Millennium Band Season One Du...

By seljlo2010

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Selena Possible was a normal teen until her mother gave one of the eight millenium items, the millenium band... More

Millennium Band Season One Duelists Kingdom
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 21

213 10 2
By seljlo2010

okay this is scary, Mokuba and this girl look like they could be twins. but by the way she talked sounded like someone twice her age.
"we heard someone scream," Mokuba told her, "are you okay?"
"i lost Eru, my guide." she told him, pointing at the fairy.
"well, now that we're all here, can you get us out of this rat trap?" Joey asked her. but she just looked down at the floor and sighed.
"i'm lost too."
all of us just let out a groan of annoyance, but perked up when we heard. . .
"but Eru can find a way out for us."
Eru lead us out of the maze, but only to be met up by Gate Guardian. this is just not my day, is it? but from what I've heard Joey and Yugi faced this monster before with those Paradox brothers. 
"don't worry, we got this. we'll combine my red eyes black dragon,"
"and my summoned skull, fusing them with polymerization. to form red eyes skull dragon."
it was powerful, but still short about 500 attack. but then Joey pulled out a magic card, dragon nails. raising the skull dragons attack by 700, bye gate guardian. 
"that was amazing," the princess said," you all are so brave. much like the heroes of legend."
"eh, it was nothing." Joey said.
then we heard lots of voices coming from the end of the cave. lights from torches lit up the cave as the people came closer.
"Princess Adina, are you there?"
"Grandma!!" Adina yelled.
"my lady, we were worried sick about you! oh and i see you've made some new friends."
"they saved me, they are the bravest warriors I've ever see!" 
all of just smiled and waved. after getting us out of the maze, we rode to the palace, since Adina invited us. 

Seto's POV
i woke up, feeling extreme heat, like i was next to a volcano.  felt my hands were bound and tied to a stone. 
"where am i?" i softly asked, although i didn't expect someone to answer me. 
"you're with me, Seto Kaiba." said a very close voice.
a man began to ascend from the ground, but i know who it was. it was a witty phantom.  
"you took me prisoner in my own game?"
"then release me! i command you."
this is no longer your game to command. the game has been reprogrammed, you're just late to the party, Kaiba."
i just scoffed a little.
"gee, i never liked parties."
"but your the guest of honor. or at least you will be very soon. you see, Kaiba, you will have the great privilege of being our offering to the mythic dragon. but until then, your misery will be in my capable hands."
okay, now he's just getting me mad.
"that's enough! over ride protocal, end this simulation!"
nothing happened, the game was supposed to shut down, but nothing happened. 
"tsk, tsk, tsk, i told you things have changed. your game's been rewritten, your silly safety precautions are a thing of the past. now if you'll excuse me, there is so much to do before the other two offerings come."
hold it, there was only supposed to be two. who's the third offering? and actually, who's the second as well?
"other offerings?"
"i know how much you love the spotlight, but you'll just have to share."
with a little maniacal laugh, he disappeared. i have to get out of here.

Selena's POV
​ carriages came and took us to the castle. since there was five of us, Mokuba sat on my lap during the ride. i sat next to Joey while Yugi and Mai sat in front of us.
"i like Adina," Mai said, "at least she know how to travel in style."
i agreed, since this carriage was so nice, gold rims around the interior and red velvet seats.
"yeah, you should be flattered that Kaiba based such a cool character on you, Mokuba." Yugi said.
"on me?"
Joey just started to laugh." yeah, on you, my lady."
Mokuba just gave him a dirty look, Joey so was having fun with this. but then i said,
"at least Seto doesn't call him a dueling monkey."
he stopped laughing, then it was everyone's turn to laugh. we finally made it there, we had to walk a little bit behind the princes though. i walked behind Yugi, then came the little fairy from before resting on Yugi's head.
"looks like Eru has taken a liking to you." Adina said.
he shrugged a little, i thought it was cute, a little fairy on his head. they lead us to the dining area, where as usually Joey had to pig out on something. 
"careful, everyone," Mai called out, "keep your hands and feet away from Joey's mouth."
and he almost choked, nice Joey you choke on virtual food. 
"Adina, do you have an news about my brother Seto?" Mokuba asked.
she looked so sad and scared at the same time, while she looked at the table. 
"well, i didn't want to say anything before, but people often disappear when it's time for the offerings."
"offerings?" Yugi asked.
"what do you mean?" i asked.
"every year around this time, offerings are collected from this and another kingdom so that the mythic dragon can be resurrected. another kingdom has put up there offerings, a baker was taken a week ago and a stranger from another land was brought in today." 
"that stranger has to be Seto," Mokuba said, "please you have to tell me where he is!" 
"he's in a dark castle floating in the sky."
"why does that sound familiar?" Joey asked.
"the castle of dark illusions?" Yugi asked.
apparently, the only way to reach the castle was by a flying machine. duel monsters can't get there because a shield protects the castle. Mai told Mokuba it was just a game, that we could solve it. but then said life is a game since the other people heard her. when asked about their offerings, Adina said she volunteered. we all asked her if she was nuts, but then she told us about a prophecy. that warriors from another land would rise up and together would destroy the mythic dragon. she believes that we're the heroes from the legend.
"alright!" Joey yelled. "super Joey will save the day!"
"oh dear lord, these people are doomed." i said, softly placing my hand over my face.
everyone giggled a little, and the princess lead us to changing room to fit us for our armor. and i was so lucky, the had armor that looked just like lady knight. and fortunately for me they also had the big sword. good thing the armor had something in the back to hold it 
"a girl could get used to this treatment." Mai said, coming up behind me. 
"you look nice Mai." i told her.
"not as good as you," she said to me, "how'd you make out Yugi?"
Yugi came in, awww he looked so cute with his armor on.
"i feel silly."
"don't, you look good." i told him. "how you doing Joey?"
"i'm not coming out, no thanks."
"oh come on!" i yelled at him, "i want to see!" 
he comes out if the curtain wearing. . . . a cave man outfit?
"i'm wearing a bathroom rug, Sel!" 
oh man was i on the floor! he looked so funny, i couldn't breathe. then came lightning, a storm was approaching us. all of us went outside to see the castle and an army of duel monsters headed our way. me and Mai summoned some witches, but they barely even made a dent. Yugi tried to use his dark hole magic card, but an armored ninja knocked it out of his hand. with one swift move, the ninja got Adina in a net . all of us called out to her, but then came a small girl voice. turns out Mokuba switched places with her. great, more good news. Joey used his time wizard to reverse the clock on the ruins to get that flying machine. me and Mai sandwiched him in a hug. as soon as we were in the air, Joey calls the steering wheel. we got closer to the castle, which had a black cloud over in.
"attention," Joey said, "this is our captain speaking. if you direct your attention to the left side of our aircraft, you can see that freaky floating castle, some clouds. and a swarm of ferocious monsters coming to devour us!"
they came closer to us, so we took action.
"attack Harpie Ladies!"
"attack my feline warriors!"
"go, fierce knight!"
"dark magician attack!"
all our monsters clashed in a big battle, as the others came on strong. the plane started to bump around so much that me and Yugi flew in opposite directions. a huge griffin lunged at Yugi, but Eru stood in his way. the griffin just swatted Eru away like a fly, she landed next to me. i tried to grab her, but one big push on the plane made me fall right off the plane. i was falling so fast, but something caught me. a net.

i was taken to the dark castle, but then thrown into a large room with immense heat. getting up and looking around, i was on a little pad of stone over a sea of lava. i felt my back to try and get my sword, but it must have fell off my back when i fell off the ship. 
"wake up Kaiba. you programmed me to torture my captives, not let them sleep."
i heard a voice around the corner, i have to be where they're keeping him. a wall of stone covered him, so i ran closer, to see one of the freakiest dudes I've ever seen. but with the attack and defense point monitor on his head, i knew he was a duel monster. 
"guess you weren't my most inspired creation."
Seto's voice, he's here! the monster just laughed at him.
"oh come now Kaiba. give yourself some credit. after all, just look who i managed to snatch."
Mokuba appeared i front of him, and he snatched off the dress he was wearing reveling his armor.
"Mokuba, what are you doing?"
"what do you think, big brother? i'm here to save you!" 
the monster just scoffed at him, then looked over to where i was.
"please, you're not in a position to save anyone. neither is she."
he pointed at me, making me get close to both Mokuba and Seto.
"well, see about that. Lady Knight, release Seto!"
she appeared in front of me and slashed the ropes that held him. when he was on his feet, Mokuba gave him his deck.
"Thanks little brother. and how did she get in here?"
"talk and thank later," i said, "we have to go."
Seto nodded at me, while getting everything ready. the man trembled as Seto smirked at him.
"time for a trip to the recycle bin, phantom. go blue eyes white dragon!"
as the dragon appeared, the man tried to run, but the lightning blasted him from behind. he was gone. all three of us ran towards the bridge to get out of here, but armored ninjas began to surround us. a dragon capture jar appeared in front of us, but Seto summoned trap master. the jar was destroyed and another blue eyes appeared. they both attacked and all the ninjas were gone.
"now can someone explain how both of you are here?" Seto asked a little bit too curiously.
"don't be mad," Mokuba began, "but i went to Yugi and Selena for help."
"and that's how i'm here." i added.
"you now how i feel about Yugi." Seto said a little angry.
"but i had no one else to turn to."
he seemed to growl a little at the fact that Yugi was here, he actually looked really hot when he was mad. ugh! snap out of it! you're there to help. 
"look, Seto, Mokuba and i wouldn't have made it this far without Yugi's help. just swallow your pride for a little until we get out of here. oh and you're welcome." i said to him, i was about to walk away, but then i felt my arm being grabbed. he pulled me back to him, making me face him.
"i'm sorry, and thank you for helping Mokuba."
i smiled and hugged him, trying not to poke him with the armor i have on. we lingered a little i the hug, then i heard Mokuba's voice.
"uh, guys maybe we should try and find the way out." 
both of us let go of each other, i was probably bright red now and all of us ran to find and exit. we were trapped by a dead end until Seto made one of his blue eyes attack the wall. we jumped into the hole, only to fall down from the ceiling. but good news is we finally reunited with the other three.
"there they are!" Joey yelled, "what a relief! we were worried sick."
"Joey, you look like an overgrown monkey in that outfit." Seto told him.
Joey was about to tell him off when we heard a laugh from the ceiling.
"congratulations, gamers! you made it to the final level." it was one of those board of directors guys keeping us in here.
"correction, you slime ball! we've beaten the game!" Seto yelled at him.
"oh is that so, Seto Kaiba?" 
"yes, i wasn't offered, so the mythic dragon wasn't summoned, so this game is over."
"it will be game over for you all right. but for you not us."

end of chapter 21

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