Stolen First Times

By juliannav135

676K 28K 4.7K

Elijah Reed is my enemy, uh I mean neighbor. He gives a whole new meaning to the term "bad boy" and I would l... More

1. My First Kiss
2. My First Crush
4. My First Detention
5. My First Apology
6. My First Prank
7. My First Homecoming Proposal
8. My First Homecoming Dance
9. My First Party
10. My First Encounter Narrowly Escaping Death
11. My First Time Being a Fan Girl
12. My First Job
13. My First Double Date
14. My First Time Ditching Class With a Boy
15. My First Boyfriend
16. My First Concert
17. My First Poster
18. My First Lie...Sort Of
19. My First Time Sleepwalking
20. My First Breakup
21. My First Time Gardening
22. My First Time on a Ferris Wheel
23. My First Time Stealing a First Time
24. My First POV - Part 1
25. My First POV - Part 2
26. My First Time Being at Fault
27. My First Choice - Part 1
28. My First Choice - Part 2
29. Our First Times
30. Our First Time Visiting Mrs...Reed
31. Our First Fight
32. Our First Day of Senior Year
33. Our First Breakup
34. My First Masquerade Party
35. My First Time Playing Kiss Pong
36. My First Time Being Fought Over
37. Our Last Chapter
Update! More Updates to Come!
38. My First Update in a While
39. My First College Fair
40. My First Time Being Experimented On
41. My First M&M
42. My First Time Running a Marathon
43. My First Day of College
44. My First Marriage Proposal - Part 1
45. My First Marriage Proposal - Part 2
46. My First Trip to Italy
Bonus Chapter: 6 Years Later
Bonus: My First Child(ren)
i. My First Story in Years
1. My Bad Habit
2. Stolen Good Times
3. Who's Counting?
Book Two?
Sneak Peak!
4. Let's Have a Good Time

3. My First Date

18.4K 772 185
By juliannav135


All day long, I thought about my date with Uriah. I had a stupid smile on my face and people gave me strange looks, but I didn't care. I was happy.

When the bell rang, dismissing school for the day, I sped out of the school. I didn't bother grabbing my backpack or textbooks because I wasn't gonna do the homework anyway. I was waiting outside by my pathetic car, tapping my finger on the hood as I listened to music. I had my headphones in, blasting rock songs so I couldn't hear the world around me. I was focused on the school building, looking out for when Uriah would exit, so I didn't see or hear the person come up behind me.

They tapped me lightly on the shoulder so I turned around to see who it was. I instantly got pissed off when I saw who it was. Bianca Johnson, the captain of the cheerleading team. She had long, blonde hair and blue eyes like every other typical cheerleader captain. Her boobs looked ready to overflow her low cut top and her yoga pants looked a few sizes too tight. I wanted to puke. She was saying something, but I couldn't hear her. I took out one headphone and twirled it around my finger.

"What'd you say?"

She sighed dramatically and put her hands on her hips.

"I heard that your neighbors are Uriah and Elijah. I've seen you with them at school. You guys are close," she said.

I raised my eyebrows at her choice of words.

"I wouldn't say we're close, exactly. Elijah is kind of a jackass-"

She gasped and raised a hand to her lips before yelling, "How dare you! Elijah is hot and-"

"So all you care about is the fact that he's hot and not about the fact that he's a freaking asshole?" I asked, daring her to argue.

She sputtered and opened her mouth to counter me. She didn't get the chance.

"Did I just hear you call me hot?" A deep voice rumbled in my ear.

Bianca's jaw dropped, but she quickly replaced it. She put on a fake smile and stuck her butt out. I spun around, my back now to Bianca, to see Elijah's face just inches from mine.

"You're going on a date with my brother?" Elijah asked, but it didn't seem like much of a question.

Bianca gasped. "She's going on a date with your brother!"

I flipper her off behind my back and stood up straight.

"Yes. You have a problem with that?" I asked.

"Is it your first date ever?" He asked, getting closer. His lips were separated from mine by just a breath. I couldn't concentrate. I stared at his full lips as I said, "Your point?"

Bianca made a snide comment about how I'm a loner and never had a boyfriend before or something like that. It was clear she hated the fact that Elijah was talking to me and not her. Bianca has bullied me since junior high, but I never really cared. She could try to bully me all she wanted, but I was never affected by it. That's why she hated me still.

"My point," he drawled, my gaze still focused on his lips, "is that I'll take all your first times."

I didn't know what he meant at first, but then I remembered how he had stolen my first kiss. Did he seriously want to ruin my first date?

I put my hands on his shoulders and shoved hard. He only stumbled back one step, but that was enough for me. I dodged his arm that shot out to grab me and ran over to Uriah's BMW. I reached the car, out of breath, just as he got there.

"Woah, what's up?" He asked me, laughing.

Bent over with my hands on my knees, I forced out, "Your brother is a jerk."

He nodded knowingly and said, "I know."

We turned around to look for Elijah and what I saw made me gasp. His lips were locked on Bianca's and he had her shoved against my car. I balled my hands into fists. How dare they make out on my car! Elijah's hand went underneath her shirt and she gasped. He took that as the opportunity to deepen the kiss.

And the whole time, his eyes were on me. The green in his eyes flared in desire and I turned away.

"Let's get out of here," I said to Uriah and he agreed.

We got in his car and he started the ignition.

"Where do you want to go?"

I thought about what was around here to eat and said, "Oooh, let's go to Mexican Grill."

He laughed and said, "I didn't know you liked Mexican food. I love spicy food."

"No way, me too!" I lied. I didn't know why I suggested a Mexican restaurant in the first place if I didn't like spicy food.

Yeah, I've fallen hard for him. I just wish his brother wasn't Elijah.

We arrived at the Mexican Grill and could smell the spicy aroma in the air. Uriah held the door open for me, making me blush. He was so polite. He smiled and ordered a table for two. We were immediately sat down in a booth to the far right, in front of the door. I sat across from Uriah so I faced the door and his back was faced toward it.

Sombreros and bright paintings decorated the walls, creating a Mexican vibe. The waitress came over, handing each of us a small sombrero.

"Can I get you guys something to drink?" She asked while she took out a notepad from her apron.

Uriah looked at me so I ordered first.

"Lemonade please."

The waitress jotted it down and turned to Uriah. Her cheeks turned pink when she saw him and she tucked her red hair behind her ear unconsciously. Her green eyes sparkled as she gave him a brilliant smile.

"Hey, Uriah. You liking this town so far?"

A pang of jealousy flared through me at the fact that she already knew him. Oh, she must be a senior at my school that I've never seen before.

"Hi, Sarah. I'm having a great time here and I'll have a lemonade as well," then he winked at me and all feelings of jealousy completely fled from me.

Sarah looked at me, giving me a once up and down. She mumbled something under her breath that sounded like, "Why her?"

I glared at her back while she went to put our orders at the kitchen. Uriah obviously hadn't heard what she had said. I took a deep breath to see him giving me a questioning look. I shook my head and he shrugged.

"I saw a poster in the school about how Homecoming is just around the corner," he said as he flipped through the menu.

I flattened the menu and nodded. "Yeah, I've never been."

He picked his head up and I got lost in his brown eyes. "Why not?"

"Oh, uh, well, no one ever asked me. And I never had friends to go with. But don't worry," I hurried on, "I don't really mind."

"Hm. You should go," he said, focusing back on the menu.

"I don't know..." I trailed off.

The bell to the restaurant rang as the door opened. And none other than Elijah and Bianca walked through. The hostess lead them to a booth.

Right next to ours.

"Hey, Vicky and Uriah," he drawled.

I slammed my menu down on the table and faced him.

"Her name is Veronica," Uriah said.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked incredulously.

Bianca scoffed, "As if." She reached across the table and tangled her fingers in his. His huge hands enveloped hers and she looked ready to melt in his hands.

"Bianca was in the mood for something hot," he winked, making her giggle.

"You're disgusting," I said, wrinkling my nose.

He smirked. Sarah came back with our drinks and I turned around so my back was to Elijah and Bianca.

Uriah rolled his eyes and I sighed.

"Just ignore him," Uriah said.

"Kinda hard not to," I mumbled.

Uriah's cellphone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out and cursed when he saw who it was.

"I'm really sorry, but I need to take this. Please excuse me," he said politely.

"No problem," I said as he got up to go outside.

Sarah came over to take our order so I told her we needed a few more minutes. She looked disappointed to see Uriah's seat empty, but she agreed to come back.

A hand landed on the table next to me. I lifted my head to see it belonged to Elijah. Ugh, he was really annoying me.

"He's not coming back."


"My brother, idiot."

I squinted at him. "He'll be back after his phone call."

Elijah leaned back, giving Bianca a smile that showed a row of straight, white teeth. She beamed. "Lets go, Bianca."

Bianca's jaw dropped and she whined, "Why?"

"I have things to do."

Then Elijah stood up. Bianca followed suit, frowning the entire way to the door. When they were outside, Elijah stopped in front of his brother and said something. Uriah hung up and looked pissed. Then he came into the restaurant, stopping beside me.

"I'm really sorry, Veronica, but I have to go. Something...came up."

"Oh, okay."


Uriah bent down and pressed his lips to my forehead before leaving. I hesitantly raised my hand to where he had kissed me and glanced up to see Elijah glaring at me through the door.

He brusquely turned away and lead Bianca to Uriah's car. I furrowed my brow as he had her get in beside Uriah. Why would she take Uriah's car? What was going on?

Next thing I knew, Elijah was coming back into the restaurant. He took the seat directly in front of mine and leaned forward on his elbows. Sarah came over and he waved her away.

"What the hell is going on?" I demanded.

Elijah flipped the dark hair out of his eyes. He didn't answer me.

"Well?" I said, getting aggravated.

"I thought I told you. I'm taking all your first times and I'm pretty sure this is your first date."

He tilted his head to the side as I threw my arms in the air, not caring if I was making a scene. I was pretty sure my blue eyes made me look insane as they grew larger.

"What did you say to Uriah?"

He shrugged.

"Did you plan the phone call he got?"

He shrugged again. I clenched the glass of lemonade in my hand, seconds away from chucking it at him.

"I'll ask one more time, nicely, or-"

"Or you'll what, Valerie?"

"My name is," I shook my head, "Forget it. Are we done here?"


Elijah lifted his hand, signaling Sarah over. She dashed over, gave him a once over, and smiled approvingly. She didn't even think twice about the fact that I was sitting with a different guy. I rolled my eyes.

"What can I get you two?"

Elijah didn't look at the menu when he requested some Mexican dish that I never heard of. He turned to me.

"Your turn."

I stood up. "No, I'm leaving."

As I walked past Elijah, he grabbed my wrist. I paused, throwing my head over my shoulder and raised my eyebrows. I glanced down at Elijah's hand on my wrist and back into his eyes. He released me.

"Thanks for ruining my date," I spat.

I knew he was the one who planned to get Uriah to leave. I don't know how he did it, but it pissed me off.

He held up a finger, "Your first date."

"You know what I've never done before?" I countered, fully facing him now. He spread his legs out in front of him as if he was completely relaxed.

"Had se-"

"This." I grabbed my lemonade that I had restrained myself from throwing at him earlier. I flung the entire contents of my drink in his face. He squeezed his eyes shut right before the lemonade splashed over him.

I crossed my arms over my chest as he raised his shirt to wipe his face. I tried to look away when his abs peeked through underneath his shirt. When he wiped the lemonade off he said, "What the hell, Vanessa!"

"That was the first time I threw my drink in someone's face."

Sarah had rushed to get a towel for Elijah when she had seen what I did. She was fussing all over him and I could tell he hated it. I smirked. Then I dropped a few dollar bills on the table to pay for my drink and walked out of the restaurant.

Elijah Reed was not going to ruin any of my other first times if I could help it.

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