Sunset Shadows

By sheisamieambers

7.1K 384 452

A shift in place, a change in time... A scream and a laugh. A time-warped romance of two lovers, set to love... More

From Dust to Dawn
1-Run Devil Run
2-This circle never ends
3-Every night, light up my life
4-Stare into my eyes, make me a stranger once more
6- Where some of the lines meet.
7-Slowly, it all makes sense...SLOWLY.
8- More Secrets of the Past..
9- MORE Revelations!!!
10- Honey, You Have No Idea!
Chapter 11- I Have Been Waiting, Real Long...
12- Needed Conversation <3 <3 <3
Chapter 13
-EXTRA chapter in third person's pov-
Chapter 14
PREVIEW of Chapter 15
15 - Time to let go
16- Closure?
18 - Someone needs a fresh start

5- Well, well, well.

281 24 26
By sheisamieambers

**Hellooooo. I am now enjoying a well-deserved break and I figured I can continue with my story. 

please, your comments and votes are very much appreciated. 

I'm really that desperate to have some fans and votes soon. (I wish) 

anyways, I still love those who took the time to read my work. PLEASE let me know what you think of it.. :) 

And yes, it's another POV for now.

P.S: This chapter is dedicated to one of my first commenters; ThePoetryGirl. She really gave me the motivation to continue writing this. Thanks so much! :)


Chapter 5


It was a Saturday morning and there I was minding my own business, playing God of War on my PSP when suddenly, my hands began to shake. 

I thought at first that it was because I tried to wash my hands immediately after playing 3 hours straight of basketball. (My mom used to tell me that you should never wet your hands after using it in some strenous activity, coz you're hands will start to get clammy.)

I didn't give it that much notice, when after a while, I felt something searing right at the palm of my right hand. 

The pain was unbearable. 

As I stared at my hand in shock, there appeared to be some symbol etched in the form of a wound. But, there was no blood oozing out from it. It was like the blood dried right up.

They say that we should be proud of our masculinity and that we have to prove that we are real men by having to endure intense pain and not complaining about it. Not even a squeak. 

But let me tell you something, this hell of a "branding" (you know, the ones used on cattle when owners want to mark them as their own?)  burns like hell. I tried to keep it in but I couldn't fight back the tears anymore.

It hurt like a sonavabitch! 

'Motherfathersisterdaughter!' (obviously not the real swear word).

I ran to the faucet to let water ran down on it. 

Amazingly, just when I was on my way to do it, the pain stopped.

The scorching feeling stopped.

I looked more closely at my hand and saw that it was still there. 

Like a big red welt.

Then before I knew it, I fell fast asleep..


I was once more in that garden I always dream about.

Just like in the other dreams, I saw them together again. 

Sid and Luke were in a passionate embrace. She was facing my direction, as was Luke's back turned to me.

She cried, just like in those same dreams I keep having. 

But in those past dreams I have had for a year now, I always wake up when I start screaming her name.

'SID!!!!!!!' This time, I felt my feet dragging me over to where they were, to where she was.

Her eyes were bleeding. She was bleeding tears.

I tried to pull Luke away from her, tried to save her from that pain he always brought upon her. That devil. 

I could never forgive him for doing such a thing to the girl that was my whole world. 

I managed to push Luke with the help of my anger. How dare he hurt her! How dare he do this to the one I cherished and kept safe for so long!

As Sid finally became free from his arms, I caught her just before she lost all her resolve and fainted. 

'Cassidy, my dearest Cassie. You're fine now. He hurt you again, but I'm here now. It's fine.. Everything's fine..' I murmured silently against her delicate ears. My right hand slowly caressed her cheek as I used my left arm to support her. I wiped her tearstains. Such a beautiful face to be marred by traces of gloom. What a waste. 

I was amused that I even got this far in the dream. 

'Ca... Ca..leb..?' She woke up and trained her eyes on me. 'Caleb? What are you doing here? Have you come to save me at last?' The expression in her eyes was hollow. 

'Yes of course. I am here. I will never leave you. I'll be by your side always, I'll be wherever you want me to be.' 

Just as I was about to plant a kiss on her forehead, everything went blurry. 

Then suddenly, I wasn't in the garden anymore. I was in a cold, dark, filthy place. I was in a confined space, a wet place. I couldn't move my limbs that much, the place was really tiny.

The place even reeked of human waste and lots of rotting stuff that I can't say in here. 

I tried to squint all around me, but it was too dark. 

Then I heard men shouting from a distance. I strained to hear what they were saying, what the commotion was all about.

'He went that way!'

'No I saw him escape through the north sewers!'

Then strangely, I heard some voice, clearly one with such authority, boom from where the shouts came from.

'You good-for-nothing imbeciles! I want you to catch that foul-mouthed son of a bitch! I want him alive so I can skin him to death myself!' 

'Yes SIr. We'll carry on then!'

Then next came the sound of the hooves, probably of horses on pavement. They sounded like they were nearing the spot I was in. 

Then I saw a small source of light come from where the sounds were coming from. Maybe there's a way out there...

I tried to crawl towards the light, and true enough, there was a hole big enough to let me through, probably.

I squeezed my body in, not giving notice to the scratches on the arms I got from trying to push through.

Then finally, I was breathing clean air, I was stepping on dry ground.

Adjusting my eyes to the new surroundings, shock dawned on me when I saw myself in the middle of a group of soldiers, pointing all their javelins right at my head and body. 

What was I, a freak show? Those sharp-thingies could hurt, you know.

'Hey big fellas. Take it easy! What did i do wrong? Put those down. Maybe we can talk about this? I'm sure that there's just been a bit of a misunderstanding.' I shrugged and tried to touch and put down one of the ends of the things pointed at me.

Which earned me a shout from that booming voice again.

'What? You think you can save your ass from this? My men are the best centuries in the Legion. Don't go mocking me, puny boy by cheating your way out. You think you can fool the best Centurion there is in all of Rome? Hah. Bet on your life! Oh, right. You're going to die tonight!'

So HE was the leader. That explains things. 

Then as I was struggling to think of ideas to escape their spears and save my life, a familiar voice cried.

'Father! Let Carlos go! Please I beg of you! He was just trying to save me! Believe in my words, they are the truth!'

A fair maiden of It was Sid. It was my Cassidy. 

'Cassidy! What in the world is happening??' I shouted.

She looked at me like I was nuts.

'Whatever has happened to you Carlos? Have you hit your head on a rock?'

'Cassidy, please. You have to help me. I don't know why I'm here!'

I was feeling desperate already.

'Cassius.' she answered.

'Huh?' I was confused.

'Who is this Cassidy you are speaking of? I am Cassius, daughter to the Primus Pilus, the senior centurion of the Legion. You are Carlos Antoinus.'



*.* Hooooo. I'm back with this fifth chapter. I got fired up and had some dream last morning and decided to incorporate it here. 

What do you think? What just happened?

Was the dream really just a dream?... :)

Leave your insights, comment and vote. :D



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D O N ' T  F O R G E T  A L R I G H T ? ? ? :)))))))))))))))

©2011 Amie Ambers

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