Reverse Love [Dipcest] +Disco...

By BlueCipher0

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Dipper was sucked into the portal after the Government had left. He had gone downstairs to check the portal... More

Meeting the Pines and Southeast
Meet the Gleeful Twins
Day Out In Town
What's This Feeling?
Getting Jealous
I Love Him/Leaving?!
Back to The Norm, or So I Thought
He's my Boyfriend
Renewed Introductions

Reunions and Starting Problems

9.1K 296 345
By BlueCipher0

+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack-Basement Lab+

Mabel walked over to her Grunkle Ford after awhile of looking for her brother. "Grunkle Ford, have you seen Dipper around? I can't find him since this morning, I even checked upstairs in the shack."

Ford looked over the people around them and noticed that he couldn't spot his great nephew either. "I haven't seen him around either Mabel. Here I'll help you ask around."

She smiled and nodded her head. "Thanks!"

They went around asking people if they've seen him and didn't get any clues. That was until Gideon came over with Ghost-eyes.

"I heard you guys were having trouble finding Dipper so I asked some of my friends if they've seen him. Apparently Ghosteyes here has caught sight of him." Gideon told them and they looked at the man for more information.

"I saw him head out of the lab yesterday, but I thought he was just getting something from upstairs, so I thought maybe he would have come back down. I haven't seen him return since."

Mabel gasp now having a forbidding feeling within her. "Do you think Dipper went outside?!"

"But what reason would there be fore him to go though?" Gideon asked.

Ford hummed in thought before making a decision. "Maybe he's going after Bill to stop him."

"Then we have to go get him before something bad happens to him!" Mabel exclaimed gripping onto her sweater tightly worried for her brother.

"Mabel pick two people from you team, your coming with us to go search for your brother. So Stanley, myself, Soos, and Wendy will becoming along. Your other two friends will hold the fort here while we're gone." For told her and walked off to find the others.

"Alright Grunkle Ford!"


Dipper woke up to the sight of Bill, in human form, staring down at him and he merely gave the demon a unpleased expression. "Why are you staring at me Bill? It's too early to be doing stuff like this."

"Just bored, so I though I could scare you a bit when you woke up." He sighed. "But that didn't seem to work either."

Dipper rubbed his eyes and sat up on his bed. "What's happening? Anything new?"

"Nope! My gang are still partying downstairs. I just came back from checking on them. Though Eightball did eat a lot of those red little peppers in one bite and started breathing fire."

The teen laughed at that. "Well if he wants it to be gone, tell him to gulp down some milk." He stood up and stretched. "Anyways, I think I should be on my way. I can't worry my family by missing again."

"Aww! Come on PineTree, I'm family too, and this demon needs some family time." Bill whines with fake hurt.

Dipper hugged Bill for a moment before letting go of him. "Don't worry Bill, we can hangout sometime later."

"And just how long is later?"

"When you decided to finally stop Weirdmageddon Party." Dipper says with a smirk. He heard Bill groan and shook his head. "Now can you at least send me to the ground or do I have fall to my death trying?"

"Fine!" Bill snapped his fingers and Dipper disappeared with a pop. He huffed now feeling really lonely. 'Maybe I should call Will and have a talk with him.' The blond floated over to the bed and sat down. He snapped his fingers again and made a screen pop up with words calling for Will. It rang for awhile, but it didn't pick up. "That's weird, Will always picks up whenever I call him."

"I can't pick up since I'm here anyways."

Bill turned around quickly and grinned widely when he saw his beloved blue demon. "Will!"

+Gravity Falls: Forest+

The Pines Family and their friends searched the forest together for Dipper. So far they haven't come across anything, but a few weirdness monsters.

"I hope Dipper's okay..." Mabel says walking in between Pacifica and Gideon. Grenda and Candy had stayed behind to watch over the rest of the people down at the shack.

"Don't worry Mabel we'll find him soon enough." Stan told her from the front lines.

They can across a small clearing to find someone there. They approached closer to find it was just Dipper looking at a small pond.

"Dipper! There you are! We were so worried!" Mabel exclaims.

The brunet turned around, but he wasn't wearing the same clothes he was wearing yesterday. He had black pants and shoes, a white button up dress shirt that was long sleeve and rolled up a bit, sleeveless blue vest, a slightly darker blue cape, and wore a baby amulet like Gideon's around his neck. Not to mention his hear was parted to show off his birthmark.

"Hmm, so this is what you guys look like, is almost pathetic I guess." The brunet says.

"Hey man! We were born this way and we're awesome." Wendy says standing up for everyone.

He rolled his eyes. "Just great, here I thought I would have less chance to meet her here." Looking at Wendy with disinterest and annoyance. He crossed his arms over his chest.

"You look like my brother, just who are you?" Mabel asked.

"I'm Tyrone Gleeful, and I know who everyone of you people are. So no need for introductions."

The first name was familiar to Mabel and Ford, but they forgot where they heard it from.

"You have a brother Gideon?! Hmm well that explains why he dresses like you..." Pacifica says surprised.

"Oh please! I'm an only child and why would I have a brother who looks like Dipper." Gideon said back with confusion written all over his face.

"Are you sure you aren't Dipper dude?" Soos asked Tyrone.

Tyrone sighed and placed a hand on his forehead. "It's my nickname, but I'm sure I'm not the person your looking for."

The rustle of bushes caught their attention and they all looked at where the noise came from. Out came another person and when they realized who it was they smiled.

"Dipper!" Mabel called out once again and ran over to her brother. Her twin smiled back at her.

"Hey Mabel."

Mabel didn't get to her brother first, but instead Tyrone did and hugged her brother from behind. The search group froze wondering what he was going to do.

"Hey Dominic, it's been a day since we've been apart, anything new?" Tyrone had a confident smile on his face as the other brunet relaxed in his hold.

Dominic laughed a bit which surprised his family and friends. "Nothing new, but did you miss me that much for you to wanna come visit me?" He asked back.

Tyrone hummed and let Dominic go. "Please, I could be torturing Pacifica and Gideon by now, but Will decided to bring me along here." He half lied to hide his secret loneliness without his love. "Actually, I could do that now..." His gaze went towards said blond and albino.

The two teen shivered at a cold feeling running down their spines.

"Don't even think about it. They from my dimension so they're not used to what you do with your Pacifica and Gideon." Dominic tells him while pushing his shoulder lightly.

"Uh, Dipper? Do you know this guy?" Wendy asked totally confused as to what was going on between them.

"Right, uh so this is Tyrone Gleeful. He's from the Reverse Universe I was talking about where I ended up after the portal incident. He's my reverse self."

Mabel grinned, "Oh! So that's why his name was so familiar!" She walked over to the two and held out her hand to Tyrone. "Thanks for taking care of my brother while he was stuck there."

Tyrone shook her hand a bit before pulling back. "No problem."

They headed back to the shack cautious of the weirdness except Dominic and Tyrone. Mabel had given her brother a walkie-talkie just in case they some how got separated again. When ever Dominic saw one of the eye bats he had a simple signal for it to leave them alone. Tyrone did his best to use his powers to push away any creatures that may cause them harm.

"So, just how did you get here again?" Dominic asked once they were a good distance away from the group.

"Will obviously. He suggested we take a trip here so he opened a portal for me after some dealing orders, plus he told me he had someone to talk to I believe." Tyrone explained.

Dominic chuckled a bit when he remembered yesterday's fuss. "I have an idea who he might be talking too. So I know where to find Will when you want to head home." He received a slight nod from Tyrone as they continued walking.

Tyrone seeing as the group didn't seem to pay attention much, he pulled Dominic behind some trees quietly and quickly. He had him trapped between him and a tree.

"Yes Tyrone?" Dominic asked simply like a tease to him.

The counterpart smirked and hugged Dominic around the waist pulling him closer. "I just want to greet my boyfriend properly. Is that so much to ask?" Dominic smiled and wrapped his arms around Tyrone's neck. He leaned down and kissed his Dominic happily.

Dominic kissed back delightfully. The kiss turned out to be a few moments of a make out session before they pulled apart. "I missed you."

"Missed you too my dear." Tyrone says back with a small smile. "I can't really stand being away from you for too long. Lucky I can see you sooner than I thought." A smirk replacing his small smile.

The submissive of the two chuckled and placed a sweet kiss on Tyrone's cheek. "Neither can I and its a joy to see you." Dominic caressed the side of Tyrone's face and down the side of his neck which made him purr. Eyes filling with lustful look. "I hate to cut this short, but we have to be getting back with the rest of the group."

"Let them wait, I assume you know the way back anyways." The brunet cut his lover off before he could protest. Quickly finding all the teen's favorite sweet spots to get the him in a heated daze. "It's not wrong... If it is, do you wish for me to stop?"

Dominic's mind was in a haze to think straight. All he wanted right now was his lover to pamper him with his love. He was honestly drained of contact from Tyrone since yesterday. He need it. The teen gripped the blue fabric vest tightly. "Please Tyrone..."

"Please what Dominic?" Tyrone asked with a smirk.

A whine escaped Dominic's slightly parted lips. "Please... Just take me already." He tells the other in a whisper up close to his ear.

A bruising kiss made contact with his lips.


"So now that we got Dipper's opposite self we got more help to take down Bill." Mabel cheered at their accomplishment in gaining a comrade.

Pacifica hummed. "But isn't he evil? What if he's working for Bill?"

"He did help Dipper though when he passed through the portal. So I think he's a good guy. We can always ask Dipper too!" Mabel says smiling happily as always.

The two girls turn their heads to ask Dipper and his reverse self, but to their surprise they weren't there. Pacifica and Mabel gave each other a look with confused and questioning looks.

"Should we go look for them?"

Mabel shook her head and took out her walkie-talkie and pressed the button on the side. "Hey Dipper? You okay bro bro? We noticed that you guys aren't following us anymore."

There wasn't a response for a few more minutes and most of the group who heard stopped and so did the rest of them. There was just silence and static going through the air. Then they heard a click on the walkie-talkie.

"Hey is this how it works? Hello?" They heard Tyrone through the device.

"Ty! What's up with you and bro bro? Did you guys get hurt?" Mabel asked in worry since the silence after she talked.

"No Mabel, but Dominic over here got himself into, um a stick situation..." The reverse counterpart told them a bit slowly. They could hear him chuckle a bit from the other end until he let go of the button.

"Well what happened? Do you need us to come help you guys?"

The click was heard and Mabel's brother spoke. "No! Mabel you don't need to! I can- uh, I-I got it covered! Don't worry!" Her brother exclaimed and he sounded out of breath.

"You okay bro bro? You sound like you ran a marathon."

"Just peachy Mabes- Just peachy..." Dominic told her with a sigh. "We'll catch up with you guys once Tyrone here finally decides to help me."

"Which will kinda take awhile, so I suggest you guys head back first. Dominic says he knows the way back, we'll meet you back at your hideout." Tyrone ends the connection on the walkie-talkie.

"Okay then you guys, but if you aren't back in 20 Minutes then I'm gonna come and find you guys."

"We got it." Two of the same voices replied on the device.

The group looked at each other with suspicious looks, but decided to continue moving closer to the shack. Thankfully reaching their destination safely.

+Dominic and Tyrone+

The submissive brunet panted as he held Tyrone tightly in an embrace. "Why did you do that?!" He moaned from feeling pleasured from his lover.

Smirk gracing his lip, Tyrone replied, "I just wanted to see how you would react." He licked his lips and kissed Dominic's lips for a moment. "Might I say it was worth it for something delicious."

A dark red blush arose across Dominic's face as he hid it by pressing his face into Tyrone's chest. "Your such a sadist."

"Yeah, but I'm your sadist." He remarked as he stroked the other's back. "So what are your plans for now anyways? Seeing as your town is not the way it used to be." He looked up at the red sky filled with flying monsters and a big rip.

Dominic hummed and peeked one of his eyes up at his lover. "I'll eventually get Bill to stop all of this and let everyone be free from this chaos. His party has to end someday anyways." He heard Tyrone made a agreeing sound of okay. The brunet let go of him and back up. "No if you would be ever so kind to carry me back to the shack. It would be highly appreciated."

Tyrone chuckled and turned his back to Dominic, who climbed on his back and locked his arms around Tyrone's neck, he stood up carrying his love along. "Anything for you my dear." He says in a almost teasing tone. He started walking towards the shack with Dominic telling him the directions on his back. A few minutes or so they managed to come across it seeing Mabel and Pacifica sitting on the porch waiting for them.

When they saw them they smiled and came over to them. They questioned why Tyrone was carrying Dominic and passed it off as a little injury. They got inside the shack and went down to the shelter in the basement.

Mabel took to wanting to talk to Tyrone to get know her brother's savoir more. So she separated him from Dominic once he set the brunet down on something soft to sit on. Pacifica on the other hand stayed with Dominic and they brought up a conversation to keep themselves busy.

"So what was I like in the reverse dimension?" Pacifica asked Dominic.

The teen laughed, "You we just like Mabel, sweaters and all the arts and crafts stuff, but you also had that free hippy type of personality played in. You were Gideon's cousin there."

"Sounds like a really opposite version of me alright." Pacifica giggled a bit as their conversation came on. Eventually she got curious and asked about relationships. "Did anyone fall in love there?"

Dominic nodded and thought back on his time there. "Yeah a few people got together like reverse Wendy and Reverse Robbie, they eventually got together with a little help from your match making skills."

"Hmm how about your reverse self? Did he fall in love with someone?" She saw him blush and chuckle with a nod.

"Yeah, he fell in love with someone and he's really happy about his crush having mutual feelings. They're dating now." He smiled and looked at Pacifica who blushed.

"So who is it?" She asked scooting closer to the brunet.

"Someone who he would have never thought would be with in a million years." Dominic told her. "Let me just tell you that it's not any of our friends for sure."

Pacifica fiddled with her hair a bit and shyly moved her hand to on top of Dominic's hand. He looked at her in surprise with a slight blush dusting his cheeks. "Uh Dipper- I've been talking to Mabel for awhile and just before you came back we talked about you. I realized that I have feeling for you, so I've been meaning to ask... will you be my boyfriend?"

Dominic eyes widened when he heard her ask that question to him. "Pacifica-"

"Dipper seriously I mean my feeling for you." Pacifica told him and she leaned close to plant a kiss on the teen's cheek. "I love you."

"Pacifica I just-" Dominic couldn't finish his sentence when he felt himself being pulled into a hug and brought into familiar possessive arms.

"Just what the fu** do you think you're doing to Dominic?!"

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