
By awesomfunturtle

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Annabelle Tomeko is Dead, she was murdered. A being, superior to us, sends her back to earth with supernatura... More



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By awesomfunturtle


Cho woke up early the next morning, not necessarily as early as the previous days, but early enough for him to be awake before the rest of his family. It was around six thirty in the morning. Amanda and Trevor didn't have to go to school until eight thirty. He hadn't got a phone call yet, Annabelle must still be in a coma. He was all ready to go off to work if he was needed, but there was no call.

He walked through his house to the kitchen. The sun was shining brightly on the horizon. A nice break from the rain, he thought. Cho pulled out some ingredients from the refrigerator; bread, turkey slices, lettuce, and some other ingredients to add onto a sandwich. After he finished his turkey sandwich and having some time before he had to leave, he went to make breakfast for Emiko and the kids.

Cho cracked eggs into a pan, cutting up tomatoes, green peppers, and shredding cheese in the middle of them. He chopped up some oranges also, putting them on three plates with the omelets. Emiko would wake up soon, he thought, the food shouldn't get to cold before they ate. Cho decided to write a note to them, saying that he loved them and hoped they had a great day.

His phone buzzed in his pocket as he set them out on the counter. He pulled it out to find that Valery had text messaged him. “Ready to go?” It read. He typed back quickly, “Way ahead of you.” Cho grabbed his jacket and car keys, heading out the door quietly.

* * * *

Detective Valery and Cho met at the station, they parked their cars beside each other. Valery walked into their office to find Cho already on his laptop. “Good morning.” Cho said to him, he looked up from the computer. Valery looked anxious.

“Guess what I found out last night.” He said, putting his jacket over the back of his chair.

“What happened to resting?”

“No, Sid made me rest, but first we found something out about Annabelle that we didn't see before.” he walked around his desk and leaned against the front of it so he could face Cho.

“Like what?” Cho was curious at what they had missed.

“Do you remember that case we had a last week, the suicide?” He nodded. “Well, that was Annabelle.”

“How could that of been her, she's alive.” Cho wasn't believing it, it was possible that his partner had gone crazy. Him and Valery had seen the body of the girl that jumped off the building. Now that he thought back to it, the girl could of looked like Annabelle. The girl who had jumped from the building was bloody and broken, he couldn't distinguish between them if he tried.

“I'm not sure. Maybe she faked it. But she's alive now, we should go visit her and try and find out what's going on here.” Cho agreed, though he was doubtful. They headed out the door of the station quickly and drove off in his car.

* * * * * * *

When they got to the hospital, they found Sydney in Annabelle's room changing her sheets and previously her clothes. “Hi guys.” she said looking up from the side of Annabelle's bed. “You're early today.”

“We wanted an fresh start.” Cho told her.

“Hey, Sid.” Valery smiled. She probably wasn't going to walk over and hug or kiss him while she was at work, he thought.

“She hasn't woken, yet. No vitals have changed. We'll only be able to keep her here for a short period of time without money.”

“We can get the station to pay for it, we want her alive.” Sid nodded, taking Annabelle's old sheets and placing them on a cart that she started to roll out.

“I need to grab some things, feel free to stay here.” She walked out into the hallway, the Detectives heard the squeak of the wheels as she walked away.

“you weren't here yesterday when I came here with Detective Hanster and Detective Bell, but we found this.” Cho walked over to the left side of the bed and picked up her arm carefully. Valery walked up behind him and looked down at what was on Annabelle's arm. There were three cuts, two were neat and probably cut with a knife, but the third was messy like she did it with her fingernails. They were in the shape of X's. Valery took a step back and sat down in the armchair in the corner of the room.

“What the hell is that?” he asked.

“Hanster, Bell, and I thought it might represent the people she's already killed. One for Veronica Pink, another for Andrew Amble, and the final one for Melton Shell.”

“Why would she do that?”

“Maybe she's keeping track.” Cho suggested. He walked around the the other side of the bed where a chair was pulled out of the corner of the room and up closer to the bed. He sat down in it, but didn't attempt to get comfortable.

“Did they say how long it should be?” Valery asked, holding his forehead in his hand while his elbow rested on the arm rest of the chair.

“Could be five minutes, or could be five weeks.” Cho quoted from Sid the night before, looking down at Annabelle. He wondered if she could hear them talking, but he seriously doubted that as well.

* * * *

Seven could hear the beeping of her heartbeat and she instantly knew she was in a hospital room. The only thing she could remember was bring in the car with Paul, then they crashed. She was curious if Paul had died or not. She could hear voices, probably only two people, but they might have been waiting for her to wake up. She held her breath trying not to make to much movement, but that only caused her heartbeat to beat faster. The peoples voices went quiet. “Is she waking up?” one asked, standing up off the chair he was sitting in.

“I don't think so. It's possible for comatose patients to have nightmares.” the other told him. The first one sat back down again and relaxed a bit, she could hear the ruffling of the chair cushion.

“Well, if I were her I would be having nightmares.”

Another person walked in then, someone with a light footstep. The sound that came with them reminded her of Paul rolling the trolly down the hall. Seven thought it might have been a nurse. “I need to take a blood sample then I'll leave you guys to your work.” it was a female.

“It's alright, Sid. Take your time.” the first one said. The nurse, Sid, which Seven thought was an obscene name for a girl, picked up a few things from her trolly. Her footsteps came closer to Seven's side. When her warm hand touched Seven's hand, she yanked it away and jerked upwards.

At first, it was a blur to her. Her mind spun around the room with dizziness, she could make out someone getting up to try and hold her down. She quickly punched them in the chest, hard enough for her knuckles to crack. Seven got up to her knees when someone from behind her grabbed around her neck with a large arm. She elbowed them, but it didn't do to much, they were much larger than her.

She felt a gun holster on his belt. She quickly unhooked it and grabbed the gun, flicking the safety off with her thumb. Seven pointed the gun to their neck and their grip loosened. She pounced off the bed from the person as whipped around to see Detective Valery and Detective Cho. Valery was the one who she took the gun from, Cho was aiming his at her also, but she kept hers on Valery.

Seven grabbed the nurse who had tried to take her blood and held the gun to her head and hid herself behind her. “Annabelle,” Valery started slowly, putting his hands out in front of his chest. She was close to the door and could easily make a run for it. She wouldn't care if she killed the girl to get away from them. Seven thought about teleporting away from them, wondering if it would work while she was so dizzy. “Let her go.” he continued.

“You can let me get out of here without hurting her, or we can do this the complicated way.” Seven told them, she glanced from one to the other, but neither replied. “Put your gun down and kick it to me.” she demanded at Cho. He took his finger off the trigger and lay it down carefully on the floor. He slid it over and stood back up with his arms up near his head.

Out of the corner of Valery's eye, he saw that his phone had fallen on the floor and he had gotten a text message. The message was from Detective Hanster, it read, “Coming up to meet you now.” meaning that they were coming up to Annabelle's room.

“Okay, we'll do it your way, just don't hurt her.” Valery said. If Hanster and Bell were coming up, they would be able to catch her before she could get away, he thought.

Seven glared from one Detectives eyes to the others, she lightly bit her lower lip, trying to stall herself while figuring out the power she was starting to feel. Quickly, she threw the nurse away from her, getting the Detectives attention off of her. She turned to run from the room, the door swung inwards and two people walked in, and women and a man, but she was gone before they could react.

* * * *

Valery, Cho, Sydney, and the newly joined Detectives Hanster and Cho watched as Annabelle disappear right before their eyes. Each one of them were shocked.

“What just happened?” Detective Bell was the first to speak up.

“It's just like with the bullet and jumping off the building. We don't understand how, but she can do weird things.” Valery explained to them after helping Sydney up from the ground. She quickly dusted off her pants and stood up straight.

“We need to find her before she kills someone else. She has a gun now.” Cho stated, glancing at his partner and tucking his gun back into the holster. He walked quickly towards the door while Hanster and Bell left. Valery turned to Sydney, putting his hands on her shoulders.

“Are you alright?” he asked looking into her eyes. She smiled a little and tucked a loose hair behind her ear.

“I'm fine. They need you,” she encouraged him. He kissed her lightly on the lips.

“I'll see you tonight.” she nodded and he followed behind Cho to the elevator.

* * * *

Seven landed on the bottom floor of the hospital, the room she was in had many different extra supplies for doctors and nurses. She was beside the door, luckily for her, no one else was in the room when she appeared.

The door was pushed open quickly, Seven flinched, but the person walking in the room couldn't see her, she was hidden by the wooden door swinging towards her. It couldn't of been the Detectives, she thought, they were five floors up.

Seven peered around the door, a small nurse was pushing a trolly up towards a cupboard, not noticing her at all. She continued to put things into her cart. Seven came out from behind the door as it swung it self shut, holding out her hand at the nurse. The nurse froze suddenly, she started to levitate off the ground, her high heels falling off her feet as she rose. Seven twitched her hand and the neck of the nurse cracked. Seven let her fall to the ground, lifeless. She just smiled.

She hurried out into the hall. To the left of her was the front door, but she knew she wouldn't be able to get out the door with the hospital rags on.

Seven sneaked down the hall, peering in all the doors down the hallway, hoping she'd find something to wear. A tall female doctor turned out from on of the rooms a little farther down the hallway. She was glancing down at a brown clipboard in her hands. Seven quickly pushed through one of the closest doors to her, shutting the door softly. She pushed herself up against it and listened to the sound of the doctors footsteps walk passed her.

Seven turned around to look into the room where she hid, there were shelves of clothes and other belongings with tape labels of different names. She hurried over to the first line of white shelves, running her hand along the names. Jade Callahan. Black jeans and a white t-shirt. Seven tore off the hospital clothing and tried on the clothes. This Jade girl must have been taller than her, the jeans fit around her waist, but she had to roll them up at the bottom. The white shirt was also a bit big for her, the girl must have been more busty than her as well. Seven was sure Jade Callahan wouldn't mind that she borrowed her clothes. She realized she still had Valery's gun with her, she clicked the safety on and tucked it in the waist of Jade's pants, under the somewhat baggy shirt.

Jade had a pair of running shoes with her clothes, and a few other things that could have been in her jeans pocket. Seven took the shoes, even though they were a size and a half to big for her. A tag on one of the shelves caught her eye, 'Annabelle Tomeko' it read. She rushed over to it, through there were no clothes, only a paper. She grabbed it and stuffed it into the jeans pocket. She took off back down the hall way, casually walking as if she was meant to be there. The Detectives hadn't gotten to the main entrance yet, but she didn't take the chance of waiting any longer.

Seven headed out the door, there was a cool breeze flew around her. The sun was shining brightly above her head, she had to squint to see the landscape around her. She was downtown, there were many tall buildings a few blocks from where she stood. Large parking garages along side the main roads, most spots filled up for the hospital. To her left was a bus stop, the city bus waiting as people got on.

She glanced behind herself quickly, no Detectives. Seven hurried towards the bus.

* * * *

Detective Valery caught up with Cho, Hanster, and Bell at the front desk of the hospital. Cho was talking to the nurse behind the desk, she pointed out the front door as Valery got beside them. The three Detectives put their hands on their guns, but Valery didn't have his. He stayed behind the other Detectives as they rushed out the sliding doors and into the cool morning. The sun hadn't been up long enough to heat up the atmosphere.

Valery looked around the few people outside of the hospital, but there was no short red-head running by. A city bus shut it's doors and slowly started towards the exit of the parking lot. Valery scanned the tinted windows, trying to make out head shapes and hair colors. His eyes caught a red movement near the back of the bus, it was hair.

“The bus.” he anxiously said to Cho. He reacted quickly, running to the bus, his badge already out. He pressed it against the bus door to show the driver, he slowed to a stop and opened the door. Valery was already behind him.

Cho stepped on the bus, quickly he glanced back at Valery. “In the back.” he whispered. Cho held his gun pointed down at the ground, moving quickly as to not cause panic among the other passengers.

Halfway through the bus, Valery and Cho could both see the passenger sitting farthest back. It was a thick bearded man with dark hair, he didn't look up at them as they stared.

“Thank you.” Cho said to the driver as the Detectives got off the bus. They watched as the bus took off and disappeared. They turned to each other. “Are you sure-”

“Yes, I saw her. I don't know how she did that.” Valery cut him off, obviously frustrated. He ran his fingers through his hair, wondering if the stress would eventually make it all fall out. “How does she keep doing that?” he asked himself rhetorically while the other Detectives weren't paying attention.

* * * *

Seven lay back on the couch in her crappy new apartment. She never thought to much about it, fearing that discovering the cause of it would make it disappear, but she loved how that mysterious thing inside her head saves her. Jumping from her balcony, stopping that bullet, and then teleporting away from the hospital. She wanted to know how it worked and if she was the one controlling it. Maybe it was the work of God. Whether it was or wasn't, she was grateful.

She pulled the cool gun out from her waistband and placed it on the coffee table beside her. It clinked quietly as the metal touched the wood. Then reaching into her pants pocket, she pulled out the small paper, it was her list. She unfolded it and looked at the ink, not reading it, just thinking. She wondered how it had gotten to the hospital if her clothes hadn't, and why it was in good condition after being drenched with rain. And thats when she realized, that nurse must of seen it. She inhaled deeply with anger, biting down hard on her bottom lip. If the nurse was smart enough to understand what the crossed out names were, she could of told the police. Seven knew the nurse had some sort of relationship with Detective Valery, maybe his girlfriend or wife or sister. If the nurse wasn't smart enough, then the Detective would know exactly what it was.

The police would be just sitting ducks waiting for her to come and collect them. She couldn't be recognized. She already knew that her hair was the first thing the Detectives recognized, it stood out too much.

Seven stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen, aggressively grabbing a pair of scissors for the top drawer. In the washroom, Seven looked at her hair. She grabbed her bangs, pulled them forward and cut quickly across her brow. They sat in place, hiding her eyebrows. Her curly hair was also a dead give-away. She stretched it downwards so the piece of hair was straight. When she let go of the hair, it snapped back and curled again.

In her mind she imaged her hair black, with the fringe she cut herself and straight hair. That would change what her jaw line looked like, and the color of her skin. “I'll be called Myra.” she told herself. “Myra Estella.”

Seven grabbed her credit card and walked out of the building, on a search to find the closest salon.

* * * *

The Detectives went back to the police station. Valery showed Bell and Hanster what he had shown Cho that following morning.

“Mentally insane, huh? Classic.” Bell said, munching on a sandwich.

“I don't understand, the clinic shouldn't of let her out unless she had a qualified guardian.” Hanster ignored Bell's comment as she usually did. “You said she was living alone.” Cho nodded.

“That depends if this Annabelle Tomeko is the real Annabelle Tomeko. It could just be some sort of imposter. She is dead after all.” Cho still wouldn't believe that the dead was walking, Valery understood that, he wasn't so sure himself.

“One of us should go down to the clinic to check out what was going on with her.” Hanster decided, then Cho and Bell nodded. The three of them turned to Valery, who was leaning against a table near where they sat.

He sighed silently. “Yeah, I'll go,” he said, picking up his jacket. “but don't expect me to pick you guys something up on the way back.”

Valery got into his car, starting off towards the outside of town, following the directions from his GPS. He turned into the small parking lot of a two story building that was lined with windows. Shutting his car door, he walked up to the white building, walking passed flourished gardens and bright green grass. It seemed that the whole building was surrounded by flowers and trees that shaded the picnic tables around the yard.

He walked through the main entrance, few people sat around the lobby playing cards. He could barely tell which of the people actually worked there and who were patients. Some of the people looked up at him as he walked passed them to the main desk. A fairly young blonde woman sat at the desk, she looked up at him and smiled happily.

“Can I help you?”

“I was wondering who I can talk to about previous patients.” he took out his F.B.I badge.

“Of course, come with me.” she said, picking up a few files that were beside her and hurrying down the hall away from him. He picked up his feet and followed closely behind her. Down the hallway were many doors with names of various doctors and psychiatrists. The blonde woman knocked on a door of one of the psychiatrists, the name on the plague read “Doctor. Estella, Myra. PhD”

“Come in.” she called, the blonde opened the door and let Valery in.

“Hello.” he said, meeting eyes with a woman sitting at a red-pine wood desk, showing her the badge he hadn't put away. She had caramel highlights in her light brown hair. It was short and cupped her face. She wore glasses that were falling down her nose, she pushed them up carefully as Valery walked in the room.

“How can I help you, Detective?” she asked smiling, forming wrinkles around her eyes.

“I'm here about a patient that was released, probably about two weeks ago.” Valery took a seat as the Doctor motioned towards the dark leather seat in front of her desk. “Her name is Annabelle Tomeko.”

The Doctor turned in her chair and rolled over to a tall cabinet. “T...” she said to her self. “T.O.” she grabbed a beige folder and pulled it out. “Annabelle Tomeko, here we are.” she rolled back to her desk and put the folder in front of her. “If I remember correctly, I worked with her directly a few years back.” she opened the folder and read over it. Valery watched as as she frowned slightly. “I fear there must be some mistake, Annabelle passed away just last week.”

Valery tried not to show any of the emotions he was feeling. The confusion, the fear, the anger, though his mind was racing. Along with his heart. So, he was right, that was Annabelle who jumped off the building. He raised his eyebrow, first in shock, but then nodded slightly as if to confirm this.

“Her father was the one who set up the funeral, I can give you his address if you would like.” she said, trying to examine Valery's facial expressions.

“That would be great.” he finally choked out. The Doctor wrote down on a small note paper and handed it to him, he tried to smile and shake her hand before leaving. “Thank you.”

* * * *

Seven looked at herself in the salon mirror, he hair straightened fell down the her ribs. Her greens eyes seemed greener. Her skin, paler. The shape of her face looked like it changed, it looked longer. She looked good, she didn't even recognize herself.

She paid the hair stylist and walked outside into the sun. It was in the middle of the sky, there was a little breeze that made Seven shiver a bit. The black hair had already started to get warm from the sun. She pulled the list out of her jeans pocket, staring down at the names again. She didn't really need to know who was next, she memorized the whole list, but she liked to see the names. She liked to think that crossing them off was fate.

Johnathon Tomeko was her father, and probably her only family left alive. But not for long. She knew she would have no trouble killing him, she only wished she still looked like she did back then, when she lived with him, so he actually recognized her as she killed him.

She remember back after her mother was killed she went to live with her father. He left her mother before she was born, leaving her with no father figure. She never even consider Johnathon her father. He abused her. As he did with her mother. He was lazy man, living off welfare and hiring prostitutes to come to his house every night. She knew he would be on this list from the first day.

She finally walked away from the salon steps and headed off down the sidewalk. There were a few things she needed to pick up before reuniting with her father.

* * * *

Valery hurried back into the office and shut the door behind him, Cho and Bell were standing staring at a board. Cho glanced back quickly. “Oh, it's you.” he said then looked back at the board.

“You always make me feel so welcome.” he threw his jacket over his chair. “You won't belie-” Valery started, then looked at the board the other Detectives were staring at. “What's this?” He recognized all the names on the board, Sydney had told him about the list. It was clutched in Annabelle's hand when she got to the hospital, she read it and instantly filed the report with Valery himself.

They moved aside and showed his the writing all over the white board. “While you were gone we were trying to figure out what Annabelle had in relation with the people. Like the Andrew Amble,” Cho explained. Valery stepped beside them, look at a giant chart with Pictures and lines connecting them. “a.k.a. 'Snake', we found out he was charged with the murder Annabelle's mother when she was young. He was found guilty by the court, but a few loose ends and he was freed. And then Melton Shell, he was charged for the rape of Ms. Tomeko. His father was the owner of the company then, he paid to keep it quiet. We figure she's on a revenge rampage.”

“As far as this list of hers, we got to put some names to faces, and faces to stories.” Bell continued. “Johnathon Tomeko, her father, he was charged for abuse. Annabelle was put in a foster home before being throw in that asylum. But these last two names, there are no charges or anything, like Naomi Peyton, she's a horse trainer out in the country. And this Mark Shiaz-whatever- he's a high school gym teacher.” Detective Bell leaned against Cho's desk and crossed his arms in front of his chest, mimicing the position Cho has stood in for years when he's thinking. “Whatever she means by Seven, well, that's stumped us.”

“Doesn't she call herself Seven?” Valery pointed out. “Remember? She said Annabelle was dead, and to call her Seven.” Cho nodded.

“That's right. How could I forget?” He scribbled on the white board again. “That could mean she's going to kill herself after all this. You're a genius.”

“Would you tell my wife that?” Valery mumbled. “Now that that's out of the way, I picked something us from the clinic.”

“A prescription for yourself?” Bell asked, not even look at Valery as he spoke, but staring at the white board.

“No,” he glared at him. “It's Annabelle's father's address. I think it's time we go see him.” Cho nodded to him.

Behind Valery, the door opened. Detective Hanster walked into with four coffees on a tray. “Coffee's here!” Bell said happily, the two of them walked over to get their coffee.

“How come I don't get a greeting like that?” Valery joked, standing up to grab his coffee as well.

* * *

It was almost dark, Cho and Valery drove off that evening as the sun was setting behind the trees. It took them a good forty minutes, Johnathon's house wasn't in the city. The pulled up to a small white house. It was square and the paint was chipping off the old wood it was made out of. The front door was brown and there were two windows on either side of it. The only light that was on was coming from the left window. The two Detectives climbed out of the car.

“Is this the right house?” Cho asked as they walked up to the door.

“Yep, this is it.” he replied, ringing the doorbell. Cho peered though the left window, seeing a head resting against a couch. It must of been Johnathon, he was watching tv slumped down on the couch. He didn't move when the doorbell rang.

Valery knocked hard on the door with his large fists. “Mr. Tomeko?” They could hear the buzz of the television through the door, it was loud. Cho motioned to the window, Valery peeked in.

“He's there.”

“Let's hope we're not to late then.” Valery replied, taking a step back. He forcefully kicked the wooden door, it flew inwards on it's hinges.

Cho pulled out his gun, he lead with Valery close behind him. In the living room they found Johnathon, a look of surprise on his face glaring at them.

Though he was already dead.

* * *

Detectives Hanster and Bell walked into Johnathon Tomeko's house, they met Valery and Cho, who were standing next to the couch. They walked over to the door to greet them. The two Detectives were just arriving as the EMS were. Some of the paramedics were already examining the body.

“Annabelle got to him before we did. We must of just missed her.” Valery told them. Hanster glanced around Valery and look down at the body on the couch. They weren't close enough to see the disgusting details Annabelle had contributed to her father. “Come see.”

They were lead over to the couch, where she wished she couldn't see the details. She swallowed back quickly. His left eye was missing, like the other victims. Both his hands were position so the palms were facing the ceiling, but instead of seeing the skin, they could see the flesh underneath, Annabelle skinned them. His neck was slit, the blood had poured out all over his grey shirt. That must have been the cause of death, Hanster thought, or maybe she hoped for his sake. Down both of his obliques were thick, deep, cuts that were sliced through his shirt. Johnathon's knee caps were smashed in, causing small pieces of bone to stick up on top of his leg. The body also looked fairly beaten up, with bruises and cuts all over it. Detective Hanster wondered if he went through a lot of pain or not.

Sloth was written in blood on the walls.

“Will they be taking him back to the station?” Bell asked, breaking the silence. Hanster finally looked away, indulging in the conversation.

“We'll probably have a new forensic scientist by now, since Paul was killed.” Cho replied.

“He got what was coming to him, he was helping a serial killer. What did he expect?” Valery commented.

“She calls herself Seven, do you think that Paul was one of the Seven?” Cho thought out loud.

“She didn't write his name down though, it was Naomi and Mark next.” Bell said.

“Yeah that's true, but maybe the last person really isn't herself. What if she just left it open to kill some random seventh person?”

“It's a theory to consider, I guess.” Hanster finally added in. Cho nodded to her. “It's also possible that she'll be going after Naomi or Mark tonight.”

“So far it's been in order on that list, should we go see Naomi?” Valery suggested.

“What if she wants to trick us, and goes to Mark instead?” Bell said.

“We'll go to Naomi,” Valery said for himself and Cho. “You two go visit Mark, if Annabelle's not there, then find out as much as you can about her.” They nodded.

Cho and Valery headed off towards the outside of town, while Hanster and Bell went back into the city to find Mark. Valery found himself speeding many times that night.

* * *

Seven sat on her cold floor, made of cheap tile that let in all the cold air. She sat with her back to the couch, the kleenex she held between her fingers was soaked with blood. She'd finally carved the fourth X into her wrist, one she'd been wanting to do every second she was being held captive.

Johnathon Tomeko hadn't recognized her. She hated to call him her father, denied it even. The last he had seen her he was watching the television while she was taken away to a foster home. She was almost glad her father was a pedophile, as soon as she arrived at his door, he let her in immediately. Probably expecting a happy ending in return.

Though that was all finished now, he was dead and gone. “Good riddance.” she thought out loud. She would wait until tomorrow morning to visit her old friend, Naomi. She was beautiful, Seven remembered. After her best friend, Sam, had killed herself, Naomi was her only friend. No, she was Annabelle's only friend.

It wasn't until Naomi got 'popular' that she started doing these stupid things. She thought it was cool to have sex with men five years older than her, not to mention when she was only fifteen, and stay out late at night drinking with people she barely knew. At first it wasn't much of a problem to Annabelle, until Naomi decided to visit her one night at her foster house. Her and a few of the senior football players decided to get completely drunk and sneak into the house while her new family was out.

They broke through the back door and found Annabelle in the living room. The football players smashed a bottle over her head, sending glass flying deep into her arm. Naomi was too drunk to recognize the cries of pain, she just laughed.

Annabelle spent a month in the hospital with a concussion, thirty stitches in her arm, and ten on her head. Naomi was a greedy bitch, never satisfied with what she had and always wanted more. She was her Gluttony, always wanting more.

Seven felt the spot on her arm where she had gotten the stitches, but there wasn't even a scar now. Her fingers glazed over the sensitive flesh on her wrist and she winced slightly.

The next thing on her mind was sleep. She hadn't properly slept in five days and it was catching up to her. Seven walked into her small bedroom and climbed into the bed, curling up in a ball under the heavy covers. She finally let her eyes rest, and her mind drifted off into dreamless sleep.

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