Millennium Band Season One Du...

By seljlo2010

8.9K 279 54

Selena Possible was a normal teen until her mother gave one of the eight millenium items, the millenium band... More

Millennium Band Season One Duelists Kingdom
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 9

302 11 1
By seljlo2010

alright, let's back up a little. after our shadow match with Bakura, we ran into some scary looking ass, wanting trouble. Yugi stepped in since he said i had done enough for one day. this dude apparently wasn't afraid of the dark, since he spent most of his duel with Yugi in the dark. Yugi won, leaving that guy to give Mai her chips back. after getting back to camp, we decided to finally get some sleep. i layed next to Yugi, who was sitting with Bakura, just talking, since i was so tired, it didn't matter. as i was drifting off the sleep, something came up that was interesting.

"Bakura, am i seeing things or is your Millennium Ring glowing?" Yugi asked. 

"if not, i guess we're both seeing things." Bakura answered. 

since this was getting really interesting, i turned over to face them, seeing one of the spikes from his Millennium Ring glowing and pointing in the direction of the castle. 

"why is it doing that?" i asked Bakura, knowing i wasn't gonna get any sleep.

"i don't know but it did the same thing when i met Yugi and you."

" maybe it's pointing towards the Millennium eye. it took my grandpa's soul." Yugi said with so much pain in his voice.

" can we just get some sleep, guys? i'm worn out." i complained.

they both laughed at me and laid down next to me. finally sleep!!

drifting back off to sleep, when in came a blinding light, waking me up. and the sound of a helicopter.

"hey some of us are trying to get some shuteye, you insensitive jerk!!" Joey yelled in frustration and i don't blame him. 

the plane landed near us, the engine dying down. i got up feeling so groggy, i some much wanted to tear the dude in pieces. but then out came that familiar face, those icy blue eyes. . . . . . Kaiba. Yugi and i ran to him, wanting to talk to him.

"i haven't seen you two since the duel." Seto said.

that reminded me of something.

"oh, that reminds me, your deck. here. and thank you for helping me. " i said, handing him his cards.

it was weird, Seto actually smiled at me! but then it fell as quickly as it came. he said thanks and then just started to walk off. really?! i'm falling for that?!

"you know, Kaiba since we're all headed to Pegasus's Castle, you can join us. you'll need some star chips though." Yugi said.

"don't be so naive. this isn't just some game for me, Yugi. i'm going after Pegasus to save my brother, not so i can win some silly prize. have fun with your tournament." 

the way he said that it was so cold and cruel. i mentally slapped myself for have feelings for this jerk. he walked away with another word. Joey got mad and ran after him, grabbing him by his shirt collar.

"listen here, tough guy! i can understand you wanting to get your little brother back and all, but don't go thinking your the only one with a noble cause, get it? we all have something worth fighting for, so if you want a piece of Pegasus, get in line, hot shot. that's right i ain't scared of you!" 

Seto grabbed one of Joey's hands and pulled it off of him.

"nice grip, Wheeler, let me show you mine."

with one swift move, he flipped Joey over and made him land on the ground. i ran to Joey, hearing him groan a little in pain.

"Joey, are you okay?!" i shouted out.

"i'm fine, Sel." Joey said. 

"do you really think i'm gonna let this little tournament delay me for getting to Pegasus?" Seto said coolly.

Joey got up and still wanted to challenge him, i guess it's an ego thing.

"forget Pegasus, now you hav me to deal with. bust out your cards and lets get it on!!"

"Joey, . . . . are you sure. . . . "

"i'm sure Sel, he needs to learn some respect." 

"why don't you find an opponent for can really be, like an infant or a monkey?"

okay, now that just pissed Joey off more. Joey laid out some more insults about Yugi beating him. Seto finally agreed to duel Joey, on one condition. that they use this new thing that Kaiba invented while he was away. what was bad about it was that Seto won after about 3 minutes.  and in came gloating, man this guy can talk, and also taking out his anger on Joey, that was going too far. but at least he did something decent and wished us luck before heading off by himself. after everyone went back to there tents and laid down, i decided to follow Seto. he wasn't that far from us, so it was easy to find him. i was hiding behind a bush, waiting to talk to him as we walked some more. he stopped, but didn't even turn around, when he said," you shouldn't be out here, Selena. you need some sleep."

"oh, so Seto Kaiba does care. by the way you were trashing my friends i thought you hated me." 

he turned to face me, his look had changed from cold and cruel, to soft and caring.

"i could never hate you. i'm just angry about everything. Mokuba's the only family i have left."

i smiled, finally seeing the soft side of Kaiba, i really liked it. he set up camp for the night, and so i kept him company. i laid next to him looking up at the stars, he was quiet though. so i decided to ask him the question that was driving me insane.

"how did you manage to help me in the duel?"

his gaze never left the night sky, but he answered me.

"got back home and managed to hack into Pegasus's computer. not as hard as most people think. "

i turned my body to face his, although he just looked up at the sky. and i did something at shocked me even. . . . . . . . i kissed his cheek. he finally looked at me, his eyes just curiously searching mine.

"what was that for?"

"for helping me, it was really sweet of you."

his face was a little red and mine was too. i looked down on the ground, since i knew i made it a little more awkward already. but then a soft touch pulled my eyes up to meet his again. his hand gently touching my cheek, as i saw him lean in. our lips centimeters apart, when we heard some voices coming near us.

"aw, look, Kaiba finally has a girlfriend."

it was the goons for earlier, only there was about 6 of them. we both stood up to fight, ready for them.

"Miss Possible, master Pegasus would like to see you."

"i bet he would, but i'm not going with you."

"i'm afraid we have to insist."

Seto pulled me behind him, as he faced the big goons face to face. 

"if you want her, you'll have to get through me."

"suit yourself, Kaiba." 

one punch was thrown by Seto sending one to the ground, the others trying to stop him. he jabbed one in the chest with his elbow, while kicking one of them, making them both fall to the floor. i was about to run to his aide, when strong arms came around me, dragging me away. Seto turned to see me being taken away, leaving the other goons down and running after me. the one that had me was faster, Seto couldn't keep up, until something happened. Seto was knocked down, he laid on the floor unconscious not moving. the man that had me stopped when  he was hit, looking back at another one with big rocks in his hand. i softly called out for him, but he didn't wake up.

"Kaiba must really like this girl. Pegasus made the right choice about sending her to the dungeon."

what??! i'm a prisoner now?! they both laughed and slowly waked to the castle leaving Seto on the floor, and my heart aching. i just prayed he wasn't dead.

underneath duelist kingdom is a dungeon, and an old one. it smelled horrible and it was cold. they opened one cell and threw me in, but cuffed one arm to the wall. while he did that, i punched his eye in, making him glare at me. he cuffed my hand that had my duelist glove, which he took that had my start chips. i tried to hit him again, but he moved out of reach, the little bastard.

"just consider yourself lucky your not alone."

he pointed to another corner of the cell, which i couldn't see that well since it was night. but some light shown through, so i called out the only person i knew could be here with me.


the figure moved his head a little and jumped up, it was him.

"how did you get him here, Selena?"

"long story, sweetie. but good news is i ran into Seto."

his face lit up with such happiness, as he clenched the chain around his neck.

"what's that?"

"oh, its a locket i keep with Seto's picture in it. he has one just like it with a picture of me."

since it was late, really late, Mokuba cuddled next to me and went to sleep, and i figured i might as well sleep. since he took my glove and chips, i can't duel in this contest anymore. 

end of chapter 9

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