The Billion Dollar Girl

By hisracingheart

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What would you say, if a stranger wanted to buy you? And what would you say if the stranger offered you a Bil... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

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By hisracingheart

Ͼ Ella White Ͽ

I had all my childhood photos laid out in front of me. I looked at my whole life, from baby to toddler, to middle-schooler, to the place I am now. The drab photos all showed pieces of my happiness, whether it was simply me laughing at my Dad, or helping Mom with the housework.

I cast these photos aside. No time to dwell on the past, now.

I leaned back onto my bed, and closed my eyes. I was in my childhood bedroom. School was ending in about three days for Winter Break, and so I'm pretty sure they wouldn't miss me.

Ash had given me a couple days to "settle my affairs", before the wedding.

Settle my affairs? What the hell does that mean? Like, tell my friends? Ha! Who the hell do I have to tell? I was a complete reject at Charlotte Private School for Girls.

My fingers found my phone, and I opened the phonebook. I scrolled down.


I bit my lip. Should I? He was the only one I could think of telling, but how would that conversation go?

"Hello, remember me, your old friend? Yes, that one. The one who left your school because it wasn't 'good' enough. Anyway, I'm getting married, to a guy I hate. Yeah, thanks. Bye!"


Screw it. He was the only friend I had left. I had to at least try...

I pressed call, and I waited. I didn't breathe as it connected. Ring, ring. Ring, ring. What kind of annoying, sadistic guy invented the sound "ring", anyway? It was so annoying, and so nerve-racking, it made me want to die.

Zack picked up.


"Hello," I stuttered. "Um, Zack, it's me –"


"Hello...?" I replied, wondering if there was something wrong with the connection. "Zack...?"

"Ha, tricked you! I'm not actually here," Zack said, his voice all cheerful. "This is my answering machine. Sorry, I couldn't resist. Leave a message after the beep, and all that. Not you, Liam. Just don't bother."

It beeped.

I sat in silence, for a couple seconds.

I hate you, Zack. You suck. You really do.

Suddenly, my door swung open. I shoved the phone out of sight quickly, turning to see my Mom coming into the room, carrying a tray. I hid my face into my pillow. I didn't want to see her right now.

I felt my mattress shift, as she settled herself down onto my bed. She put her hand on my arm, but I jerked it away.

"Ella?" she said. Her voice surprised me. She sounded like she was going to cry. My heart hurt a little. She was my Mother. I can't...she's been through so much to have me. "Ella, please look at me."

I didn't move, and just bit my lip. A little tear formed in my eye, but was quickly soaked up by my pillowcase.

"I'm sorry about this, Ella."

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

"Do you forgive me? Honey?"

I didn't move.


Slowly, I looked up, and my Mom's face, shining with tears. How could I not forgive her...? She's my Mother. My one and only Mother.

I pulled her into a hug, squeezing her hard.

"Of course I forgive you, Mom."

We stayed like that for a second.

"This can't be good for the baby," I whispered, and we both pulled away, laughing. I wiped away my tears. "When's she due?"

My Mom's face shone with excitement, like a kid with candy. "Ten weeks," she said, practically bouncing with excitement. I looked at her, and wondered how I didn't notice before. "And...she?"

"I want it to be a girl, don't you? I could do her hair, and we could gossip... Do you and Dad know if it's a boy or a girl, yet?"

"No. We didn't want to know. That way it'll be much more exciting, right?"

I smiled. "Yes, I think so."

We sat like that, on the bed, for a couple more seconds, in complete silence.

"I'm really sorry, Ella," Mom said, her eyes sad again. "I don't want this to happen, but..."

"I get it," I said, smiling. "And I'm happy to do it, okay? It'll be worth it, in the end."

As my Mom grinned at me, I knew it would be worth it.


ῼ Ash Castillo ῼ

My eyes narrowed, behind my helmet. My foot lowered on the accelerator, and I pushed forward, even faster. The race track bent, and I twisted the steering wheel slightly. The car obeyed.

I checked the speedometer. One hundred and fifty miles an hour.

The stadium blurred into nothing but indistinguishable colors, and all I could see was the road in front of me. I knew exactly where to stop, though. I could drive down this track with my eyes closed. It was my favorite.

I stopped, at the servicing station, and James helped me out of the car. I pulled off my helmet

"How long?"

"Four minutes, six seconds."

I swore. My record was four minutes, four seconds.


I spun around. Who the hell dared to call me by my first name? Oh, right. Of course.

"Will. What are you doing here?"

The brown-haired boy smirked at me, flicking his fringe. "Seeing what you're doing, sweet cousin."

I shook my head, and smiled. "Such a flatterer. Tell me what you're really doing here."

"Don't you believe me?" Will asked, his eyes widening. "I'm hurt."


I was about to say more, when my phone rang. I checked caller ID, and smirked. "Hello?"

"Mr. Castillo?" It was Ella. Her voice was as beautifully cold as always. "My Dad said you need to give us the check, or something."

"Not so fast. You have to sign the contract, first."

"Contract?" I cracked her icy wall. Her voice was now disbelieving.

"Contract. Do you want me to come around today, or tomorrow...?"

She was silent for a minute, apparently debating something in her head. "Today."

"Fine. I'll come around soon," I said, smirking. I hung up, and saw Will looking at me.

"Who was that?" he asked, his voice light. "Business Partner? Builder? Hospital manager?"



Ͼ Ella White Ͽ

I sat on my couch, tapping a rhythm on the table. When was this idiot going to come around? I pulled a lollipop out of my pocket, and unwrapped it. I shoved it into my mouth. Toffee.

There was a knock on the door, and I ran out to the door, swinging it open. It was Ash, standing in the doorway.

"I'm just going out, Mom," I called, before closing the door behind me. There was no reason to involve my parents in this.

I pulled on an old pair of scuffed trainers and, ignoring Ash, walked right past him. I opened the door to his car – a shiny black vehicle – and got in, sliding along the black leather. I looked at him, waiting.


He got in as well.

"Where do you want to go?"

I thought. "Brooklyn."

I should see my old home, before I sell the next three months of my life.


ῼ Ash Castillo ῼ

She looked out of the bridge, leaning dangerously on the side. She closed her eyes, breathing in deeply, like the pollution-mixed-with-sea-water smell smelt good to her. Her dark hair hang over the side, and the strands waved in the breeze.

"Are we going to stay here long?" I asked. She ignored me.

Ella leaned forwards, arching her spine.

"Careful," I said, pulling out a cigarette and my lighter. "You don't want to fall off and drown. This is a nice suit, and I don't want to have to jump off to save you."

I lit the end, and inhaled deeply.

"Look who's talking," she said, plucking the cigarette from my hand, and grinding it out with her foot. "Cigarettes kill you too, you know."

"Yes, but they take so much longer to kill you."


"Yeah," I said, pulling out another cigarette. She knocked it out of my hand, into the sea. I glared at her, and pulled another out. She grabbed it, and chucked it at a pigeon.

"This is the worst game, ever," I complained, leaning against the fence.

"End the game then, dumbass."

"Who the hell are you calling a dumbass?"

"You, dumbass."


"Just shut up and show me the contract."

I smirked, and pulled the contract out of my jacket. I passed it to her, and held out a pen. She didn't take it.

"What the hell is this?!"

"You didn't think you'd get the money that easily, would you? My Dad taught me how to do business. I go to Harvey, for god's sake."

"Yet you still spell your own name wrong," she said, raising an eyebrow, pointing at the paper.


Ash Cadtillo

"Shit," I muttered, flushing. "My lawyer must have done it wrong, I –"

Ella laughed.

Her whole face transformed, from tired and cold, to...breathtakingly amazing. I blinked, and my heart skipped a beat, and I flushed. Damn it. Maybe I was ill? I had to get checked out.

"Anyway," I said, trying to maintain my dignity, "read through it. I'll give you a day to decide, okay? If you do...I've booked everything for the wedding, and we can get...married straight after. If you say no...well, it's your own choice."

My chauffeur opened my car door for me, and I slid in. I chucked a wad of money at Ella, who caught it.

"For the cab fare home."

We drove away.

I banged my head against the front of the seat. What the hell was wrong with me?


Ͼ Ella White Ͽ

Terms and Conditions:

a) Ella White must do everything stated by Ash Cadtillo.

b) Ella White cannot speak against Ash Cadtillo.

c) Ella White is forbidden from any action that will harm Ash Cadtillo

d) Any violation of any of these terms will result in the immediate fine of one billion US dollars.

What the hell was this? This wasn't going to be a marriage, this was going to be...slavery! And what, if I didn't follow the conditions, I had to give the money back?

I took some deep breaths, calming myself down. It was worth it. It was for my family. It was worth it.

I opened the wad of money, and counted the tens. A thousand bucks. He gives me a thousand bucks for cab fare.

I threw the money into the air, and watched as the green paper drifted back down, swirling in the breeze. I closed my eyes. The smell of Brooklyn. I thought about the girls who's bullied me. I thought about my parents, and the little sister I would have.

I picked up the pen, and signed my name over the dotted line.


Ͼ Ella White Ͽ

I closed my eyes, and the make-up artist spread eyeshadow over my lids, staining my lips a shade of pink. When I opened my eyes again, I had to fight back a gasp. Wow.

I stood up, and examined the full effect, with the dress, turning around. It was beautiful, I had to admit. The delicate shade of cream set off my skin perfectly, and somehow made me look elegant. It was well cut, and well tailored – how did they do that, without taking my measurements?

Someone placed a little diamond tiara on my head.

I looked back to the mirror, and saw someone else.

It was like I was floating out of my body. I wasn't really there, looking at myself. I was...a bystander, looking down. I breathed in, and smelt the perfume someone had sprayed me with. It was nice. Rose petals.

I could run out right now. I could escape. I wouldn't have to do this.

My Mom came into the room, and gushed about how beautiful I looked. I didn't smile. She leaves. I check the clock. Five minutes left.

I could go right now.

Suddenly, I can hear the music starting up. The marriage march. I was still detached from my body. I wanted to run, but –

You're marrying for money, Ella! You're marrying for money! Leave!

My Dad comes in, and takes me by the hand. He is as gruff and emotionless as he always was, but I could tell he was happy.

Run, Ella!

He puts my arm into the crook of his elbow, and leads me to the altar door, behind my bridesmaids, both of whom were strangers.

You still have a chance, Ella. Go, now!

The altar doors open, and suddenly I can see dozens of people I had never met before, all staring at my face. Ash is at the end of the church, in a black tux, smirking his smile.

Run, Ella! Now!

My Dad leads me done the altar, step by agonizing step.



New York Post

Modern Day Love Story

Daily News

Multi-Billionaire's Son Marries High School Student

New York Times

Screw Cinderella – this is Ella


Author's Note 2010: Mad school :(

Sorry if this part was kind of boring... I just had to have it in there, so you know how she felt.

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!

P.S. LOL I <3 the author's note so much, I get to use about a billion exclamation marks. Normally, I'm very strict exclamation-mark-wise, as if you have more than one, it looks very unprofessional.

I can hear you guys thinking, "Haha, like she's professional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

See what I did there? See those exclamation marks? LOL!!!!!!!!


Author's Note 2016:

Still love to exclaim.

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