The All Boys Boarding School

By storiiee

4.3K 65 20

Anything can happen in an all boys boarding school, especially with Chaz around. More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter One

2.2K 22 4
By storiiee

hey and welcome to my new boyxboy romance. its starts of a little slow but it will pickup the pace the further i get... please give it chance and tell me what you think. i love feedback so VOTE and COMMENT :')


Chapter One

     I sat in my seat and stared at him from across the room. He just sat there without a care in the kissing him, kissing that guy, that other boy. The boy that I wanted was with the boy that I hated.

     I went to an all-boy boarding school, with the only females around were teachers, they purposely hired ones that were old, ugly and horrible so we wouldn’t try anything I bet. This is why 40-50% of the boys here were either gay or bisexual; unfortunately for me I was part of that percentage. I was bi, and that guy kissing the dickhead I hated was Riley. My best friend.

    “Riley!” he broke his kiss from Chaz and looked at me. I gestured with my hand for him come over here, in return he lift up his 2nd finger to say he’d be back in a minute. He gave Chaz one last mighty kiss and got up and came towards me.

     “You’re not going to tell me to break up with Chaz again are you?” he asked knowing that it would be that.

     “Yes, the guys a dickhead, he’s a douche, what do you see in him?” I asked getting irritated I’ve been trying to make him dump that idiots ass for fucking ever. “The guy is stupid, and he is bound on making my life a living hell.”

    “No he’s not.” He disagreed.

    “Really, how about the time he organised the football team to beat me up? How about the time he put cocaine in my locker to try and get me suspended? How about the time he…” He put a finger on my mouth to shut me up and smiled at me.

    “Ok, I get it, Chaz has been horrible to you, but he’s sweet, loving, romantic, amazing and hot all wrapped in to one hot, smoking piece of meat. And he’s all mine.” He licked his lips and started smiling sexily to himself.

     I never denied to myself that I had a small crush on Riley, I never could, he was too good looking for me to pretend and he deserved more than Chaz Bell. I remember the day it was the a Tuesday in March, I was going to ask him out, but then he got to me first excited and happy. Chaz has asked him out and he said yes. It wasn’t his thought, how was he supposed to know that I liked him in that way.

     “Stop looking at him like that.” I snapped, it was getting really annoying seeing them fall over each other. I don’t really mind when other guys do it but it’s just him. Even the straight guys were used to seeing guys kissing each other, you just grew to become used to it. Maybe that’s why most girls in our sister school were lesbians.

    “What are you jealous or something?” he asked raising an eyebrow. I didn’t bother lying he’s see right through it, like he always did with my lies.

    “Yes. I am jealous Riley.”

    “You are admitting to-”

     “Yes I am admitting to being jealous. You spend all your time with him and I can’t stand it. Dude, we’re meant to be best friends but you’ve been ditching me for him.”

     He looked at me shocked, maybe he didn’t know I was actually going to admit to it, of course I was jealous that we spent less time together… who wouldn’t be.

     “You’re right; I haven’t been hanging out with you, as much as I should.” He held my hand in his and had a genuine look of sorrow in his face. His beautiful face stared at mine; his short, brunette hair which moved slowly in the wind, his sea blue eyes which I got drowned in every time I looked at them and that sexy smile which he always did to tease me.

     I felt a pull on my hand and looked up to see Chaz towering over me, the other students had shied away, people knew by now not to get involved when Chaz was angry.

     “What the hell do you think you are doing holding my guy’s hand?” I chuckled internally my guy, “Are you seriously stupid enough to laugh at me?” Shit I acted out my thoughts again I went to slam my hand in my face but Chaz was holding on to it… tightly… ouch.

       Luckily Riley intervened, “Hey, Chaz stop it man, that’s my best friend you’re hurting.” Chaz reluctantly let go and went to stand behind Riley who was mouthing ‘sorry’ to me. I nodded in response and he took Chaz by the hand and led him out the classroom.

      I sank in to my seat even further, clearing my head. I still didn’t know why Riley would even date him, we had never really seen eye to eye but when he started dating Riley it just got worse and worse until he started to physically hit me.

     Mr Beckford came in to class and interrupted the rest of my thoughts which made me forget that I was still in class and it was only home room.

     I sighed and laid my head on the table.

       I slammed my dorm door open and dropped my bag to the side; I’ve never had a day more rubbish as this before. Chaz and Riley never came back to any classes, they must have bunked them all.

     “Riley, are you here?”

     There was no response so I took it that he was still was bunking off with Chaz. I lay on my bed and started to think about Riley. I smiled every time I thought about him, it was stupid and petty and I felt so hypnotised but I couldn’t help the way I felt about someone.

       Some time past and the door suddenly flung open and Chaz and Riley came kissing passionately not acknowledging the fact that I was in the room watching them with jealous eyes. I stuffed my head under my pillow and put myself under my covers.

      The kissing and sucking was drowned out but the moaning was still burning my ears sorely, I wanted to scream.

     “Chaz, stop… Shane is here.” Riley said, see this is why I loved him he was so considerate to think about me, thank God he realised that I was under the covers.

     I was about to come out of the covers. “Who gives a fuck if Shane is here; I wanna touch you so much.” The kissing continued but was luckily stopped after a few seconds.

     “Shane come out.” I quickly got so Chaz couldn’t say anything to make me have to shy away from their constant making out. I breathed heavily breathing in some nice, cool air instead of the heated one which I was made to breath under the covers.

    “Thank God it was hot under there.”

     “Sorry, we didn’t know that you were here.”

     “Any normal person would check to see if a roommate was there.”

     “Well, you’re never here at four; you normally come in later than that.”

     “Can you two stop talking crap, Shane get out it’s time for me and Riley to have some alone time.” Chaz interrupted, he grabbed Riley’s waist and pulled him closer to his chest.

     “Hey I am in the room you know.”

     “Well, you’re not wanted, so scram twerp.”

      I couldn’t be bothered to have any argument so I got up to leave. Riley looked at me with a shocked expression on his face. “You’re not seriously going to leave are you?” When I didn’t reply he carried on talking. “Chaz, I’ll see you tomorrow ok?”

      Chaz gave me an evil glare before giving Riley a kiss on the cheek and leaving the dorm. Riley came over and sat on my bed cross-legged and smiled at me. I felt good to have my best friend paying attention to me again like it used to be in the freshman years.

     We ended up talking about sports, TV, boys we liked, girls we liked, teachers and random crap that we always used to have. I missed it, I missed him.


So what did you think :p i hope you liked it. i'll try and upload in a week or so :)

remember to vote and comment :D ahahha

storiiee xo

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