He Changed Her |Book 2|

By NiyAlsina

293K 12.8K 4.9K

Tara and August face more trials and tribulations with Tara's new sudden change and August trying to get back... More



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By NiyAlsina

Tara, Kai, August, Chris, and Lani


"Ah, August." I moaned as I dragged my nails over his back. He moved inside me at a rhythmic pace while holding onto my hips.

It's been so long since I've felt this pleasure. August just hit every wall so perfectly.

He pushed deeper inside of me keeping his rhythm. My mouth was wide open, but no sounds were coming out. Just my harsh breathing hitting his neck.

His pace sped up and I let out a loud moan making him cover my mouth.

"You're going to wake up Kai." He grunted.

I couldn't help it. My eyes welled up as everything started to become too much.

I clenched around August making him groan. My back arched off the bed as I had the most earth shattering orgasm.

August released inside of me not much longer after me.

He pulled out and rolled over to the other side of the bed.

I stared at the ceiling trying to catch my breath. At this moment, what just transpired felt surreal.


August walked down the stairs with his hands behind his back, fully dressed as I sat at the kitchen table.

"Why you just sitting down here?" He asked, walking up to me.

I shrugged.

"Hm, you care to explain this?" He held up the empty Plan B One-Step box.

My eyes widened, "You went through my trash?"

"I didn't go through shit. The box was sitting right there in the bathroom." He raised his voice.

"I don't know who the hell you're yelling at." I snatched the box out his hand. "You wasn't there when I was pregnant with Kai what makes you think I'm dumb enough to get pregnant by you again?"

"That was almost three years ago. Why can't you let it go!" He yelled.

I looked at him with a straight face before bursting into tears, "Because you weren't there. I did everything for you and you treated me like trash. I'm the one so gave you the look, the popularity, and the confidence."

"I've apologized countless times, I don't know what else you want me to do." He started to inch towards me but I picked up the glass cup from the table and threw it at him.

Luckily, he dodged it just in time.

"Get out, I shouldn't have let my feelings get in the way. Last night was an absolute mistake and it's never happening again."

The look on his face when I said mistake made it obvious that it hurt him. Last night meant something to him just like it did to me.

But I just can't let this get more serious than it already has.


"Get out." I calmly said, turning my back to him.

There was a moment of silence before the door closed.

My life was perfectly fine until he came back into it.


I tried to put Lani's veil on but she just kept pacing the room.

"Lani, can you stand still?" I huffed.

"I'm sorry, T. I'm just so nervous. My parents aren't here yet."

I grabbed her shoulders to make her look at me. She was on the verge of having a panic attack.

"Sweetie, take a deep breath. Everything will be fine." Joyce said.

"What if Chris decides he doesn't want to marry me?"

"Nonsense, that boy is over the moon in love with you." She told Lani making her smile.

Right when I put her veil, Damien and Samone walked in.

"You look so beautiful, baby." Samone squealed with her eyes already glossy.

"Thanks mommy."

"Places everyone." The planner told us before quickly walking off.

We walked to the doors leading to the altar and took all our places. Given the fact that I'm the maid of honor and August is the best man, we're walking together.

Although, I would rather walk with Christian.

I linked arms with him saying nothing.

"You look beautiful." August whispered.

"Thanks. You look nice too." I replied without bothering to look at him.

I heard him sigh as the doors opened. We followed behind the other bridesmaids and groomsmen down the aisle. Chayse walked down the aisle in his tux with Chris' nephew, Drew behind him with the rings.

Kai and Leilani were next, throwing down flower petals.

Samone stood up letting everyone else know to stand up for the bride. Chris had a cheeky grin on his face as Lani came into sight with her father.


My cheeks were bright red as I walked up to meet my soon to be husband.

Everyone sat down once I made it to the altar. I couldn't stop smiling at this point. I gave Tara my bouquet and face the minister.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of
Christopher Brown and Lani James in holy matrimony." The minister began. "Who gives this woman away to this man?"

"My wife and I do." My father said.

"The bride and groom have written their own vows so...Lani." He gestured for to start.

"Chris, The first day I met you I knew you were the one for me. We've had our moments, but we still come out on top stronger. You're my other half and I love you more than life itself." I felt my eyes begin to water.

"Lani, I never knew the true meaning of unconditional love until I met you. For the past few years you've helped me become someone better. You gave me the courage to pursue my dreams while standing by me every minute. You've given me three beautiful children and hopefully more in the future. I love you, Lani."

By the time Chris finish with his vows I was completely in tears.

"Beautiful. Now do you, Christopher Brown take-"

"I do." Chris cut the minister off making him chuckle .

"Alright, do you, Lani James take Christopher Brown to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Exchange rings."

We slid the rings on each other's finger.

"By the power vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Chris lifted my veil and kissed me with indescribable passion.

"I present to you Mr. And Mrs. Brown." The minister announced.

I grabbed Chris' hand and we walked down the aisle.

"So what was that about more children?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Don't act surprised. We're going to have at least two more children." He said, opening the limo door for me.

I don't know who's pushing them out.


"Chris, you're married now." I gave him a pat on the back.

"Yeah, I never thought I would be the one getting married at twenty-two. But I love Lani." He smiled.

I looked over at Tara with Christian. I really despise him.

"You still love her?" Chris asked.

I slightly nodded.

"You better get her back before it's too late."

"I plan to."

"Now, let's hurry up and get to this honeymoon." He smirked while rubbing his hands together.

"Where you taking her?"

"Fiji. But that won't matter, I'm gonna start fulfilling my husband duties by knocking her shit out the frame for the next two weeks." He nodded.

"Don't come back with more kids." I joked.

"No promises."


I walked up to my door finding Shannie standing there.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I spat.

"I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry."

"Apology not accepted, goodbye."

"Wait! I really am sorry. I just didn't know what to do and you were the only person that could help me."

"Who's her father, Shannie?"

She stayed silent.

"Tell me dammit!" I shouted.

"...It's Christian."


Tara and August?

Lani and Chris?

Do you think Aubria really is Christian's?

Excuse mistakes.


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