The Gilbert Twin

By KatelynMay069

956 32 5

Emma Gilbert hasn't been the same since her parents died. That is until Stefan Salvatore comes into her does... More

The beginning
The night of the comet
Friday night bites
Your undead to me
Lost girls

Family ties

88 3 0
By KatelynMay069

Emma's POV

I wake up in the morning to loud sound downstairs. I get out of bed and head out to the hallway. "Hello" I said at the top of the stairs. "Jeremy?" I then saw a shadow move across the floor downstairs. I hurry down the stairs. I go over to the dining room and try to turn on the light but it doesn't work. I hear the tv on and it's that news guy, Logan fell. "This is Logan Fell coming out to you live from mystic falls. The deadly beast has claimed another victim. Local high school, Emma Gilbert. Investigators are making sure that this is the same animal for recent attacks."

"You know it's going to be you" I hear someone say behind me and see Damon Salvatore. I run for the front door.

I open the front door and he's there, I slam the door shut. I turn around and see he is a few feet in front of me. I grip my hair and head out of stress and fear. I look back up to see that he is not there anymore. I stand up and walk a few feet in front of me. He shows up behind me, tilts my head to the side and bites into my neck.


Stefan's POV

I sit straight up in bed after that awful dream I had about Emma.

"Bad dream" Damon said from in front of me on my chair "do you know how easy it was to get in your head? You really need some human blood. It might even the playing field.... Football reference.... Too soon" he says trying to be funny. I vampire sped over to my desk were I have a knife. I grab the knife and throw it at him. It lodges himself in his chest. He looks at it, stands up, and pulls it out. He looks back at me and shrugs "alright I deserved that. I just wanted to let you know they caught the culprit. The animal that was responsible for all those attacks"


"It was a mountain lion. A really big one. It attacked a hunter this morning. It's all over the news. 'Deadly beast captured. Alls well in mystic falls'" he says as he uses his hands to show

"Why would you cover your tracks?" I ask

He walks over to my window "I've decided to stay a while" he then turns back around to face me "and I'm just having way too much fun with you and Emma"

"Can't touch her now" I tell him.

"Well the vervain keeps me out of her head" he points out "maybe that's not my target. Believe it or not Stefan some girls don't need my persuasion" he starts to walk closer to me "some girls just can't resists my style, my charm, my good looks, my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor swift" he then stabs the knife into me. I grunt and bend over. He looks at his shirt "this John Varvadose dude. Dick move" he then leaves my room.


Emma's POV

"Scum ball. Scum bucket" aunt Jenna says as leans on one of the chairs at the table.

"Who are you talking to" I ask as I walk over to stand next her.

"Him" she says pointing to the news guy.

"The news guy?" I ask so she can clarify.

"Also known as Logan Skumfell" she says to me "did your mom ever tell you why I moved away?"

"Ah no way. You and him" I say right as Lena comes down.

"He's cute" Lena says from behind us. We both turn to look at her with disgust clearly written on our faces.

"He is not cute" aunt Jenna said to her "There is nothing cute about him." I sit down at the table and start to clean off some of the items. Lena comes over sits on one side while aunt Jenna stands on the other. "What are you doing with that?"

"I went to the safe deposit box yesterday" I tell her "mom told Mrs. Lockwood she would give it to founders council for the heritage display"

She picks up a ring "is that grandma Beth's wedding ring?" She asked me.

"Originally it was great great Mary's wedding ring" I tell her.

Jeremy walks into the room and picks up the pocket watch "how much do you think this stuff is worth? You know like on eBay?" He asks.

I take it out of his hand and set it back down "I don't know but your not going to find out" I tell him.

"That stuff is moms and dads" he says as he walks into the kitchen "you can't just give it away"

"I'm not giving it away Jeremy. It's called a loan" I tell him. The doorbell then rings and I get up to answer it. I open it to see Stefan.

"Hi" he says. I pull him into the house and look over his shoulder then I kiss him.

"Hi" I tell him back once we pull apart.


Me and Stefan are in my room making out. He lays me down on my back. He hovers over me and trails kisses down my neck. Then he stops and sits up with his back facing me. "Are you ok?" I ask him sitting up.

"I'm good. Sorry" he says still not facing me.

"Maybe we should press pause" I tell him.

He then turns around to face me "ya that was getting a little-"



He then gets up and walks over to my window seat "how do you look in a suit?" I ask him as he sits down.

"I can pull one off" he answers

"How about tomorrow? Will you be my date to the founders party?"

"They still do that?" He asks as he puts on his shoes.

"Have you been before?"

"No the Salvatore's don't get invited anymore" he tells me.

"Well this year theres this heritage thing that meant a lot to my mom. She was really involved in the council" I tell him "I know it sounds boring but-"

"I will be honored to escort you Ms. Gilbert" he says.

"The pleasure is all mine Mr. Salvatore" I say in a 1800's accent.


I was in the kitchen getting all the stuff for heritage collection ready when the door bell rings and someone answers it. Elena is with Matt and aunt went out so I know it's Jeremy. Then I hear him try to close it but someone stops it.

"I'm hear to pick up something for my mom" I hear Tyler say.

"It's right here" I say as I walk over and hand it to him "please be carful with it"

"Ya be careful with it Dick." Jeremy said from behind me

I turn and look at him "hey not now. Please" I tell him

"Don't worry about it. He's just being a punk" Tyler tells me

"Ya I got your punk" Jeremy says

I roll my eyes then turn to Tyler "look you should go. Tell your mom I will see her there" I then head upstairs to my room.


Me, Bonnie, and Elena are now sitting at the table looking at perfumes.

"Delicate flower vs naughty vixen" she says to us.

"Tough call can we mix them?" Elena asks her.

"Look at you guys getting all ready for your dates" she says to us then turns to me "you happy-ish"

"I am ish" I tell her. "It's going to be a good night. But don't let that stop you from telling me whatever you wanted to tell me from the second you walked through the door"

"What if I tell you in the morning. I don't want to ruin the night." she says

I look at Lena and then back at Bonnie "Bonnie out with it"

"Ok. But it has to go in the vault because if it gets back to Damon that she spilled" I nod my head "ok what if I told you that Stefan has a very interesting background?"


"How much do you know about his ex-girlfriend? Katherine?" She asked me.

"I know they both dated her and that's why they have issues" I tell her and Lena.

"Ya they both dated her. Only she chose Damon" Bonnie tells me "it drove Stefan mad. He manipulated Katherine. Filled her head with lies... Until eventually it worked. She turned on Damon"

"That sounds like one side of the story" I tell her "meaning Damon's"

"I just wanted you to know"

"Anyway his past relationships are none of my business" I say to them.

"Unless he's a manipulative liar" Lena says "then it's your business"

"But he's not any of those things" I tell them.

"How do you know?" Bonnie asks me. I then start to think about what they said. They're right. I don't know much about him.


We are all in the bathroom now getting ready. Bonnie is curling her hair and me and Lena are doing our make up. My phone then starts to ring. I walk over to my bed and grab it. "Hello"


"Hi Mrs. Lockwood"

"I don't see the pocket watch with the things"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I don't see" she says freaking out.

"Ok. I will find it and bring it" I say with an annoyed expression knowing exactly where it is.

"Alright" she says "Good bye"

"Bye" I say then hang up and walk out of my room ignoring the calls from Elena and Bonnie. I walk into Jeremy's room to see him at his desk with headphones in.

I pull them off "Ah! God what now?" He shouts

"The pocket watch. Where is it?" I ask him.

"What watch?"

"The one you stole from moms box" I tell him "Mrs. Lockwood just called freaking out she thinks she's the one who lost it"

"Maybe she did" he tells me "or maybe that Tyler did"

"Don't do that Jeremy" I say to him "if I go online am I going to find on eBay? Is that how you pay for your pot?" And right as I said that I felt bad.

"Screw you" he tells me going over to the trash can and pulling it out "I would never sell this" he says holding it up.

"Then why did you take it?" I ask

"Because it's supposed to be mine. Dad said it goes to the first born son. His father gave it to him and now what?" He slams it on my hand then walks around and sits back down.

I turn around to look at him "and he was going to give it to you"


"Look it still yours Jere" I tell him "but mom promised Mrs. Lockwood. What do you want me to do?"

"Just take it and get out" he tells me and I do.


I am all ready for the founders party. Bonnie and Elena already left with Matt. Before I leave I grab the pocket watch off the counter in the bathroom and walk over towards Jeremy's room. I open the door to find him still listening to music. I set the watch on his desk and walk out shutting the door behind me.


Me and Stefan walk up to doorway and he stops me I think to be polite. I see mayor Lockwood "Hi mayor Lockwood" I say to him

We walks over to us "hey guys! Come on in" he says then walks away.


Stefan gives me a kiss on the cheek as we walk around.


I am looking at my parents wedding rings trying not to cry. Someone comes behind me and puts there hand on my back and I turn to see Stefan. "Your parents?" He asks me.

I nod "there's a lot of history here" I tell him. I grab his hand as we walk further.

We go to the original registry and I read the top " 'The founding families of Mystic Falls welcome you to the inaugural founders council celebration. on this, the 24th of September in the year 1864' look it's the original guest registry. Wow look at all the families names. Mayor Benjamin Lockwood, sheriff William Forbes." I look closer seeing two familiar names "is that Damon Salvatore? And Stefan Salvatore?" I ask.

"The original Salvatore brothers" someone says from behind us. We turn around to see Damon and Caroline walking over arm and arm. "Are ancestors. Tragic story"

"We don't need to bore them with stories of the past" Stefan tells his brother.

"It's not boring Stefan." I say "I'd love to hear more about your family"

"Well I'm board" Caroline states "I want to dance, but Damon" she says looking at him "won't dance with me" he shakes his head 'no'. She then turns to me "can I borrow your date?" She asked me.

Not know how to answer that I turn to stefan and luckily he gets the memo because he answers "I don't really dance"

"Of course he does" Damon says "the waltzes, the jitterbug, the moonwalk. He does it all"

Caroline turns back towards me "you don't mind? Do you Emma?"

"It's up to Stefan" I say to her.

Before Stefan can answer Caroline answers "well sorry I'm not going to take no as an answer" she then pulls him out to the dance floor.

I then try to walk away but Damon stops me "I wanted to apologize for being a world class jerk the other night when I tried to kiss you. My therapist says I'm acting out. Trying to punish Stefan."

"For what?" I ask

"It's all in the past. I don't even want to bring it up" he tells me "let's just that the men in the Salvatore family has been cursed with sibling rivalry" he then points behind him "and it all started with the original Salvatore brothers" he tells me "the Salvatore name was practically royalty here. Until the battle of-"

I cut him off "the battle of willow creek" he nods "Ya I know we are learning about it in class. Confederate soldiers fired on a church with civilians inside."

"Well what the history books left out was that those people there weren't there by accident" he says as he walks to the model of the church "they were believed to be Union sympathizers. Some of the founders back then wanted them rounded up and burned alive. Stefan and Damon had someone they loved in that church. And when they went to save them they were shot. Murdered in cold blood"

"Who was they wanted to save?" I ask him

"A woman I guess" he looks up at me "doesn't it always come down to the love of a woman"

"Look I'm sorry about this thing between you and Stefan but I can't get in the middle of it Damon" I tell him "I hope you two can work it out"

"I hope so too"


Me and Damon walk over to where we see Caroline and Stefan.

"What we miss?" Damon asks

"Nothing we were just chatting" Stefan answers then hold out a drink "drink Damon?"

"No thanks" he replies then Stefan puts the drink down.

I then turn to Stefan "Stefan do you have another dance in you?" I ask as I hold out my hand.

"Absolutely" he replies then puts his drink down, grabs my hand, and leads me to the dance floor.

He put his right hand on my waist and my left hand on his shoulder while our other hands are intertwined as we dance.

"I hope Damon didn't drive you to crazy" he tells me

"No actually he was good" I tell him "he actually apologized and even explained to me why he is the way he is... And it all goes back to Katherine" I say to him and he spins me around and we go back to our normal position "So tell me what was she like?"

"It's not something I like to talk about"

"I get that. I do" I say to him "I just want you to know that you can. I mean I burden you with all my drama and I want you to do the same"

"Thank you"

"And the truth is Stefan I don't really know that much about you" I tell him

"Damon said something didn't he?" He says getting defensive "he likes to play games"

"This isn't about Damon" I tell him "this about me getting to know you... Look your the mystery guy and I like that. But with mystery comes secrets and this thing with Katherine"

"Just let it go"

"Fine" I say to him "then tell me something. Anything, otherwise I'm just left with what other people tell me"

"See what's Damon doing?" He asks me "he's trying to turn you against me"

I stare at him for a few seconds "well then I guess it's working" I finally say and walk off.


Me and Bonnie are eating a price of cake together on one of the couches

"This my fault. I planted doubt. I'm a doubt planter" she says to me

"This is not your fault" I assure her as I take another bite of cake. "I just I feel bad because I said I wasn't going to get in the middle of it and that's exactly what I did. I got all snotty"

"Emma, honey" I hear Mrs. Lockwood say and I look up to her coming in our direction "I see the pocket watch is still not there"

"Oh ah I'm sorry I couldn't find it. It must still be locked up in our parents things" I lie to her.

"Oh ok. Well if you do find it please let me know" she says and I nod.


I walk into the bathroom to find Caroline.

"Hey" she says to

"Hi" I say

"So how are things with Stefan?" She asks

"Great. Just great" I answer as I reapply my lipgloss.

"Really? Then I must be reading it wrong" she states and I turn to look at her and I see something on her neck.

I try to reach for her scarf but she slaps my hand away. I reach for it again and this time I pull up her scarf to see a bite mark on her "oh my god! Caroline did someone hurt you?"

"I'm fine it's nothing" she says

"That is not nothing Caroline" I say to her

"I'm fine" she repeats again then she bends over the counter in the mirror to fix her lipgloss "my mom will kill me" she then whispers

I then pull down her shawl to see another bite mark "did Damon hurt you?" I ask

"What? No" she said. I then reach for her shawl again and she slaps my hand again "just leave me alone ok Emma" she said then stormed out of the bathroom.


I walked outside and spotted Damon and I rush over to him. I shoved him "there is something seriously wrong with you" I tell him and he looks confused "Stay from Caroline or I will go right to her mother, the sheriff. Got it stay away from her" I then walk around him and down the stairs to find Stefan.


I find Stefan by the pond, his back facing me. "I'm sorry" I state and he turns around "you were right about Damon"

"What did he do?" Ha asked

"It's Caroline" I tell him "she has bruises all over her body. Bite marks. And he has all confused"

"I'm handling it" he tells me calmly

"Handling it?" I ask "Stefan you should be having with arrested"

"Emma I can't" he says and grabs onto my shoulders "you don't understand"

"I don't understand anything Stefan" I say to him "so why don't you just clear it up for me?"

"No there are things that you don't know. That i wish I can tell you but can't. And I might not ever be able to. You just have to trust me" he says to me

"Trust is earned. I can't just magically hand it over" I tell him

We stare at each other for about 5 seconds and then he says "I'm so sorry but I have to go. Excuse me" and then he just leaves me.


Stefan's POV

I felt bad leaving Emma like that but I had to make sure Caroline will be ok. After the whole scene between her and Damon I come out of the shadows.

"I knew I couldn't spike your drink" I say "so I spiked hers" I said referring to Caroline. I bend down and check Caroline's pulse and gave her some blood so she could heal and then grabbed Damon and vampire sped away.


After what happened with Stefan I walked around for a little bit and then I went to find Caroline to check on her.

I finally find her in the field of grass in the backyard. "Caroline! Thank god there you are" I walk over to her and look at "are you ok?"

"Ya I'm fine" she said


"I'm fine" she said but she then started breathing heavy and shaking "I'm fine"

"No your not your shaking" I say and put my hand are her arm

"I'm fine" she repeated a couple more times

"Come here" I said and pulled her into a hug and let her cry on my shoulder.


Stefan's POV

'I did what I had to do. To protect Emma. To protect everyone. Yes Damon the headline reads 'deadly beast captured alls well in mystic falls'

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