The Payne For Styles [Lirry]...

By hopeangel11

67.8K 1.6K 390

A story on how Liam really feels about Harry while they are on the 'Take Me Home' tour. And how Liam has a se... More

The Payne For Styles [Lirry]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 11

2.5K 62 32
By hopeangel11

Chapter 11: Live While We're Young

Eventually Niall and I stopped laughing at them when I heard my phone go off. I was about to answer it and the other boys stayed silent, trying to listen in on the conversation. They crowded around me and tried to take the phone away from me.

But I pushed them away. "Boys! Back up! I can't answer the phone, let alone breathe, with you guys all over me!" I exclaimed, making them take a step back.

"Woah! We are NOT all over you! Only Harry was!" Louis said back to me, putting his hands up.

Harry chuckled and hugged me. "Yeah...Only I can do that to Li. Right, Li?"

I rolled my eyes at Harry and pulled away, making him frown. "Harry, I need to answer my phone. I can't do that if you're not even letting me move my arms when you hug me."

"Just answer the phone already!" Niall suddenly exclaimed.

"Shh! I am...Gosh!" I said to him, answering my phone. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Paul. "It's Paul," I said to the boys.

That was my mistake, cuz they all crowded around me again and yelled into the phone.

"HI PAUL!" they yelled in unison, almost making my eardrums explode. I pushed them back again and put the phone on my ear. I heard Paul laughing on the other end.

"Hi Boys!" he yelled back. Good mercy! My ears are broken!

"Hey Paul! It's just me now, Liam. Why did you call?" I said, pushing and shushing the other boys as they kept trying to pull the phone from me. 

"Just put it on speaker-phone!" Louis yelled at me.

"Fine!" I yelled back at him, making him grin. "Hold on, Paul. I'll put you on speaker because some people don't know how to be quiet and patient when someone else is on the phone!" I glared at all of them, making them chuckle at me.

I rolled my eyes and put my phone on speaker. "So...what's up, Paul?" Louis said into the phone.

"I called to remind you guys that I'm coming to pick you boys up to rehearsals now. Be ready and down in the lobby in 10 minutes," Paul replied.

"Okay! We're all ready, so we'll be down now!" Niall said.

"Good. Thanks boys," Paul said.

"No problem," Harry answered, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my shoulder. I shivered slightly and leaned into him.

"EWW! Too much! It burns!" Louis, Zayn, and Niall exclaimed in unison.

"Relax, will you? It's just on the shoulder," Harry said.

"Doesn't matter!" Zayn said back, covering his eyes.

"It's still in front of us!" Niall yelled out.

"Go back in your room if you're gonna do that!" Louis yelled, covering his and Niall's eyes. Niall thanked Louis and hugged him. Zayn joined them, blindly reaching for them with one hand and his other hand on his eyes.

Harry and I rolled our eyes and we heard Paul laughing on the phone.

"What are you boys yelling about?" he asked.

"Harry and Liam are being all l- " Louis started, eyes still closed.

"We're just dancing around! - Weirdly! That's all, Paul!" I cut in, trying my best not to sound too panicky. I wasn't ready for Paul to know about us yet...The boys just found out! Are Harry and I even an "us" yet?

Paul chuckled and said, "Okay, Liam. Whatever you say."

"I think they're done now, boys," Louis said, and took his hands off his and Niall's eyes. Zayn did the same and they all pulled away from each other, only to cling to each other again when they saw us.

Harry suddenly pulled me into a kiss and I immediately kissed back.

"Are you sure, Louis? They could just be - Oh! AH! They're doing an even worse thing!" Niall said, then exclaimed and jumped on Louis, covering his eyes after seeing us kiss.

"Niall, they're no- NO! Why?! You're just - Ugh! Stop!" Zayn yelled out, covering his eyes again.

"Would you guys stop?! Do you have a heart to give us a break? We already said 'it burns'! But THIS is even worse! My eyes are melting! They're broken!" Louis yelled and covered his eyes again.

Harry and I laughed, and we heard Paul laugh as well.

"More dancing, boys?" Paul asked us, and Harry replied, "Yup...Just 'dancing'" wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I blushed and said to Paul. "Okay, well bye Paul! We'll see you in 5 minutes!"

"See you boys then!" Paul said and hung up. I did the same and turned to the other terrified and scarred boys. 

"We're not kissing anymore, boys," I said and sighed at them.

"No! We don't believe you!" Niall yelled back at me, still covering his eyes.

"Fine...Whatever. Me and Liam are gonna go to the elevator now to go down. You're welcome to join us," Harry said, pulling me to the door, by intertwining his hand with mine. He smiled at me and whispered, "Let's ditch them!"

"Harry! No! That's bad!" I scolded him, whispering back and stopping him once we were out in the hall.

Harry grunted and said to me, "I just want some alone time with you, Li. Is that too much to ask?" He pouted and pulled me closer.

"Harry, we can't just leave them!"

"They'll make it downstairs just fine! They'll just have to take another elevator while we're in the other...Doing what we want," Harry said sexily, winking at me as he pulled me closer.

I blushed and he kissed me again. Wow! This is the third time he kissed me and it still makes me feel butterflies in my stomach!

"NOOOOO! Not again!" The other boys suddenly yelled, shocking me and making me jump away from Harry.

"Liam! You said you guys were done!" Niall scolded me.

I gave them an apologetic smile and blushed some more. "Sorry guys..." I muttered.

"Don't get mad at MY LIAM!" Harry said, holding me and petting my head. I rolled my eyes and slightly pulled back, fixing my hair.

Louis, Niall and Zayn gasped. "You FIXED your hair!" Louis exclaimed. "Who are you and why have you taken over our 'Daddy Direction'?"

"Okay, what does fixing my hair have to do with being 'Daddy Direction'?" I asked, rolling my eyes at them.

They gasped again and Harry chuckled. I looked at him pointedly at him and he raised his hands innocently, a smile creeping its way on his lips. I rolled my eyes at him again and asked the boys, "What now?"

They gasped yet again and walked up to me, touching my forehead. I batted their hands away and scolded them. "Why are you guys touching me?" I asked, taking a step back from them.

I could tell they were about to gasp, so I motioned to them with my hand not to make a sound. It worked! Yet again, it always works!

"Liam...Why have you changed?" Zayn suddenly asked.

"Changed to what? And DON'T you dare gasp again!" I scolded them. But...They gasped anyways! Oh, They would!

"You fix your hair now when someonee touches it, and you're asking what it has to do with being YOU," Niall said.

"What? Being 'Daddy Direction'? But really? What does that have to do with me changing from 'Daddy Direction"?" I asked, still confused.

They gasped and I almost punched them, but I thought better. "See! There it is again!" Louis exclaimed, pointing at me. As if that's supposed to make it crystal clear to me!

I rolled my eyes and walked to the elevator. Of course, they gasped again and quickly followed, loudy whispering - if you can even call it that with how loud they are! - among themselves.

"He just walked away WITHOUT waiting for us, or even telling us to follow him!" Louis whisper-yelled.

"He HAS changed!" Niall agreed, just as loudly.

"I miss the old Liam...Harry, what did you do?! Why did you change him?" Zayn suddenly asked Harry.

Harry snorted and said, "As if I had something to do with it. We just got together and now you're all gonna blame me?"

"YES!" The other boys yelled back. I just continued to roll my eyes and sigh loudly as the elevator came to a stop and opened in front of me. I stepped in and held the doors for them to step in.

"Just keep in mind that  if you guys are talking about something you don't want me to hear, keep your voices down. You know, WHISPER instead of yell," I pointed out when they all stepped in and the elevator doors closed.

"Last time we checked, we weren't speaking with you, Liam," Louis sassed at me.

"Yeah, we were speaking among ourselves," Zayn agreed, pointing at everyone else but me.

"And that's why I said to whisper so I wouldn't hear..." I muttered and turned around from them. Elevators move slower that I hoped...

I jumped when I suddenly felt arms wrap around me. I heard Harry chuckled behind me and he kissed my cheek, making me blush. I heard groans of complaint from the other boys, but I ignored them. 

"Why are you grumpy?" Harry mumbled against the back of my neck.

I shivered and sighed in pleasure. "B- Because the boys are being immat- "

"HELP! Someone help us! We're trapped in an elevator, forced to watch porn!" Louis yelled, making Harry and I pull apart suddenly.

"Have mercy on us!" Niall yelled.

"We can't take it anymore! The view HURTS!" Zayn yelled out. 

They started banging on the elevator door and Harry and I are foced to stop them. "BOYS! Stop right now! You're gonna break the elevator!" I scolded them, raising my voice and pulling them away from the doors.

"Yeah," Harry agreed, then continued. "If you guys keep jumping and banging on the doors, the elevator WILL break and we're gonna be stuck here! Then you will all be forced to watch Li and I snog for our last breath!" 

I rolled my eyes at him and said, "Really, Haz? That's what you're thinking of at a time like this? Don't make them panic even more!"

He just smirked at me. "I just want what I want, Li. And that's YOU," he said, winking.

Harry helped me, pulling Louis and Zayn from the doors, as I pulled Niall. He seemed to be worse than the others because I could tell he was starting to hyperventilate. "Breathe, Ni, breathe! All you have to do is breathe!" I said to him, breathing with him.

I made Niall sit on the floor, while I held onto his hand, breathing with him. "There we go, Ni. It's okay...Just keep breathing with me," I prompted him. He did as I said, looking up at me and shaking ever so slightly.

"What are you 2 doing?! Is Niall giving birth? OH GOSH! It's getting worse in here! Help us! Some angel come and save us from our doom!" Louis yelled again, Harry trying to cover his mouth, but failing. Louis bit him and kept yelling.

Harry swore under his breath and grabbed Louis again, only to be pushed against the wall by Zayn. "Zayn! Why did you just push m- " Harry yelled at him.

"I just wanna get out of here! Is that too much to ask?! Don't get in my breathing space, Haz! I'm serious!" Zayn yelled and turned in a circle.

Harry grunted and yelled at the 2 of them. Louis and Zayn yelled back, making my ears ring. I'm going to be deaf...I'm going to be deaf and I know it! This is worse than the fans!

Niall squeezed my hand, making me look back at him. He had tears brimming his eyes and I softened my face for him. "Oh, Ni...Don't cry. Please don't...Everything is gonna be fine. Just think about...uh- FOOD! Yeah, just think about food and we'll be at the lobby soon!" I pleaded and encouraged him. "Think about Nando's food, pizza, chicken, bacon, cheese, chocolate..." I went on about different foods, and it made Niall smile back at me.

The pressure on my hand from his loosened and he just kept smiling happily at me, his eyes glazed with happiness. I could tell he was actually daydreaming about food now. Oh, how easy it is to make Niall happy... I kept smiling at Niall and continued to name food he likes.

"That really works, huh?" I heard Harry ask from behind me. I just nodded in response and continued naming food. I didn't want to ruin it for Niall. He was just calm and it would really suck if he started panicking again.

I noticed Louis and Zayn were pretty quiet so I stopped and looked at them. Louis had his face prssed against the elevator door and Zayn was waching the number change when it told us what floor we were on.

"Seventh floor, Lou. We're almost there," Zayn stated, probably entranced by the number changing.

"It can't just be the seventh floor! We have to be at the lobby already! Why is it getting tighter in here? Why am I losing air? Zayn! Make the elevator move faster!" Louis yelled, pushing Harry out of the way and pushing at the walls.

"Hey! Lou, stop pushing me! And just relax, will you? We're almost there!" Harry exclaimed, trying to hold Louis.

"As if I can make the elevator move faster! Maybe you can!" Zayn yelled back at Louis, looking over at him.

"Guys! Stop yelling! Just take in deep breaths and we'll be at the lobby soo- " I said, but Louis cut me off.

"NO! YOU stop, Liam! Stop helping Niall give birth and make this thing go faster!" Louis yelled at me, making Niall whimper. I turned back to him and tried to calm him down, but he was already crying.

"Ni...No, don't cry. Stop crying. We're gonna be fine. We're almost at the lo- "I said soothingly, hugging him as he leaned into me.

"WE ARE GOING TO DIE IN HERE! And that includes Niall's baby!" Louis yelled randomly.

"Niall's having a baby?! NOW?!?! Why now? We can't do this! We don't know how to deal with this! Harry, have you given birth before?" Zayn exclaimed, grabbing Harry and shaking him.

Harry pulled away and yelled, "NO! I have never given birth! What kind of question is that?"

"I meant have you helped someone give birth before?" Zayn asked, hyperventilating. What is with everyone hyperventilating all of a sudden? I swear I also hear Louis starting to as well!

"No, Zayn! I've never helped anyone give birth before! Why would you ask ME that?" Harry replied, voice raised. Niall whimpered again and I held onto him tighter. I noticed Harry glancing at us, frowning and glaring at my arms around Niall. Not now, Harry! Stop being jealous and deal with Zayn and Louis!

"Because you've done half the girls in this country and one of them has to have gotten pregnant!" Louis replied, looking frantically around, still pushing at the walls and hyperventilating.

"No I haven't! Lou, why would even say that?" Harry said, flustered.

"No, you're right Harry! I should ask Liam if he's helped someone give birth!" Zayn piped in and looked at me with wide eyes. "Liam! Have you - "

"No! Zayn, I haven't! Why would you aske ME that now?" I replied, not yelling because I didn't want Niall to keep crying.

"Because you're Daddy Direction! That's why!" Louis was the one to reply.

"That has nothing to do with this! And let it go, Lou!" I said back, slightly raising my voice.

"Oh, forget this s***! I'm running!" Louis suddenly yelled out to no one in particular.

"Lou, what do you mea- " I started, but Harry yelled out, "NO! Lou, don't even think about it!"

"Oh, I'm doing it! And no one's gonna stop me!" Louis replied, setting himself into a running position, facing the doors.

"What is he gonna do? He doesn't even have space to ru- " I tried to ask, but Harry and Zayn went to grab Louis before he ran.

"No! Don't hold me back! I need to run free of this moving cage!" Louis yelled, struggling to pull away from Zayn and Harry's grip. I could tell they were having a hard time with him.

"Lou! Breathe! Just breathe!" I yelled at him, making Niall whimper and sniffle beside me. "Oh, sorry Ni! I didn't mean to ye- "

"YOU breathe, Liam! Let me roam free! Let me out! This is madness, I tell you! MADNESS!" Louis yelled, still trying to pull free.

"Such a small space...Such a small space! I can't breathe anymore!" I heard Niall exclaim suddenly. I turned to him and hugged him tighter. "No, Ni! You CAN breathe! Just do it with me again. In, and out! Together now! In...and out...In and out....In and ou- "

I heard the elevator ding and the doors opened. FINALLY! Thank you to the almighty heavens! We made it to the lobby with our bodies in tact!

"FINALLY!" I heard Louis yell out, echoing my mind. "I can run and be free from doom!" He ran out the doors, past the people watching us with shocked and confused looks.

They were looking at the rest of us as Louis ran out of the hotel. Zayn ran after him and Harry called after them. "ZAYN! LOUIS! Stop running!"

Then he turned to me and asked, "They're gonna make me run after them, aren't they?" I nodded, smiling at him. "You too, Li? YOU'RE gonna make ME run after THEM? You're the track star here!"

"Just go, Haz. I'm gonna help Niall," I said gently, turning back to Niall to wipe his tears away. 

Harry grunted. "Fine. But don't do anything you'll regret. - And make Niall regret ever touching you, too," Harry said threateningly, before he turned and greeted the crowd watching us. "Hello ladies and gents. Just keep walking and mind your businesses. We're fine, as you can tell, so please just get on with your day and pay no more attention to us," he said, probably with his charming smile, and then ran after Louis and Zayn, who were both LONG gone by now.

I helped Niall up and we waved awkwardly at the crowd, stepping out of the elevator together. We smiled sheepishly at them, not really knwing what to do.

"You heard him, everyone. Please get on with you da- ' I started to say, but then choked.

"What a scene!" someone yelled out randomly and walking over to us, cutting me off.

I think my eyes popped out of their sockets and my jaw dropped to the floor. I think Niall may have had the same reaction as me, beside me and frozen as well. 

"Well, well, well...Hi there! Fancy seeing YOU here," *fill in the blank* said to me.

NO! It can't be! Not - 

*Ooh! CLIFFHANGER!  Another surprise guest! Who is it?

Like the hallway and elevator scene? *Gasp* - hehe! I made it as funny and random as I could! Hope you like it! I loved writing that part!

Let me know what you think about the chapter! WHO DO YOU THINK IS THE MYSTERY PERSON?* x

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