Damaged by love

By AlexisQuan

665 155 83

Everyone thinks love is the most amazing thing in the world...... But to this one person it's not. She is dam... More

Thank u
Chapter 10


29 9 3
By AlexisQuan

A/n: Thanks for reading and voting for my story.
Emma obeyed her mother. She ran for the kitchen and grabbed water and rushed to her mothers side.

"Umm, mom water" Emma's voice was hoarse.
Emma stretched out her hand, which held a glass of water.

"By the way dear, tell me!!. What took you so long, did you...........,by any chance manufactured the water??" Emma's mom pointed the glass with a smile.

Emma's mind formed a repulsive reply but suppressed her urge to snap at her mom. Instead Emma gave her mom an innocent look of confusion.

"My love Emma, tell me what took you forever to fetch a glass of water!!" Her mom asked with a sharp voice that made Emma wince.

"Mom, if you intend to insult me just get it over with. I have no patience left in me. Im exhausted!!" Emma gently placed the glass on the table in front and turned to leave for her room.

"I'm not done with you!! Watch your words in front of me. Where do you think you are walking off to??" Her mom screamed at her.

Emma walked and with each step she felt rage, anger and frustration. Emma got tired of holding back and finally gave into her feelings, tears welled up. Unable to control herself anymore she cried.

When Emma continued walking away , her mom screamed out of anger.
"Emma, just stop!! What's all this about.??" Emma's mom demanded.

Emma stopped her steps and stood facing her back towards her mom.
Emma told herself she didn't want to face her mom looking pathetic and sobbing. Emma wanted to resolve her feelings before being civil with her mom.

'Now, you've asked for this!!. I tried real hard but mom you chose a real bad time to entice me' Emma muttered to herself.

"Look me in the eye and speak clearly!!" Emma's mom screamed when she couldn't understand Emma's rumblings.

'Mom you don't want to listen to what I have to say. Just stop it mom and let me go. I don't want to bad mouth at you. Let me walk off'. Emma muttered to herself and clenched her teeth.

Emma was trying hard not to confront her mom. Emma was furious and knew that if she faced her mom,  she could no longer keep her feelings to herself.

When Emma stood silent not answering, her mom became furious at her. She walked to Emma and grabbed Emma's arm and forced her to turnaround and face her.

"I've had enough of your muttering, what's the matter with you!!" She screamed at Emma's face and glared.

Emma gritted her teeth and clenched her fists in order to control the rage rising in her.

"Speak up!!! I've had enough of your intolerant behaviour. You insolent brat speak up!!" She screamed at Emma and wiggled Emma's arm demanding her to speak.

"Insolent!! And a brat!!??" Emma asked with an edgy voice. Emma's cheeks were covered with overflowing tears. Emma glared back and snapped at her mom.

Emma tried hard to avoid her mom, but she was at her limit. Her mom was making it even more difficult. Emma's mom with each word she spoke provoked Emma.
Emma finally decided to let all of it out.
Emma said to herself 'since mom you're being so persistent ,I'll spill all that's bottled up within me'.

Emma had to vent her rage or else she thought she would go insane with all the feelings suppressed inside her.

"When have I ever been a brat!! Mom!!" Emma asked her and tried to shake loose from her moms grip.
Emma's faced turned red with anger and her voice cracked.

"You want me to speak up!!! I will Mom!!" Emma's said sternly.

Emma's mom was taken by surprise. She didn't expect Emma to behave so irrationally. Her eyes widened with shock at her daughters behaviour.
She let go of Emma's arm and traced her steps back to where she was seated earlier. She sat staring at Emma, trying to analyse.

"Mom what have you done to him!!!" Emma demanded pointing to her brother who was sitting like a statue on the sofa beside her mom.

"Look at him mom!! What did you do yo him" Emma's voice cracked and she cried. Emma had her finger pointed to her brother.

"He's in pain. He's just sitting there like a zombie. What did you do???tell me why??......why Mom?? Why....??" Emma cried demanding her mom.

Emma's mom looked at Rehan and then looked back at Emma. She was about to speak when Emma intruded.

"Did you suck out his soul!!!?? He's been like that for such a long time!! What have you done to him!!?? Tell me. He isn't moving at all!!" Emma looked at her brother and broke into sobs.
Emma tried hard to not cry, but the tears kept rolling down.
Fatigue took over Emma's body, she tried hard to stand straight.

She kept telling herself 'this is no time to be weak'. Emma gathered all her strength as she was beginning to feel weak at her knees. Emma wanted to collapse and  cry her heart out but instead she scolded herself and maintained her posture.

"Tell me!!" Emma shouted at her mom.

Emma looked at Rehan who was still being a retard and wasn't giving out any reaction. His face was devoid of any emotion.

'Rehan, just say something. Don't sit there as if you've lost yourself
Look at me Rehan.!!
I can't bare to see you like this.
Id rather want you to argue with me, like you always do.
Get up and mess up the house, I'll complain and clean up after your mess.
Tell me you are hungry, I'll make something for you to eat like I always do
Tell me you are bored, I'll make up some crazy story to tell you.
Make annoying comments at me like you always do, I won't mind.
Just say something. Don't just stay quiet.
I know I've always told you to shut your crazy mouth, but now just say something. Anything..............
Your silence is killing me............at least react.'

With every second passing by Rehan didn't react at all.
Emma kept glancing at Rehan. With each glance she took at him she felt a stabbing pain in her heart. Emma was rude to him earlier but now all she ever wanted was for her brother to get back to his normal annoying self.
Emma had no intention of letting go of her mom so easily.
Emma was determined to make her mother accountable for her violent actions.

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