Invade me (book 1)

By The_Mad_Nation

2.6K 127 3

"Fuck off!" I yell, storming away. The nerve of that guy. It was a one night stand, I didn't marry him! I gr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Authors note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 17

49 2 0
By The_Mad_Nation


Alex's P.O.V
I miss my Katerina. I've been feeling like mush ever since she told me to leave. I wish she would at least talk to me... But I understand her need for space.

I walk to my room, intending to get showered and head to bed when something unsettling makes itself known in my gut.

I shake it off and close my door behind me and start to strip my clothes.

Pain. That's the first thing I feel. I literally fall to the ground from how intense it is. My stomach feels as if my skin is being ripped off. I know it's Katerina immediately.

As soon as it dulls down, 20 minutes later, I get to my feet and begin running to where I can sense her. Since we've mated and such, I know exactly where she is on the planet at all times. And this place is making my nose wrinkle at the mere thought of going there.

Werewolf territory.

I zoom faster, my feet hardly touching the ground as I rush to get my beloved mate back. She is mine.

Since I'm in line for the throne, I am much stronger than any other vampire. Even ancient ones. So I'll easily be able to take this pack out on my own and get her back and in my arms to safety. As the french would say, dans mes bras.

I stop near the border of their territory and use my powerful vision to scope out my competition. There are several wolves guarding the house and some scattered ones guarding the border. I have no doubt in my mind that the house is loaded with werewolves.

I charge on to their land, fighting their awful smell and focus on my mates beautiful scent of fresh peaches and honey. It sticks out above the awful stench of wet dog and something else that wards off vampires.

I hear a massive roar as soon as I cross their land and rush past a werewolf who didn't have time to shift before I passed him. I quickly turn back to him and plunge my hand into his chest, ripping his heart out completely and continuing charging the others.

Several more thunderous roars are to be heard as I chop down wave after wave of really slow werewolves. I show no mercy to the vile animals. No one takes my mate and lives to tell the tale. They should know better than to mess with the vampire king. Especially one who is mated. It tends to turn out very ugly for them in the end.

Once all of those who were alive and came at me are dead, I zip inside, looking around for signs of human life. I know my mate is down in their prison along with someone else. Someone who smells... Different. That's the only word I can use to describe how... Weird they smell. It's almost inviting like a mates scent would be but I know it's not that.

I burst through their weak cellar door, made of iron by the way, and walk down the narrow basement stairs. It looks like any other basement so far. There is just a little door down here that seems out of place. But I know it's where my baby is.

I open the door in a civilized manner and almost immediately start fuming in rage. My poor Katerina. She looks so bad...

She's chained to a wall by silver chains and she's also upside down. There are numerous, unending lashes on her belly and missing hunks of her skin and tissue. Her head is slumped over and if she had a heartbeat, it would be fading already if not gone.

The only reason she hasn't healed is because of me. I haven't been near her for so long that our bodies are trying to reunite us by making us suffer. And I know she felt every ounce of pain handed to her. Because I did too.

I zip over to her, looking over her face and taking it in my hands. There are dried tear trails on her cheeks from crying. I'm going to murder whoever did this. And something makes me uneasy, now that I think about it. There was no Alpha or Beta present. They smell the worst and have the overpowering sense of authority in their auras. But, so do I.

I rip away the chains and take her shocked body into my warm arms. She's even colder than usual. She usually uses me to warm up since I'm super warm but never has she been this cold.

I cradle her to my chest tightly, walking back up the stairs carefully until her wounds heal fully. They had already started the process of healing. It wouldn't be long until she was fully healed and conscious again.

I walk out of the stinky pack house and all of the dead pack members bodies outside. They smell very unpleasant, even more so dead. I bring my mate closer to my face and inhale large breaths of her scent. It helps calm me and to not shrivel in disgust.

I zip off of their lands and back to the palace of which I have been staying. I was so distraught when she told me to leave and wouldn't call me anymore. I only wanted to comfort her and grieve with her. It was our child we had lost. And it pains me to know that all of her stress caused this.

I slow down after passing the gates to the castle and walk her inside. I ignore all of the nods and looks from maids and butlers who are constantly scurrying around. I continue on my way to my room. I'm tired and I just want to hold my Katerina while I sleep.

I don't even care if she wakes up and flips shit on me. I just want her close. I haven't been able to get any sleep for weeks now. And I may be a vampire but I do require a set amount. I doubt I'll wake up for awhile.

I quickly decide to give her a bath and am glad to see she's all healed when I place her body in the tub. I wash all the extra dried blood and grime from her skin and hair, worshipping and caring for every inch of her.

I dry her up when I'm done and place her in some panties I had to hunt for and one of my shirts that are baggy on her. I would prefer sleeping naked but I don't know how she will feel about that. I respect her boundaries. Especially since all the stuff she has been through. I can only imagine how rough this was on her.

I strip off everything except my boxers and climb in next to her. Her body responds to mine immediately and she snuggles up into my chest, her face in my neck.

I play with her hair as I begin to slowly nod off, loving the feel of her filling my arms. Everything, including my heart, felt empty without her near. Hopefully we can sort this hurt out.

Katerina's P.O.V
Upon waking I feel safe and involuntarily snuggle deeper into the person holding me. Until the vision of my mother comes back.

My eyes snap open in panic and my breathing becomes labored. Why am I so clean, why am I in underwear? Why do these arms feel so much like Alex?

"Alex?" My croaky voice asks against the skin of his neck. I feel him swallow.


Big fat tears begin to roll uselessly down my face, something he obviously doesn't expect as I pull him even closer and even wrap my legs around him. I felt so weak and scared without him. And I seriously thought I would never get out. It was horrifying.

His shocked arms wrap tighter around me and crush my trembling body to his own. He feels so nice. I missed being so close to him and being able to touch him.

"Shh..." He whispers, kissing my forehead and running his hands through my hair. "It's okay baby. I've got you and I will keep you safe darling. Can you tell me anything that may help or do you just want me to hold you?"

I sniffle and take a well needed deep breath. It helps calm my racing mind somehow.

"I just want you to hold me." I whisper. I was so terrified and I just want to feel safe. Everything else can come later.

"Then that's what I'll do baby." He kisses my forehead again as I snuggle my face in his neck and smell him. He always smells so good. I can never seem to get enough.

A light knock has me clinging even tighter to him and has him shushing me and cooing my taut self.

"It's okay baby. It's just a maid I sent for to bring you something to eat." He says. I sigh in relief and he tells her to come in.

She quickly sets the platter on the nightstand and bows respectfully before exiting. I didn't look but I could hear her doing so. I wonder if they are human.

"Some maids are human but our personal ones are not." He says, sneaking into my thoughts.

He sits us up and takes a cup of blood from the platter. He cradles me like a baby and watches me as I drink the delicious red liquid, gulping it like it's air. I lost a lot of blood from the beatings and although I would prefer his, this will do for now.

He runs his fingers through my hair and watches my face with a loving look. I missed feeling so loved like this. So safe and cared for.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, moving the cup into his awaiting hands. He smiles lightly as he sets it on the nightstand, readjusting us so we are laying side by side in the bed.

"For what?" His voice is so soothing. It calms my racing brain that seems to keep concocting scary scenarios...

"For being so messed up..."

He squeezes me tighter, making me feel safer and ever so content. Just his proximity helps calm my delirious thoughts.

"Oh Katerina." He sighs. "There is nothing wrong with you baby. And even if there was, I would still love you."

I begin weeping in his neck while he rubs my back and murmurs in my ear. I fall asleep in his forgiving arms, knowing that things will be much different from here on out.

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