☯This Red Collar☯ || zιαℓℓ

Per FreshPrinceofIreland

63.1K 2.8K 409

❝Zayn Malik is a popular, good looking twenty year old living in an apartment with his best friend Harry Styl... Més

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Please read!

Chapter 26

1.1K 60 3
Per FreshPrinceofIreland

Zayn didn't know what the hell he was doing, but he was running. It was pouring and he was shivering and drenched. He had never before felt so lost in his life. He just got Niall taken away from him again, when he promised the blonde he'd protect him.

But how could he do that when he couldn't even protect himself? He was searching for any sign of Niall, and a little part of him was looking for a payphone. That way he could phone Liam, get him to pick him up and take him to search for Niall.

Only a few cars would pass by, their headlights blinding the Bradford boy. A transport truck was on it's way around the corner, the same corner Zayn was walking. He prefered walking on the road because the dirt was starting to get muddy and slippery. He couldn't hear the truck because of the heavy rain. As the truck came around the sharp corner, all Zayn could see was a very bright light.

Meanwhile, Niall was curled up in a ball in the backseat without a seatbelt on. He tried to scoot away further, but it was impossible. He just wished he could disappear into the seat. Zayn was probably still on the ground passed out, because they had only been driving for a few minutes after that had happened. The blonde couldn't get that out of his head; Zayn getting hit across the forehead so hard his eyes rolled back into his head and he crumpled to the ground. It just made him cry harder.

"Don't cry," The driver pleaded, "You'll be somewhere new soon." His smile showed rotting teeth. But Niall didn't want to be somewhere new. He just wanted to be in Zayn's arms again. What was he supposed to do? The Irish boy would even jump from the car if he had too. The taxi driver was going to take Niall to his place and make sure he was comfortable and fed before he took him to the police. At least he thinks that's where his supposed to take him.

He thought maybe he could show his friends the hybrid, but then again he wasn't to keen on sharing the money. Niall just stared out the window with his head on his knees and sniffed. Well, Zayn always found him, so, would he be able to find him now?

The driver pulled the beaten up car down a long, dirt drive-way leading into the woods. It was starting to get dark and Niall hated the dark. He was fine when it was dark and he was with Zayn, but with a kidnapper and the dark, he was shaking in fear.

"Come on now," Niall hadn't noticed they stopped in front of what looked like an old cabin, and the driver was ushering him out. Niall backed away from his opened door, and hissed at the man.

"Look, I'll introduce myself. I'm Vincent," the man negotiated. "I won't hurt you." Niall backed away even further, hitting the other door.

"You hurted Zayn." Niall hissed, scratching at Vincent's hand. The man reached in and grabbed Niall's sweater, taking him from the taxi. The blonde struggled, but he was too weak to get from his grip. He wasn't as harsh as he was with Zayn, but Niall could already feel bruises forming on his sensitive skin. Vincent held tightly onto Niall as he unlocked his house and threw the blonde in.

"Stay." The man demanded, shutting the door in Niall's face. The small boy looked around and finally found the strength to pull himself off the floor and get a look around. The place was small, and quiet cozy, with red carpet, a nice fire-place and pictures of what Niall assumed was the man's family.

He suddenly got out of his thoughts, and ran toward the door, pulling on it. It must have been locked from the outside, or it was stuck, but Niall couldn't get out. He quickly looked around for a window, expecting Zayn to be there like last time, but he wasn't.

It was too dark to see. "Honey, is that you?" An older woman's voice called out. The voice startled Niall, and he stopped opening the large window to turn around and see a short, wrinkled woman. She was shocked to see Niall, especially with all his cat-like features.

"Oh, he didn't..." she stepped a little closer to Niall, and he backed away, letting a hiss erupt from his dried lips. The woman backed away, and kept eye contact with the hybrid. She felt pity for the small boy, seeing as he was hurt and had a broken arm. That's when Vincent barged in, his eyes going wide. He told his mother to stay in bed.

"Mum! Go back to bed, he's just a friend." He said quickly, steering her back into the small, warm room she slept in.

"That explains why he was trying to leave," She stopped walking to stare up at her tall son, "Just don't hurt him. He's so small and scared."

"I won't. I'll be taking him away. We can finally get the money to make you better."

"I don't want to be better. You can't just take people for other people's uses." her voice seemed strained.

"Mum, go to bed, please," She just shook her head in disappointment and entered her room, shutting the door gently behind herself. While the man talked to his mother, Niall managed to grab what looked like a sharp kitchen tool and hid it in his jacket pocket. He remembers he tried to stab his old owner, but just got a horrible beating, resulting in him not walking for days.

"Do you have a name?" Vincent asked Niall, but the blonde just backed away, trying to figure out the perfect time to attack his kidnapper.

"Alright, well are you hungry?" He tried, getting Niall's ears to perk up. For a horrible person he actually didn't seem so bad. But of course Niall didn't trust anyone except for Zayn. Niall stepped further back, until he bumped into the kitchen sink. The man put his hands on Niall's hips, and the blonde squirmed. He knew what was coming next, and he could stop it this time. Niall was quick to take his weapon out and lurch it forward. But, the man didn't show pain, he showed anger.

That's when Niall realized the man grabbed it before he could plunge it into his skin. He grabbed Niall's shirt and easily lifted him off the ground and spun around, throwing the small boy across the room. Niall yelped as he slid along the floor and then bumped into the kitchen table.

"Oh, I forgot to mention. I won't hurt you as long as you don't hurt me." Niall whimpered and held his head as he maneuvered himself under the table. Vincent got a little closer, and that's when Niall glided out on the other side of the table and made a dash for the front door.

The man wasn't very fast due to an accident a few years ago to his kneecap. Niall ripped open the door, and jumped off the porch, the ground breaking his fall. But as soon as he got up, the man's arms grabbed Niall by the waist.

"Help!" Niall screamed at the top of his lungs. He wasn't sure if anyone was going to hear him, because they were in the middle of the forest and it was beginning to thunder. Niall remembered he had watched a horror movie with Zayn about kids trying to escape a cabin in the woods because of a murderer, and no one could hear their screams. It was just like this. But in the end of the movie, no one made it out.

Zayn's brain was clouded with too many thoughts, leaving him frozen where he was. The truck honked wildly, and Zayn closed his eyes tightly. When he didn't feel any impact, he opened them to notice the truck didn't hit him yet. It all happened in just a few seconds. The tires squealed, and it managed to stop, but it still knocked Zayn off his feet. He lay on the ground, trying to regain his breath and let his heart rate go back to normal. The truck driver still had his foot on the break, with wide eyes.

He quickly jumped out, praying he didn't hurt the poor boy.

"Kid are you alright?" He kneeled down next to Zayn, seeing the boys eyes buldged out of his head.

"I'm...fine." Zayn croaked, sitting up. The stranger kept a hand on the Bradford boy's shoulder. That's when Zayn let the tears leave his eyes. He had been holding them in for about an hour, not wanting to seem weak. But, with the stress of losing Niall and then being hit by a truck, he had to cry. It just seemed like the right time.

"Awe, come on buddy, get up." The driver helped a wet Zayn to his feet, and led him to his truck. The shorter boy didn't mind considering he was freezing and let the bigger man help him in. Zayn coughed and wheezed as he sat up in the warm cab.

"Why the hell you out here all alone?" the man asked, putting the truck in drive.

"I-I- my b-boyfriend, he got t-taken from m-me." Zayn stuttered as more shivers raced through his body. The man cocked an eye brow.

"You mean kidnapped?" The man quizzed, turning up the heat after noticing the younger boy shivering.


"Have you called the police?" The truck driver was a heavier man, with a long, greasy beard and he smelled of cigarettes and coffee.

"I don't have a cell-p-phone."

"Well here." The man dug in his pocket for his flip phone and offered it to Zayn, but he just shook his head.

"That won't do any g-good." The dark-haired boy rang his fingers through his soaked hair, letting it drip on the man's seat.

"Why not?"

"I don't know where he went...I d-don't know the license plate...I-," Zayn was cut off by his voice cracking and the tears gathering in his tear ducts.

"It's alright, you'll find him." the man reassured. Zayn wasn't so sure about that. There was no trace as to where they could of went. For all he knows they could be in a different city by now.

"Do you know if there are a-any houses around here? Like n-nearby?" Zayn wondered, watching the rain pelt the wind shield.

"There's one, it's coming up soon." The truck picked up speed and Zayn held the seat tightly. He never trusted driving around in big trucks.

"Do you know who lives there?" Zayn could finally feel his fingers and toes again. That's when a crack of lightening lit up the cloudy sky and the thunder clapped afterward.

"Don't know the guys name, but I know he's a taxi driver." Those were the only words that Zayn needed to hear.

"What?" the tanned boy's voice came out a whisper.

"Yeah, I've seen him pull in there with his work car a few times. I drive this route a lot." he explained, getting a smile from Zayn.

"So where's the house?"

"Comin' around the corner. You want me to call the police?"

"No, I can handle it. Thank you," Zayn said, as the driver pulled over on the side of the road. The truck's lights ahead showed a path going deeper into the woods. It is late and there are probably animals out, but Zayn didn't care.

"Hope you find who you're looking for. Be careful." the man nodded. Zayn smiled and uncbuckled himself.

"I will, bye. And thank you again," Zayn jumped from the cab and hit the ground with a thud before running out in front of the truck and slowing down when he got to the dirt path. The driver made sure he was over there safetly before honking and driving off to finish his route. The Bradford boy stared ahead, before slowly walking forward. It was dark and scary, but he needed to get Niall back. And he wasn't resting until he did.

Niall's kidnapper had gotten more...abusive ever since he tried to stab him. Niall didn't understand why he was so angry, wouldn't he try to hurt the man who hurt him? Right now Niall was being thrown around because Vincent needed to take out his anger on the world.

So he took it out on someone who was defenseless. Niall was trying to think of more ways out, but he couldn't seem to get himself alone. Then another idea that seemed flawless made it's way into his head.

"Niall needs to pee," He said, inturpting Vincent on his rampage. He just frowned at Niall then grabbed his arm roughly and threw him toward the bathroom. Niall almost fell on his face, but held onto the door frame to balance himself. He went into the bathroom, closed and locked the door. Sadly there was no window, so he went down to his last resort. He had to hurt the man in order to get out. He searched around for anything to use.

"Hurry the hell up." Vincent called, knocking on the door. Niall flushed the toilet and grabbed it's lid. He was sure that was going to knock him out. The blonde opened the door and brought the lid to the man's head, making him stumble back. His eyes went wide when it didn't do anything but leave his forehead bleeding. So Niall tried again, managing to hit him. Hard. He fell to the ground and a pool of blood began forming around his head.

"Oh..." Niall gasped as he dropped the toilet lid. He then began to regret the decision, but it was something he had to do in order to get out alive. He bolted for the door and ran straight out into the rain, already wet again.

"Zayn!" He called, expecting the older boy to appear and hug him. Of course he didn't, and Niall took off down the road. He began to let the tears out again, scared of what was lurking out there at night. Niall had good night vision, another one of his cat-like features, so he got a good look at everything. Thunder boomed up ahead, making Niall jump out of his skin and yelp. He had to becoming to the end of the road, he had too.

That's when he saw a figure in the distance coming in the same direction he was going. Niall slowed down to a walk, and then completely stopped. What if it was another man? Or an animal? The dark figure got closer, and Niall could already make out who it was. He ran faster than he ever has, frightening Zayn as he jumped on him.

Zayn's heart skipped a beat, but when he recognized Niall's scent and his fluffy blonde hair, he smiled widely. Niall's arms were around the black-haired boy's neck, and his legs were wrapped around his waist.


Zayn laughed and kissed the boy's lips sloppily.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Zayn breathed. Zayn always wanted something like that; a kiss in the rain. Who doesn't? It's kind of like the rain washes away the world, and you two are the only one's left, embracing the warmth from each other.

"Zayn? How we going home?" The blonde asked, wincing in pain. It was too dark for Zayn to see the bruises.

"Not sure...wait, how'd you get out?" Zayn questioned. "You must have been brave."

"Zayn..." Niall said unsurely, letting himself drop to the ground.

"What?" Zayn moved Niall's went hair from his eyes as the smaller boy blinked rapidly. Niall finally opened his mouth to speak after pausing for a few seconds. He was afraid of how Zayn would react.

"Niall...k-killed him."

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