The Skull Dancer

By CanonEvans123

18 3 0

A Skeleton Rises From The Dead And All He Wants To Do Is DANCE! More

The Rise
Shocked Park

A New World

4 1 0
By CanonEvans123

57 Years had passed since he'd died, the small memories that he had, didn't seem to come together.
People stared and screamed at him, but he didn't care. One young boy came up to him that day, he asked him "What's your name mister" he answered "Dansā"
"Cool name Danswā" He replied "Thanks Kimi"
"HEY MY NAME IS Nisshō gurīn"
"Anyway Kimi, I need to stretch I haven't danced in years"
After he had finished stretching, for no reason considering he had no muscles,
he started to break dance.
He did Windmills, headspins, jackhammers, head slides and even more.

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