the animals.

And then, the voice came again.

"Why did you give them away, Tom? Why did you give them away?" It repeated that twenty times or so.

The voice soon started ringing around his ears and then it stopped. In fact, everything stopped. And then, Tom and his mother were back at their rural house of their once poor lives. They had been transported back into time to their old life, as if everything were a dream......


A long time ago, there lived a sweet, beautiful mermaid. She was the princess of Oceania and her father, was the king of the Oceania. The mermaid, Jane, lived with her father in a big grand palace under the seas. Her mother had died a long time ago.

Many things fascinated Jane. She would often swim up to the shore and look at the island. She loved to look out and see a glimpse of the humans do their daily tasks. Her father worried about her, because he feared that she would be kidnapped if Jane were to continue being on shore.

But there was also an evil man, Eugene. He had heard of mermaids and he was pretty certain that they existed. No one believed Eugene and they called a lunatic for believing in mermaids. So, he was determined to show the world that they existed. His plan was to capture a mermaid.

Jane was up on the surface and swam towards the island. She found a rock nearby and laid on it as she relaxed. Eugene, on the other hand, was out on the island searching for a mermaid. Once he saw Jane, he got out his net.

He was quite shocked that he had actually saw a mermaid from his very eyes. But he would be surprise later; he needed to focus on capturing Jane.

The mermaid was quite unaware of Eugene. The evil man soon crept up behind her and then spread out his net on her. Jane screamed, but she was unable to fight back. The net had done a good job of tangling into her.

"You are mine now, little mermaid," Eugene said harshly. He laughed to himself.

"I command you to release me!" Jane shouted furiously.

Eugene ignored her and he dragged her to his secret cave. This was where he had set up a study. He didn't take the net off of Jane, but he put her in a big tub of water so she wouldn't dry out.

Meanwhile, Jane's father, received word that his daughter had been kidnapped. No one knew who took her, but they knew that she was captured. The king became upset and told his servants to keep an eye out if they saw Jane.

Eugene tortured Jane for hours. He would try to see if she were ticklish, by tickiling her with a feather. He would then record his results. Soon, he decided to show someone the mermaid. Jane begged him to not to, but Eugene didn't listen.

Right when Eugene went to go get his friend, Jane struggled once more to rip the net. She did and she rejoiced at this. But she had to get out of here. She doggedly climbed up the tub and soon fell onto the ground. She slithered towards the water, but just as she did so, Eugene caught her.

"Trying to escape from me?" He soon grabbed another net.  His friend was no where to be seen.

Suddenly, one of the king's servants, Rockford, saw Jane. He immediately took action, by swimming towards the shore. Eugene didn't see Rockford.

Rockford took out a sharp rock and then he threw it towards Eugene's head. The evil man soon fell to the ground. Jane then made it to the water. She thanked Rockford for saving her. The king was glad that Jane had been found. Rockford and Jane were soon married, according to the king's wishes. They lived happily ever after......


Once upon a time, there was a white rabbit and a brown squirrel. Both of them were good friends, because they helped each other quite often. The rabbit cherished his and his friend's friendship.

The rabbit and the squirrel were having their daily conversation. Usually they spoke of the weather or other animals. The squirrel liked to listen to the rabbit, because he had always something interesting to say.

It was during those times when the rabbit started to feel something. He always carried his sack of carrots with him, because he was always hungry. The squirrel used to laugh at this, but then he stopped. It wasn't very nice to laugh at a friend, he later learned.

Anyway, the rabbit did bring his sack of carrots with him. But when the rabbit was about to reach for his sack, it was gone.

"Did you take my carrots?" The rabbit asked the squirrel sharply.

"No, I didn't, my dear friend," the squirrel replied.

The rabbit didn't feel convinced. He looked all over for the carrots, but they were completely gone.

"I know you took them. The carrots couldn't just vanish by themselves," the rabbit said indignantly.

The squired looked at the rabbit. "I didn't take them."

And the once good friends became rivals. The rabbit left and went towards his home; he didn't understand why his friend didn't admit that he took the carrots. He was pretty certain that he did it. Who else would?

The squirrel, also went home. And he didn't quite get why his friend accused him of taking the carrots. The squirrel didn't take them; he was not a thief.

The days passed by and still, the two friends didn't make up. The rabbit continued to accuse the squirrel and the squirrel continued to assure that he didn't steal them.

One day, the two accidentally ended up in the same place. They were both trying to go to the lake, because that was their relaxing place. But they both didn't want to relax in the same place.

"I see that you haven't apologized to me," said the rabbit.

"I told you, I didn't steal anything," the squirrel said sharply.

They continued to bicker when suddenly, out of nowhere, the sack of carrots plopped between them. The rabbit gasped.

Another rabbit appeared behind the two, and she said quietly, "I am sorry if I accidentally took your carrots. They looked exactly like mine."

And then she disappeared from the forest. The rabbit and the squirrel exchanged glances.

"Well, I told you," the squirrel said sarcastically.

The rabbit apologized and the two soon became friends again......

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