The Dangerous// L.T.

By imahoeran

26.3K 653 124

"The ones whom keep to themselves are the most dangerous." ©bestsongeverluv More

The Introduction
Haven't I've Seen You Before?
The Party Part 1
The Party Part 2
Meeting Josh
Oh No You Didn't
Dinner Gone Wrong
Change. I Like It.
Getting To Know Eachother
The Bet Begins
Girls. Are. Evil.
Truth Or Dare?
The Bet Ends Here
Why Are You Here?
Don't Hurt Him!
It's Tyler, Louis
Tyler's A Teenage Dirtbag
It's Louis, Tyler
A Day With The Girls
Creepy Waiter Guy
The Dangerous?
One Direction
My Birthday With Anna And Louis
I Hate Eleanor
What Are You Doing Here?
Louis' Side Of The Story
The Big Day

I've Definitely Seen You Before

1.2K 28 5
By imahoeran

  "Miss. Trey? Are you alright?" I heard someone ask at the end of my flashback. I looked up to see Mr. Channing, and no one else.

  "I told the class they can leave since it's the end of first period. That includes you too." He said.

  "Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I was just lost in thought. I better be going." I said as I walked out of the classroom.

  His name was Louis Tomlinson. Why is he a student at my school? I wonder if he remembers me...

  I made way to my locker to put my Language Arts things back in there. I took out my math book and journal and closed my locker, only to find a certain someone behind it.

  "Missed me?" He asked. That british accent really is something. I wonder how he ended up in the US.

  "I, uh, um... That was a one kind of night for me." I studdered. 

  He laughed, then gave me a smirk. "I asked you if you missed me and you tell me that was a one kind of night?"

  The thing was that he was cute in all, but I'm interested in Tyler. Not Louis, and hopefully nobody else.

  "I never catched your name love?" Louis said.

  "It's Jillian. And I'm sorry to tell you I am not interested." I said.

  He just chuckled, then said, "You mean that tattoo means nothing to you?"

  "It's a reminder of the stupidest thing I've ever done. Gladly I'd share with my kids what happens to you when you do make stupid mistakes. You get stuck with tattoos and creepos." I stated.

  "You mean our kids?" He asked me. The thought of having kids with him were thoughts of disgust. 

  "Never in your wildest dreams." I said back.

  "Who's this Jillian?" Someone from behind me asked. I turned around to find Tyler, looking at me and Louis with a frown.

  "This is Louis, and I was just telling him to leave, right Louis?" I said, giving him a this- is- your- que- to- go look.

  "No, we were talking about having kids with each other." He said with a smirk.

  I blushed in embarrassment, not knowing what to say. "I mean, we were but he brought it up. And I totally denied it."

  Tyler just stared down Louis. "Is this guy bothering you Jillian?"

  "I think the question is if he is bothering you." Louis said back, copying his actions.

  "Well, I'm going to math. Are you coming Tyler?" I asked.

  "I'll be right there." He said, continuing to hold down his stare.

  "Alright then. Bye." I said as I walked away.


Louis' POV

  I watched as Jillian walked away from us, and man did she have ass!

  This dude was still staring me down, which was kind of creepy.

  "Listen, I don't want her to be hurt in any kind of way by a guy like you, so just watch your back, alright?" He sternly said to me. Oh he did not just say that!

  "Um, do you have a relationship with her or something?" I asked him.

  "We're best friends, but I'm thinking about asking her out soon. So don't get in my way, got it?" He snapped back.

  "Well I know that I'm asking her out, so you should've made up your mind." I said back. Nice one Louis!

  "I know she's into me, and not you. So, I've kinda already won her over. So don't even try to ask her out." He said, and just walked away. Like that! That guy acts like a 16 year old... Oh well!

  I noticed a couple girls giggling and checking me out, but honestly I didn't really care. That Jillian girl is amazing. And I will do whatever it takes for me to call her mine.


Aww! Isn't that sweet? I would totally freak out if someone said that to me! So as the usual, comment, vote, and blah blah blah...

Oh! And one more thing! I got 27th place in my cross country meet today, which is actually pretty good, saying I'm such a terrible runner!

So yeah, I pretty much got everything done with! Besides one more thing... Lol.

Tomorrow I'll probably upload early since I have a Austin Mahone concert I'm going to on Saturday! Yay!!! And I'm still a full on Directioner, don't worry guys! :)

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