GREEN (RL Harry Styles fanfic)

By hesinstripes

543K 21.1K 4.3K

Olivia's life felt routine and unfulfilling, despite her success as a fashion designer. Life was uninspiring... More

1. Colorless
2. Fade to Black
3. Emerald Awakening
4. Red-Faced
5. Vibrant
6. Tickled Pink
7. Muted Tones
8. Bleached
9. Beet Red
10. Screaming Color
11. Pinky
12. Fluorescent
13. Fire in the Sky
14. Blue
15. White Smiles
16. Kaleidoscope
17. Purple Blossoms
18. Moonlight
19. Green and Gold
20. Clouded
21. Flushed
22. Little Red
23. Color Commentary
24. True Colors
25. Pink Fleece
26. Swirl of Colors
27. Brown Sugar
28. Pale Yellow
29. Off Color
30. Purple Nurple
31. Transparent
32. Baby Blues
33. You're My Color
34. Peaches and Cream
35. Jet Black and All White
36. Silver
37. Lemon
38. Red
39. Nude
40. Washed Out
41. Mix of Color
42. Bright Like Crayons
43. Blue Flame
44. Black Asphalt
45. Green Palms
46. Green with Envy
47. Clear Blue
48. Flat Black
49. End of the Rainbow
50. Whispers in the Green Garden
51. Cap'n Brown Boots
52. Pure White
53. Chocolate
54. Mood Ring
55. Blonde Ambition
56. Green Room
57. Rose Colored Glasses
58. Black Tie
59. Caught Red-Handed
60. Mellow Yellow
61. Bloodshot
62. White Denim God
63. Red, White,...
64. And Blue
65. Blush
66. Bruised
67. Color Coded
68. Ginger
69. Crimson
70. All These Lights
71. Crystal Clear
72. Golden Showers
73. Ripe Orange
74. Flicker of White
75. Ghost White
76. Back to Black
77. Stained
78. Ink
79. Bleeding Love
80. Nightmares
81. Shadow of Doubt
83. The Rainbow Connection
84. Blushing Babydoll
85. Men in Black
86. Lime
87. Green Eggs & Ham
88. Light in Your Eyes

82. Yellow Brick

4.6K 242 91
By hesinstripes

**Harry's POV**

There's something about the passing of time that's truly magical. It has the ability to fool you. Minute by minute, and even day to day, it feels like nothing has changed. Then one day you look back and see just how much has really changed; how much you've evolved when it felt like all you were doing was watching a clock.

But sometimes we fool time right back. We prove there are some things that no duration of time can touch. It's like picking up a book you hadn't read in months and falling back into the story just as deeply.

When you see that familiar face again everything falls right back into place. And in the case of Liv and I, we somehow turned back time. We reset the clock to where we were before things came unwound.

After a few days apart I flew back to the states. I knew I couldn't go back to LA, things just weren't settled enough. I wanted to give Liv the space she had asked for. I wanted to give her whatever she needed and everything she wanted. So I went to Chicago. I spent my days between tour dates at SoHo house reflecting on my relationship with Liv.

It struck me that the last time I was here I was with her, and it was a high point in our relationship. She had just told me she was pregnant with our child and I was thinking about my future with her. We had never been happier, and that was saying something because Liv always made me so happy.

Even when she was walking away from me to catch a plane because I had let her down, I still knew she made me happy. I still recognized just how much she meant to me. And I knew deep down I meant just as much to her.

It was a week. A full week before I saw her face again. Seven days since I last kissed her pout, the pout I was responsible for. Seven nights since I last touched her swollen belly, that too I was also responsible for. I wrapped my arms around her and held her in silence. It was long enough to be awkward, but neither of us cared. We just let our bodies reconnect, our hearts sink back together in the same rhythm, as if they had never lost time with one another.

In that moment, we both recognized the shift, the resetting of time, though we've never discussed it. I had planned a heartfelt spewing of apologies and an appropriate amount of groveling, but it seemed unnecessary. Not because she wasn't worth it, but because we were ready to move forward.

And that's what we did, with a big step forward. Liv had flown to meet me in Chicago because the next day I was to meet her parents. Not only meet them, but tell them I had impregnated their only daughter. I had performed in front of record breaking crowds, met royalty, and been grilled on live television, but none of it was as nerve wracking as meeting her parents.

I wanted them to like me, I wanted them to trust that I would take excellent care of both their daughter and their grandchild. I wanted it to go perfectly.

Hank and Kathryn greeted me warmly with open arms, literally. Her mum hugged me like I was one of her own, so warm and genuine in her excited affection. Her father shook my hand firmly and patted my left bicep as he introduced himself and glanced at Liv with an approving smile he thought I wouldn't catch.

Liv's parents had picked us up from the small airport where we went completely unnoticed, even with our hugs and handshakes outside the gate. Nearly every time I was in Green Bay I went unnoticed, which I quite enjoyed. It was a small, quaint town and no one seemed to bat much of an eye at another person in a Packer's jumper. Well Liv did find it hilarious that her father had on the same jumper as I did. I was happy it seemed to score me some points with Hank.

I helped load our luggage in the car, though we only had a duffle each for such a short stay. I didn't want Liv lifting anything, so I took her bag and Hank insisted on taking mine. I opened the rear passenger door for Liv and let her slide in to make room for me beside her.

"Come sit up front with me Harry," Hank bellowed from the opposite side of the car. "It'll be nice for the girls to catch up and I'll give you the tour."

Liv smiled at me, pleased her father seemed to take a liking to me already. I held the door open for her mum and then took my spot shotgun. I glanced in the rear view mirror as I fastened my seatbelt and twisted my face up at Liv. She giggled at my obvious nervousness and blew me a kiss.

Thankfully Hank carried the conversation pointing out his high school and making sure to tell me the Packers played on the field there while Lambeau was being built. His tour was indicative of someone proud of their town. He pointed out the old pickle factory, which I had heard Liv mention nostalgically when she spoke of home. He took the long route to show us how large the trees had grown at Liv's aunt's house since the last time she was there. He insisted I try a burger at Kroll's, which apparently had two locations, but he explained Kroll's East had better service and a quieter crowd. I was thankful he didn't ask me much other than if I had caught any preseason games and my opinion on the draft picks. I wasn't opposed to small talk, it meant the weightier conversation would be put off longer.

We pulled up to a modest home midway down the road with siding painted in a soft butter yellow. A grey brick exterior supported the closed in front porch, the same grey as Wisconsin winters. Hank pulled the car up the driveway and parked just outside a screen door on the side of the house. I glanced in the side mirror and caught a glimpse of Liv's mum, Kathryn. She was twiddling her thumbs, a nervous gesture often referenced but I don't think I had actually seen anyone twiddle until now.

"Well, this is it," Hank said unbuckling his seatbelt and pulling the keys from the ignition. His voice was still full of the same pride he'd had during the drive.

"It's not a fancy hotel or a California mansion, so I hope you're still comfortable," Kathryn said in a voice as shaky as her hands.

"It's lovely. Reminds me of the houses back home in Cheshire Mrs. Taylor," I said truthfully, but with the intent of putting her at ease.

I opened my car door and stepped out onto the pebbly blacktop. I then opened Liv's mum's door, much to her surprise, and helped her out of the car.

"Please call me Kathryn," she insisted with a slight smile. I seemed to always have a way with mums.

"Alright," I smiled and nodded back.

Hank gave us a tour of the inside of the house pointing out just as many random facts as he had about the town. Like the crown molding in the bedrooms he put in by himself, or the squeaky step on the stairway to leading to the basement. We came to settle in the kitchen and the end of the tour.

"I'll go put your bags away," He said before disappearing back into the hall. I got the feeling he always liked to keep busy.

Liv and her mum sat down at the kitchen table. I could tell from how easily they took their seats that they had their places; likely the same seats they had throughout Liv's childhood. I took a seat next to Liv, assuming her father's seat would be across from me. The table was a light stained wood, perhaps maple and showed definite signs of age, but only from being well used, not abused. It must've been in the family a while. My thumb found a groove in the tabletop and I traced it's lines. My mind wandered as aimlessly as my fingertip. I knew we were here to tell Liv's parents, but we hadn't really discussed how we'd go about it thanks to our time apart. I suppose even having a carefully laid out plan doesn't always work either. Prime example, how my family found out the news.

My thumb was halted from retracing the pattern for the hundredth time. I blinked in rapid succession to mentally rejoin the real world and found Liv's hand clasped over the top of mine. I looked up from her hand and saw her chuckle.

"Where've you been?," she laughed.


"My mom was asking you how many dates you have left on the tour."

I realized I had completely zoned out on their conversation and might have mucked up making a good impression.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I was daydreaming for a bit. We play Milwaukee tomorrow and then it'll be 7 more shows in the states. Then somewhere around 25 shows to finish the last leg in Europe."

"Oh! I don't know how you do it– getting on a plane all the time. Just the thought gives me shivers," Liv's mum said with a demonstration.

"You don't fly?"

"Never!" She sounded offended at me even asking.

"It's not that bad, and you get used to it. Though after Liv's flight home from England in June–" My words were cut off by a kick under the table. I looked at Liv to see why.

"What do you mean? What happened with your flight Livy?," Kathryn asked and I instantly felt my stomach twist. Of course she hadn't told her mum who had a fear of flying.

"Oh, she just missed her flight and lost her luggage," I lied. "Pain in the arse, and it happens sometimes." I hoped I had done a good job of salvaging that one. Thankfully Liv's dad came back into the room and took her mum's attention off me.

"Come sit down honey," she said tapping his seat. "We're just catching up."

Hank took his seat across from me and I suddenly felt like I was at one of those interrogation tables with the warm lights. He seemed like a nice enough man, but suddenly all I could think about was he'd kill me if he knew all the impure things I'd done to his daughter. Fuck, now I was thinking about all the impure things Liv and I had done. Do not get hard. Do not get hard.

"So Harry, you've made quite the impression on Liv and that's hard to do," he chuckled. His laugh made me feel a little more at ease.

The conversation continued to flow fairly effortlessly. Hank seemed in awe of my life, but not in an envious way. It was funny actually; the things that he found fascinating. He wanted to know how many people made up our crew and how things worked behind the scenes. He couldn't believe they could get a stage set up so quickly or that we had our own traveling kitchen. I invited them to the show and said I'd show him around backstage if he wanted. I had to hold in a laugh at his excitement.

Liv's mum was more curious about the early days and leaving home at 16. She reminded me of my mum at times with her worry. My mum didn't worry so much now, she was used to it, but when One Direction first formed and things took off she was a mess. I guess any mum would be.

"Okay, I think Harry's given enough of an interview," Liv said after she felt I had been questioned enough.

"I don't mind, but I'm still waiting to hear all about you growing up. Liv claims there are no embarrassing photos of her in existence."

"Absolutely none," she maintained and her dad laughed.

"There are plenty," he said with dropping his head. "Liv was pretty good at getting into trouble and Kathryn was pretty good at catching it on film."

"Liv, trouble? No!," I said sarcastically and she smacked me with the back of her hand.

"Always. There's a spot right there on the table where she carved her rap name," Hank said pointing towards me.

"Rap name?," I said with a twist to my face as I looked down to the markings I had casually traced over earlier.

There in the maple were the letters O-G-O-T.

"Ogot?" I asked confused.

"O G...O T," Liv said slowly. "Original Gangsta Olivia Taylor," she explained and I lost it.

"Oh my God you're adorable," I said when my laughing subsided. "So I'm not the only musical one then? Let me hear a rap babe," I prodded and she scowled at me.

"I should go get the photo albums. I think you'd enjoy them Harry," Kathryn said before scooting from her chair. Liv rolled her eyes and sighed. Watching her squirm in embarrassment sounded fun.

As soon as the albums clunked on the table and I saw a picture of Liv swaddled in her hospital blanket only a few hours old my mood changed. I must've taken an audible gulp because Liv turned to look at me. I could see in her eyes that she was having the same thoughts as I was. This was as good a time as any to share the news with her parents. I slipped my hand below the table and placed in on her thigh, rubbing gently to calm her nerves, though mine weren't any less calm.

Kathryn flipped through a couple pages and awed at the memories. Liv grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Um, I think there's something I should tell you," she spoke timidly. I watched as her parents eyes turned to her with concern.

"That we should tell you," I cut in and looked at Liv. The stares of her parents moved to me, which is exactly what I had hoped. "We're really excited to tell you that you're going to be grandparents." I kept a smile on my face as I awaited their reactions.

"Oh my goodness! You're pregnant Liv! I'm going to be a grandma!," I heard Kathryn wail with excitement. All I could focus on was Hank's eyes bouncing back and forth between me and Liv clearly doing the math on how this happened. "Hank! Did you hear what he said?," she asked giving him a light smack with the back of her hand like Liv would do to me.

"Yeah," he said calmly. "Congratulations sweetie," he said looking only at Liv. I couldn't get a read on him at all.

Hank slowly scooted out his chair and stood up. He came to stand by my side and put out his hand. I took it as I stood up to join him. He pulled me in for a hug and patted my back.

"You've got a big job ahead of you," he said quietly into my ear. "Congratulations. Take care of her."

As he pulled away I could tell he was choked up. He made his way to Liv who was already hugging her mum. He wrapped them both in his arms.

"I guess you're not our little baby anymore Olivia," he said.

I watched them stand in their embrace for a while and felt a sense of relief now. I wasn't sure if I should say anything, I didn't want to interrupt the moment. Finally they parted and Hank turned to Liv.

"Why don't you two go get cleaned up and we'll go grab some lunch," Hank smiled. "Harry, your bags are already in your room in the basement," he added with a look and a tone only a father could give.


Author's Note:

Thank you first and foremost everyone for sticking with GREEN. Second thank you for 190,000 reads! You're amazing.

You've all been immensely supportive whether you know what I've been dealing with or not, so thank you again.

Please know I'm doing my best to update and I hope it won't be too long until you get to read the next chapter of Liv and Harry's lives.

All the love 💚

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