Hostage - boyxboy

By KAWN131313

75.6K 1.3K 175

When a rich teenager gets kidnapped for ransom by the boss of the mafia and his slightly attractive but intim... More

part 1
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9 ( sexual)
Part 10
Need help

part 2

11.4K 191 14
By KAWN131313

As I slowly started to open my eyes everything came back to me. I started to freak out and tried to escape but as I already expected I was tied down. This is such a cliché, a rich kid that gets kidnapped, if you're gonna commit a crime at least do something original because this is far from that.

I sat in that room for nearly two hours until someone finally walked in, I couldn't see who it was yet since it was so dark but as he turned the lights on I was shocked to see Ezra,he was a student in my school but he had done his year over a couple of times since he was already 19. I don't really know much about him but I was always intrigued by him, he was very mysterious and I'm not gay but even I could recognise perfect looks when I saw them. He had very dark hair that was close to being black which only made his emerald green eyes more intimidating.His entire body, well as far as I could see, was covered in tattoos. He pretty much looked like a bad boy but kidnapping me , that's a new high.

As I was eyeing Ezra down another man walked in, he went over to Ezra and said something that shocked me, "what are you doing here son?" There Is no way that is his dad, he couldn't possible be older than 35 but on the other hand they did resemble each other quite a lot they both had dark hair even tho ezra's hair was a bit lighter they also both had the same green eyes. Ezra answered his dad but I couldn't hear what he was saying. His dad nodded and came over to me. I don't know what his dad did for a living but considering he seemed to be wearing a very expensive suit I'm guessing it's a serious job."Welcome to my basement kid, do you know why you're here?" he asked me with an intimidating look. " Well I'm guessing you're just another fucked up person that's after my family's money." I said cocky not realising the seriousness of the situation." I'd be polite if I were you after all you are in my hands now, and to be quite honest you were the easiest target ever, I would've expected someone like you to have at least one bodyguard?" he said smirking. "Well I can take care of myself" I said once again with too much pride." Well it sure does not look like you can" he said slowly leaving the room. "wait!!" I yelled at him but he already walked out the door.

I sighed thinking about the fact that I'd probably had to wait a long time for him to return and that's when I noticed Ezra was still in the room just staring at me with a blank look on his face. "what are you looking at you creep?" I yelled at him." Just looking at how you're trying to be tough but we both know it's just an act" Ezra said looking down at his hands. " You don't know anything about me" I yelled at him but he didn't seem fased." Well Just saying after school you'll just be a rich boy but you won't have that popularity anymore and yes money's awesome but being miserable and alone isn't so I suggest dropping the act" he said with a lot of concern in his eyes,which kind of confused me."Well whatever I'd rather not take advice from my kidnapper, so is it the money that you're after or something else?" I said with a questioning look on my face."Well that's for me to know and for you to question" he said while sheepishly smiling and leaving the room. Right before he left he yelled " If I were you I'd better prepare myself for tomorrow!!" and then he was out of my sight.

At this point I was alone in the room and couldn't stop thinking about what he meant but I since I had nothing else to do I just took a nap.
-------------------------------------------------------that was it for this part 2 ,I really love writing this book and for the people that are still waiting for action, don't worry I'm building up to it.
And the next part is gonna be a long one.
( I put a pic on top of how I would imagine Ezra to look like)
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see you next time
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