All the love

By NellyBranth

34.1K 1.4K 296

Narry Fanfiction - Harry Styles as the big star and Niall Horan like the poor guy. You know the plot. Two guy... More



1.2K 47 13
By NellyBranth

When Harry opened the door, he only had on a pair of tight black pants on. Niall immediately saw that Harry had no boxers underneath. Harry had tattoos all over his upper body was supple. Niall saw that he went to the gym and just that thought was exciting.


Niall hesitated. He didn't really dared to walk in, but he stepped through the door anyway. Harry lived in a large white house. You could say that Niall felt like Cinderella. In the hall hung a crystal chandelier in the sealing and the hall was larger than Nialls entire apartment.

"You look scared?" Harry quickly got up and he smiled toward Niall. "In my home, you have to feel like home."

Niall followed Harry. It still felt unreal. They went through a big room and out on the terrace. Niall immediately saw a large pool and the whole back of the house was like taken from a newspaper. "How can you live if you are rich!" Niall almost felt ashamed of his own poverty. Niall had chosen a pair of ordinary jeans and a t-shirt. Harry looked more like a model and his whole body was telling you that he was the man as really took care of his body. Harry was more urbane and Niall wondered how many others he had taken to the house, but he chose to put that thought aside.

"A drink?"

Harry expected no answer. Instead, he pushed the glass in Nialls hand and he looked straight at him. Niall swallowed. He was spellbound by Harry and couldn't hide the feeling as he felt.

"Uh, thanks?"

Harry smiled wryly and he showed the white teeth. His face was totally directed towards Niall and his whole attention was captured by the Irishman.

"You're nervous?"

Niall nodded embarrassed and he looked down into the glass.

"I don't know..." he cleared his throat. "I mean..."

Harry took a step towards him and took up his hand. He put his index finger under Nialls chin and forced him to raised his head and looking into Harry's eyes.

"Relax." he whispered hoarsely. "You don't need to be nervous. I'm a person just like you."

Niall tried to smile. Harry's finger stayed and he cocked his head slightly askew. He looked down at Nialls lips and he groaned a little bit.

"It was your face that made me give up the role." He said dark and seductive. "I like what I see and I know we will make the success in this film."

Niall swallowed. He had nothing to say. Make success? The only one as could make success was Harry. Niall had only a supporting role, and he liked to be behind the star. Harry took away his finger but he remained standing in front of Niall.

"Taste the drink."

Niall obeyed. He was too nervous to say that he didn't drink that early in the day. He tasted it. It was sweet and immediately he felt the chill from the ice as cooled down the throat.

"Oh good!"

Harry laughed and he continued to regard Niall in detail. It was so close that Niall become ashamed. He wasn't accustomed that a single person was staring at him, like that, and certainly not a person like Harry.

"So,,, are we going to practice?"

Niall raised his head and he got big eyes.


Harry smiled wide and he nodded a little bit.

"I want to kiss you and I must admit that I'm hungry for more, but just to let you know about it. I never have sex when I do a movie."

Niall jaw dropped. Harry was almost more amused by it all.

"No, I don't have sex because I have to live myself into the role." he said hoarsely. "But after we're done.....!"

He didn't complete the sentence but Niall understood immediately what he was referring to.

"Do you always have sex with those as you act against?"

Harry burst out laughing. He chose to go and sit down on a chair. He continued to look at Niall and it was as if he liked innocent guys.

"Some yes!" he answered honestly. "But far from all."

Niall drank from the glass.

"So you..."

Harry interrupted him quickly.

"Come on Niall. You've wanted me since you came into the room and signed the contract. I see it in your eyes, on your whole body and I like it."

Okay, this was almost too much. Niall drank it all and he just stared nervously at Harry.

"Is that obvious?"

Harry nodded happily.

"It's obvious." he whispered hoarsely. "And that's why you're here. I'm attracted by your blue eyes and your boyish face."

Niall blushed.


Harry smiled big.

"No buts." he said quickly. "Come here."

Niall put the glass down and he walked over to Harry. Without that he was ready for it, Harry took hold of his hand and pulled him down into his lap. Niall landed with one leg on each side of Harry's thigh and he felt Harry quickly let his arms slide around his body.

"Kiss Me!"

Niall frowned and he gasped. He raised his hands around Harry's shoulders and he hesitated, which made Harry forced him closer.

"Now you know why we have to practice." he whispered hoarsely. "If we had done this in front of the camera for the first time, you had never done it."

Harry raised a hand behind Nialls head and he forced him to land right in front of Harrys face. Nialls closed his eyes, and he felt how their lips met. It was like a explosion. Harry sucked gently on Nialls bottom lip and then his over lip. Niall groaned unconsciously. His arms slid more around Harry's neck, and he felt how his whole body loved this. Harry let his tongue begin to play with Niall and immediately was the Irishman with the heavy movements.

Niall stopped thinking and he come along. Harry moaned and he pressed him closer. They couldn't hide the fact that something was going on between them, and not even Niall wanted to hold back the emotions. Harry let one hand land on Nialls butt and he pressed him against himself. Niall groaned when he discovered that they were both hard down there. He slid as close as he could, and Harry got him to start moving on the hip, so they moved toward each other.

"Caress my chest." Harry mumbled hoarsely. Niall obeyed. He let his palms slide down over Harry's chest and over the nipples and around to discover. Harry grunted loudly and he sank further down into the chair. He took both hands around Nialls hip and forced him to bring the hip rapidly back and forth. Niall had never been this close to rip off his own clothes before and never before had he been so excited. Harry knew what he wanted. He started to pull the sweater off Niall and Niall couldn't say no to that. After that Harry did so that the chair back dropped down, so that he lay down and he drew with him Niall,  against him.

Niall lay flat over Harry and he forgot about time and space. Their lips were playing with each other and he felt how Harry's hands slid over Nialls back and down to his pants. Niall groaned when Harry let the hand slide in between the fabric and the skin, all the way down over the butt. Harry groaned loudly.

"Pull your pants off now!"

Niall hesitated. He ended the kiss and he looked into the green eyes.

"But you said you didn't had sex?"

Harry smiled a little bit.

"But you can still make it good for each other. Pull them off and then you help me take off mine."

Niall sat up and he just stared at him.

"Do you mean..."

Harry frowned and he looked down over Nialls naked breasts.

"Yes, come on. I'm so horny that I exploded."

No! Niall immediately felt a resistance. He slid off Harry and he stood up on the floor.

"No, you said we would just practice. Not to do more?"

Harry growled.

"But come on. You have to be horny that I want you and you want the same thing?"

Niall shook his head quickly.

"No, not anymore!"

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