Waking up dead

By NightOwlHunter

96 2 1


Waking up dead

96 2 1
By NightOwlHunter

They've promised that dreams can come true... but forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too.


There's a legend told that a guy name Kyro was the last of his clan that the only clan that can kill demons called; "Shemron". The only kind of demons that can roam on earth among humans. But, feeds on human flesh, they pocesses a human body but, their true form is a beast. Each beast has it's own special ability, and it's own weakness.

But, since he was the last of his clan the human people wanted him to kill them because' they was slowly killing them off. But, when he refused since he could careless about the human' s lives. But, when an old lady name, "Oboishi" granddaughter "vilrose" dies by a demon of Greed. She blames the death on Kyro since if he was protecting humans like his clan did, she wouldn't have died.

So she gaved him a curse called, "Cladian Stigma" that bare chains all over his torso and back leading to his arms and neck. That thighten as a Shemron gets stronger, slowly killing him. Creating great pain to him, but not on his limbs but his organs and inside his body. Also creating Internal bleeding. When a Shemron dies a chain breaks from the group that it is connected to.

When all the chains breaks he will be free. The chains represents all the pain that each Shemron caused... There's exactly thirty demons. But, only the six originals draw in humans by rhe sin they pocess. Going from Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, Lust, Pride and Greed. Legends also says that he also tryed to make the old hag take the curse back but, she can't take the cursed back once she casted it. 

The legend begins

I put the keys in and turn it to unlock it. I put it out and open the door, I got in. Closing the door behind me. The small crack in the window let a breeze sink in. The smell of cheap whine and Cigrettes stain my breath. I put the keys in the ignition and turn it till it stop making the car roar. The car lights flashed on; when I looked up. I swear I saw something moving in the dark.

I stare, but after a while I just shrugged it off. The figure moved again it was getting closer. I open the door slowly; I put my feet down on the ground outside the car. A feeling of a object sharp and thin went around my ankle of my left foot. When I peer down, I noticed a clear thread squeezing around my ankle. I slowly bent down to pull it off but, it thighten and it yanked me down on the floor.

I fell hard, on my chest I gasp for air. I clench hold of my body. The thread yank again but, I grab hold onto the edge of the car bottom. I look down to my foot, the thread was digging in giving me a thin cut flesh wond. My foot was slowly getting colored red by a think wet substance. The thread was being tug, Makin it get deeper and causing great pain in my foot. I also was slowly was losing grip on the edge.

When the sweat on my finger tips made me lose grip, I was flung int othe air, my hair was in the air as I felt no gravity for a few seconds. I was flung from under my car and crasing down against a red luxary car "Mustang" that shine cherry red. The alarm came blasting on, making my ear drums rocking by the sritch of a sound. The windows on its left explored on the impact I made.

It felt as if it was moving slowly and was like a black and white movie with no sound. The glass shattered falling at my feet, I fell on the shattered glass soaking it red. It scraped up my knee as I try to stay straight. I reach up to grab hold of an object. My hand felt something hard. With out looking up, My hand grab hold of it without thinking. Making the glass the was sharp that was still on the windows bottom go all the way in my hand.

I bite down fast, biting onto my bottom lips that slowly was being covered in a thick liquid that ran down my chin. I mange to pull myself up, I lean against the car I smash badly. The alarm was still going on blazzing on and on. The apartments room light up like fireflies in an all black night sky. People slowly peer out their windows, or slightly open their door to see what was happening. I start to see blur but I made out most of the figure.

A little girl wasn't that far from me was staring at me deeply like she was staring into my soul. I couldn't see her that well but then she step into the street light between us. She was short, and had pig tails. Her hands was covered in blood and the same kind of threads she was holding around her hands. She was grinning a sinaster grin giving me the creeps.

"Help." Im muttered making the liquid on coming out my bottom lips go on to the ground.

She shock her head, I stared comfused.

A guy on the bottom steps of the apartment complex was calling someone it sound like the cops. The little girl turn her head towards him and then she lift one hand holding the edge of a thread and she wrapped it around the phone as she yank it was cut in half. The guy backed off, she begin to tisk and she moved her pointing finger right to left at least twice. Then she turn back to me, "Let's carry on." She lift her other hand,

I follow the thread that woaved between her fingers it lead to my foot that the thread was still wrapped around. She starts to walk to me right when a sensation ran through my body. but a flash of something silver and sharp came crashing down onto the concrete making it go into the ground. When I look up I saw a guy he was taller then I was. He was slim but fit, he was wearing just a white tank top. On his arms was Chain like tattoos wrapping around.

It was on both arms, and lead to his neck. I couldn't tell if their was some on his torso and back but it lead that way. He had exotic colored hair, he was unique head to toes. But, Attractive.

"You okay?" he said turning to me.

I nod slowly, adimaring that he came in time before she attacked me again. Because, I couldn't take anymore.

He smiled making a shiver go down my spain. It made you want to smile back but, I didn't I held it in. Then he turn back to the little girl. The blade start to turn into a liquid and then red, it made a puddle around feet.

"Let's make this fair." He siad with a smirk, the blood at his feet began to swirl spiral, turning into leather rope that look as a whip sort of, right before my eyes. But, at the end of it not at the handle end but the other. Spikes was on it, curved spikes On both sides.

"How'd you do that?" I said shock.

"Magic." He said hitting his hands together then opening like a magiation would.

His humor put a smile on my face, through this all. But, I was comfused on what was going on.

He grab the handle of his whip, he spun it then swung it down to the girl she jump out the way fast, But he turn it and wrapped it around her neck in the air making it hook onto her neck tight. Making blood covered the top of her pink cocktail dress. He yank her and then start spunning it again. She start smashing into the apartment complex near us.

Breaking the bottom level.

While she was crashing through the multiple rooms on the bottom level; pieces of the brick wall came flying through the air. So I bent down against the car and put my hands over my head that faced downwards quickly. I could hear lots of high pitch sreaming, when the noise that sound like crashing of thick chucks of brick wall hitting the parking lot ground and the patchs of grass along the outside of the parking lot stop,

and the screams want to a minimum.

I slowly lwt my hands drop as I looked around. The parking lot had lots of chucks of brick wall on it, and dirt from the patch's of grass. The parking lot also had lots of wonded people and some was still and pale. Blood surronded the people who look lifeless. I turn back fast to the guy and the little girl. The guy began to swing her like a rag doll again, but the spick in her neck got lose and unhook sending her trowds a patch of grass with a big oak tree in the middle of it.

At the entrence of the apartment "Red clover apartment complex", she landed on her feet in a fight stances way, her one hand slightly trowds the ground and the other one keeping balance in the air. Her blood covered the grass red, and made it began to die. Turnning it black around her, she was soaked in blood. Mostly on her face and the top of the her mini dress. He motion to lash his whip at her, but I leaped in the way putting both my arms up blocking his way.

"I don't know what's going on." I began breathing rapily, "But, I'm not going to let you kill a little girl proply not in her teen years yet." I finish now caughting my breath and shallowing hard after I did.

He coak his head like a puppy would do, It was in a strangly cute way.

"Why are you protecting her?" He said, "She did try to kill you?"

"True, but doesn't mean she derserve to die." I said letting my arms drop.

"Your foolish, she's not even human." he said, putting his hand down with the whip in it. To show he wasn't going to attack me.

I turn to her, 'Not even human?'

She gave me a creepy smile and stood straight,

"He's right." she chuckled, "You are foolish."

"What?" I said, "I just saved your life."

"True, but now I'm going to end yours." She said taking to cresent daggers out her black boots and charge trowds me. I didn't know what to do so I frozed.

'HELP, ME!' I thought unable to make the words leave my mouth. But, a dark shadow move past me like a thin item or object. When she was right at my face and about to stab me the spike of the end part of the whip went through her chest, full speed but stopped an inch away from my left eye, the blood of the impact splatter all over my face.

I let out a horrifed scream that echoed, I stare as she tumbled to the floor and so did the whip I stood their staring at the little girls body covered in her own blood and her chest splattered outwards. I feel to my knees, I could feel them trumble, when I look down at my hands that was also covered in blood, I could see it trumbling so fast, I couldn't keep it still. I was all shocken up, I was also breathing hard like I was losing air. Someone just died in front of me,

I slowly stood, trying to stand straight. But, it was hard while I was trumbling, I turn around trowds the guy, the handle of the whip in his left hand.

"Monster," I said barly making it out my mouth. "Monster." I said louder, sounding not like me.

"Monster!" I yelled at him, with no emotion in his face. I feel to my knees again, "Monster" I repeated and repeated as my head faced the ground.

I could hear foot steps I look up thinking he was coming to me but he just walked past me, I turn my head slightly to see what he was doing. He walk to the girl's body and yanked the whip with spicks out. Then she turn stone like but when a light breeze blew past she broke up into ashes and it blew it away. I stared, 'maybe, she wasn't human.' I thought stare, 'but still she didn't derserve to die.'

The guy then drop his whip as it turn back to a pile of blood at his feet. He then began to walk away,

"Wait" I thought I yell but didn't make it out my mouth, but he stop as if I did yell it but he didn't turn around. Then he suddenly fell to his knees, I could hear him breathing hard, I got up and ran trowds him but keeping my distance.

He held onto his body with both his hands wrapped around his body and his teeth clench shut,

"Are you okay?" I said coming closer. 'Wait why should I care he killed a girl.'

He open his mouth as to say something, but nothing came out and he tryed to clench his teeth again but instead he bite down on his bottom lip. He didn't let go though, Blood came out his bottom lip and spill on the floor. 'But, she proply wasn't human nobody I knew turn to ash. did they?' He groan in pain, I walk to him. I bend down, "Hold on, I'll get help." I said in a worry voice. I knew there was more to the story so I forgaved him and now constrated on him,

I lift his chin up so I could see his face. He then grabbed me and wrapped his arms around me.

When he squeezed I could hear something snap, and pain grew around my back. I felt so bad,

I shut my eyes trying to block my pain. When I reopen my eyes, and he stop bitting down on his lips. Instead he pressed his lips against mines, first the pain was gone for a few second because all I could think about is that he was kissing me, he pressed his tongue through my teeth and it felt gentle, first I didn't do anything because I was shock and comfused but then I added my tongue in the equation, closing my eyes also and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I believe he was kissing me to take his mind off the pain but still

I liked it. It made me feel a tingle run down my spin and feel a great deal of pleasure all over my body. When we pull apart, I was disappointed that it end but also I didn't know what to say to him. He stop squeezing me hard and now he was looking at his tattoo's on his right arm, when he stop like he found what he was looking for he looked at me and smiled.

"I apoligize," he said leaning back an sitting cressed crossed.

"For what?" I said trying to calm myself.

"For, kissing you." he said, "But, I also thank you. It did help stop the pain."

'An my diagnoise was right.'

"It's fine," I said, "I didn't mind if it was helping you."

He smile, then stood up.

"What's your name?" he asked, "I'm Kyro."

Then I start to hear police sirens louder as if they were getting closer.

"Melonia." I said getting up, "You proply should go, the police is coming."

He turn to the direction the sirens was coming from, "Oh, that's embrassing." he said,


"You noticed the sirens before I did."

I look at him comfused,

"You would understand if you knew me." he said, "See you later cutie."

He start to walk away, but then he stop.

"Uh, you proply should go before the cops get here."

I nod, "I will." I watch him turn the coner of the apartment complex. I wanted to know what he meant by that..."You would understand if you knew me."

I ran to ask him what he meant but when I turn the coner, he was gone. I stare at the dark street with one flashing street light above the street.

I stayed there, the police question alot of people before getting to me, I was sitting on the curve of the parking lot.

A fat police men and a police women who could be in a james bond movie starled over to me.

"Hello?" I said, when they kept staring at me.

"Hello." the women police said, "I'm Mrs. Banks, and this is Mr. Crow." she said,

I nod, "How may I help you?" I ask.

"Umm, can you explain what happen here?"

"Well, I was walking to my Car but then some little girl attack me." I began but I stop if I told what happen then that guy "Kyro" would go to jail..."I don't remember." I lied, "after that I blink out."

"Well most people said a little girl and a guy was fighting and you was in the middle of it." the guy police said,

I shrugged, "I don't remember."

They both stared at me, then the girl mumbled something and jolt down something on her note pad, then they both walk away.

I got up, I guess I could go. I walk to my car, I was suppose my car was just fine, there was a little blood on the tire from my leg and the thread but that's it.

I suddenly fell to the ground, I heard people screaming that I just collasped, Slowly my hear left and I could see what's going on like a film without sound.

The police that was around run for me quickly, then my vision start to fade also the last thing I saw was Kyro face and I didn't know why.

I could slowly make out noises, the noise sound like a heart beat. Or someone's pulse. I then could feel heat and smell food. I slowly open my eyes to see me staring up at the light of the room, the celling of the room was covered in blue paint when I move my head around to look around. I felt this sharp pain in my neck that made my head hurt even more then it already did. I slowly sat up and look around. Holding my neck to make the pain go away for a moment. The room had hospital supplies and the wall was painted

blue and white strips, and I was sitting on a hospital bed. Neddles was in my arm and wires that lead to clear flat plastic item on my chest and I could feel them on my back, leading to the equipment that check my pulse. I look at the neddles that one had a clear liquid running into my body. An another with blood running into my body. I slowly took out the one that made the blood run, and then the clear liquid one. I turn the side so I hang my feet over the edge. The breeze of the Ac tickled my bare feet. I threw the covered off me onto

the hospital bed. Then I took out the clear plastic things off my chest and back. The pulse monitor start to show a straight line that turn red as it made a loud noise.

I slowly drop my feet on the cold tile floor, a nurse rushed in almost knocking me over.

"Oh, dear." she said, "could you get back into bed."

"I want to leave." I said moving away from her.

"Get back into bed, I'll get a doctor to check if your fit to leave now." she said, "Just get back into bed, and let me put the equipments hooked onto you."

I turn to her, "Fine." I said getting back into bed.

"Thank you." she sighed.

She put the needles back on and the pulse monitor back hooked to my chest and back.

"Stay here, and don't remove them again." She said rushing out, "Doctor Goran!" she called as I could hear in the room.

I sat up against the bed, I look around. "How did I end up here?" I asked myself.

"You, fainted." A familiar voice said, I turn quickly.

There was Kyro at the door way, he held blue and white roses.

"Mr. Salvation is here to see you." the nurse from before said, her right next to him.

"Can we talk in private?" I said to the nurse.

"Oh, yeah." she said, "Of course." she then left the room after checking my temperture.

When I knew we was alone I said, "Mr. Salvation?" I said, "Is that your real last name?"

"Are you kidding me?" He chuckled, "No, who would have the last name Salvation." He smiled, "What is that person jesus?"

I giggled, "Don't tell me Kyro isn't your real name?"

"It is, I didn't tell her that though."

"Good Cause I like it." I said waving him over.

"Tell me."

"Tell you what?"


"Okay, I usually don't tell someone my real name. I guess since you already saw what was going on, I could careless if you knew my real name." he shrugged, "Plus it's not like I'm in the birth records, I'm not recorded on any records."

"Why is that?"

"Wasn't born in hospital, lived in the woods with my clan. That is when they was alive."

"What is your clan called?"

"We have many names."

"Like what?" I said, "Tell me one."

"Okay," he said coming trowds me, "Gina, Inactics." he said, "Salvation." he smiled.

I giggled, "Oh, really?"

"Yeah." he said sitting on the edge of the hospital bed.

"What's your real full name?" I said, "Don't lie to me."

"Kyro Kogen-Don." he said, "It's an ancient name."

"From what language?"

"Latin." he shrugged, "Hebrew."

"Thoes are old languages."

He nod, "I'm older then both."

"That's not possible."

"It is for an Immortal." he shrugged, "My clan are Immortal."

"Another thing that's not possible." I said, "Sound like it's coming from a anicent fairy tale."

"Well, you better believe it." He said flashing me one of his unique grins.

"Okay, Let's say you are Immortal and you are older then thoes langauges,"

"Okay." he said, turning to me.

"Umm, why are you killing ten year old girls?"

He began to laugh,

"What?" I said comfused,

"Are you serious?" he ask. I nod, "Oh, your serious."


"Well, that's embrassing." he muttered.

"Tell me what amuses you in that question."

"Well, one is that she's not human."

"So what is she?"


"What's that?"

"A kind of demon."

"She didn't look like a demon."

"That's the point. They decive you humans and eat you'll."

"Okay, Why are they on earth?" I said, "Shouldn't they be in hell?"

"I call it the underworld, and no not thoes demons."

"Okay, tell me about them."

"Well Shemrons look human but only to trick humans. There real form is a beast and each one have different beast and abilitys."

"Make sense enough."

"Don't interupe me!" he snap, I jump back.

"Sorry." I said looking down,

" Okay, anyways they eat humans. They are the only demons to be roaming on earth but luckly there aren't that much." he pause, "An they all like to be near desert or dry places, that's why most

if not all will be here."

"True, We are in between Texas and Arizona too big dry places."

He nod, "That litle girl is one."

"Why she turn to ash?"

"They turn to ash after they been killed, the ashes blow away and makes one of my chains break from the rest."

"The tattoos you have?"

"There not tattoos, the're markings of a curse."

"What curse?"

"A Stigma curse, the most lethal curse there is."

"What's the Stigma curse called?"

"Cladian Stigma."

"Cladian?" I said, "what that mean?"

"Chains of Hell."

"Oh, I get it." I said pointing to the chains that seem like tattoos.

"Yeah." He nod.

"Why'd you get curse?"

"I'am the last of my clan, and I'm suppose to protect all humans." He sigh, "But I use to didn't. They pleade but I could careless about humans, and that back fire when this hag's granddaughter dies, Because she blame the death on me even though I didn't do it. She curse me, and she can't uncurse someone she curse. You have to do what ever she cast so the curse to be lifted."

"What does the curse do and how do you break it?"

"The Curse makes chains bare on my body, squeeze each time one get stronger. Giving me internal bleeding, killing me slowly. If I don't kill the demons I'll die. The each demon repersent each chain I have and one die one breaks making it not as painful and fast to kill me."

"Is that's why you was in pain when you fell down and kissed me?"

"Yeah, it's painful when one breaks."

"Since you kill the girl, one breaks?"

"Yeah, exactly."

"Okay, so your not killing for no reason. So, why did you hurt humans?"

"I didn't try to but when dealing with Shemron at least one human is going to die, trust me there's no reason to kill a human for me."

I stare at him,

"Here." he handed me the flowers, "get better." I got it an then he stood up.

"Why did you come?"

"I felt bad, since it was proply my fault you faint."

"Why would you say that?" I ask.

"Because, I broke part of your rib cage and you proply was bledding in the inside, You see when I held onto you I broke part of your rib cage and sprain left arm." he said, "I payed for your hospiatal bills too, I'm not rich but if I wanted to I could be."

"Is my arm still sprain?"

"No, they fixed it." he said, "Good luck, oh and next time be careful, okay? Don't want a pretty girl like you to mess up your face." he winked at me then walked out.

"Kyro." I whispered.

He was gone again, the doctor came in shortly after he left. An told me I was healthy enough to leave. I fell asleep as soon as I got home, when I heard bird chripping I knew it was morning.

I slowly roll over, then I fell off the bed hard.

I held my stomach, "That hurt." I grab the edge of the bed and pull myself back up on the bed.

When I sat up facing my bedroom door way I saw Kyro standing there,

"Why are you here?" I ask rubbing my stomach.

"Uh, I just came to ask you something." he then went silent.

"Go on." I said waving him to keep talking.

"Yeah, umm are you okaY?"

"Please don't tell me that's what you came to ask me."

"No, uh do you know why that Shemron attack you?"

"No clue. Do you?"

"Yeah, you got a strong aura."

"Do they like aura or something, does it make me more tasty then other humans?"



"Well, you see each human has an aura, each aura ranging least to greatest is X, Z, and Zero. Most humans has Xs but a few have Zs and I never meant someone with Zero and I've been living for a while not to jesus crist but pretty darn close."

"Okay, so I'm a Z?"

"No, that's too weak for you, your a Zero."


"The rarest of all." he explain more.

"So, does that mean I'm a Shemron magnet?"

"Yeah, you can say that?"

"And why haven't they attack me before?"

"I'm afraid that I don't know."

I stare, "So what do you want?"

"I'm afraid that the little girl was the begging, now that your scent was on her other shemron knows."

"And is going to try to get me since like I'm the last Zero?"

"Yeah, don't know if your the last Zero. But, proply is or one of three the most out in the whole world. All zero was killed before me being brought onto this earth so yeah they want you."

"Tell me something."


"About the aura scale."

"Okay X give them power up to averege everytime they need more, the easy ones. Z is like one hundred X's and they are tricky to handle only if the Shemron gots balls they'll go for it."

"And Zero?" I lean in, "About me?"

"Well Zero is the mother load, the jack pot of a lifetime."

"What do you mean?"

"Your kind, what's proply just you." He pause, "Is the one that get them to not have to eat human no more only if they just want to, they get you strong with no problem."

"You see a lifetime of eating Zs or/and Xs will never get you to what Zeros gets you." he sigh, "And if they get more then one zeros the'll be the strongest Shemron ever and no one could ever stop them because your proply the last one and no one can reach them without a Zero."

"So? They're going to eat me?"

"They don't eat you."

"Your soul gets trap in there soul increasing their power and hunger."

"Have anybody get untrap in their soul?"

"Not what I know of."

I sigh, I start rubbing my head.

"This is giving me a headach."

"I think the reason they didn't know about you was because your scent is so weak that they wouldn't know about it until it spreads. I didn't know that you was a zero until a seconds after I left the hospital and that is long because usually I'll smell human scent as soon as I walk near them without trying to smell it, I tryed to smell yours a couple time before I found out

what your aura was."

"So you came to warn me?" I ask.

"No, I came to propose a deal."

"What kind of deal?"

He walk into the room and lean against my dresser.

"I use you as bait and/or company."

"For what? What do I get?"

"That I protect you and assistance you with any other things you might need me for." he winked.

"Protection from the Shemron?"

"What else?" he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, well I'll do it but the company is not included because I'm not a whore." I said, "Wait does this bait job going to get me hurt or anyone else?"

"Proply but it'll make it faster and less will proply die." he said, "Plus if I kill all like to set me free it wont only save you it'll save all human race."

"Is that so?"


"Deal." I said handing out my hand, "Shake?"

He walk over and took it, but while he lean in.

"The company wasn't company in bed, it was company period. But, if you like it could be that too." he whispered. He then pulled away from my ear and shaked my hand with a grin on his face.

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