Her Name is Noel **NOT COMPLE...

By louweedxblunt

168 5 0

Working at Starbucks to help your mother and yourself to stay off the streets puts Noel on a high level stres... More

Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter One:

126 2 0
By louweedxblunt

~Her Name Is Noel~

Chapter One:


The familiar sound of the bell rang throughout the shop. I sighed slightly as I heard the footsteps become louder towards me, I, however, had no idea who it was because I was reaching down behind the counter to grab my notepad and pen, but I couldn't find it. I furrowed my eyebrows together as I thought as to where I could have left it.

This time a frustrated sigh fell from my lips as I couldn't think of anywhere else it may be other than here. I wonder if Nate moved it...

Soon I was broken from my thoughts by somebody clearing their throat. "Yes, yes, I'll be right with you in just a second..." I mumbled out, a hint of irritation had weaved its way in but I was hoping to God he didn't pick it up. He could get me fired for 'being rude' or 'not serving him as fast he would please.' But for some reason, that didn't exactly phase me much as I continued my search for the notepad and pen. Finally, I found it.

I breathed a breath of relief as I did and looked at my notepad, ready to write down this guys order. "What would you like?" I asked sweetly, and he just laughed, causing me to look up. He had peircing ocean blue eyes with a hint of green, he also looked to be older than me at least by 6 or 7 years. I looked at him confused as to why he was laughing. Did I do something? Do I have something on my face? Oh god, how embarrassing if I did!

Noticing my confused and weirded out expression, he stopped laughing but the smile never left his lips. He shook his head, his brown locks moving as he did, as if to say, 'It doesn't matter' but to me it did. I wanted to know! I shook my head slightly and repeated the question, "What would you like?" I asked rather annoyed. I wonder if he'd start laughing again, I swear to God if he did-

"I'll have a..." he trailed off, thinking about his order as he had his left hand curled up and letting his chin rest on top. He furrowed his eyebrows as well, studying the menu behind me quite carefully. Why was it taking him so long to answer? Had he never came he before? I doubt that highly as it sounds like he's from around here and there's a Starbucks on nearly every corner.

"I think I'll try the," he paused and smirked as he looked at me, obviously noticing the annoyed and irritated look he was trying to make me give. I glared at him as he laughed once more, what was he finding so funny? "I-I'll have the cappuccino." He finally replied, laughing as he did. I wrote it down on my notepad and looked back up to see his red face.

"That all?" I wondered, not even the slightest bit concerned that he may submit a report to my boss for 'bad attitude' and get me fired.

He nodded his head, no smile but amusement filled his eyes. God damnit. I don't actually know if I'm actually annoyed by him or if I was already tired from working here for so bloody long as I had to suddenly take over Nate's shift, he apparently had something 'important' to deal with. I think it maybe both.

I gave him a sarcastic, sweet smile, "I'll be right back with your order then."

Walking away, I heard him faintly chuckle, making me think to myself, is he always this annoying? Anyway, I grabbed a cup and began my 'coffee making routine'. Don't ask me why I call it that, I just do. After I had completed making his 'cappuccino', I headed back over to him as he was still on the other side of the counter. I gave him his drink as his he looked towards me with a straight face.

"Enjoy." I spoke mysteriously, hoping to give him the impression that I may have put something in his drink. Of course I didn't however, I just wanted him to think it for annoying me. I know it doesn't seem that fair but, hey, to me it makes perfect sense.

He was already beginning to walk away as I had said that, so when he turned around to face me with a confused look, I smirked towards him. He raised his eyebrows and then looked down to the drink he held in his hands, soon his facial expression turned from pure confusion to complete disgust. Success!

I turned around and placed my apron and hat into the locker in which had my name above it, my shift had finally come to an end. I saw Sara walk towards me, who was giving me a dirty look like she always does, but for a reason I have never been able to ever figure out why she didn't really like me but I always responded to her by saying something along the lines of, "Nice to see you too," or just a simple "Hi." followed by an obvious fake smile. My friends call me sassy, at first I didn't believe them nor did I know what they were even seemingly talking about until now. I definitely see why they would think it now slightly and somehow I felt accomplished, like it was an award...

I walked past Sara after saying my usual, "Lovely to see you again" remark. She looked slightly surprised, had I not given it enough fake-ness to the tone of my voice when I had said it? Did she think I meant it for real?

Getting out of there as quick as possible, I didn't realise that somebody was actually standing there before I crashed into them, causing the persons coffee to spill all over not only over them but me as well. Great work Noel, I thought towards myself, great work.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to- oh. I stopped my apologising as I looked up to see him again. Why was he still standing there?

The laughing boy who had previously gotten onto my nerves got on them again as he began to chuckle.

"Why the hell are you still standing there?! Don't you have any other place to be?! Have you not heard of sitting down?" I spoke the last two words slowly, trying to compose myself.

He laughed even harder at my words, "Why do you find this funny?!" I yelled, not even noticing the many people in the store staring at me. I was causing a scene because of him. Oh dear God, this seriously isn't good at all. I decided to calm down and soon the thought popped into my head; I was over-reacting. I was over-reacting to this whole situation but was way too stubborn to admit it. Why was I born this way? Frustratingly, I groaned.

"Whatever, forget about it..." I said and turned around and began to walk away, leaving the boy behind me in hysterics on the ground, laughing.


I sat on my couch as I flicked through the channels on my T.V, trying to find something at least half decent to watch. Soon, I decided it was late enough and considering I was feeling pretty sleepy, I turned off the T.V and closed my eyes. The last thing that played in my mind was that boy earlier today and how much he pressed my buttons, leaving me angry and annoyed but I knew that the previous scene would not be the last with him. And for that, I sighed before fully blanking out. I didn't even know his name.


A/N: Hey guys! So I kinda got bored in the shower and was listening to One Direction's cover of Teenage Dirtbag and once I heard Harry sing that first line: Her name is Noel, I began to think that this would be a great story title... So here it is! Originally I was actually thinking of making it a Harry Styles fan fiction but then thought nahh but yeah, I hope you enjoyed Chapter One as Chapter Two will be coming out soon! x, luff yaaa!! ~S


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