
By CallMeMalfoy

1.4K 33 35

Life seems dark and pointless when Anjie finds herself moving away from the home and family she's loved all h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
New Username
He was there to watch me fall
It's Never Just an Accident

Pew pew, a shot in the dark.

99 3 2
By CallMeMalfoy

 Just a random filler chapter. I figured after that last dramatic chappy, I would add a little bit of fun before I jump into some more action.

Dedicated to my awesome wifey (: 


Chapter 7:


I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed. I wasn’t sick anymore and I could barely feel the bruises I had from falling down the stairs, not that there were really any bruises to show. You would barely even be able to tell that I’d gotten hurt the night before. Whoever said that laughter was the best medicine was wrong. For me, Colby was the best medicine. I had a feeling that if Colby hadn’t kept me company last night, I would still be sore and sick.

I glanced to my right and saw that Colby was sound asleep. He hadn’t left me last night. Warmth spread across my body. Colby had told me that he loved me and I can honestly say that I loved him back. It wasn’t the coupley kind of love; It was the “you’re my friend and you mean a lot to me” kind of love. Five days. Five days was all it took for me to realize how much Colby meant to me. Thanks to Colby, I no longer regretted leaving all the people I left behind. I mean, since this whole time I’d been here, Colby’s done nothing but show me how much he cared, but my friends back home hadn’t even bothered to see if I made it over here okay. I’d be fine without them as long as I still had Colby and Bradleigh and Leah and even Susan. Yeah, I’d be okay.


I let out a long sigh of content and leaned back in my chair with my eyes closed, turning my face upwards towards the bright sun shining down on me. Bradleigh and Leah had returned so the three of us plus Colby decided to go to a quaint little café in town. We were all sat outside at a small round table, the warm summer air and bright sunlight feeling so comforting.

“You comfy over there?” Colby mocked with a slight smile on his face.

“Well yes actually. I’m quite enjoying it here,” I responded, not giving in to his playful teasing.

“Well I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be playing Gallop Racer right now,” Leah interjected.

“Well good for you!” Bradleigh said sarcastically.

Leah sat up straight in her chair. “You know what bitch? I don’t need your commentary!”

“Well I don’t need your face!” Bradleigh yelled back.

“Ooh, good one,” Leah said with no hint of humor in her voice.

Colby turned and looked at me with a curious expression on his face.

“They get like this sometimes,” I explained. We sat back and watched their banter for a good ten minutes before they finally gave it a rest. I smirked and raised an eyebrow at them. My expression just screamed “Oh you guys are finally finished?”

“Don’t even,” Bradleigh warned, attempting to seem intimidating but completely failing.

I raised my hands palm up in a defensive position. I shook my head slightly. “I wasn’t gonna say anything.”

“Yeah but you were thinking something,” she stated.

“Oh really? So you can read my mind now,” I said in a deadpan tone, giving her my signature straight face that always comes across as mean and upset, or so I’ve been told. Bradleigh attempted to reciprocate my expression. We just stared at each other until Bradleigh’s resolve finally broke and she cracked a smile. I crossed my arms and smirked, looking utterly smug at my victory.

“Damnit!” Bradleigh yelled out in frustration, although she had an underlying tone of laughter seeping through her words. “How in the world can you just sit there with a straight face for so long?”

“I got skiiills bitch!” I said playfully, reciting a line from a funny movie I saw.

Our lighthearted atmosphere was penetrated by a couple of girls sitting at the next table, laughing obnoxiously. They looked like complete bimbos and they were playing a stupid little game of “Fuck, kill, Marry”. One of them was wearing a One Direction band tee, an obvious die-hard directioner like myself. I got up and walked over to the girl wearing the band tee.

“Hey mind if I join?” I asked politely, although they couldn’t tell that I had a slight tone of menace in my voice.

“Sure!” the girl chirped cheerily.

“Okay then. Fuck, kill, or marry: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, and Liam Payne,” I gave the girl a devilish grin. Her eyes bulged and her jaw dropped with a loud, overly dramatic gasp.

“OMG! You’re so mean! How could you say that?! Go die you bitch!”

All traces of my grin were gone in a matter of seconds.

“Aww man, shit’s ‘bout to go down,” I could hear Leah say behind me.

“Excuse me? I don’t think I heard you correctly,” I said in a misleadingly calm voice.

“ I said, Go. Die. You. Bitch.” She repeated to me like I was an idiot.

“Ooh, big mistake,” Bradleigh added in.

“What the fuck is your problem?! I was just kidding! Calm your fucking fake ass tits!” I said in a raised tone, struggling to reign in my anger.

“Don’t you dare joke about them like that! You obviously aren’t a Directioner, and if you are then you don’t deserve to be one.”

“Really? What’s so bad about making a goddamned joke? They’re not freaking gods!”

“Um, yes they are! They’re sex gods!” the bimbo shouted out, completely serious.

“Okay seriously? Are you fucking delusional?” I yelled completely fed up.

“Uh oh. Here she goes,” Leah groaned.

“They’re just people with a love for music! The only difference is that they’re talented and insanely hot. But that doesn’t make them gods. It’s people like you that cause the insecurities that people like me have. You make us feel like shit while you put attractive people on a pedestal. All you do is spread around hate and you should be ashamed. You’re the one who doesn’t deserve to be a Directioner. The1D fandom is a family. We don’t put others down for making a joke for having an opinion. That’s not the kind of message the boys are spreading. Now get out of my sight!” I ranted furiously. The bimbo and her friend got up and scrambled away in a mixture of shock and fear.

“Ooh! Pwned!” Leah shouted, practically falling out of her chair from laughter. Bradleigh was struggling to keep her laughs in while tears streamed steadily down her face.

“Really? Did you really need to go off on her over a boy band?” Colby asked incredulously.

“I wasn’t going off on her over the band, I was going off on her because she was clearly a bitch and I hate bitches,” I stated simply. “Well now that I’m all riled up, what do you guys say to going for a game of laser tag?” Bradleigh and Leah jumped out of their chairs.

“Hell yes! I’m about to dominate!” Leah shouted, thrusting one fist into the air.

“In your dreams, Miller,” Colby said, getting out of his chair.

“Do I smell a challenge, Moore?” Leah questioned, attempting to get up in his face but failing miserably due to the fact that he kind of towered over her with his immense height.

“Well it doesn’t matter what you smell because we all know I’m gonna win,” I stated nonchalantly.

“Oh it is on!” Leah announced before taking off into a sprint in the direction of the laser tag arena.


I was currently crouching in the darkness behind a low wall. I had no idea where anyone was. I couldn’t make out any of their approaching footsteps with all the little children running around and laughing and screaming as their parents and siblings chased them around. I hadn’t played laser tag in so long and I was really getting into it. The last time I played, it didn’t end so well for me.


We all piled into the multiple cars on our way to Hyper Space. It was my cousin’s birthday so we were going to spend it at the arcade/indoor playground. The upper level was for laser tag and that was out first goal. Once we got there, we split into two teams and the game commenced.

I was creeping my way around the dark room, avoiding any of my older brothers with their impeccable aim. I heard a footstep near me and panicked. I took off in a full sprint and rounded a corner. Unluckily for me, my brother happened to be hiding there and I startled him. Out of pure reflex, he raised his laser gun and smacked me across the face with it. I fell to the ground with a thud, clutching my head for dear life.

“Wesley! What the heck was that?!” I screamed at him.

“Oops. My bad.” he said completely unfazed.

“You’re such a freaking idiot! You’re supposed to shoot people, not hit them over the head with your gun!” I growled at him furiously, my head throbbing from the blow.

“Here, I’ll let you shoot me. Go ahead,” he bargained.

“That’s not gonna make my head stop hurting you retard!” I shot him three times in the chest, ending his life in the game, and stomped away with smoke practically pouring out of my ears like in those cartoons.

*End of Flashback*

I was still crouching down when a little kid came up behind me and yelled “Boo!”. The kid completely startled me and I took off running. I turned a sharp corner and collided with another person, their gun knocking against my forehead. I stumbled back and pressed both hands to the lump forming on my face.

“God damnit! Not again! What the fuck?!” I screeched in frustration and pain.

“Oh my god, Anjie I’m so sorry!” Colby started apologizing immediately.

“Colby?! That was you?! Oh hell no!” I yelled. I started beating him with my plastic weapon. He started running away and I chased him down.

“Come here and take your beating like a man you bastard!” We ran around the darkened room, running past glowing obstacles and dodging lasers. Suddenly the lights came back on and a robotic voice spoke up. “GAME OVER.” Colby peered at me sheepishly a few feet away from me. I gave a death glare and huffed before stomping out of the room to return all my gear.

The four of us met up in the lobby. Bradleigh and Leah were already there, laughing about the game and how they targeted little kids. I stayed silent with my arms crossed over my chest and a scowl engraved on my face.

“What’s up with her?” Leah asked Colby.

“Oh she’s just mad because I accidentally hit her across the forehead with my gun.”

I let out an animalistic screech and started slapping, kicking, and punching him all over the place.

“Ow, woman! This is a family place, not a freaking fight club!” Colby yelled, trying to shield his body from my fast jabs.

“Oh har har har,” I said sarcastically. “Why don’t you tell that to my throbbing forehead?!”

“Oh come on now. Don’t be that way.”

“You want an icecream?” Bradleigh interrupted, knowing my weakness. I immediately brightened up, temporarily forgetting about my pain at the thought of a triple scoop mint chocolate chip waffle cone. I’ll just have to get my revenge later.



 :O what do you think she'll do to him? Is she even capable of doing anything? Why am I asking questions I know nobody will answer?

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