The Fire Guy [ON HOLD]

Da ShadowLykos

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Joolzanfire lives in the End with his endermen buddies. He's just a normal human - except for a few things. H... Altro

Chapter 1 - Fire in the hole!
Chapter 2 - Simple plan

Chapter 3 - Who the heck are you?

451 41 28
Da ShadowLykos

Yay, finally an update! Oh, and in case you haven't heard, there's a contest I'm holding right now - head over to my message board for details!

As the laws of physics applied to Fire’s body, his life flashed past. Spawning in the End. Meeting so many amazing friends. Eating Pico’s last taco. Now he would never eat a taco ever again.

Fire dared to look down. Instantly he looked away. The ground was coming to greet him, and fast. “I’m too fabulous to die!” he screamed tearfully, trying to make himself heard over the roar of the air rushing past him.

Suddenly, everything went silent. Fire saw nothing but a deep, swirling red. He looked up, and saw a dull brightness, where the sun shone down. He pushed up, towards the light.

Then his head broke the surface, and he took a deep breath, spluttering uncontrollably. He looked around slowly, and saw Cookie dancing wildly a few blocks away.

“CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES, COME ON!” Cookie sang – well, screeched.

“So how come you’re allowed to sing, but I’m not?” Fire protested. Cookie jumped.

“Who goes there?” Cookie cried, whipping around in a karate pose.

“It’s me. Joolzanfire,” Fire said.

“You’re on fire,” Cookie pointed out.

“No. Really?” Fire said sarcastically.

“And why are you taking a lava bath?”

“I’m taking a lava bath?”

Fire looked down at the bubbling lava surrounding him. Cookie was right. “Well, would you look at that.”

“I am.”

Fire gave Cookie a glare before continuing. “Looks like I’m immune to lava.”

“No. Really?”

Fire glared at Cookie again. He smiled innocently. “Well, we should stop messing around,” Fire said eventually, making sure Cookie didn’t give him any more snarky responses. “We’ve got a job to do.”

“Remember what happened last time you tried to break some obsidian?” Cookie said. If cats could raise eyebrows, that was what Cookie was doing.

“Then… let’s find something we can use to break the obsidian with!” Fire beamed.

“And what might that be?”

“A diamond pick, of course!”

“…How do you know all this?”

“I have no idea!”

Cookie looked sceptical. “So where might be find one of these ‘diamond pick’ things?”

Fire looked blank. “Exactly,” Cookie said. “What do they even look like?”

Fire shrugged. “We should fly around and look for one.”

Cookie gave Fire an ‘Are you kidding me’ look. Fire looked determined. “I know I lost my most handsome feature, but don’t worry, Cookie,” he said fiercely. “I’ll still become America’s Next Top Model.”

Cookie facepawed. “Okay then, Top Model, how’re you going to fly around now?”

Fire replied by flapping his arms up and down. He started running around in a circle, making enthusiastic aeroplane noises. Cookie shook his head sadly, but Fire didn’t give up. “Is it working?” he asked.

“You look like a demented chicken,” Cookie said.

“Ey, whatchu be sayin’ ‘bout me?” a passing chicken said, offended.

“Oh, you wanna go?” Cookie yelled, spreading his arms wide. “Come at me, bro!”



“Yo, what was that, dawg?”

“I ain’t no dawg.”

“Fight me IRL!”

“Too far, mate. Too far.”


The two animals had an intense staredown. That was, until Fire hopped out of the lava pool and burnt the chicken to a crisp. “I got hungry,” Fire mumbled between mouthfuls of roast chicken.

When Fire was done, he looked at Cookie with a dangerous smile. “Maybe it’ll work if I take a running start,” Fire suggested.

“Maybe,” Cookie said. He flinched at the loud crash.

“I’m fine!” Fire called, coughing as he pulled himself off the sandy desert terrain. “Just a bit – ahem – sandy!”

Cookie rolled his eyes. “Look here, Fire. The fact is, you can’t–”

“What if I jump off something tall?”

Cookie almost fell over with shock. “You’ll kill yourself!” he said, but Fire wasn’t listening.

“That jungle tree over there looks tall enough,” Fire said, pointing to a nearby tree. He took hold of the thick vines. “Um… Cookie?”

“Wha– OH MY NOTCH.” Cookie looked at the jungle, now ablaze with fire.

“I think I might have started a teeny tiny wildfire,” Fire grinned, embarrassed.

Cookie took some water in his paws and dumped in on a leaf. Nothing happened. He slumped down, helpless, as the jungle slowly burnt to the ground. When the last bit of fire had gone out, there was nothing left but dirt.

“Well, that went well,” Cookie commented pointedly.

“Jump,” Fire commanded.

“Um… okay.” Cookie jumped.

“Keep on jumping, non-stop,” Fire ordered. Cookie obliged. “Okay, now stop.”

“Phew,” Cookie said. “I need a drinkaaaaoooh where did the ground go.”

Cookie looked down the tall side of the tower. “Since when did you have this much dirt?” Cookie asked.

Fire ignored his question. “Now, let’s fly!” he grinned.

“It’s not possible!” Cookie protested.

“Everything’s possible if you BELIEVE.”

"In what?"


Cookie shut his eyes. “I BELIEVE,” he told himself.

“Now jump!” Fire said.

“No!” Cookie said, opening his eyes again with fear.

“Too bad,” Fire smirked, and kicked Cookie off the tower. He threw himself off shortly after Cookie, laughing maniacally. “I BELIEVE I CAN FLYYYYY!” he yelled, in a voice even worse than Cookie’s.

Then gravity slapped Fire in the face – or, more accurately, the sandy ground did. For the second time that day, he was dusting sand off of himself as he stood up, dizzy.

“Well, I survived that one,” Fire said, before noticing that someone was watching him.

“Who the heck are you?” asked OliviaLovesSnow.

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