Frost's Touch (Book One of th...

By Lunalove673

294K 12.4K 401

Since the Dawn of Time, Jack Frost has been cursed with eternal cold from his first love, Lillian. Anything a... More

I. The Start
II. The Voice
III. Breakthrough
IV. At Sunrise
V. Her Bracelet
VI. Foretold
VII. Revealed
VIII. Escaped
IX. Lost and Found
X. The Lucid Dream
XI. The Boy
XII. Warm Skin
XIII. Dripping Trees
XIV. Explanations
XV. Affections and Defections
XVI: Waterfall
XVII. Invisibility Perks
XVIII. Open Windows
XIX. Cold Bed
XX. Important Things
XXI. Extinct Feelings
XXVI. Frost Shows
XXIII. Out of the Dark
XXIV. New Friends
XXV. Warm Globes of Ice
XXVI. Nerves
XXVII. Plans
XXVIII. Gum Sticking
XXIX. Gone
XXX. Needed
XXXI. Dying
XXXVI. Savor the Feeling
XXXIII. Caring
XXXIV. Time Come
XXXV. Search and Rescue
XXXVI. Forgiven and Seen
XXXVII. Clones
XXXVIII. Whispers
XXXIX. The Secret's Out
XLI. Separation and Reconciliation
XLII. New Beginnings
XLIII. Out With the Old, In With the New
XLIV. Congratulations
XLV. Pretty
XLVI. Pop Goes the Question
Two Years Later
Six Years After
Nine Months
Five Years Old

XL. Radar

4.4K 189 1
By Lunalove673



  Iana’s mind went into overdrive the minute Jack said that she’d become immortal when their souls twined together. Just as she had asked, Jack held Iana in his arms and let her think, and oh did she think.

  She knew that Jack would probably shack up with another immortal being, but she didn’t think she would be immortal.

  Jack said hours ago –when they first lay down- that when their souls twined together when she saved him, that she now held the touch of immortality. She also knew that she was the oldest soul ever, so technically, her soul would be immortal, but her body would not.

  Now, they both would be.

  Iana thought that Jack would get tired of holding her, and want to do something, but no, he laid beside her, his arms wrapped around her form, and held her. Iana, welcomed his arms, and curled into him, almost as if she was him. She had put her face in the crook of his neck, and her hands were balled up between her chests, and though they held –a very little amount- distance, they were closer than ever.

  Now, with the sun at the horizon, shining beautifully through the trees, they still, were in the same position. Iana felt warm, and loved, as she lay in Jack’s arms.

  Nothing could beat the feeling of love while being held by the one who loves you.

  A loud grumbling sound broke the record of silence, and it took a second for Iana to realize that it was her stomach protesting at the lack of food. Iana buried her face more in Jack’s neck, while he audibly laughed.

  “I think I’m in my bottomless pit stage again,” Iana muttered, blushing furiously.

  “And I think we should fix that.”

  Jack pulled Iana up by her arm, her protesting that he should be resting. All Jack did was laugh more and pull her down the stairs.

  Halfway down the stairs, Jack suddenly stopped, and Iana rammed into him, almost pushing him down the stairs.

  If it weren’t for Jack’s super-fast reflexes.

  “How did I get into this?” Jack asked, pulling at the clothes he wore. They were one of his house clothes that they’d bought, and since Tyler knew that Jack was –only- sleeping in Iana’s bed with her, they kept his clothes in her closet and drawers.

  Iana blushed furiously as she contemplated how she would tell Jack.

  “Err, um, Dean, Jason, and Brandon didn’t want to see your,” Iana coughed, “manly bits. While Cindy and Dad plain out said no. So, that left me. I didn’t look!”

  Once again, Iana had made Jack laugh. It was extremely amusing and cute to see her cheeks redden to a tomato. Though she may be a spitfire, she -to Jack- is as innocent as a baby.

  Jack didn't comment on Iana's last sentence, he just shook his head and continued dragging her down to the kitchen. It was fearful of how much her cheeks were sunken in, and her limbs bony. You could tell that she'd been neglecting food for the past few days.

  That reminded Jack, how long had he been out?

   He didn't ask the question until both Iana and him were sitting down at the center island eating the turkey sandwhich's he'd whipped up.

  Iana froze for a second when Jack asked, looking down at her already half-eaten sandwhich.

  Damn she eats fast.

  "You've been out about," Iana ticked her fingers down, and was looking at the ceiling while chewing. "a week? Give or take a few days."

  Iana had finished her sandwhich, but Jack wasn't satisfied. "You need to eat more," he said, and got up to make another sandwhich.

  "I'm fine Jack."

  "Your underweight," he snapped, and instantly regretting it. Softening his tone, he said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. But you have to take care of yourself even if I'm not okay. I'd rather it be me than you."

  "Well I'd rather it be the otherway," Iana said stubbornly, and crossed her arms.

  "You still need to eat Iana," he said more softly than before, "you look gaunt, to say it nicely, and your limbs are all skin and bone."

  Iana slumped her shoulders, and Jack knew that he'd won the argument. Was this their first disagreement? As a couple? Wow.

  As Jack ordered, Iana ate the sandwhich he made, and another one after that. Jack ate another, and then was full. It ashamed him that a girl so skinny as Iana ate more than him.

  "Do you want to go outside?" Iana suddenly asked, but before Jack could answer, Iana already had a light coat on and her tennis shoes and was at the back door waiting.

  Jack rolled his eyes at his -at the moment- dog like girl, and cleaned up the dishes, getting his shoes on. Now that Iana came along, Jack could be cold, so he had to grab one of his own jackets. 

  The instant they were off the porch and into the trees Jack had his arm around Iana's shoulders. They may have beaten one person who wanted either of them, but there were plenty more out there.

  And Jack wanted to hold Iana.

  A curious thought went to Jack. "Why didn't we see Cindy or Tyler?"

  "Their out to eat discussing wedding themes. Yeah, bit fun to come back from a kidnapping and find out your Dad's getting married."

  Jack laughed, and kissed Iana before turning to head to the little waterfall that was their hideout. They arrived a few minutes later, and immediatly lay on the big rock that could hold both of them. The rock was cold, but after laying on it for a few seconds, it slowly warmed up to their body temperature.

  The sun was now gone, and the stars were out, twinkling millions of miles away. Iana's hand came up, and he knew that she was 'touching' the stars. He would be too if he were as whimsical and young as Iana. She may have the oldest soul, but she still is only eighteen, and has a long life ahead of her.

  With Jack.

  In a quick and slick movement, Iana was laying on top of Jack, her head resting on his chest, her hands holding his neck loosely. He was surprised at how fast she did that. Apparently someone was growing into their powers.

  "What was your life like," Iana asked, and Jack stiffened, "back when you were human?"

  Jack knew that someday she would ask these types of questions, so it was better to rip the band-aid off then let it fall off. "I had two little brothers, Malachai who was six, and Jerome who was fifteen when I turned immortal. I was nineteen. My Mom, one of the only women who's husbands allowed them to work, worked as a seamstress in town. My Father was a stablesmen, he would look after the horses of our villiage. Feed them, groom them, all that. We lived in a two bedroom hut where Malachai slept with my parents and Jerome and I shared the other room. Back then, that was what was called a rich home, having two bedrooms. It was why my Father let my Mother work, so we could have a nice home."

  "That's nice," Iana muttered into Jack's chest. "What did you do?"

  "I trained the horses." Jack smiled, remembering the old days. "My favorite was Artemis. She was the odd one out, but a black beauty. I was first shocked to see she had slightly blue eyes, and thought she was some sort of Devil Spawn, but I grew to love her. She got her name because she would only train at night, and so I would wake up an hour before Dawn and practice with her until the sun came up, then Helm, Terrance, and Petunia were trained."

  Iana groaned, "I would never be able to survive with that little sleep!"

  Jack laughed, amused, and kissed Iana's forehead. Ever since he'd woken up, he hadn't been able to stop touching or kissing her. She was inexaustible to Jack, and he was going to get the most of her that he could.

   "I remember my Father teaching me how to storke the horses skin when I was a lad," Jack smiled at the memory, " "brush in circles, not one way. So then you get everything out of the lassie's coat." he'd said to me. I would always remember his words when I was alone in the stables cleaning the horses."

  "I wouldn't stand not seeing my Dad for the rest of eternity." Jack knew the feeling.

  "Nothing can beat having your family think your dead when you watch them for the next thirty years, alive."

  Iana curled more into Jack's chest, and played with his hair. If he were a cat, he'd be purring. "I'm sorry Jack. It'd kill me, but I'm happy I'm not dead, because I have you."

  Again, Jack kissed Iana, but now on the lips. Just as he did, a coldness splashed on his cheek, and he looked up to see the starry night covered in dim clouds. In the seconds that Jack used to realize it'd started to rain, it was full out pouring,

  "Is this you!?" Iana asked, shouting over the roar of the downfall.

  Jack shook his head, "nope, this is plain nature doing it's course."

  Seconds later, they wre running down the path laughing as they slid on mud or ran into trees (that was all Iana). The house came into view, and they sprinted for the back door, pushing at each other so either could get in first. Iana giggled as she stealthily slid past Jack as he struggled to beat her. Jack rolled his eyes at her childish antics, but adored her none the less.

 Iana threw her jacket onto the floor and kicked off her shoes. Her plan was to tempt Jack, to make him want Iana even more.

  She ran up the steps laughing. Halfway up she was swept off her feet and carried up the rest of the stairs into 'their' room, and thrown on the bed. She heard the door slam shut, and then Iana held in a moan of sure pleasure when a second later Jack's body was completely against Iana's. Her skin felt like hot fire where it met his, and the places with clothing, well lets just say that she wished they weren't there.

  Jack's head descended, and Iana's lips met his halfway as she was very eager to have them. Jack's hands made a feiry path as they traveled down Iana's sides, and rested on her shirt covered waist. Slowly ever so slowly, Jack pulled the shirt up to reveal her stomach, then her bra, then finally, it was off her body, and on the floor in a heap.

  Iana's sweat pants an Jack's shirt followed quickly after that. Both their hands were everywhere. Everywhere. She felt his broad-ish shoulders, his muscled back, and his hard stomach. Jack felt her waist, her thighs, her breasts. It was embarrasing to say Iana was panting worse than a dog.

  Jack suckled on Iana's neck for a few minutes, guarunteeing a love bite there later. Then his lips left her neck, and his upper body left too. Iana opened her eyes to see him straddling her, staring at her. Though there was adoration, and love in his eyes, there was also worry, and... disgust.

  Iana winced, and wished that Jack wasn't on top of her, so she could curl into a ball and not show him her body. Iana kept her eyes closed, not wanting to look at his look of repulsion. She knew that her body wasn't in the best of shape, since she'd been neglecting food to stay ultimately focused on the sleeping Jack.

  "Hey," Jack softly said, "don't hide from me. I love you just the way you are. No matter what. Don'e ever doubt that."

   Iana smiled, and nodded, unfurling her arms from around her body, and let Jack see her. She felt every little speck of skin being gazed over by Jack. Iana thought it'd be painful for him to see her ribs and hipbones showing, but no, it felt wonderful, she felt true.

  She felt like herself.

  Closing her eyes, and leaving her arms by her sides, she let Jack look her over. It was intimate, seductive, love.

  Jack's weight on top of her shifted, and Iana felt the barest of kisses on her lips. She opened her eyes to see him just a millimeter away from her. His breath was warm on her cheeks and nose, and even though they ate just less than an hour ago, his breath was... a cool minty.

  "I love you," Jack kissed her, and murmured against her lips the same words, over and over again, and she did the same thing.

  Iana wound her arms around Jack's neck, hugging their chests tight as their lips melded perfectly together. The flames that Jack erupted on Iana's skin licked everywhere his fingers whisped by. Her cheeks, her neck, the intimates.

  A couple minutes later, Jack pulled back, and both of them breathed heavily, letting their lungs have the oxygen they were depraved. Jack rested his forehead on Iana's, their lips a breath apart.

  And then, again, Iana was swept off her feet into Jack's strong arms. She looked at him confused when his eyes met hers, and he chuckled. "I'm sorry to say this love, but we both smell from lack of hygene discipline."

  It took Iana a minute to piece that one together, and when she did, she laugh full and happily, the first time in two weeks.

  Jack took them down the hall into the bathroom, and placed Iana on the counter near the sink. He turned the water on the in the stand up shower, and went back over to Iana. It was extremely cute and satisfying to see Jack take care of her.

  His lips were suddenly on hers. But the quickness surprised her. Iana thought that he did that for a passionate frenzy of kisses, but no, he gently slid his lips over hers, their tongues gliding past each other, recognizing.

  The room soon got steamy, but from the shower. Jack slowly pulled Iana off the counter, and let her stand. They stared each other as he unbuttoned his jeans, and let them fall to the floor.

  Jack hugged Iana close to him, and her breath quickened when she felt his hands on the clasp of her bra, but she let him snap it open. He trailed the straps down Iana's shoulders, his fingers just brushing her skin before they pulled away. Jack looked at Iana the whole time he was... undressing her. He didn't look at her body in lust, but in love.

  Salty mint that was surprisingly delectable was the taste of Jack's skin as Iana spread kisses over his bare neck. Iana felt Jack's heart speed up as her hand was right over the left side of his chest. It gave her great satisfaction that she could have this effect on him.

  A couple of minutes later, there were no garments keeping Jack and Iana from being flush against each other. It was a comfortably awkward thing since it was the first time they've actually seen the rest of each other.

  Steam drifted from the door of the shower as they entered the small but cozily spacious space. The water was the perfect temperature to relieve stiff muscles and relax tension in your body, and that was just what it did for Iana. Her shoulders slumped in relaxation as the water trailed over her wiry frame.

  It was the most peaceful thing to see. Iana was in her full glory, exposed to Jack, and she looked as comfortable as she could get. 

  Her eyes were closed, mouth slightly open, and her arms held herself around her body. She was relaxed in Jack's prescence while in the shower. If he were her, let alone a girl, completely naked in a shower with a guy, he'd be covering every body part that was considered vulgar to show.

  This only showed that Iana was not afraid to show herself to Jack, and he was eternally grateful.

  Only, Iana looked lonely standing under the water by herself. So Jack stood behind her, and wound his arms around her waist, making sure they were a good distance from her... parts. Jack was surprised when Iana turned around and pressed herself even more against him. Shocks spread through Jack when her plump breasts made contact with his bare, wet chest.

  For a few minutes, they just stood there, looking at each other, until Iana leaned on the tips of her toes and kissed Jack as openly and fully on the mouth as she could, and Jack was not embarrased by the small moan he made from the pleasure she brang him.

  They stopped kissing to begin washing up. But when Iana was about to pour the shampoo onto her hand, Jack gently took the bottle out of her hands and poured a generous amount on his hand, beginning to massage her scalp.

  A chuckle came from Iana, "I can tell I'll be coddled for a while, won't I."

  "A long while," Jack assured, and they both chuckled. 

  Iana scrubbed the lemony shampoo into Jack's head after he was finished doing her head, and they took turns washing each other. Their hands weren't hesitant to touch, it now came naturally even though it was quick to happen.

  They lingered under the hot water for a while after their hair was fully cleaned and their body's were fully washed. Jack held Iana loosely in his arms, occasionally kissing her on the lips or the neck. Iana would trace invisible lines and curves on Jack's back and shoulders as they held on another.

  Though they were naked, they did not think about sex, or anything related to that. There was no purpose in that when it would eventually happen, and Jack knew Iana didn't want her first time in a shower.

  He didn't want his in there either.

  Only when the water started cooling off from being on for so long, did they shut it off and get out of the shower.

  Jack was the first one out of the shower, and quickly tugged on a towel around his hips before grabbing one for Iana, and encasing her with it. Iana smiled, and kissed Jack for the towel, and they both walked down the hall to their room.

  There was no hesitation between them when they both dropped their towels and began dressing in their sleep clothes.

  It was very satisfying to see Iana in one of his t-shirts and boxers.

  Jack tugged on a pair of boxers too, and crawled in bed after Iana, tugging her into his side before pulling the comforter over them both.

  "Dad said that once you woke up, we wouldn't have to go back to school for a week," Iana said, "I got all my homework and finished while I was... waiting."

  Jack nodded, and gently pecked Iana on the forehead. "We can go back to school whenever you want, my love."

   He heard Iana's breathing skip a pace when he said that, and Jack knew that she heard him say it in a dream of their future, but it was still surprising to see what effect it had on her.

  "Really?" Iana asked, her voice a little breathless. 

  Again Jack nodded, and began playing with a damp strand of Iana's hair. "Honestly," Iana murmured, her lips against Jack's shoulder, "I want to be alone with you for a whole week. We should just stay in the house, only see Cindy and Dad, but talk with the others."

  "Okay," Jack was more than happy to be alone with Iana for seven days. It was a great gift. "Starting today, we are eloping in this house."

  Iana giggled, and playfully slapped Jack's chest. "If Dad were to hear you say the word eloping he would go ballistic and would attack you where the sun don't shine."

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