
By writeawaytay

194 2 0


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eight

14 0 0
By writeawaytay

I tore my eyes away from the tv screen and looked at my phone, which read seven am.

I let out a sigh and then went into the bathroom beginning to get ready. After seeing Junior with another girl, I couldn't sleep. No matter how many sleeping pills I took or glasses of warm milk I drank, I couldn't fall asleep.

I resorted to episodes of Oh My Ghostess until the sun rose again. Once the shower heated up, I got inside and washed off my body. Taking the soap I began washing my old makeup.

I couldn't even cry, not a single tear fell from Junior. My eyes dry from the events before. To be honest, I just didn't think I had the energy to cry anymore.

Soon I got out of the shower and got dressed. I slid on a hoodie and put on a pair of black leggings before pulling my wet hair back into a ponytail.

Sighing I grabbed my bag and phone before heading outside, greeted by Chen with an americano and croissant. I thanked him and got in the car, eating my food on the way there.

When we arrived I slid on my sunglasses and got out, heading inside and up to my studio without stopping. Once I got inside I took off my glasses and sat down at my desk.

I pulled out my computer and plugged it into the monitor and put my head in my hands as I let it boot up.

Even with the coffee, twenty hours with no sleep was starting to affect me and the day was just beginning.

I yawned and checked my schedule once the computer loaded and saw that I had consult with Day6 for their upcoming album and then free time to sort out their ideas.

Letting out a sigh I began organizing some of my prints in a folder for the consult and slid it into my bag before heading out into the hall and to the elevator. Once I got in, I pushed the button for the eighth floor and soon I had arrived, allowing me to make my way to the conference room.

Once I got inside, I sat down and got settled and soon the members were filing in. They bowed towards me as I stood up. When they all entered the room they greeted me together, i smiled and clapped, "It's nice to meet you,"

"It's nice to meet you too, we've heard a lot about your photos," Jae said as he fixed his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

I nodded and thanked him before sliding my folder over to them, "These are some of the different concepts I've shot and could use for your upcoming album. But if you guys want to try something new i'm up for that to," I smiled and watched as they looked through the folder, picking out some photos and setting them aside.

As I watched them, one member stood out to me, brian, or young k as they call him. He wore a bandana through his longer blonde hair and a plain white tee shirt.

He gave me a smile which caused a small blush to rise on my cheeks. My attention was snapped back to the group when Jae began talking, "We've decided to keep this concept," he handed a photo towards me, I was shocked to see them pick one of the darker concepts as their music is different, "We want to portray more of the protective boyfriend role, yet have some cliche moments as well,"

I nodded understanding their goal. Their concept seemed to me a mix of Winners "i'm young" and Bangtan's "run".

Smiling, I wrote out what they wanted and set up a slot in my schedule the next day to shoot head shots in the studio.

They all nodded and got up, bowing towards me before walking out to continue on with their day. Once they left I let out the yawn I had been holding in for the past hour and began packing up.

I picked up the folder from the other side of the table and slid it into my bag before making my way out and down the hall to the elevator.

The doors slid open I looked up to come face to face with Junior. I quickly turned and walked away from him, heading to the stairs.

Pushing the door open I began the trek down the two flights, "Mina wait,"

I kept moving down the stairs, but was stopped by Junior stepping in front of me, "Mina let me explain,"

My eyes stayed glued to my shoes as I stood a step above him, his fingers trying to tilt my gaze to his, but my eyes stayed down.

He let out a sigh, "It's not what you think-,"

"Just stop," I said, my voice shaking, "Every excuse starts with those five words, so don't you dare use them on me,"

I wiped underneath my eyes and looked up at him, "I needed you last night, and I go over to find you with her, in your clothes, in your room,"

He went to object and I walked past him, "I don't want to hear your excuses,"

"Mina," He grabbed my wrist and yanked me towards him, causing tears to form in my eyes and I pulled my wrist away from him, my body beginning to shake.

Junior watched me as I backed myself against the stair well wall, my hands covering my face as I cried. The whole scene feeling like deja vu, my heart racing as if Junior was replaced by Lee Jun.

He couldn't keep away and moved closer to me, gently wrapping his arms around me as I cried. Not trying to get too close as I was still shaking.

"Talk to me please," he begged, his hands slowly beginning to move around my back in a steady motion.

I choked out another sob and mumbled against his chest, "My ex is back, he knows I'm here. He has that same look in his eye since the day I left, i'm just scared Junior,"

He hugged me closer and I felt my fear fall away from me as I moved my arms to wrap around him as well. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead, "Did he hurt you?"

I nuzzled my head into his chest and nodded. He sighed and pressed another kiss to your forehead, "i'm so sorry that happened to you baby girl,"

I sighed and he continued, "That girl you saw, she was my ex. I was walking home from practice and her boyfriend was yelling at her, about to do God knows what to her,"

My eyes moved up to meet his as he chewed on his bottom lip, "I just couldn't leave her there, so I brought her back to the dorm. Nothing happened, I swear, Mina please believe me, i stayed over in Marks room,"

His eyes were so sincere I couldn't help but believe him, "I'm sorry I yelled at you, i was just upset from last night,"

He nodded and pressed another kiss to my forehead, pulling back before glancing at his watch, "Let's go get lunch, relax a bit,"

I nodded as he laced his fingers between mine, leading me out of the stairwell and out of the building. Down to a small restaurant across from JYP.

Once we got inside I ordered a chicken and ramen lunch box and Junior ordered some meat to grill at the table. We took our seats and I set my bag next to me, sipping on the drink Junior had bought me.

Soon the food had arrived and I thanked the waiter, beginning to eat as Junior grilled the meat. Once it was done he fed me a piece and I smiled, giving him a thumbs up.

He smiled and I chewed on my bottom lip before speaking, "Can you come over tonight?"

He glanced up from the grill and nodded, "Of course,"

I let out a sigh and he took my hand from across the table, lacing our fingers together before pressing a kiss to my knuckles.

His grin causing his eyes to crinkle made me raise my eyebrows at him, "You're jealous aren't you?" He laughed and I pulled my hand away, pouting, "Of your Ex? Am not,"

"Are too,"

"Am not,"

"Oh come on you know you are, I'm pretty hot if I do say so myself," he smirked as he placed his hands behind his head.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest, challenging him, "You're so full of yourself,"

"But you love it," he said while leaning against the table, throwing me a wink and a grin.

I shook my head and he just laughed, turning back to his food. While he ate I couldn't help but agree, I love it.


When Junior and I arrived back from lunch the day seemed to drag on as I anticipated him coming over tonight.

I glanced at the computer and the photos Day6 had chosen. Then began sending them to the wardrobe department so they could dress the guys appropriately to match the concept.

Too consumed in my work I didn't notice Junior come up beside me, causing me to jump. He was now dressed in a black hoodie and a pair of basketball shorts.

"God Junior you scared me," I said placing my hand over my racing heart.

"I'm sorry, I had to come get you or I'm pretty sure you would've worked until morning," he said and I furrowed my eyebrows, looking away from him to glanced at the clock.

It was two in the morning.

My eyes went wide and I immediately began packing my things, "Junior you should be sleeping right now, why are you still here,"

He laughed and waved his hand, "I'm fine, I just wanted to drive home with you,"

I laughed and took his hand, pulling him out of the building as quick as I could. One reason being I didn't want him to lose sleep because of me and have the members get mad.

Once we got on the ground floor his car was already sitting out front and he opened the passenger door for me then jogged around to the other side to get in.

It was a short ten minute ride and we arrived at the apartment, beginning to walk down the hall after the quick elevator ride.

I unlocked the door and then stepped inside, Junior following behind. Quickly I changed into a tee shirt and shorts before opening my bedroom to let Junior in.'

I let my hair down from the ponytail I wore all day and let it flow down over my shoulders before sitting down on the bed. Junior sat down beside me as I plugged my phone into the charger, then laid down in bed facing him.

He gave me a smile then laid down beside me, reaching over to tuck a stray hair behind my ear. His actions causing a small blush to creep onto my cheeks. He smiled and I watched the corner of his eyes crinkle up, I smiled as I admired my favorite feature of his.

I let out a small squeal as he pulled me closer to him, my body now flush against his as I looked up at him. My hands gripping onto the material of his hoodie.

He grinned at his actions and I leaned forward, capturing his lips in mine. One of his hands resting on my hip as the other cupped my cheek.

I heard a content hum come from his lips and I grinned against his lips before pulling away, "Goodnight Junior,"

He smiled before wrapping both his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him, my head resting against his chest as he pressed a kiss to my temple, "Goodnight Baby girl,"

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