Enter the Cat Chapter 1

By Mygypsy

10.9K 420 331

Micah Williamson is Chief Warrior of the Williamson Clan. Sworn to protect his family clan and control the pr... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
CHapter 9

Chapter 1

3K 65 31
By Mygypsy

My life seemed to turn into a series of phone calls …

"I just got a call from Edwin; his team came across the fresh scent of a stray in the pub in town. They found a car he’s used in the pub car park and are trying to track him down right now. They think they’ve come across him before but haven’t caught him to give him a warning." I turn at the sound my father’s voice. Wade Williamson is the Alpha of our clan, the undisputed leader of our family and its loyal allies.

Let me introduce myself before I go any further. My name is Micah Williamson and I am an Australian Werecat. I am a member of the Williamson Clan, the third son in a family of six sons and one daughter. I am also the undisputed leader of the clan’s group of warriors

– tomcats who police the clan and protect it from strays and outlaw werecats. Our clan lands are in the states of New South Wales and Queensland; our home is near the Border Ranges with the rugged unsettled land our backyard.

Here Wade owns huge amounts of land where he grows exotic hardwood trees and pine trees to be cut for the timber industry as well as leases some of the best farming land in the area to local farmers for grazing beef cattle. Some of the land we use to grow lucerne hay to sell for winter-feed to farmers and in winter we grow oats to cut and sell as silage for feeding to cattle.

One adventurous farmer tried raising deer to sell to local butchers and supermarkets as venison but he found the wild dingoes in the area quickly developed a taste for freshly killed venison. Now the remnants of the herd run feral breeding in the rough bushland where no one on two legs ventures.

Funny thing about those dingoes in the area is they never venture onto Williamson land. And some crazy old bushy who lives in the adjacent Mount Lindsay National Park swears there are black panthers roaming the park having been bred down from two panthers left behind by the American soldiers that had trained in and around the rugged National Park during the second world war.

"In town you say?" I ask worriedly. Town is under an hour’s drive from home - the stray is too close to my young vulnerable sister for comfort.

"I want everyone on this, I want that stray caught." Wade tells me tightly.

"We’ll be right onto it!" I growl, the sound starting deep in my chest. The natural instinct of a clan werecat tom is to protect any and all Queens and she-kitts. Since Jazzy is my sister this instinct is doubly strong because it is also linked with our being siblings - her existence ensures that my family’s genealogy will be passed on.

"Catch him and bring him back here. We’ll talk to him, find out why he’s in the area and set him straight on a few things if necessary. If he’s nosing around and looking to settle in the clan lands without permission then I’ll see he gets a lesson he never forgets," Wade orders.

"Sam! Get your team together! Steven! I want to talk to you!" I yell as I head towards the Warrior Quarters or as we tended to call them the quarters. I can’t help thinking of my young sister Jasmine, or Jazzy. She has been sickly most of her life and many had doubted she would make it to ten years old. When she had turned ten many had doubted she would become a teenager. Now Jazzy is no longer a child and fast becoming a grown woman she is finally starting to out grow her childhood illness and thrive. The urge to protect her from any and all threats is very strong; Jazzy is the future of our pride – she will marry and provide the next generation of werecats in our family.

Now there is a new potential threat to her safety, a stray so close to home. Strays are different to us clan cats - they tend to be nomads wondering and unable to settle down in one place comfortable with who and what they have become. We are born to werecat parents while they are the product of a werecat crossbreeding with a human or the descendant of one of these offspring with the werecat genealogy. They are born as humans and some event or illness ‘turns’ them into were cats. Many don’t survive their first shape-shift, don’t manage to revert to human form and starve through lack of hunting skills or go crazy shortly after returning to human form.

"Something wrong?" Sam, my second in command asks as I enter the large lounge room of the quarters.

Sam MacIntosh is almost an adopted brother to me, having been raised by my parents when the clan he was born into disintegrated. His mother had disappeared and his father as an Alpha had known that with no Queen or she-kitt his own life and that of his two young sons would be in danger when some ambitious Alpha decided he needed more land to add to his wife’s clan lands. So the two young toms had been left with our clan to be raised as members of the clan while their father submerged himself into the human world earning money as an antiques dealer to support his two sons. Sam is one hell of a good warrior and he has proven his worth to the clan time after time. I would rather have him with me than against me. He will be a loss hard to replace when he marries Lotty Inness, a she-kitt from a neighbouring clan. But that is in the future and I don’t have to worry about it at this minute.

"Edwin and the others have come across the fresh scent of a stray in town. Wade wants it caught and brought out here for questioning and possible warnings and/or discipline," I say tightly, my anger strong within me.

As the second most dominant tom in the clan I take the intrusion of this stray personally. The urge to catch the intruder and make sure he knows not to trespass on clan territory uninvited drives me as I go to my room and hurriedly change into tough hiking gear. I try to calm down, I know my fear for my sister often comes across as anger or aggression.

"You wanted to speak to me?" Steven asks as he walks into the bedroom we share, makes his way to his side of the room and quickly puts on his army surplus boots.

"I plan on giving this stray a personal memento of why not to come onto Williamson clan lands if he’s looking for trouble," I tell him tightly.

"You plan to kick some butt?" Steven grins.

Let me tell you about this tom. We’ve been best friends since meeting at a werecat engagement party when we were both still too young for school. He’s my best mate, my partner when we go off on clan business to deal with strays and outlaws. I know he will have my back no matter how dangerous the situation or whether or not he agrees with what I am doing at the time - we support each other regardlessly.

"If he’s some stray looking to check out our Queen and she-kitt then when I am finished with this bastard he won’t be coming around anymore. He’ll be lucky if he can walk properly!" I snarl.

It’s not uncommon for strays that have adjusted to werecat life to become interested in clan females. Most of the time it is harmless but some of the toms are driven by the strong urge to breed and are after a female for only one thing.

"We can’t be letting any strays get this close to Jazzy," Mitchell, Sam’s younger brother, says from the doorway. I glance at the younger warrior. I’m well aware he is sweet on my little sister and that she returns the feelings.

"You telling me my job?" I ask tightly as I turn to face him. Both he and his brother are exceptional members of the warrior force. Mitchell’s only faults are his youth and too compassionate nature.

"No, I’m saying I know my job," Mitchell says.

"Good! See you do it!" I snap.

"This is the car with the strays scent in it," Edwin says motioning towards an older model small car parked in the shadows at the edge of the pub’s car park; it’s a typical cheap rental car.

Edwin is my oldest brother and although he leads his own team of warriors it is I who am the Head Warrior, the Beta of the clan. I hold the position through my fighting ability and being able to plan and execute any action needed.

I frown as I walk around the car sniffing to catch a clear whiff of the stray’s scent. Thwarted I reach out to try the drivers side door only to find it locked. Angrily I take hold of it and with a strong jerk I rip the door open wrecking one of the hinges. Hot air escapes from the car bringing with it the pungent odour of cat.

The scent is surprisingly clean and crisp as if the intruder is young and in good health, well kept and clean. Either he doesn’t know he is a werecat or he is comfortable and well adapted to his new identity as a cat. It doesn’t matter which it is both are dangerous.

"Wreck the car! Make it undriveable!" I command as I take in the scattering of possessions and fast food containers on the rear seat. "If he returns for it at some stage I want him to know he ain’t welcome here!" I hesitate a moment and look around. There is no one out and about in the fast approaching dusk. Taking advantage of the fact I reach into the vehicle and grab hold of the driver’s seat; metal groans and then there is the screech of tearing metal as I rip the seat free of the car frame.

"Fuck, he’s taking this personal …" I hear Chris, one of Edwin’s team members say to his brother and I turn my head to glare at him.

"Why aren’t you out there trying to track this trespassing bastard down?" I demand angrily, "Or does it take all of you to watch the frigging car?"

"I told them to meet back here. I figger the stray spotted us going into the pub and lit out to avoid us; no sane stray would hang around with four clan cats in the vicinity." Edwin says dryly.

"No sane stray comes this deep into clan lands! No sane stray stops on clan lands in broad daylight! That means he isn’t thinking right and has no respect for werecat society rules! He is either deranged or after a female or both! And how close is he to Jazzy? It just goes to show you didn’t think the situation through! You just did what was easiest for you!" I say angrily. "Considering how well we keep the lands marked even a newly turned stray would know he’s on clan ground! And mark that frigging car as well while you wreck it! Make the message strong and clear! "

I turn and walk back to my vehicle where Steven leans against the door with his arms folded across his chest while Sam and his three other team members stand between their vehicle and mine.

"What do you want us to do? See if we can find any trace of the stray around town?" Sam asks.

"Yes and if you have no luck, check the surrounding properties. No luck there … we’ll scout the local districts," I tell him before glancing back where Edwin is supervising getting the stray’s car loaded onto a car-trailer to take out of sight before making it undriveable. Once the car has been given its special treatment it will be returned to the car park and left so the stray can find it and receive the message loud and clear if he returns.

"We’ll keep in touch," my brother Dwayne tells me. He’s the brother born between Edwin and me. Dwayne is as trust worthy and conscientious as Edwin is self centred and lazy - interested only in what is easiest and benefits him the most.

"So are we going hunting too?" Steven asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah I need some bastard I can bash the shit out of," I say as I climb behind the wheel of the vehicle. "Wade wouldn’t like it if I gave Edwin the hiding he deserves. Edwin is smart enough to do all his underhanded sabotaging out of Wade’s sight and hearing."

So there it is, I am waiting for a phone call from either team as Steven and I hunt for the stray. The phone call, when it comes over two hours later, is from Edwin. He and Malcolm came across the stray in the Ampol service station on the highway. When Malcolm tried to corner him so they could catch him without alerting the cashier, the stray had made it clear he knew whose clan lands he was on before fleeing outside. Malcolm changed form and was chasing the stray in cat form while Edwin made the call to let us know where the stray was so we could converge and help capture it.

"What the hell’s going on?" I demand as I climb out of my vehicle and walk around to where Malcolm and Edwin stand in the shadows by their vehicle. Edwin is fully dressed and Malcolm is wearing only a pair of jeans; as I get closer I see Malcolm is holding a bloody t-shirt to his side.

"Why aren’t you chasing the blasted stray?" I demand of Edwin as Malcolm moves the shirt aside to reveal long bleeding scratches across his ribs just deep enough to require stitches.

"I caught up with her and she flew at me like a scalded house cat!" Malcolm says with a glance at Edwin.

"What?" I ask in disbelief.

"Malcolm is sprouting some crap the stray is female," Edwin says scornfully. Malcolm frowns at Edwin and looks down at his side then at his shoulder and upper arm and I notice for the first time that he has several bites as well as the scratches.

"Making excuses for not doing your job properly?" I sneer before turning away angrily. Now Malcolm is slacking off in his work as well as Edwin, leaving more work to be done by those who do their jobs properly.

"Where did you last see him?" I demand refusing to believe Malcolm's claim the stray is female; a female werecat would not fight back leaving wounds like his. Female strays are very rare and don’t survive for long. Stray toms hunt them down and use them as sex toys and end up either killing them with their demands or driving them so insane they kill themselves. We clan cats do all we can to find female strays to protect them and look after them, but when we do manage to find one alive, it is generally too late to help them. Even stray females are much cherished, respected and seen as valuable members of our species capable of producing the next generation of were cats.

I listen as Malcolm describes where the stray attacked him before racing away. The fact the stray attacked him supports my belief Malcolm is trying to cover up the fact he made a stupid mistake. Female werecats are non violent; they don’t know how to fight. A long night of hunting for the stray while in cat form follows. Morning reveals it seems to have left the area but we continue to patrol closer to home to be sure it doesn’t sneak close.

The next phone call comes several days later from Steven’s brother Pete. He lives several hours drive to the northwest of us near the Burringbar range. Pete tells my father of what he believes to be the presence of several strays that are killing livestock. He got the information from his next-door neighbour who helps the local vet and Pete wants us to meet the neighbour and see what we think of them for ourself as he has an uneasy feeling about them.

It’s a warm sunny evening as Steven and I arrive at his brother’s place. I had decided to take the job myself and leave Sam in charge back at the home compound as I hoped to get some physical activity dealing with these strays. My frustration levels had slowly risen to where I was looking forward to a good old-fashioned brawl.

"So what do you know Pete?" Steven asks as he greets his brother with a handshake.

"We got what could only be stray trouble here. Plus I am sure I have smelt werecat on my neighbour a few times in the last couple of months," Pete informs us as I walk around to shake his hand.

"What’s this new neighbour like?" I ask.

"It’s not a new neighbour - it’s Tawny Caruthers which is what I don’t get," Pete says evenly.

"The one that doesn’t like men?" Steven asks.

"There’s a bit more to it than Tawny not liking men. She’s the one who was raped as a child …at least that’s the story that went around when her father was killed in a car crash. He was supposed to be rushing her to hospital and she disappeared for nearly a year," Pete says seriously. "Then this morning Tawny warned me she had let the local cop think her and I are an item - go figure."

"Keeping him away maybe?" Steven offers.

Pete shrugs and gives a rueful laugh. "Probably, but why she didn’t just … I’m sure the student that used to live at Tawny’s was … shall I say I think there was a bit of girl on girl action going on?" Pete tells us with a grin.

"Well you know what we say … once a girl has had cat she don’t go back to men," Steven says and laughs.

"So when do we meet her?" I ask curiously.

"I’ve invited her over to eat with us tonight. We occasionally get together for a meal but Tawny mostly avoids strangers, especially men," Pete explains.

"And yet she’s coming over for supper?" I ask dubiously.

"I haven’t told her I’ll have visitors," Pete admits. "Besides maybe I’m hoping she’ll sit real close to me for protection tonight." He grins.

"Sounds like you’d like to make sure she gets home safely afterwards as well," Steven says with a twinkle in his eye and I catch the predatory gleam in Pete’s eyes.

"Tell us what you know about what the strays have been up to," I tell Pete as I head for his house. I listen to his brief account of what has happened as I walk to his front door carrying an overnight bag. He leads the way through to his study and turns on his computer.

"Tawny used my computer to send the report to the police officer. I’ve seen her type in her password for her email account so it wasn’t any hassle to send a copy of it to myself after she left. I removed all traces of having done so of course," Pete says sounding pleased with himself. He quickly finds the relevant message and opens it before stepping aside so I can sit in the chair and read the report.

I am surprised to find how detailed the report is. The description of the method used to kill each beast examined as well as details of what parts have been eaten. I frown in concern as I read the details of how one of the kills was marked with both faeces and urine, not a good sign. I study the pictures attached before returning to the report to read where she states the kills are believed to have been made by an escaped exotic large cat or possibly two large cats.

"Your neighbour wrote this report right? How much study has she done on large cats and their kills? The descriptions here read almost like eyewitness accounts of werecat kills," I say as I glance between Pete and Steven.

"Shit!" Steven exclaims and leans in to read the report.

"Shit! Tawny is going to college but I’m not sure what she’s studying. But I do know most of it is done long distance," Pete says with a worried look. As we continue to talk I begin to look forward to meeting this human who seems to know so much about werecats …

But as I said my life had seemed to have turned into a series of phone calls and another phone call comes in …

"Pete! I got a call out from Doc. I can’t stop - it sounds like an all nighter!" The feminine voice answers Pete’s invitation to come into his house and he frowns as he heads for the front door. Curious about the one who owns the voice I follow him out onto the front veranda and look at the pretty woman standing well back from the veranda eyeing me uneasily. I nearly miss Pete introducing her as Tawny Caruthers and take a moment before greeting her in a soft tone so as not to startle her. Still she glances between us nervously as she steps back as if sensing my inner cat. There is a flicker of something in her eyes that disappears almost before it appears. Recognition? I feel it pull deep within me as well as I study her face unobtrusively.

"I got to go Pete. There’s been more maulings and Doc needs my help." Her phrasing catches my attention and I try to catch her scent discreetly but she says something I don’t catch and leaves with a quick smile towards Pete. Her movements scream prey, and something clicks inside me warning me that her motions are too studied, too precise. I watch as she speeds off before glancing at Pete and towards the front door where I can hear Steven breathing just out of sight.

"You sure she’s not a cat?" I ask Pete.

"She doesn’t smell like one, doesn’t act like … something doesn’t sit right about her anymore. It seems like more than what she went through … the more I get to know her … I don’t know," Pete says uneasily. I glance at Steven as he steps into the doorway and he gives a slight nod.

"Either she’s associating with a stray …… or possibly she’s about to turn?" Steven suggests.

"Dibbs," I say and both Steven and Pete look my way in astonishment. A slow grin spreads across Steven’s face and he leans against the door jam casually.

"As far as we know she’s human," Steven tells me.

"I don’t care. She’s the one," I say evenly as I stake my claim. I don’t know what it is about her but I feel as if I should know her.

It is a long night even though we take turns watching for the return of Pete’s neighbour, it is not until after we have eaten breakfast that her ute turns into her driveway. Anxious to find out if she spent time with a stray all three of us hurry to get into the passenger van Steven and I arrived in. By the time we reach the neighbouring house the woman is standing beside her ute with her forehead resting against the edge of the roof. She looks up as Pete gets out and approaches her. She lets him take her by the arm and walk her towards the house. It is obvious she is exhausted by the way she holds herself and the way she drags her feet as she walks beside him.

"Everything alright Pete? We can wait for you if your neighbour needs a hand," I say raising my voice slightly. It is impossible to miss the way the woman beside him jerks nervously and glances back over her shoulder before they disappear into the house. Pete returns to the doorway after a minute or so and motions us inside.

"I’m going to cook Tawny something to eat while she showers. You two can come into the kitchen but that’s it. If you go into any of the other rooms or upstairs it’ll freak her out," Pete warns.

I can hear her at the top of the stairs; her tread is slow and laboured as if it is all she can do to put one foot in front of the other. I watch as Pete sets about cooking scrambled eggs and bacon.

"Well?" I ask when I hear the sound of running water.

"She stinks of strays and cattle blood. Definitely three separate strays, probaly a fourth … possibly female, the scent isn’t right somehow …" I barely listen to the rest of what Pete has to say as the ramifications of Pete’s comment hit me. If there is a female stray around it means big trouble. The stray toms will try to establish a home of some kind for her even if it is just a cave and a secure hunting ground. But this isn’t good enough, even a stray female needs much more than that. She needs plenty of toms around to protect her and her kitts when she starts a family - toms that will spoil and pamper her treating her like the delicate and special cat she is.

"We might need to call in reinforcements," I mention to Steven.

"See what we can find first today and tonight?" Steven suggests, I hesitate a moment before nodding agreement.

"Why will our going into rooms other than the kitchen freak her out?" I ask Pete suddenly as I hear the shower start running.

"Tawny is just very strange. No touching, she doesn’t have anything to do with men and she definitely likes to keep her own personal space clear," Pete says turning to look at me enquiringly.

"Just like a were who doesn’t trust the others?" Steven suggests.

"Or just like a woman who has been severely abused by a man at some stage in her life and distrusts all men because of it," Pete says firmly. I regard Pete thoughtfully for a few moments; he’s what we call an outlier. He lives in the human world, a part of normal life yet set apart from it because of what he is.

"You wouldn’t be thinking you have prior claim to her would you?" I ask in a soft voice that belies the possessiveness growing in me.

"If Tawny isn’t interested in you I’ll back her decision all the way, even against you Micah," Pete says uneasily as he breaks eggs into a bowl and begins to whisk them.

"Easy on Pete," Steven says soothingly as he tries to deflect his brother’s attention. I walk around the small kitchen and foyers as I listen to the two brothers argue between themselves. Pete might not be warrior material but he is certainly protective of his female neighbour in true tom fashion. I frown as I realise I can’t detect any scent in either room other than a light floral perfume and an underlying scent of citronella.

I study the few possessions in the rooms. The main item catching my eye is an enlarged picture of Tawny as a child standing beside a man dressed in hiking gear, and both of them wear solemn expressions on their faces. I study the angles of her face in the picture and again I get the sensation I should know her, but I shake it off as a part of the pull I feel towards her.

Overhead the sound of running water has stopped and I can hear her moving around. The soft buzz of a hair dryer starts and I make my way back to where Steven and Pete are arguing over something from their childhood while Pete chews on a piece of crisp bacon. A quick glance at my watch tells me over thirty minutes has passed since Tawny turned on the shower and I clear my throat making both toms look at me. I motion towards the stairs and Steven looks at his brother as Pete pulls a biscuit from a container. Clearly he knows his way around the kitchen real well.

"She’s nearly here. You sure you smelt traces from four roving strays on her?" Steven asks seriously in a quiet voice as light steps brush against the top of the stairs. I turn my head to watch the stairs and I am rewarded when Tawny moves cautiously into sight. She pauses in the doorway and glances around.

"I found your secret stash," Pete says trying his charm on her but she seems unmoved as she flicks a quick glance at Steven and me.

"Tawny I haven’t introduced you to my brother Steven yet have I? Remember you met Micah briefly last night?" Pete asks around a mouthful of cookie, Prince Charming he isn’t.

I watch as she sits down to eat keeping plenty of room between her and us even Pete is kept at a distance as she begins eating and quickly notices the absence of bacon despite the aroma of freshly cooked bacon hanging in the air. I watch as her and Pete exchange words and feel remorse as she pushes her plate away from her even though the food is only half eaten. Her face is pale and her nostrils flare briefly as she closes her eyes, clearly she is exhausted and here we are keeping her out of her bedroom!

"We should leave and let Tawny get some sleep," I say quietly and she gives a slight start as she opens her eyes and glances my way. I feel as if she is looking past my large build and seeing the tom beneath the big gruff exterior as she gives me a small smile that reaches her unusual violet coloured eyes. I miss what the others are saying as I watch her lips move as she talks to Pete and then she is looking my way as Steven and Pete make a move to leave. The faintest of blushes colours her cheeks as I give a polite nod and return her smile. She quickly averts her gaze then glances back at me hurriedly causing pleasure to build in me at her obvious interest. She hides behind the long white blonde curtain of her hair as I turn away and follow Steven and Pete from the house.

"You didn’t tell us your neighbour is such a dish," Steven says with a playful shove for his brother. Pete growls soft and low in his throat as they turn to face each other but I walk up between them without hesitation and slap Steven hard across the back of the head making him duck away from me.

"What was that for?" Steven demands in a soft hiss.

"Work it out for yourself or do you want me to hit you again?" I demand in a no-nonsense tone.

"All right, all right," Steven mutters and gets in the rear of the vehicle we came over in. "I’ll keep all comments to myself."

Pete hesitates a moment as he eyes the front seat where Steven had sat on our way here then clearly deciding to risk it he climbs into the passenger seat and slams the door shut. The ride back to Pete’s place is silent and I am regretting loosing my cool with Steven when we pull up in the driveway.

"Are we going out to where those cows were killed?" Steven asks when I hesitate at the rear of the van instead of heading inside.

"We’ll take the bikes and go check out the kill site, look around to see what we can find," I decide. We head to where our motorbikes sit on a specially built trailer in a shed out of the weather. It only takes us a few moments to unload the sturdy trail bikes and wheel them out to stand them by the van.

"I didn’t mean any disrespect back there at the other house mate. That Tawny is a beautiful woman and from what Pete has told me of his neighbour, she’s quite someone special as well. If you’re serious about her - considering as far as we know she’s not a werecat, then good luck to you. I hope things work out the way you want," Steven says quietly in a serious tone, which is unusual for him so I know he really means it.

"Yeah well thanks. Maybe I should enlist your help if I have to persuade Jazzy not to kick up a stink because Tawny is human." I say wryly with a half smile as I think about my younger sister. "I’m just going to grab a print out of that report that was done and take it with us to see how well it tallies with what we can tell," I say and head for Pete’s front door. I can hear Steven following me as I step up onto the veranda and Pete is working at his computer in the corner of the lounge room. I walk over to stand behind him and watch as he double checks long columns of numbers.

"Yeah?" Pete asks when he turns away from the computer to look at me.

"Can I get a print out of that report so I can take it with us when we go out to where the cattle were killed?" I ask.

"I figured you might need a copy," Pete says as he picks up a large envelope and turns to hand it to me. I take it and pull the loose leaves of paper from it pleased to find Pete has stapled then together in one corner.

"So what’s the story on your neighbour? She’s single isn’t she? Doesn’t have a boyfriend or whatever." I ask firmly.

"No, Tawny is a loner. No boyfriend and my guess about the woman who was staying with her was just that, a guess. I’d take it real personal if anyone was to hurt her," Pete warns me with a dark look and I raise an eyebrow as I look at him coolly.

"In all the years you’ve known me have you ever known me to hurt a female regardless of the species?" I ask Pete evenly.

"No," Pete says slowly and hesitates a moment, "but Tawny is different."

"The closest thing you’ve got to a Queen or a she-kitt to protect hey?" Steven asks as he halts beside me.

"She’s the closest thing to a close friend a tom can have in human society," Pete says focusing on his brother. "Hell she even cooks those caramel cookies especially for me that we had with coffee earlier."

"Enjoy it while it lasts ‘cause she won’t be doing it much longer," I tell him tightly as something akin to jealousy curls in my stomach.

"Come on, let’s get going. Those cow carcases aren’t getting any fresher," Steven announces and I glance his way. He motions towards the door and I head out reluctantly, I can’t help the feeling Pete was challenging me over my interest in his neighbour.

The examination of the area where the cows had been killed yields a lot of interesting clues. Even after over twenty-four hours the ground holds tracks, both around some of the dead beasts and in the surrounding long grass and scattering of trees. Stray toms have attempted to mark their territory spraying urine on trees and scratching dirt and twigs near faeces but the slight dew of the night before has already taken the sharp edge off the scent markings.

We identify three distinct scents of toms and hidden back in the thickest grass near the trees is the unmistakeable scent of a she-kitt. In and around the yards is the fresh scent of a tom that has marked over where there are boot prints as well as along the crush where dried blood and matted hair are smeared on the rails. Most intriguing is the way the carcass in the yard has been torn up around the gaping cut in the side and heavily marked with sprayed urine on the upper side. We catch the faintest whiff of a faint but elusive scent around the yard in three places on the rails and even when we take turns changing into cat form we can’t learn any more from the strange unknown scent.

We return to Pete’s with the plan to eat a large supper and head out again after dark, taking food along as we plan to change and try to follow the scent trail left behind by the strays.

Steven takes the first shower when we get back to his brother’s place while I fire up the wood fuelled bbq and start cooking large amounts of meat to take with us later. As soon as Pete gets back from work he grabs a couple of cold beers and comes out to the patio.

"That’s a lot of meat," Pete comments as he eyes the bbq grill.

"We’re going out again once it’s dark. You want to come and earn your right to live around here?" I ask with a grin that is meant to tell Pete no censure is meant. Pete might not be a warrior but like all his brothers he is a darn good cat to have with you in a fight.

"I’ll look forward to it," Pete says with a grin.

"Look forward to what?" Steven asks as he walks out onto the patio wearing only his jeans.

"Pete’s coming with us later," I tell Steven as I hand over the bbq tongs. "Don’t burn the meat. Any charred cold meat goes to you," I warn him before heading off for a shower. Steven might be great at cooking roasts but put him in charge of a bbq and we are lucky if we don’t end up eating charcoal.

I don’t take long in the shower but take the time to get a fresh crisp clean shirt out of my duffel bag and pull it on before heading back out to the patio. Surprisingly Steven has a shirt on and has taken the time to run a comb through his hair and I raise an eyebrow at him as I step back into my previous place at the bbq.

"Pete I want to swing by your neighbour’s place when we head out," I announce.

"Going to invite her for a moonlight skinny dip are you?" Steven asks with a wide grin.

"No need to stop by Tawny’s on the way out; she’s agreed to come over here for tea." Pete says and pauses before adding cautiously, "I know you’re a damned decent tom but … can you just be careful to give Tawny plenty of space. She’s not like most human women or even most she-kitts."

"He promised her he’d make you back off if you became too friendly," Steven says with glee clearly enjoying his brother’s nervousness.

"Do you seriously believe I need to be told how to treat a female?" I ask slightly insulted. I get a lot of attention from she-kitts because of my large size. Many of them have told my sister that I make them feel very dainty and feminine. Or so she has relayed to me frequently.

"Tawny’s a very good friend and I type of feel responsible for her," Pete says uneasily.

I shrug and turn my attention to the bbq grill flipping cooked meat onto a flat tray and hand it to Steven before beginning to toss a variety of meat onto the grill.

"What meat does she like?" I ask.

"Either burgers or the thick steaks," Pete answers and glances out over darkening surrounds. "I’ll go put these in the oven for now."

I hear him head inside. The distant hum of a motor reaches me and I glance at Steven who immediately walks around to the corner of the house to look out along the driveway. He returns quickly and gives a slight nod as I glance at him enquiringly.

"Her ute has just turned into off the main road. Are those burgers just about done? My stomach thinks my throat has been cut I tell you," Steven says with feeling as he takes a plate and begins putting salad makings on a large bun. I squash the mince patties down with an egg flip, checking they are cooked before turning them over once again.

"A minute more," I tell him and Steven scowls but waits for the burgers to cook. I have just put the cooked burgers on a plate when I hear the soft feminine voice and Pete’s reply; I listen to them move through the house and then I can hear her heart racing and nervous breathing as she stops somewhere behind me.

"Tawny has decided to join us," Pete announces.

"How do you like your meat?" I ask without looking her way. There is a slight hitch in her breathing and she seems to hesitate for a second before answering.

"Medium rare and slightly charred," she answers quietly.

"Steak, burger patty or sausage?" I wonder at her preference.

"A nice thick steak if there’s any, or just regular steak." The tension is starting to leave her voice and I chuck on several thick steaks for myself.

"There’s a regular one here just about ready. Want fried onions with it?" I ask as I arrange the steaks to seer quickly over the hottest area. Pete whines about the steak belonging to him and I give a low growl warning him of his place. She steps closer oblivious of the tension between Pete and I.

"Looks too cooked for me. I can wait for one of the others," she says in that silky voice and I glance her way catching her very nervous smile.

"You’re looking much brighter this evening," I tell her softly.

"Getting the chance to sleep can do that for me." Her voice is steadier and I feel anger that she should have to work over night because of outlaw strays. She drops her gaze quickly and I curse myself silently as I rope in my anger.

I can’t stop myself from watching her as the tip of her tongue traces her full bottom lip before her teeth worry it and she reaches for a plate. She is watching the meat cook with a kind of deep hunger as she piles cooked onion on the plate but her attention isn’t solely on the food as she keeps darting quick glances my way as well.

"See something you like?" I can’t help myself as I pitch my voice low and intimate. I hear the slight catch in her breath and the rise in her heart rate.

"That thick piece of steak nearest me," she says in a breathy whisper and I smile faintly as I get the impression she is trying to project a sophistication she doesn’t have. Her pupils enlarge in her startling violet eyes signalling her interest as I place the piece of steak on her plate then she hurries away as I dish up my own food, scurrying as if frightened by her own daring.

I move to stand to one side behind her, resting my plate on a waist high planter box as I use a knife and fork to cut a chunk off the large steak. Tawny moves slightly as she turns her head and I realise she is nervously checking the distance between her and everyone. I watch as she turns back to her food cutting it up in tiny pieces before putting a piece in her mouth. The breathy little sigh of pleasure that comes from her tightens my loins and I grit my teeth as I glance at Steven who is watching her with delight. He glances my way and motions towards her with one hand and winks at me signalling his approval.

I eat even though it is another appetite that wants appeasing and I wait until Tawny’s plate is clean before stepping forward and reaching over her shoulder to reach for her plate. She starts slightly and glances back over her shoulder but there is none of her earlier fear and caution in her exquisite eyes only a strange kind of startled pleasure. I head inside and hear Pete asking if she’d like a drink that she declines mentioning the work she had been out on.

"I’m putting a movie on. Who wants to watch it?" Steven asks.

"What are you putting on?" I ask even as I look out where Tawny is relaxing in the solitude she now has. I grab myself a beer and a can of coke before heading back outside to move a chair over near her and sit down. I watch as she turns her head towards me as she opens her eyes; she seems curiously relaxed and I offer her the can of coke which she takes with a shy smile. She relaxes once again and I take the chance to study the lines of her face from half closed eyes as she turns her face back towards the glow of the nearly full moon.

"Looks like it’s going to be a full moon tonight," I say softly.

"Full moon was last night but it’ll be bright tonight since there isn’t much cloud around," Tawny states and moves to pull her mobile from her pocket and glance at the screen before giving a disappointed little sigh.

"Problems?" I enquire.

"Just got put on emergency calls by the vet," she sounds disappointed. This is my opening to see if I can ease any information from her.

"Pete told us there’s been some trouble," I offer.

"Yeah. Shit happens and rich arseholes who get exotic pets and don’t house them securely cause it," she says bitterly.

"Exotic pets?" I question gently.

"Yeah exotic pets as in possibly a couple of African lions or some huge tigers," Tawny answers tightly. I notice she is slightly tense and she doesn’t seem to want to talk about it.

"Can we change the subject? I’ve had enough of looking at the results to last me a life time," she says.

"That bad?" I try to lead her but she clearly doesn’t want to talk. I try to start a conversation one more time before giving in to the comfortable silence between us.

"How long have you lived around here?" I ask with interest.

"For as long as I can remember," Tawny says softly, reluctantly. We fall back into the comfortable silence and when she stretches out comfortably in her seat I allow my closest foot to touch her shoe. She starts slightly glancing down at our feet before looking at me nervously.

"I don’t mind if you don’t," I tell her gently before taking several deep swallows of beer. Her eyes are huge and remind me of a trapped animal’s eyes. After a few moments she gives a jerky nod. She looks away and I can see she is fighting for control of her fear. I make light conversation trying to take her mind off the fact my foot is touch hers and gradually she shows signs of warming to me. But when I return to the patio after getting another beer I accidentally brush against her shoulder she gasps and jerks away. It is obvious the unexpected contact has seriously scared her and when she sits down I control the urge to sit beside her and comfort her. Instead I end up asking if I can sit beside her.

"What type of work you in?"

It’s hard to give a safe answer, what can I tell her? That I chase down were cats intent on causing trouble or the doom of my species? I grit my teeth hating even a half lie between us.

"Security." It’s the closest to the truth I can manage. It seems my tension is contagious and it isn’t long before Tawny is making her excuses and saying she is leaving. I stand before she does and when I hold my hand out to help her to stand she only hesitates a few moments before placing her small hand in mine and allowing me to help her to her feet.

"I’ll walk you to your car," I offer as I hold her hand. I go to lead the way through the house but I feel her hesitation and stop to look back at her.

"You’ll tell Pete I said see him later?" There is uncertainty in her voice as she speaks.

"If that’s what you want," I try to reassure her as I brush the back of her hand with my thumb gently. I see the awareness in her nervous glance and allow her to pull her hand free then follow her as she moves around the side of the house, slowly glancing back at me several times. I can’t tell if it is in invitation or caution but when she reaches her ute she turns to face me, her back against the vehicle and a look of nervous expectation in her eyes.

"What do you want?" I ask as I lean closer placing a hand either side of her to enable me to get close without touching her physically.

"Jus …just a kiss," she whispers and I don’t need a second invitation as I lean in close. I keep the kiss light and chaste barely tasting her as I slip my tongue between her lips and pull away as heat flares wildly in my veins at her taste.

Her soft sigh when I lift my head is my undoing and I cup her face in my hands and close my lips over hers. She tastes sweet, hot and spicy as I thrust my tongue into her mouth, hungry for her. She jerks away from me gasping as she draws air into her lungs, pushing urgently against my chest as she tries to get room between us. I release her and stumble back a step stunned by my need for her but unable to do more than watch as she climbs into her ute, slamming the door and locking it before slipping the key into the ignition with a shaking hand.

Gravel sprays as she peels out of the yard fishtailing the Ute in her hurry to put some distance between us. I can only stand and watch as my inner cat yowls his displeasure in my mind, wanting me to follow her to her home. I watch as the vehicle stops on the main road, sits stationary half a minute or more before pulling back onto the road and speeding off. I grit my teeth as I wonder what veterinary emergency she is rushing off to and if the rogue strays will be near by while she works on livestock they have attacked.

"Steven! Pete! Get out here! We’re leaving now! Move it!" I yell as I head for the work van.

"I couldn’t play by her rules could I? No! I just HAD to go and scare the daylights out of her! Damn my cat to hell and back!" I swear viciously to myself and turn around to see Steven walking towards me with a huge grin on his face.

"Don’t say a word! Not one word!" I snarl furious with myself. Steven is silent as he climbs into the driver’s seat and I glare at him as Pete locks up his house before carrying a large esky toward the van.

That had been my last sight of Tawny, wide eyed and trembling with both desire and fear. The next morning just after I had gotten back from a solitary run to burn off some of my sexual frustration, she had rang Pete early saying she was off to a university lecture. I had fed him questions to relay to her –When would she be back? Would she come and home supper at his place the night she got back? Was there a way to contact her while she was away? But she had brushed the questions aside with barely an answer, nothing more than a maybe to supper.

Her Ute had turned up four days later, not far from where the mauled livestock she had worked on were. It was crashed headlong into a tree just off the road but there were no visible signs of why. Lingering faintly beneath the scents of the police who had gone over it was the scent of a stray tom, one I recognised from around the dead beast in the yard. Had he extracted vengeance for the interference with the surviving cattle and her presence around his kills?


A couple of weeks after dealing with the problem strays near Pete’s place there had been one welcome call, a call from Bert Stephan - the father of Belladonna (Donna) Stephan one of the young she-kitts from a different clan.

"G’day Micah, Steven," Conner Stephan says as he shakes my hand. His brothers Albie and Callum step forward as Conner steps past me to shake Steven’s hand in greeting and I nod to both the younger brothers.

"Glad to see both of you made it," Albie says. I know he is commenting on the fact I had said I might not be able to come when he had rang me but I had decided that I couldn’t insult the Stephan family or Donna by refusing the invitation to visit while she was in heat.

"I had thought that maybe you wouldn’t be here but seeing how Edwin is here with Timny …" Albie says shrugging as he leaves the rest of his comment unspoken.

"Edwin’s here is he?" I ask curiously, "Oh well – it doesn’t matter. Where is Donna?"

"Donna is in the station house," Albie says speaking of the old style homestead that had been moved onto the property as accommodation for the warriors. "She’s making the most of the time she has left before she has to go see Mother."

"I might wander over and say hallo if you don’t mind," I say to the three brothers.

"That sounds like a grand idea," Steven agrees.

We head towards the old style homestead, and as we get nearer I can hear the buzz of voices inside as well as music playing. There is an air of celebration about the place and I feel a genuine smile grow as I step onto the wooden veranda. The occasion of a she-kitt coming into heat is always a bit of a celebration and I enjoy the gathering of toms and warriors from various clans.

The door opens beneath my hand and I lead the way inside past the bedrooms and to the open style combined lounge room and dining room. The first person I see is Edwin and when he looks over his shoulder to see who walked in the door, I see Donna between him and the wall. Her lips are slightly parted and softly swollen as if they had been kissing and her eyes look slightly dazed.

"Micah! You made it here!" Donna says breathlessly as she moves away from Edwin. She spares him a slightly apologetic smile before walking towards me.

"Oh hallo Steven, I see you’re here as well," Donna says with a shy smile.

"G’day beautiful Belladonna," Steven says walking past me to take the opportunity to drop a kiss on her lips when she lifts her face to his. She allows him to halt her progress for a moment before pushing away from him gently and taking the few steps to stand in front of me.

"Can we go for a walk outside Micah?" Donna asks with a shy and self-conscious smile.

"What? I don’t even get to say hallo?" I ask quietly with a half smile. I watch as a faint blush colours her cheeks and she lifts her chin and turns her head slightly to present her cheek for my kiss. I lift one hand and place a single finger beneath her chin, then drop a light kiss on her cheek before lifting my head slightly. I use my finger to turn her face towards mine before lowering my head once again. Her lips part beneath mine but I keep the kiss light and brief not asking for anything she isn’t willing to give me.

"Just a moment and I’ll be right with you Donna," I say with a smile when she opens her eyes after I have broken off the kiss. I feel one of her hands grasp mine lightly and I offer her a smile before turning my attention back to Edwin.

"Where is your team?" I ask quietly.

"We were supposed to be headed out Inverell way, but when I got the call to come here I organised with Sam to take that job while my team heads out Nimbin way when he gets back." Edwin says a touch defiantly.

"I take it the job out at Inverell needs a full team," I say quietly but frown at him for having changed the orders I had originally given when I had received a call from Wade.

"Yes it does," Edwin confirms and I can see a muscle tic along his jaw as he clenches his teeth.

"Fair enough." I concede before turning a warm smile Donna’s way. "I’m all yours now Pretty One."

"Shall we go outside into the sun?" Donna smiles coyly at me as she turns her face away from me slightly to glance at me flirtatiously from beneath her eyelashes.

"Whatever you wish Pretty One," I say dropping my voice for her hearing alone. She smiles prettily and tugs my hand slightly as she turns towards the door; I fall into step beside her happily and reach past her to open the outer door when we reach it. I am aware of two or more of her brothers following behind us but pay them no heed knowing that they will not try to interfere between us unless I try something Donna doesn’t want me to do.

Outside is pleasantly warm and I let Donna lead the way out of sight of the windows in the homestead and towards one of the many machinery sheds around the clearing.

"I was beginning to get worried that you wouldn’t make it," Donna says quietly.

"Oh?" I question softly. As I halt beside her when she stops and leans back against the side of an old building.

"And I do so much want you here," Donna says slightly breathlessly and shy as she darts a glance towards my face.

"Mmmhhhuh," I murmur.

"Yes," she confirms and blushes as she glances at me again before looking away and then looking back at me nervously. "I want to send the invitation to you …" her voice trails off and I remember that this is only the second time she will be inviting a tom to spend time with her while she is on heat. The first time she had invited me ‘into the cage’ and I had willingly accepted, but to be invited a second time and immediately after the first time hinted at a deeper interest.

Let me take the time to explain what she meant by ‘an invitation into the cage.’ – She-kitts go into seclusion during heat so that every tom near abouts isn’t fighting over who gets the chance to mate with her. She has the right to choose who she wants and sends an ‘invitation’ via her mother to the chosen tom when the time comes that she wants the tom with her.

The mother will put and lock both the she-kitt and her chosen tom into a secure cage to ensure that no other tom gets near them as the tom with the she-kitt gets very possessive and will attack any other tom who comes near his she-kitt while she is in heat.

"I’ll be honoured to accept," I say gently as I move closer and slip my arms around her. I lower my head and cover her lips with mine; the taste of her is sweet as I slip my tongue into her mouth to brush against hers briefly. I feel her breasts push against my chest as she arches into my embrace and I close my mind to memories of another time, another place, and another female body.

"I’ll be taking precautions," Donna says when I stop kissing her for a few minutes. "I want to be sure … I want both of us to be sure …" her voice trails off with a trace of embarrassment in it.

"I totally agree with you there," I reassure her. "We’re both young and there’s no sense in rushing into things." Most young she-kitts are concerned about contraception unless they are engaged to the tom with them. Even then planning a kitt is generally left until after the marriage. Single parenthood is definitely frowned on among werecats and a pregnancy would result in a hurried marriage.

Donna would be a good match as a wife, and the union would strengthen ties between our clans. I wouldn’t be far from my family if we were to marry and I moved into her clan, as is the custom. Another point in her favour was the fact all of my brothers and my sister liked her, which meant there is little likelihood of any objections from them to the match if things worked out that way for us.

The memory of a pair of startling violet eyes wide with fear and arousal intrudes into my mind and I look away from Donna for a few moments. As hard as it is I know my duties to my clan and my species; if Donna chooses me I must follow that path of my destiny. Survival of the species is one of my first priorities.

"Micah?" Donna’s voice pulls me from my thoughts and I smile as I turn to face her; she returns my smile and looks away for a moment before taking a deep breath and turning back to me. "Is there another she-kitt you’re interested in?" she asks uneasily and I realise she has picked up on my distracted state.

"This would be a big step Donna," I tell her seriously, "Don’t get me wrong I am honoured … it’s just I …"

"I know I’m very forward being the one to mention it but I believe we would be good as a couple and I … I wanted to make it clear I am interested in you before some other she-kitt beats me to it," Donna rushes to say before moving away several steps and glancing back at me nervously.

I realise I can’t diminish Donna’s announcement with mention of a human female nor can I brush aside the importance of this occasion. I nod and glance towards where her brothers are standing at a discreet distance before looking back at her and offering her my arm. She is slightly reserved as she slips her dainty hand onto my forearm but she falls into step beside me as I head for a sunny area sheltered from the slight evening breeze.

I sit down in a warm spot and cuddle Donna against my side when she sits beside me. She snuggles close and soon we are kissing once again. Even though she is coming into heat and is eager for my attentions I control myself and go no further than kissing and fondling her breasts. I am hard with arousal as she sits across my lap and presses herself against my chest as I kiss her but I control my own desires. It is important to me that I treat her with the respect she deserves and not just use her to satisfy my natural desires.

"Time to break it up you pair," Albie’s voice cuts into my awareness and I raise my head as I stop kissing Donna. I feel my inner cat bristle menacingly as I reluctantly loosen my hold on her and turn my head to glare at her brothers. Donna whimpers and presses herself against me wanting my undivided attention.

"Time to head inside," Timny says taking a step towards us. I climb to my feet pulling Donna up as well and move to stand between her and her brothers; my inner cat demands I warn them off and I shake my head in an attempt to clear it.

"Back the fuck off Timny," I warn in a deep growl. Donna slips her arms around me from behind attempting to reclaim my attention but I ease her away from me as I become aware that she is very close to full heat, which is making both her and I act inappropriately.

"Micah," Albie warns in a stern voice and I shake my head again as a low growl rises in my throat. I become aware in the human part of my brain I must get Donna to the safety of her parents’ home, and I take hold of her arm firmly but gently as I begin to lead her towards the house. I am aware of her brothers following us at a distance but I control the urge to turn around and challenge them.

Her mother meets us just outside the front door and comes forward to take Donna by the arm as I back away from her.

"I’ll see you soon Micah!" Donna calls after me and I pause to look back at her for a moment.

"I’ll be there," I promise before turning and striding towards the old homestead in frustration. I ignore everyone as I head inside and straight to the bathroom and shower. I know I will feel more level headed and calm if I wash the smell of Donna off of me.

I put the shower on cold and step beneath the spray, the cold water quickly cools the lust in my body but I know that within twenty-four hours or a little more Isabel Stephan - Donna’s mother, will walk to the homestead and tell me that Donna has invited me to visit with her.

Steven is waiting when I walk out into the main room of the house and he grins widely with a sidelong glance at Edwin before making his way to the kitchen to retrieve two beers. He hands me one and we wander out onto the western veranda.

"Edwin’s pissed off," Steven tells me. "Apparently he was expecting the invite until you turned up."

"Tough for him," I mutter and sip my beer before staring pensively out towards the sinking sun, lost in my own thoughts.

Steven pushes my shoulder roughly drawing my attention back to reality. "She’s really gotten into your blood hasn’t she? I just spent five minutes talking to you and I doubt you heard a word," he says with a laugh and I frown angrily at him. He meets my glare for a few seconds and the smile fades from his face as he turns away and shakes his head.

"That is so fucked up mate," Steven says earnestly. "You got one of the prettiest young she-kitts who is about to give you an invitation into the cage and …" he shakes his head and looks towards the sun as well.

"I’m making a phone call," Steven mutters and pulls his mobile from his shirt pocket.

"Don’t bother," I tell him through gritted teeth. "I won’t disrespect Donna that way," I say tersely and walk away. As much as I want to hear that Tawny has returned home and is safe and well, my future lies with Donna or my clan.


It is mid afternoon the following day before Isabel and Bert Stephan walk to the old homestead. All of us warriors are seated in the sun on the northern side of the house. We see them first and some begin talking quietly.

"Bet it’ll be Edwin," someone mutters. "He’s the oldest."

"No it definitely will be Micah. Didn’t you see how upset Donna got when she heard he might not make it?" Timny mutters.

"Donna invited Micah into the cage last time. Another invite so soon … hell it would make some think there might be something going on between them," Steven says quietly.

I had gone for a long walk with my best friend the previous evening and talked with him for quite a while in an attempt to sort out the mix of thoughts and emotions that had been whirling around in my head.

I glance across at Steven where he is propped against a roof support in the sun. I frown at him in an attempt to make him be careful of what he says, but I know he will say what he wants to regardless of my desires about this.

"Micah Williamson," Isabel says as she approaches the steps of the veranda. I get to my feet unhurriedly despite the fact my body has just gone onto high alert. I incline my head towards her slightly in a polite nod.

"Yes Ma’am," I say quietly.

"Donna wishes to invite you to visit with her for the next few days," Isabel says formally.

"I’d be honoured," I say as I make my way down the steps to pause in front of her.

"I expect you’ll want to visit for a couple of weeks afterwards," Bert Stephan says casually and his four sons move to stand behind him.

"I’m thinking I will Sir," I say with a level look towards him and his sons. I notice all of Donna’s brothers are smiling, so clearly they approve of the idea of a relationship between us.

"You had best come on over to the house," Isabel says with a warm smile. "You don’t want to keep Donna waiting."

"No I don’t Ma’am," I agree and follow as she leads the way towards their home. I am careful to keep my pace slowed to her more sedate pace and refuse to glance behind me as I hear Bert and his sons fall into step behind me.

At the house Isabel shows me the way to the small self-contained secure flat at the back of the house and locks the door once I step inside. I barely spare a glance for the bars on the high windows as I walk into the centre of the main room, for the attached ensuite.

"Micah," Donna says breathlessly as she walks out of the ensuite and stands watching me with a nervous smile.

"Hallo Donna," I say smoothly as I smile reassuringly at her.

"I wasn’t sure if you’d come," she admits and gives a nervous giggle.

"I like and admire you too much to insult you by refusing a request from you Donna," I say gently and extend a hand towards her. "Shall we sit down on the lounge?"

Donna darts a glance towards the double bed in the corner of the room then looks at the lounge. She licks her lips nervously before looking at me with a shaky smile.

"I … I … I should have waited until tomorrow … but I was … I was hoping we … we could talk," Donna stammers nervously as she folds her arms across her lower ribs uneasily.

"Whatever you want is fine with me Pretty One," I say in soothing tones and cross the floor to take hold of one of her hands and guide her to the lounge. I can’t help taking a deep breathe and inhaling her warm spicy scent. My body is instantly hard but I grit my teeth as I force my libido under control and sit beside Donna leaving a good six inches between us.

"I really shouldn’t have said anything to you yesterday afternoon," Donna says in a breathless rush looking away from me.

"Do you regret saying you were interested in exploring a relationship between us?" I ask quietly. "We can take things slow if you’re not sure. I won’t object if you choose to explore other options … but Donna, I am interested. Very interested. And I am not just saying that because you smell so good."

She glances at me, and smiles. I can see she is still either having doubts or feels uncomfortable about having made her feelings known.

"You’re such a sweet tom Micah," Donna says quietly. "There are so many toms that would just rush me into letting them mount me because I’m on heat but you’re willing to just sit and talk …" she breaks off breathlessly and looks away.

"We’ll get around to the other stuff when you’re ready but I’m willing to talk with you because I know there’s more to a relationship or friendship that could turn into a relationship than just the physical side," I tell her gently. "I’m interested in your mind and the cat you are as well as the other stuff," I say and drop my eyes to where the swell of her breasts can be seen in the V of her top.

Donna blushes prettily and I smile at her as I reach for her hand and lace my fingers between hers gently.

"I was worried … you seemed distracted … I was scared you had gotten close with someone else. It’s no secret several of us are interested in you," Donna says seriously.

"I won’t lie and say I haven’t taken up the invitations I have received in the past and I won’t deny the she-kitts were very sweet but this is the only time I have even considered a second invitation let alone …" I stop and take a deep breath as I search for the right words to convey my meaning.

"Carlotta Inness claims you’ve turned her down several times and that is why she is involved with Samuel MacIntosh," Donna says quietly. "All of us girls know that she has her sights set on the highest ranking tom she can get."

"Lotty has her sights set on any tom who will mount her," I tell her levelly. "Don’t let that sweet, butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth air fool you."

"There are some whispers that say, …" Donna bites her bottom lip, glances at me uneasily then looks away hurriedly. "Some say she’s not worried if the tom is her own brother!"

"Well all I can say first hand is Lotty doesn’t care if a tom is young like Justin or even under age like Donny," I say mentioning my two youngest brothers who Lotty Inness had decided to set her sights on not too long ago.

"It’s hard to believe your mother had another kitt after Jazzy," Donna says mentioning my sister. "Its so unusual!"

"Donny was a bit of a surprise and he is only eleven months younger than Jazzy," I say with a laugh.

"Jazzy is nearly eighteen isn’t she? Her birthday is only a month or two away?" Donna asks with interest.

"Yes that’s right," I agree. "Only three weeks in fact."

"Are your parents giving her a big party?" Donna asks hopefully.

"Tell you what, if they do I’ll invite you as my date," I say with a smile and Donna blushes covering her face with her hands.

"I wasn’t angling for an invitation! You must think I’m terribly forward!" Donna says with embarrassment.

"Actually I find you have a refreshing honesty to you," I tell her.

"So tell me again how much older you and your brothers are than Jazzy and Donny," Donna says hopefully and I realise she is still slightly nervous as she fidgets with her hands in her lap.

"Donovan has just turned seventeen. Jasmine is nearly eighteen," I say and pause a few moments as I think on my younger brothers. "Justin was nineteen a few months back, and Alexander is twenty three. Then I came in, Dwayne is twenty nine and Edwin is thirty one."

"You’re twenty six aren’t you," Donna says calmly.

"Twenty seven," I admit with a laugh. "And you’re twenty and … let me think … five months," I tell her as I glance at her with a grin. I am enjoying chatting to her even if the enticing smell she is emitting has me on edge.

"I only have the four brothers," Donna laughs, glances at me and flutters her eyelashes a time or two and looks away.

"Yeah well the Williamsons are a large family. Large and rather noisy at times," I admit easily.

"That’s because you’re half American werecat!" Donna says looking at me. Her eyes are huge and dark, colour rides high on her cheekbones and her breathing is starting to deepen.

My inner cat stretches and begins pacing restlessly where he is tucked carefully away inside me. He can sense it won’t be long before she wants us and he is beginning to get very interested in what is going on.

"But things grow bigger and better here," I say softly and lean towards her slightly. She watches my lips as I speak, her breath coming in little pants and I know that if I begin courting her now it will only be a matter of half an hour and she’ll be begging for me to mount her.

"Shall I get us a cold drink?" I ask her quietly.

She gives a little start and looks away with a nod of her head. I get to my feet and go to the small bar fridge and retrieve two cans of soda, careful to pick a can of lemonade I know Donna prefers. She is twisting her long hair over her shoulder nervously as I return to the lounge and I admire the way her breasts strain against the soft material that covers them. I pause to open her drink before passing it to her and sitting beside her, my thigh touching hers lightly. She sips her drink as she keeps sending little glances my way while I drink, she moves restlessly then gets to her feet and hesitates a moment.

"I need to go to the toilet," she announces breathlessly before hurrying for the ensuite.

I hear her can clatter in the sink and get to my feet to pull my t-shirt off over my head and pull my joggers off. I am sitting back down when she walks out of the ensuite and I lean back against the back of the lounge laying one arm along the back of it as I silently invite her to come and sit with me again.

"Have I told you how much I like the way your shoulders are all muscled?" Donna breathes as she moves to straddle my legs and sit on my lap facing me. I rest both of my hands on her waist for a moment before running them up and down her back making her arch her body sensuously.

"I think I recall you mentioning it before," I say softly as I cup her face in my hands and slowly lower my lips to hers. She sighs as my lips cover hers and then she is kissing me hungrily as she presses herself against me.

I slip both arms around her body holding her hard against my chest as I get to my feet. I keep my eyes open and continue to kiss her as I carry her to the bed; I kneel on it with one knee as I ease her onto the bed and then stretch out beside her all without breaking our kiss. Her hands clutch at my shoulders as I lean over her kissing her deeply; her mouth is sweet and I thrust my tongue into it mimicking the sexual act. She moans and arches her body into mine and I slide my knee between her thighs.

"I need you so bad Micah!" Donna pants against my neck as she feathers kisses down my neck on her way to my chest.

"We got plenty of time to do what you want," I reassure her and press her back against the mattress.

The buttons on her top slip easily from their buttonholes and in a corner of my mind I muse at my cool control when all I should want to do is mount her and satisfy both our needs. She wears no bra beneath her top and I close my lips over one hard nipple as I tease the other one with my thumb, rubbing it back and forth. She gasps and arches into my mouth making me groan against her skin.

The scent of her skin and the taste of her on my lips just from kissing her fires my blood and I skim my hand down her body, pulling at the tie of her skirt to open it and slip my hand beneath. All I find is bare skin and I slip my fingers into the nest of curls between her thighs; her legs open willingly and I find her clit slick with her own juices. I tease her as I circle it with my fingers before flicking it gently making her jerk and moan beneath me as I suckle at her breast.

I feel her clit form a hard bead beneath my fingers and I toy with it one last time before moving my fingers lower and lightly tracing the slick and softly gaping opening below. Donna gasps and moans low in her throat and I laugh softly with pleasure. Her scent is strong and thick in the air, driving me lower and I kiss a trail down over her ribs before pausing to circle her navel with the tip of my tongue.

"More … lower… do it to me Micah!" Donna demands but I merely laugh and position myself between her spread thighs and hold her wet folds open so I can see her cunny. It glistens with moisture and is slightly swollen with passion, gaping a little and looking very inviting. I lower my head slowly enjoying the sight and smell of her and then I am opening my mouth to taste her.

I lick from the bottom of her slit up over it and circle her clit with my tongue before taking it into my mouth and sucking gently. She gasps and bucks as she grabs handfuls of sheet and I begin to feast in earnest, licking, sucking and thrusting my tongue into her passage as she whimpers and thrusts her hips against my face. I groan with pleasure at her taste and I move one hand to begin easing first one finger then two into her passage. I move my hand as I continue licking and sucking at her clit. Occasionally I lick at her opening where I tease her with my fingers. A slight flutter in the firm clenching of her passage warns me of her coming pleasure and I double my efforts.

I slip my free hand beneath the firm rounded cheeks of her arse and pull her closer as I slip a third and then a fourth finger into her passage. Her inner walls quiver and tense then grip my fingers tightly as she pushes her hips against my face desperately; I can feel her pleasure rippling through her as she gasps and bucks beneath my mouth and hand. As her orgasm eases so does my ministrations and I allow her body to ease down off the peak of her climax, all the while using my tongue and fingers to gently rekindle her arousal.

Soon my efforts are rewarded and Donna is moving restlessly as I continue to lick, suck and finger fuck her. When I can taste the fresh tang of her arousal I begin using my fingers to stretch her opening gently; her breathing quickens and I move off the bed to hastily shed the last of my clothing and roll a condom on before moving back onto the bed to stretch out on top of her. One thing Wade has always stresses to my brothers, me and our fellow warriors stays with me even now - contraception is not the responsibility of the female alone.

"Yes! Yes!" Donna almost begs and I reach down between us to guide myself to her opening. I mean to ease into her gently but Donna is past caring now and pushes up against my hard cock eagerly. I feel myself ‘pop’ past the tightness of her opening and she gives a soft whimper of startled pain even as she clutches at my hips pulling me deeper.

My inner cat growls his pleasure and I catch her lips in a hard kiss as I begin moving against her in long hard thrusts. She gasps and whimpers at first, holding still as I stretch her passage and then she begins moving beneath me. Her climaxes come quick and fast but she remains aroused and eager beneath me as I keep moving at a comfortable pace. Her smell and the taste of her will enable me to serve her almost continually for around three days. Both of us will sleep for short periods of time only waking for sex or small amounts of food and drink.

We continue most all the night and when dawn breaks we are cuddled up beneath a warm blanket and I doze fitfully as she sleeps deeply for an hour or two. When we wake Donna promptly rolls a condom onto me before she climbs onto my hips, impaling herself on my hard cock. I lay back and enjoy the view as she pumps herself up and down taking her pleasure at her own pace. Soon I am grasping her hips and guiding her movements before pulling her down onto my chest and rolling her beneath me. This time I serve her hard and fast making her gasp and whimper with the intensity of her climaxes until she pushes against my chest and I withdraw from her to lie beside her watching her as she gulps deep breaths.

I turn away for a few moments to change the condom, tossing the used one into the small bin beside the bed and reaching for another one to roll into place. I kiss Donna gently for a few moments and then she rolls onto her stomach before moving up onto her knees. I move into place behind her eagerly and guide myself into her passage; it’s still tight despite our activities and when I enter her I grasp her hips pulling her back against me hard as I push my cock into her up to my balls. She whimpers softly in protest and I let her pull away slightly before I begin moving eagerly once again.



The fourth morning when I wake from a light doze Donna mumbles in her sleep when I pull her against me so I roll onto my back and close my eyes once again. It is a couple of hours later before I wake as Donna slips from the bed and glances back at me.

"Want me to leave?" I ask quietly.

She bites her bottom lip for a moment, looks at the floor and then back at me. "Would you be staying around for a day or so?" She asks uncertainly.

"I can promise you two weeks as long as Wade doesn’t need me. Then maybe your parents would like to come visit for a week or two so I can be at Jazzy’s birthday party," I tell her seriously. A smile breaks over her face lighting it up and I feel my body start to stir to life once again.

"That would be wonderful! Oh I can’t wait to tell Mum and Dad!" Donna gushes happily.

"Well I hate to spoil the moment but either you go do whatever you were about to do and I’ll go back to the homestead, have a shower and a bit of a feed or … I’ll drag you back into this bed and show you once again what I do with a she-kitt in heat," I say with a wide grin.

She glances down at the sheet that covers my hips and I guess by the way she blushes there must be a sizeable tent showing. She covers her eyes with a hand before turning away and I can’t resist laughing softly as she hurries for the ensuite. I climb out of bed and reach for my clothes to pull them on before walking over to the nearly shut door of the ensuite.

"I’ll see you later Pretty One," I call to her.

"Uh, yes later," Donna replies and then there is the sound of running water.

I head outside unlocking the door from the inside and taking care to lock it behind me before heading for the homestead. I glance at the sun and calculate it is mid morning. My stomach reminds me I haven’t had a decent feed for a few days and I take the few steps onto the veranda two at a time.

"Hey Micah, I was wondering if I was going to have to wait for a week!" Steven laughs as soon as he sees me when I walk inside.

"Cook up a big feed for me while I have a shower would you?" I ask. I don’t wait for an answer; I know Steven won’t mind doing this for me.

The water feels good and I take my time as I wash all of the lingering smell from me. I dry off and head for the room where I had left my belongings without bothering to wrap a towel around my hips. I smile wryly at the lingering tenderness from the duration of my stay with Donna as I fasten my jeans before pulling a t-shirt on over my head. There are several warriors in the kitchen standing around chatting when I walk in and everyone glances my way in unconcealed curiosity.

"Edwin managed to get himself into a fight two days ago," Steven tells me as he hands me a plate heaped with food.

"What did the arsehole do?" I ask resignedly, sit down and start eating hungrily. I am loath to hear what trouble Edwin has started this time. Lately he has caused problems with other clans, leaving either Wade or myself to smooth things over afterwards.

"He started talking shit to Jakob Perkins when he and his partner turned up here on their way back from a job. Edwin started on that Perkins had a hide turning up without an invitation and Perkins took an exception to it. Timny and I stood back and let Perkins teach Edwin a lesson before stepping in with his partner and breaking it up," Steven says with a grin.

"Timny didn’t step in sooner?" I ask in surprise.

"It seems that Edwin tagged along without an invite when Timny came home to help," Steven says with a raised eyebrow.

I can’t help it, a smile spreads on my face as a laugh slowly wells up. It’s about time someone other than myself stepped in and put Edwin firmly in his place.

"How bad is he hurt? I take it he’s hurt because he isn’t here sniping at me trying to start an argument," I say with a level look at Steven.

"Two broken ribs and a few cracked. He made the mistake of putting in the boot when Perkins went down and Perkins came back up madder than hell. He gave Edwin the same treatment when he knocked him down only he was capable of making sure he stayed down," Steven tells me seriously.

"Well you can be sure his ribs are busted then. Jakob doesn’t play around. I learnt that back when he challenged me after I beat Edwin," I state and almost feel sorry for my brother as I remember my own match with Jakob Perkins. He was a good fighter and we had fought a hard fight before I won the right to be recognised as the head warrior for my clan. I hadn’t only had to defeat Edwin, who had been the head warrior at the time, but also prove my worth against one of the best another clan had to offer.

"I took the liberty of sending Edwin and Timny back to the compound so he could rest up and get back into working condition," Steven states coolly.

"I bet that went down real well," I say dryly.

"Well he did make noise about staying around until you got out but I pointed out that you’d probaly just end up kicking the shit out of him for starting the fight in the first place," Steven tells me and I give a slight snort of amusement. "Now we got business out of the way you going to tell me how it went?"

"We’ll be sticking around for a couple of weeks, then, if everything is going well – I’ll be inviting Donna and her parents to visit for a couple of weeks around when Jazzy is to have her party," I say evenly.

"I’m pleased for you Micah. Donna is one fine she-kitt and you deserve to be Alpha some day," Steven tells me sincerely.

"Thanks mate," I say and return to my food. When it is finished I toss the plastic plate in the sink and help myself to a large mug of coffee before we head out onto the veranda. Steven leans one hip against the railing while I put one foot on the bottom rail and lean against an upright as I sip my coffee and look out at the various toms working around the clearing.

"Sam called yesterday to say they were investigating some more trouble out Inverell way before heading back. He didn’t think it would take more than a day or two," Steven says.

"Good, I want him in charge while I’m not there," I say only to stop as a thought crosses my mind and I turn my head to look at Steven. "Would you prefer to stay with the Williamson clan or consider transferring here when I marry Donna?"

"We’re partners aren’t we?" Steven asks levelly as he regards me seriously.

His answer tells me what he thinks of my plans for my future. His unspoken support means a lot to me. I know my parents and brothers will support my decision and I hope Jazzy will be happy as well. I want more than the usual future for a werecat tom. I want a wife and family.

"Thanks mate," I say before turning my attention back to the view in front of me.

"Hell why not? I know I’m never likely to be an Alpha but that doesn’t mean I can’t watch your kitts grow into honourable cats," Steven says gruffly.

It’s hard to know what to say. I know Steven is just as good a warrior as I am and just as well thought of by members from other clans. But some how he doesn’t get the attention from the she-kitts I do, which I find surprising. He’s the one who always knows what to say to them and how to flirt with them while I find it hard not to end up tongue-tied with them. I stifle a yawn and glance towards Steven when he laughs.

"Why don’t you go have a sleep," he suggests. "Donna is probaly asleep right now, not getting ready to come visit with you."

"Actually that sounds like a grand idea," I agree, turn and head inside towards the bedroom where I spent the first night.

The drifting smell of cooking food wakes me and I sit up and stretch. It is past nightfall and I can’t stop the smile that comes to my face lifting my mood considerably. It’s no wonder I’ve slept the day away, I had been barely able to get any sleep while I was with Donna – even when she had been asleep her smell and taste on my lips had kept me eager to mount her.

I use the toilet before heading for the area where I can hear werecats moving around and I am happy to see Donna sitting talking to Steven as I enter the room. I feel the heat of lust when she looks my and I grin as I head towards her.

"Donna and I were just renewing our acquaintance," Steven tells me with a grin. His remarks reminds me that he enjoyed her company for two nights when he had visited with Timny a few months after I had joined her in the cage the first time but the memory doesn’t bother me. In fact the thought of being able to openly watch Steven mount her sparks my interest and I glance between them wondering how open she would be to the idea as I move to sit beside her on the lounge.

"We were just about to have dinner," Donna tells me with a smile before leaning close. I oblige her with a lingering kiss that brings memories of mounting her in the dark hours of last night and I lift my head with reluctance.

"Sounds like a plan," I agree.

"I’ll bring your food in to you," Donna announces as she gets to her feet. I hesitate a moment then give a nod – it is a subtle way of letting the toms of her clan know we are in a serious relationship. I am left to watch as Steven follows her through to the kitchen.

"Looks like we will definitely be seeing more of you around here then," Conner says before following his sister and Steven. Albie and Callum follow behind him and I am glad that they still approve of me as their sister’s choice.

When Donna returns carrying our plates with a look of pride on her face I am happy to have her sit beside me and I look over the selection of food she has put on the plate for me. When I notice the way she eats her own honey roasted carrots with enjoyment I offer her some of mine on my fork and grin with pleasure as she eats my offering.

The sharp insistent ring of a mobile disturbs the peace of our meal and Steven grunts in annoyance on the other side of Donna as he leans away from her and reaches behind him for his back pocket.

"I think that might be your phone," Steven tells me. He pulls the offending phone from his pocket and glances at it. Sure enough I recognise the familiar metallic blue cover of my phone.

"Yeah, hey Sam," Steven says as he answers it.

"Any chance of speaking to Micah?" Sam’s disjointed voice comes from the phone.

"Yeah just a second," Steven answers and offers me the phone.

"Sorry about this Donna," I say apologetically before lifting the phone to my ear. "What is it Sam?"

"Sorry to bother you but I need you here. There’s a real problem," Sam tells me and I hear someone else talking in the background but they are speaking too quietly for me to understand them. "We’re heading home and we got an injured stray …"

"You’ve got a stray with you that you think is worth the trouble of making sure he survives," I cut in trying to keep the call short.

"Yeah and well, Mitchell was bitten. He makes out it’s no big deal but it’s a nasty bite, and Alex has been punched in the mouth hard enough to knock one of his canines loose. I want to be sure there is no danger to Jazzy before we continue on home and I want Alex out of the vehicle – there is a bit of a personality clash. And I would feel a heck of a lot better with another mature able bodied tom in the vehicle with us," Sam announces tightly. I know Sam would never ask for help unless he needed it and my brother Alex can be a hinderance rather than help at times.

"Tell me where you are and Steven and I will come meet you. I’ll take a look at him, tell you what I think and Steven can go with you as the extra body if needs be while Alex drops me back here before heading home," I say with a glance at Donna.

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