The Elven Powers

Od BeatriceHayley

21.1K 974 70

The nine realms of Ardeth have lived in peace for generations. They each have an ancient sacred organism that... Více

Authors Note
Chapter one: Ardeth
Chapter two: Needle watch
Chapter Three: The Guardians (Galandria)
Chapter four : No turning back (Morgel)
Chapter five: Freedom and imprisonment (Galandria)
Chapter six: Years gone by (Galandria)
Chapter seven: A banquet and a ghost (Galandria)
Chapter Eight: How do I explain? (Morgel)
Chapter Nine: Prepare yourselves (Galandria)
Chapter Ten: Speak to me O tree, for this land has become forsaken (Galandria)
Chapter Eleven: First camp ( Galandria )
Chapter Twelve: The pool ( Galandria )
Chapter Thirteen: On the March ( Morgel )
Chapter Fourteen: The city of Killelrvis (Galandria)
Chapter Fifteen: Moving out (Galandria)
Chapter sixteen: Make merry this heart of mine (Galandria)
Chapter seventeen: Defeated (Morgel)
Chapter eighteen: taken (Galandria)
Chapter nineteen: What do we do? (Galandria)
Chapter Twenty: Suicide (Morgel)
Chapter Twenty One: Out there on our own (Galandria)
Chapter Twenty Two: Wounded pride (Galandria)
Chapter Twenty Three: Morgel's realization (Morgel)
Chapter Twenty Four: I want to know (Galandria)
Chapter Twenty five: Faowin (Galandria)
Chapter Twenty six: Tasathhel (Galandria)
Chapter Twenty Seven: Run (Morgel)
Chapter Twenty Eight: A choice (Galandria)
Chapter Twenty Nine: Betrayal (Galandria)
Chapter Thirty: The battle (Galandria)
Chapter Thirty Two: Re-birth (Galandria)

Chapter Thirty One: He's my brother (Elrohir)

319 18 0
Od BeatriceHayley

I stared at the woman before me with such mystification. The glorious smile that adorned her features set my soul ablaze. The moment was only tinged with a hint of sadness. I had never meant for her to see this much. True, she would no doubt hound me if she knew of my intentions. Never once had I mistaken her for your average housewife. Still, I would have put her through it to keep her safe. To keep her mind free from the corruption and horror of battle. I had not missed the look on her face when she peered down to survey the portcullis. Now I knew what men meant when they said that a woman's place wasn't just a sexist motion. Galandria herself was proof that we would tolerate them going to war with us, not keep them behind because we believed they were too weak. 

The overprotectiveness I felt for her was indescribable. Other woman had tried to make me jealous, yet I found myself not to be the jealous type. However, when I saw them drag Galandria into the courtyard of the great tree, I had lost my mind. Even in a condition where my life was hanging by a thread, she was my first priority. She completely had me doing whatever she wanted. There was a time where perhaps I would not have gone so far. Back in the clearing, when I was taken, I had known she adored me. Despite our relationship back then, I still had my lingering doubts of what I truly felt for her. I had saved her from that brute of a drunkard, cared for her, yet all the work was on my side.

 That's not to say I wouldn't have done it all over again for her, but it made me question how she felt about me. When her shock at someone willing to defend her went away and things settled down for us, I was not sure she would still love me. She was obviously so inexperienced with men, I was probably the only decent man she had met, out of the few that she had. As a result when I heard she had come for me, I knew I could never let her go. She was willing to fight for me when logic went against it. She knew she was outnumbered and likely to die, whereas I knew I could take down the drunkard right from the start. I had so much to make up to her for that, even if I spent my entire life doing just that. 

I reached for her hand and a slight rosy colour coated her cheeks. "Yes, I believe we shall now be victorious." I smiled down at her. "It's all because of you my love?"

"It's because of us." She laughed. "-and the resilience of our people, of course." 

Morgel took this opportunity to speak up. "Oh no Galandria, this is all down to you." 

"-quite." I added quickly, that possessive side of myself striking out. "You think I would be here raising the gate if it weren't for you?"

"Yes, but only the three of us could turn the tide of the battle." She looked thoughtful. "I could not raise this gate alone." She held an arm up, as though to prove she was weak. I would always know of her strong will though and physical strength isn't everything. 

"I wouldn't have gone after Elrohir had you not persuaded me." Morgel hung his head in shame. I did not blame him for that line of thinking however. Logic suggested he would die if he attempted to rescue me alone. Galandria was the one who had a knack for ignoring the rules, even in the face of impossible odds. "This could have put the entire battle in jeopardy, if you two had been kept apart. It would have caused a rift in the army."

"Oh Gods" She sighed. "If only we could have caught Nicholas. Then all these things would be more than a hollow victory. I rejoice over what we have accomplished, yet it could all be for naught." 

I felt conflicted as she said this. I had still not addressed the issue of Nicholas. He had done so much land and I was ashamed to call him my brother. I had threatened to kill him. He had tried to take Galandria from me. He had tried to destroy everything I loved. He had called me insane for servicing the Powers. Morgel interrupted my thoughts before they could go any further. "What of the tunnel?" 

"What of what?" I had not heard of any tunnel whilst I was here.

"The tunnel Elrohir!" She beamed at me. I wore only a very confused expression and worried about her, not for the first time. "It's how Morgel and I got into the city. When we came upon the borders of the land, Faowin appeared to us. She reminded us of the prophecy." I must have looked even more confused. She huffed obviously aggravated at having to explain in such detail. "She reminded me of the battle we were told about, upon the walls of Tasathhel, where we are now. The white which turned the dark witch into a fig tree. Morgel and I found the tree and a tunnel leading into the city beneath it." She beamed at me, but my stomach churned with my confliction. 

"You think he could have used it to escape the city?" I queried in a hushed tone. What if he did use the tunnel?

"There is only one way to find out." She gestured towards the battle below, through the small opening for the portcullis to be lowered and raised into the gatehouse.

"I will stay behind to defend the gatehouse." Morgel stepped forward quickly. "You two must go now. As quickly as you can. You only have one chance and you will need each other’s help. Also, you cannot stop to explain to any of the soldiers if you are to get to him in time. I will take care of things here."

"Morgel." Galandria approached him. She kissed him on the cheek, instantly making me jealous. "I believe you will make a fine king someday." With that we both watched with adoration as our golden girl jumped from the gatehouse opening. 

"Morgel..." I prayed within me he had a way out of this mess for me. "I don't know if I can kill him." 

"Elrohir." He fixed me with a stern gaze and spoke in a cold tone. "Do not get in Galandria's way. Now go after her." 

I sighed dejectedly and jumped through the hole. I barely missed the sides, as the hole was a tight squeeze. It was a long drop, but I landed in a soft crouch. Elven strength, never failed to impress others and sometimes myself. Though that was because a small part of me wish I had hurt myself. Then I may be able to stay behind and not face Nicholas. Instead I took off after Galandria. The battle was thick around the wall, so it took me a while to stop her and leap after her cascading blonde hair. 

I drew my sword as I entered a thicket of thrashing bodies. Following Galandria's directives I tried to block the arrows that were raining fire up us. It seemed that the Corkash weren't going to give up without that one final fight. I watched in amazement as she deflected the murderous projectiles, with naught but her own arrows. I could only think this was down to her tutor. I had heard of Finwe from legend. Not that I would tell Galandria just how famous he was, nowadays he enjoyed his quiet life. I hoped I could be the same when this was all over. 

I did my best to keep up with her graceful movements, whilst protecting her flank as best I could. Striking another Corkash through the stomach, I could glimpse the edge of the battle. A group of our archers were formed along the fringe of the surrounding wood. The General was directing their ranks towards the wall, seemingly not overly aware that the gate had been opened. Galandria seemed to notice this too and, once she was free of any challenge, ran towards him. I followed closely on her heels, knowing she would need my support in this. 

"General!" She shouted as we approached. He looked up in surprise and his eyes widened when he saw me.

"My Lord, I am glad you are alive. We missed your expertise with this, as I'm sure you aware how hard pressed our forces are here. Please, tell us if what we do is in vain, we have not seen much life in these lands." 

"Please..." Galandria almost wept. She did not want to convey news of the power as much as I didn't. "The power is lost. We saw the burnt remains-"

"How!?" The general interrupted her.

She silenced him with a wave of her hand. "We are on our way to apprehend the culprit as we speak. There is no time to explain, but know he is Elrohir's brother Nicholas. He has betrayed us. We now have the opportunity to exact our revenge if we move quickly. You yourselves have a chance for retribution for the third realm, which we have provided you with by lifting the gate. Now, right now, take the archers and position them by the gate." 

“My lady, the Power-" 

"General, you have little time but you will have the city within the hour if you do this." I interjected. He would listen to me if not Galandria.

He gave up and simply nodded. “To the gate! Press the attack! “We watched as the troops moved off and began to take control of the situation. It was only a few moments before I felt Galandria's delicate hand rest lightly on my arm.

"We need to go now Elrohir. This way." She started off north, along the fringe of the withered forest. As I stared at her back, I couldn't help the lingering picture in my mind. Her face had been so hard and unforgiving. That wasn't the Galandria I knew. In battle she was determined and didn't give the Corkash an inch. However, this was most certainly different with this stone like expression that stayed with me, as I followed her along the ridge. I wasn't sure I wanted her to kill Nicholas, looking at him like that. 


We had wandered along the wall for some time now. The noise and drone of the battle behind us, had slightly dimmed, but was still an ever present noise. It was matching my heartbeat. I didn't know what I would do when we found Nicholas. I found myself continuously chiding myself for giving him such leverage over the way I act. He betrayed everyone I care about. I was also acting as though he hadn't kidnapped me and strung me up against the charred remains of the power.

We were now approaching what looked like a fig tree. It grew black figs and the braches looked like gnarled black fingers grasping at the sky. It certainly fit with the now decrepit state of the rest of the trees. Below its replica of a trunk were the melted remains of a marble hatchway. I assumed Galandria and Morgel had somehow broken this, in order to gain passage into the city. It was inches thick so I admired their resourcefulness in being able to, what seemed like, melt it open. It must have had something to do with the evil from the witches’ figs. Dark magic always lingers in a person’s tissue, there is no remedy. 

As we waded through a low bush, Galandria forced me into a low crouch.

"Sorry..." She whispered through her teeth. "Nicholas is packing his horse only a meter away."

My pulse quickened and a lump formed in my throat. I wasn't ready to make this decision. Morgel was right in that, Galandria would have to make the decision for me. Yet, did I want that? If I wasn't ready to kill him, did she even see it as a decision? I peered over the edge of the leafy outcrop we hid behind. Sure enough, the boy, who was now very much a man I no longer knew, was hastily making preparations to flee the third realm. To where, I knew not. I doubt he would return to our mother. 

How could he turn his back on that? I may not be his brother by blood, but we had grown up together. I had gotten him into trouble as he followed me around. We would run in the streets of Killelvris, making our mischief. The glint of an arrow, smiled at me to my left. Galandria had drawn her bow. She was once more wearing that impassable mask. I heard the sound of hooves as Nicholas began to ride off. Galandria drew back slightly, no emotion in even her eyes. Her wonderful, blue eyes that would sparkle so brightly. 

I thrust my hand at her bow, as a loud twang sounded in my ears. I opened my eyes to see Galandria's shocked face, with fury in her eyes. She snapped her gaze towards me. I didn't need to look to know she had missed him and Nicholas had got away. It was my doing after all. 

He breathing came out forced, her speech making its way between her teeth. "W-why?!"

As her words stung my core with regret and guilt, I could only whisper through my internal turmoil. "He's my brother..."

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