God Eater Mission 1 : The Ret...

By 88glenn88

135 1 0


God Eater Mission 1 : The Return

135 1 0
By 88glenn88

Ryo : ( "The earth is covered endlessly in sand, Back when there used to be a country named Japan here, I wonder, was It colorful?") (Calling on the phone) This is Kagami Ryo. We're crossing the dessert currently. All air crafts are doing well. Arrival on Anagura is on time as planned".

Soma: (On the radio) "Roger that".

Ryo : "Any abnormalities"?

Soma : "Sure there are abnormalities, Kota is being annoying, Hurry back". 

Kota: !

Ryo : "Don't you get along well"..

Soma : "Heh".

Kota : (Grabs the phone), "Salmiakki! It's been a while!! Did you bring some souvenirs from Finland !? You did right? Ryo!?"

Ryo : "Uh... huh". 

Soma : "Well then, Whack (Punches Kota).

(A man  looks at Ryo.)

Ryo : "Sorry for distracting Garland-san."

Garland : "It's okay."

Ryo: Aaa... There it is.

Garland : ........... "That's the Fenrir of The Far East Branch."

Pilot : "This is an Fictional Asylum that ended up in our hands after defeating the Gods.

Ryo: (Looks at the ground where someone were moving under it.) !

(Garland looks again in Ryo.)

Ryo: "Haha.... Team Leader is rather poetic".

(A creature attacks and destroys one of the Aircrafts.)

Ryo: "It's an Aragami!" 

Pilot no. 1 : "This is bad!"

Pilot no. 2 : "It's wrecking the bait!"

Ryo : (Grabs the telephone.), "The third plane is under attack!! I'm requesting for the second plane to take Garland-san to the Anagura!"

Pilot no. 1 : "Roger that".

Ryo: (Grabs the God Arc use for killing the Aragami ). " I'm off "..

Garland : " Show me your skills."

Ryo : "Charge!! (Faces the Aragami), Bring on the Miracles! (Cut's the tail of the Aragami) Hiya! (Aragami attacks and Ryo dodges and jumps to the roof of the no.1 Aircraft.) Here it comes! ("There seems to be no meal for your taste on the plane Jinki, After in such a long Trip, You must be starving?) (The God Arc changes a form that becomes a monster-like God Arc.) Predator Mode! Eat all you can Take! ( The Aragami comes closer rapidly plans to kill Ryo but The Predator eats all the Aragami.) All right!"

(Explosions heared by Soma and Kota). 

Kota :  "Well that's gonna leave a mark!"

Soma : He fell with the Aragami, Is he ok ..... !

(The two sees Ryo Unconscious)

Kota : Ryo ! (Runs toward Ryo).

Soma: Damn! ( Follows Kota).

Kota: Ryo!

Soma: This is serious Hey!

Kota : Aragami is Exterminated!

Soma: (Grabs the phone and calls). One of the God Eaters is wounded!! Send over the medical Team! ASAP. Hurry!

Year 2071, The earth is a paradise ruled by wild Gods. The world is not forgiving us for living in it.

To be continued.. 

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