It's a Love Story. Destiel AU

Bởi CasnDean101

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This story is about Dean who is a High schooler of 18 who moves to a new town with his younger brother Sammy... Xem Thêm

It's a Love Story. Destiel AU
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Yea sooo

Chapter 8

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Bởi CasnDean101

Well here's chapter 8 um yea so here!!!



(Cas pov)

Dean was in a really bad shape but he was being so hot right now both of us in the shower. god damn! If my family ever saw this they would totally disown me and probably never talk to me again. I'm so hard right now I can't even stand myself. I wanted him bad but I know I can't. the sucking and nibbles continue for and very long time. I noticed that the water was getting cold and Dean was slightly shivering. I pulled back although I didn't want to.
Deans lips were red and swollen. so cute. I kissed a fast kiss on his lips and turned off the water.

"Do we have to get out? I want to stay here forever with you Cas." he said to me. he was so sweet at times.
"Yes Dean we have to get out I don't want you getting more sick than you already are." he laughed and I helped him up and brought him to the room.

"Dean are these ok to wear?" I asked him while holding up some sweat pants and a black t-shirt that said RUSH on the front. he nodded.
"Thank you Cas go helping me " he mumbled. I smiled big. "of course Dean I would do anything for you." I said he smiled and looked into my eyes. his green eyes were amazing. they were like bright in the middle but as it went out it got darker. he was so cute I could just...

"Hey Dean do you want to um... would you want me to... um sleep here with you?" I stuttered thinking he might want to kick me out.
"Yea that would be nice Cas I missed you so much." he coughed and a bit of blood came out.
"Maybe we should take you to the hospital." I said not really to him but just putting it out there.
He shook his head "no Cas I can't if they find out me and Sam will be in foster care I can't have that."

"Well you are 18 aren't you?" I asked he could just you know move out but I don't think he has the money for that.

"Yes Cas I am but I can't just go about this like everything will be fine."

"Sam said that you still are ok with your father but why when he hits you and mentally messes with your head. I don't get it..." I said quietly not to make him upset.

He was mad. "well Cas it was my fault everything was my fault! my mother died because of me! Sam had no mother because of me and basically no father either! and I have to do everything by myself and if I left I would have absolutely no money. my father gives me money to buy food for Sammy and he at least pays for the house... Cas it's hard to understand I know that but please trust me..." he sounded sad by the end of his little rant. I felt bad. "and don't feel bad for me Cas I have enough of that." he must of read my mind.

Then the door bell rang. Dean got up but could go very far unless I helped him. "Dean stay here I'll get it and I'll order some pizza for the both of us ok?" he nodded and layed down on his bed.

I ran down the stairs and to the door. when I opened it it was Jo, Deans cousin. "oh hello Jo how are you?" I asked.
"Good thank you now where is Dean he hasn't called in 4 days and I'm worried about him." she stared at me I was uncomfortable. then Dean stumbled to the top of the stairs. I herd a gasp from Jo.
"What the fuck Dean what happened!" she yelled. he smiled and said "I got into a fight with a kid, he was big but I beat him good. he lost that fight." he said and chuckled at the end. it was easy for him to lie about this I could tell that he's done this many times before.

"Dean! what the hell!? why? who was it?" she fired questions off.

"I don't know some kid, Jo." he said smoothly.

"Well is Castiel taking care of you." she then proceeded to wriggle her eyebrows up and down. I realized I changed into some of Deans pjs and it looked suspicious.

"Damn Castiel you have some major hickeys on your neck! wow there are so many! damn Deanwhat the fuck did you do to him!?" she was laughing now I walked up the stairs bright red and mad at Dean. I had to see these but I'll have to look later. I helped Dean down the steps and into the kitchen with Jo right on our tails.
"Jo do you want some pizza Cas is gunna order?" Dean said to her. I. Didn't mind Jo she was kind of nice but I much rather it be just me and Dean.

"Um yea sure but after I eat I have to go I'm meeting with Ash later." who was Ash? oh wait that was that boy at school he was very very smart though he didn't look it. they must be going out.
"Oh ok that's cool." Dean said then coughed more blood. gosh he was probably really bleeding on the inside and I didn't like that. I got a paper towel and wet it a little then wiped his face a bit. he swatted my hand away and I smiled and tried harder to wipe his face. this turned into a game of him trying to push me away and me trying to wipe his face. he laughed and so did I. I finally gave up and kissed his head.
Jo laughed.
"You guys are cute together you know." she said and laughed again. Dean smiled and said "yea duh. Cas is a Beautiful person he's perfect to me and that's all that matters." he smiled and I blushed again.

"I'm gunna go to the bathroom ok? I'll be right back." I wanted to check on my neck. Dean really like to bite me and I didn't know why and I really didn't care it was hot and I liked it. I walked to the bathroom across the hall from the kitchen it was the smallest bathroom in the house right under the stairs. I looked in the mirror and saw giant purple circles from my jaw down to my chest and I pull"d down my shirt a bit and more became visible. I counted 5 on my left side and 3 on my right and a couple teeth marks all around. how was I supposed to go home with these. god please help me.

I walked back to the kitchen and Dean was laughing and so was Jo. "what's so funny?" I asked kind of miffed. Dean shook his head.
"What's wrong Cas?" he asked.
"How am I supposed to go home with these Dean?" I asked him. he laughed again at least he was happier. "sorry I had a little too much fun." he said and I walked over to him and he snaked his arm around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Do you need advil?" I asked. he nodded but when I tried to leave he held on tighter. "are you ok Dean?"

"Yea I just missed you that's all." he said then nuzzled his head into me. I kissed his head. "Do you want me to call Sam?" I asked. he looked up fast and then closed his eyes. "um yea that would be good I should talk my I him. Is he worried?" he asked me.
"Yes of course he's talk to him" I handed him the phone which was already ringing.

"Hello? Cas?" Sams voice was concerned.
"Hey Sammy what's up?" Dean tried to sound ok.

(Deans pov)

As I tried to sound casual Jo and Cas both had their eyes glued to me. I felt awkward.

"Dean! are you ok?" sams voice was deeper on the phone then in person I missed him a lot but I would never admit that.
"Yea Sam I'm ok thanks how 'bout you?"
"I'm ok Dean are you sure your ok? Can I come see you?"
I debated on wether or not to let him come or not.
"Yea, i think you should come tomarrow." I said I wanted time with Cas... alone.
"Oh ok is Cas there with you?"
"Yea he is, he's gunna stay the night and make sure I'm ok." when I said that Cas got beat red and Jo smirked. I wished I could smack that smirk off her face. I grabbed cas' hand and started to play with his fingers, those long slim fingers.
"Dean are you there?" sam asked.
"Uh yea sorry. what did you say." my head was hurting and I was tired.
"I said I'll see you tomarrow and be careful." I smiled and kept my eyes on Cas' fingers.
"Yea ok Sammy. I'll see you then. Uhhh I uhhh love you." I said I felt weird saying that to him I rarely did that. he coughed awkwardly.
"Yea love you too Dean." he whispered.

I smiled and my face felt hot and red.
Cas ran a finger over my cheek. I closed the phone. and looked at Cas he was beautiful inside and out. I sighed.
"Are you gunna order the pizza or what?" I asked being sassy. he laughed a bit and so did Jo.
"I think I'm gunna skip pizza and go to Ashes. ok I'll see you later and this time call me." she said as she got up and walked out of the room. "bye Jo!" I yelled she laughed then left.
"Just me and you now Cas. Do you want pizza or no?" my grammar sucked but he didn't seem to notice.
"Um I don't care when was the last time you are something?" I shrugged then squinted my eyes in concentration. "I honestly don't know." I said. he shook hi head and kissed me. then looked in the fridge. "well you have chunky milk, moldy cheese and beet in here... oh and some whiskey but it's almost gone." he said mmmm whiskey I like whiskey. I got up slowly and got he whiskey and opened it. but Cas took the bottle. "come on Cas just a bit please. it helps with the pain." I gave him one of Sams puppy dog faces and he sighed. "Dean no you can't."
"Have you ever drank in your life cas?" I asked and raised an eye brow. he shook his head no. I smiled and took the bottle while he was distracted and I chugged it all. it burnt going down but I like the burn. he scowled at me and I smiled. I took a beer out and he took it from me. "no dean." He was more firm this time.

"Cas please come on you can have some too." he shook his head but gave the bottle to me. I was confused. "if you drunk it I will leave right now. Dean I'm serious. my dad was a drunk and he left us I'm not doing this." he said quietly but firmly.
I looked at him then to the beer. I really wanted it but it wasn't worth losing Cas over. I gave it back to him he smiled and kissed me hard and long.
"I love you Dean" he said.
" I love you too Cas" I said right back.

It was about 10pm and we were watching a movie I don't remember the name of. I was wrapped in cas' arms and a blanket. he gave me some Advil and we were comfortable. I took his hand and kissed his palm.

"Dean are you ok? do you need anything?"
I shook my head.
He kissed my head then and I loved it. I never wanted to lose him. We had school tomarrow but I think we're both gunna skip.

***** about 3 days pass****

"Cas are you coming over tonight? we could call Jo and eat some pie like we were supposed to do before." I said as we walked out of our 7th period class. We held hands and everyone knew we were together.
"Um sure we can do that! sounds fun!" he said excitedly. my black eye was still dark purple and my ribs still hurt but I didn't care. when me and Sam were home alone I would drink and I would forget about the pain Cas never knew about that but if he did he would be mad so I didn't say anything it want lying if I just didn't say anything right?

After school we went in my car and picked up Sam and Gabe they are now best friends. I wounder if they like like each other? hmmm.

"Sam did you and Gabe wanna go to Bobby's tonight for dinner and pie?" I asked them.
"Yea sound fun! you in gabe?!" He asked
"Duhh!" he said back.
"Ok then we'll go at 5" I said so they knew to be ready then. Cas was holding my hand and we drive to my house.
I forgot to clean my room so I had clothes everywhere and some beer bottles scattered through out the house. Cas picked one up and looked at me with a face that could kill.
"Dean what the fuck!" he was mad he never cursed.

Shit. what should I say.
"Um Cas please. it's not what you think." I said though it sounded stupid. I felt immediately bad.
"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Dean I can't do this. I asked you not to." He was sad.

No I couldn't lose Cas if I did I would die. please please no.

"Cas... please." I said brokenly.

"Dean I.... Just don't know."
He said and walked to the couch.

"Don't leave me Cas please please." I never begged for anything in my life and now I'm begging with all my might.

He sighed. but didn't say anything. I walked over towards him.
"Cas your the only thing I'm living for please..." I could cry right now.
He refused to look at me. I felt like shit if someone could kill me right now...

"Cas?" I said quietly.
He turned to face me.
"Dean why?" he asked.

"It helps with the pain. I can't go get pain pills and I-I just can't it hurts Cas." I whispered to him.

He nodded. "ok" was all he said he was mad still so I just sat there staring at him. he looked at me after about 10 minutes of me just starring.
"I'm sorry..." I whispered as I looked into his ocean blue eyes. he nodded.
"Are you still mad?" I asked though I could tell the answer was yes. but he sighed. and said "no I guess not. I can't stay mad at you very long now can I?" I laughed and hugged him he hugged back.

My head hurts. but i knew Jo was waiting for us at the bar and so I got up and walked to the door and grabbed the keys to the car. then with my free hand I inter twisted Cas and mines hands together. his hand were always warm and a bit clammy but I liked it. he was cute and shy. he always wore his trench coat.
"Hey Cas why do you wear that trench coat all the time?" I asked curious.
"Well um it was my dads before he left us. and when I was 15 I found it and asked my mom if I could have it she said yes of course and I wear it everyday. my moms sick still but I visit her every night so she doesn't get loney. you know how that gets..." he trailed off staring into space.
I looked at him but he was somewhere else. "cas? I'm sorry about your mother and your father." I said quietly he finally looked at me and smiled. "it wasn't your fault Dean so don't worry about it I have you and that's all I need. I love my mother but ever since my father left she's not the same. she's distant and mean and she yells at me so I stop vititing her." he said saddly. I kissed his lips lightly and he pressed into it. I pulled back and yelled, "SAMMY! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE WERE LEAVING WITH OR WITH OUT YOU!!!!" Cas winced probably because I yelled so loud. I chuckled and then he blushed. I mumbled a sorry under my breath. Sammy came down the stairs with his long lanky legs and his long lanky arms. he grew so fast. well Christmas is coming up and I'll buy him a new coat and some jeans and maybe some new books.

"God Dean I'm ready" he said as Gabe came down the stairs slowly sucking a lolliepop. he sure did like his candy. "you ready too?" I asked Gabe, I was quiet sure if I liked him or not. he nodded and walked closer to Sam.

We then walked twords the bar holding hands while Sam and Gabe joked and pushed each other. I taught Sam some moves on how to fight while he was growing up. so he had Gabe in a choke hold and I was so proud. "nice job Sammy!" I beamed.
"Samwitch please--I-I can't breath." Gabe choked out. and Sam chuckled "sorry Gabie boy." He chuckled more. Then the bitch face Gabe was giving him. I was in hysterics. "got some taste of your own medicine huh sam?" I laughed out. he bitchfaced me and I laughed even harder. Gabe laughed and took out another candy bar. "um Gabriel they have amazing pie in here oh god pie!" I said and dragged Cas into the bar.
"Hey!!" Aunt Ellen was crushing me In a hug it hurt cuz my ribs were still healing.
"Oh my god Dean what happened to you?" she asked then looked at Cas.
"Nothing..." i mumbled and then said "uh Ellen this is my boyfriend Castiel, Cas this is my aunt Ellen." us ring hand gestures to I identify each person. "and this is Sams friend Gabriel." I said. I didn't like calling him Gabe it felt weird though he's never told me to call him anything different. I don't think he likes me either.
She squealed "aww he's soo cute Dean!!! and shy!! oh my!!! I just aww!" I blushed hard but tried to keep my face so no one would see. I could hear Sam and Gabe chuckle and I turned and gave them a death stare.
They laughed harder. Cas stroked my arm lightly.
"It's very nice to meet you um mrs. Ellen, may I call you that, or would you prefer something else?" he asked so formally. she beamed at me. "so polite how'd you even get him to look at you?" she asked then laughed lightly. "hey what the fuck does that mean!?!?" I asked outraged I knew I wasn't good enough for Cas but damn. she laughed and shook her head. "I don't mind whether you call me that or just Ellen whatever your most comfortable with." Cas nodded. then smiled up at me. I smiled at him. he was so damn cute like fuck me damn!!!
"So where's the pie?" I asked.
Ellen shook her head and smiled "impatient are we mr. Winchester?"
"Yes for this pie I am!" I was so excited ussally I didn't show any real emotion but with Cas there I just kinda comes out. I sauntered over to the bar with Cas next to me and jumped up on the stool. cas sat right next to me staring but I couldn't think of anything but this pie!

(Cas pov)

Dean was really cute. he was strong when he needed be but he was also soft but only I really go to see that side, me and Sam but he didn't count because he was family.
"A bit excited are we Dean? am I even going to get any?" I asked him I was making my voice lower because he looked so distracted I liked when Dean looked at me and I wanted his attention. and I got it he looked at me slowly and he was starring at me so intensely that he didn't even know when the pie was sitting right next to him. "Dean honey, are you going to eat your pie?" I asked more sexually. he looked confussed. I picked up a fork and I heard Ellen chuckle and I looked to her and so did Dean. "what's so damn funny?" he said as he shocked in large amounts of pie. I blushed. "just Castiel is the only person that can distract the smartass Dean Winchester." He almost choked and I was conserved and when I tried to help he swatted my hand away. he never wanted help for anything. I guess I understood but it still hurt. I looked down.
He used his index finger to pull my face up to look at his. he was smiling sweetly. I smiled timidly. "sorry I hurt your feelings Cas just not used to all the attention and help with everything." He breathed. his breath smelt of apple pie and I wanted to taste it. but instead of the pie I kissed him and licked my tongue across his bottom lip to ask for access. Of course I was granted and I loked the taste of Dean Winchester always taste like apple in some form. apple juice, apple pie, apple candy. where do you even get apple candy? I wounded. then I heard someone clear their throat. I pulled away and Dean looked kind of upset that I did.
"Hey idjits!" Bobby called to Dean and I. "hello." I blushed deep red and picked up the fork and ate some pie it was very good! I can see why Dean was so excited for it.
"Hey Bobby how are you?" Dean asked him.
"What the hell happened to your eye boy!" he yelled.
"Um nothing just got into a fight." he mumbled. "boy don't lie to me!" he was getting mad and Dean pushe the pie twords me. and got up and went outside. Bobby sighed. "I'm sorry for Dean. he gets a bit touchy when people ask him." I mumbled. "you must be one special person if you can get Dean to give you his pie. and also he shows more emotion he's happier with you Castiel. I'm impressed." Ellen whispered to me. as Bobby walked outside to speak with Dean I was nervous about it. "yes thank you. I very much like Dean and he needs help he thinks down on himself like he is worth anything to anyone but a lot of people would disagree." I said sadly.
She nodded "yes and you bring out the best in him." she stated and I smiled weakly at her. then looking over my shoulder to see if I could see him. I could and he was mad. I got up and walked outside towards him. he was yelling something and I opened the door to him screaming. "damn it Bobby! what the do you even care for! I'm nothing! Bobby the only reason I'm still here is Cas! and sam!" He yelled he didn't see me so I kind of hid a bit. Bobby retorted. "Dean everyone is here for you you idjit! we all care about you and that boy in there yea well he's the best thing for you!" he yelled. Dean sighed and put his hard in his hair. "son if a bitch" he mummered under his breath. I walked up behind him and hugged him hard he jumped halfway to the moon then realized it was me and relaxed and turned to hug me back. "idjit" was all I herd Bobby say before he walked back inside.


Sorry this took so long I'll try to write the next chapter soon! hope you liked! ;)

-mon <3

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