Ghost (Hawkeye's Daughter)

By OXLeviXo

141K 3.1K 681

There is a reason Clint hid his wife and children. Riley Barton is the daughter of one of the worlds greatest... More

Prologue: the birth of the Ghost
Chapter 1: Message to a Hawk
Ch2: Welcome home
Ch3: S.H.I.E.L.D.
Ch4: Show us what you got
Ch5: Son of a Pirate
Ch6: A Misbehaving Cube and a Mysterious Pycopath
Ch8: Compromised
Ch9: The Man with a Temper
Ch10: Boarding the Helicarrier

Ch7: This is War

7K 194 24
By OXLeviXo

Riley's POV

I watched as my father's eyes turned jet black and then to a sickly blue unlike his usual ones. Hatred and fury rose up inside me as I looked at this mysterious man. I transformed Holly into a baton and charged towards the man without a second thought. I could feel something slowly break inside of me. The man had fast reflexes and dodged the weapon. I brought out my hidden blades and attempted to slit his throat but he caught my arm. Like my father, he put his spear-thing to my chest to make me one of his minions but he soon became puzzled. It didn't work. He didn't understand why but I knew the exact reason. "This is for my Dad." And I kicked in his one unguarded area. Human or Alien, there is no escaping the pain of that. He doubled over and hissed to my dad, "Deal with the brat." I don't know what this man did to him but all I know is that that is not my father.

It was like his mind had been wiped and another had replaced it. My father pulled a gun on me and I notched an arrow and aimed at him but I froze. I can't hurt him, Dad's still in there! "Agent Barton, can you hear me?" I tried to stay professional. He shot at me and I'm lucky I dodged in time. I did sense that he was holding back. Whatever it was that's controlling him, he's fighting it. "Dad, I know you're in there. Just give me some indication you can hear me." His eye lid flickered and the murky blue faded briefly causing me to smirk. I continued to keep his attention as I noticed fury in the corner of my eye, trying to take the tesseract. Bullet after bullet, I dodged by the skin of my teeth. I finally stopped when he shot me in the shoulder. I yelled out in pain as I fell to the ground. Luckily he was still fighting it, otherwise I would have been dead a LONG time ago. He never misses, never mind hitting my shoulder instead of my head or chest.

My vision came in and out as the psycho began to talk to Fury as he tried to leave with the cube, "Please don't, I still need that." "This doesn't have to get any messier." He had his back turned from him. I then realised he was stalling as the tesseract's energy would bring down the whole fissility within a mater of minutes. "Yes it does, I've come too far for anything else." The man continued as he had Fury's full attention, "I am Loki, of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose." Asgard? But that means... "Loki, brother of Thor." Dr Selvig finished my thought. "We have no quarrel with your people." Fury tried to talk him down but it wouldn't work. Selvig told me about how Loki had sent a monster to kill Thor. He says he's from Asgard but he definitely has some quarrel with his and our people. "An ant has no quarrel with a boot."

As the conversation continued, I tried to get up but I was loosing a lot of blood, I think he hit an artery. "Are you planning to step on us?" No shit Sherlock. "I come with glad tidings, of a world made free." "And what would we be freed from?" I grunted in pain, grinding my teeth. Loki turned to me, "Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that, in your heart..." He span round quickly and did the same thing he did to my father to Dr Selvig, " will know piece." My father looked up and finally noticed what I had earlier, it was only a matter of time before he alerted Loki."Yeah, you say 'peace', I kinda think you mean the other thing." Fury remarked before my dad finally spoke in a tone that sounded empty and lifeless. "Sir, Director Fury and Ghost are stalling," Shit. "This place is about to blow and drop a hundred feet of rock on us. He means to bury us." "Like the pharaohs of old." The director confirmed as Selvig checked a computer monitor. "He's right. The portal is collapsing in on itself. We've got maybe two minutes before this goes critical." "Well, then." Loki made my dad shoot both Fury and I. He missed me but hit Fury in the chest. He's still fighting.

Loki, Selvig, my father and another agent exited with the Tesseract as I crawled towards my boss. I knew he wore a bullet proof vest under his suit at all times, I mean, if you were a leader of a top secret military organisation with spies and assassins as your employees and enemies, you'd take extra precautions. I put my hand to my com system and spoke into it. "Hill, do you copy?! Barton's been compromised, they have the Tesseract!" There was gun fire from the other end. I helped Fury up but I was the one needing the help. I swayed on the spot but I mentally blocked the pain as I learned through my experiences in the punishment room. He seemed alright so we supported each other. "Riley, what's going on?!" Came Scott's voice through the com system. "The place's about to blow and they have the Tesseract." "Are you alright?!" He continued to worry. "I've been hit but I'm fine, so is the director. Get out the out of proximity, I'll meet you there." I answered back as the two of us ran for the helicopter. The helicopter was in sight and I heard Phil say something which I didn't catch. We got into the chopper just in time before the fissility collapsed.

We followed the get-away car as Fury began to shoot at them. A familiar blue beam of light shot towards us and the chopper was coming down. As we descended, the Director and I jumped out and continued firing at the car. Even with my injured shoulder, my aim was perfect. I shot a tracker arrow at the boot of the car, all we have to do now was track it at HQ. "Director, Ghost, Do you copy?" Came Phil's voice. The director spoke into a walky-talky, "The Tesseract is with a hostile force. I have men down. Hill?" "A lot of men still under," Hill spoke. We grew a neutral respect for each other over the past few months, "I don't know how many survivors." "Sound a general call. I want every living soul not working rescue looking for that briefcase." Fury ordered. "Roger that." "Coulson, Blaze, get back to base," Blaze is Scott's codename, "This is a level seven. As of right now, we are at war." As he finished, I fell to my knees. As much as I ignored the pain, I couldn't ignore the blood loss. "What do we do?" I heard Phil ask as I slump to the side. Before I heard Fury's answer, the sweet relief of darkness consumed me.

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