All the love

By NellyBranth

34.1K 1.4K 296

Narry Fanfiction - Harry Styles as the big star and Niall Horan like the poor guy. You know the plot. Two guy... More



582 28 5
By NellyBranth

"Okay, I'll take the both of you!"

Liam just showed up in Harry's house without having called before. Harry frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Liam laughed and he smiled at them both.

"Your agent dropped out. So now you're put up with me because I told Simon that I can cope with both of you."

Harry got a smile.

"Are you serious?"

Liam nodded.

"Yes, you need an agent and I'm the one you get."

He laughed.

"Okay Liam, I have nothing against it, but shouldn't my agent had called me and told me about that?"

Liam shook his head.

"The phone rang all the time and he went crazy!" Then he looked around. "Ah, so this is the way you live?"

Niall smiled a little bit.

"But can you handle both of us?"

Liam slid down on the couch and he nodded.

"Yes, you are like a package. All in one."

Harry frowned quickly on the forehead and he gave Niall a quick glance.

"Okay, so it's serious? My agent just left me just like that?"

Liam laughed.

"Yes, and he was forced to take time off, for a long time. Seriously, his nerves have never been the best."

Harry took a deep breath and smiled at Niall.

"We'll never be apart?" he joked, "Now we have the same agent?"

Niall did not know if it was good or maybe bad. He nodded and he sat down, in the sofa opposite to Liam.

"Why did you come here?"

Liam came up with a bigger smile.

"Mostly, I wanted to announce that I now takes care of you, but I also wanted to mention the BBC pays a lot of money to get the first interview with the two of you, about the relationship and your love"

Niall was about to say no, when Harry seemed to have a different opinion.

"How much money?"

Liam looked at him.

"We're talking about a lot. If you say yes, I can boost up the balance."

Harry seemed to like the idea and direct Niall looked at him coldly.

"You're not serious?"

Harry grinned.

"Niall, right now we are the hottest in the world and everyone wants to talk to us. Sooner or later we will have to answer the questions. Why not make money out from it?"

Liam agreed with him.

"And we're talking about filthy much money."

Niall snarled.


Harry sat down next to him and smiled sweetly.

"Well Niall! This is the way everything works. We will not do it for free."

Niall just stared at him.

"So we sell out our private lives?"

Harry laughed.

"We don't need to talk about what we do when the door is closed." he said kindly, and he put his head askew. "We'll just tell them about that we are together and we love each other."

Liam agreed.

"The things you think you would talk about, Niall, you get to keep for yourself."


Niall was nervous. He was got the make up, he got on other clothes and then he was placed in a large sofa with Harry beside him. An older man came into the room and all the camera men stood on their places. The man was kind to them and saluted them.

"I'm Matt Grenna and it's I who asks the questions."

Niall greeted kindly.

"Niall Horan!"

Harry nodded toward Matt.

"Good, there will be no insolence of questions?"

Matt laughed a little bit.

"I sent the questions to Liam and he has approved them."

Harry nodded happily.


Niall was like a question mark. Harry smiled quickly at him.

"They do that. You get the questions in advance and accept them."

Niall chose not to ask anything more. He was so nervous that it was enough. Harry took his hand in his and placed it in his lap.


Niall smiled in response. Matt sat down in an armchair next to them and he took up the paper.

"Yes, we will start now or do have you any questions?"

Niall swallowed.

"Can I get some water?"

Matt laughed a little and he pointed at the table in front of them. There were already two water bottles. Niall blushed a little bit.

"I'm not used to..." he cleared his throat. "Thanks!"

It all started when Matt looked into the camera and explained that Harry and Niall now would make their first interview about their love. Harry kept Nialls hand tightly and he did everything so that the Irishman wouldn't tremble.

"So, welcome and thank you for taking the time to come here!" Matt looked straight at the two boys, and he smiled. "I guess it's the first time that you decide to go out openly with this?"

Harry smiled and he was accustomed to questions.

"Sure, why not?" he replied cheerfully. "It has still come out that we are together?"

Matt smiled and he looked down at the papers and then the guys again.

"You could say that it started with the movie? I have heard that your scenes were hot and many talked about that more was happening against from what we saw?"

Niall blushed. He almost dropped his chin. Harry laughed a little bit.

"Niall and I were professional when we recorded the movies and we kept our self close to our characters as we wanted to play. It has nothing to do with the scenes, that they looked real." He smiled quickly toward Niall. "But it's perhaps easier to play when you have him in the bed?"

Niall was mouth dropped. Matt laughed a little bit.

"And you Niall? I understand that this is the first big movie as you have make. It must have been bewildering to even find love?"

Niall was close to not utter a single word. He struggled.

"I don't know how to explain it." He quickly looked at Harry and then at Matt. "It wasn't exactly planned, but I liked Harry from the beginning."

Harry grinned.

"And I fell like a statue when he showed up and wanted to do the audition."

Niall blushed. Harry laughed and squeezed Nialls hand a little extra.

"Niall appeared and changed everything."

Niall got used to it and stopped being nervous, finally. The interview was much about them but also about the movie. Niall relaxed and eventually could even he smile and look at Harry, as he used to look at him. It was easier when he was relaxed and in the end it was all over. Matt stood up and he thanked them.

"It's an honor to speak with you."

Niall smiled.

"It's an honor to be here."

Harry laughing at Niall.

"Now you have understood the whole point?"

Niall growled a little.

"Yes to be honest?"

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