Stockholm Syndrome

By Tatty_Alexandra

134K 3.7K 402

Harry Styes and his gang are used to getting whatever they want, so when a wealthy arm dealer rips them off... More

Chapter 1: Shopping
Chapter 2: Party
Chapter 3: Party (Part 2)
Chapter 4: Stolen
Chapter 5: Great Escape
Chapter 6: Realisation
Chapter 7: TheTruth
Chapter 8: The Locket
Chapter 9: Boring Room
Chapter 10: Where the truth lies
Chapter 11: Close Calls
Chapter 12: Plan
Chapter 13: Hang Out
Chapter 14: Getting Closer
Chapter 15: New Bedroom Arrangments
Chapter 16: ASDFGHJKL
Chapter 17: Kisses
Chapter 18: Whipped
Chapter 19: The past always repeats its self
Chapter 20: Mistrusted
Chapter 21: Suicide Silence
Chapter 22: Brought to light
Chapter 23: Shopping and Girlfriends
Chapter 25: Mistakes
Chapter 26: ASDFGHJKL
Chapter 27: Falling
Chapter 28: ''Baby, Dont Cut!''
Chapter 29: Heartbroken
Chapter 30: Gone

Chapter 24: New

3.8K 111 5
By Tatty_Alexandra

"You need to get dressed." Harry pointed out while placing light kisses all over my face.

"No." I mumbled snuggling deeper into his arms. All the guys in the gang minus Harry have been packing up the house, to get ready for the move. The flight to Florida left at 4 and it was 1 right now. After Harry asked me to be his girlfriend and I accepted we have basically been cuddling on his bed. He has been trying to get me moving for about 15 minutes now but I just ignore him or kiss him. Either one works. Harry pulled me from his chest and kissed my lip, then worked his way down my jaw line until he met my neck. He then proceeded to suck harshly, no doubt leaving and mark. I couldn't stop the moan that came from my lips, I could feel Harry smirking into my neck.

"We have to start getting ready, babe." Harry reminded me softly. I groaned but got up. I looked back and Harry was still laying on the bed smirking at me.

"So you make me get up and get ready while you lay in bed?" I asked in disbelief.

"Mmm... I want a show baby." Harry said while licking his lips while jerking his head towards my many suitcases by the door. Harry always seemed to surprise me. We and a couple other guys went back to my house and got the rest of my stuff, and by rest I mean all of it. The loaded the majority of all of our stuff into a huge truck that was driving it all down to Florida to our new house. I didn't know much about except for it was in the city yet still on the water. So we got the best of both worlds. Harry said it was a huge house which didn't surprise me. I mean he loves huge house, huge cars, basically anything huge and expensive. Men.

"It won't be much of a show. I'll rush just for you babe." I smirked while sending him a wink. Harry just shrugged and proceeded to watch me. I slipped out of my old clothes and walked to my suitcases butt naked. Being naked never fazed me. I was one of those girls who didn't get embarrassed easily and I knew Harry enjoyed it me walking around naked. I bent down to my suitcase while Harry wolf whistled. Harry knew that I didn't get ashamed easily. He said that's one of the things he liked about me. I was strong but I had my weak moments. He said I had the perfect balance and that sense I'm dating a gang leader that's just what I needed. He said my personality was made for this.

I pulled out some and slipped it one slowly. I could hear Harry's breathing increase. I looked over and he was eyeing my body heavily. He went to get up by I walked over and pushed him back down. He went to wrap his arm around my waist to pull me on top of him but I stopped him before he could take off the minimum of clothing I had just put on.

"Uh-uh." I said while shaking my head. "Look, but don't touch." I said while dragging my finger down his toned chest. His chest was heaving up and down pretty fast, I was almost worried that he was going to have a heart attack.

"Don't tease me." Harry growled and then pulled me onto him and felt up every inch of my body. He was working his way to my bra clasp, when he was about to undo I stopped him.

"What?" Harry asked with a frown

"I need to get dressed."

"Your killing me, Jess." Harry whined

"Your the one who wanted a show." I pointed out

"Yeah, then I wanted a private one too." Harry whined again.

"Suck it up, princess." I said while smirking and then reached for some clothes. I slipped on myOutfit. and pushed my Naval piercing in. Harry was texting on his phone while I finshed getting dressed.

"I thought you wanted to watch me change?" I asked. He looked up from his phone and gave me a look in disbelief.

"I wanted to but you didn't want to do what i had in mind when you were done." Harry hinted

"What would the point in that be?" I asked "I would get dressed and then you would take the clothes right back off me." I said Harry seemed to look at my clothes for the first time.

"Bloody hell." Harry groaned while taking in my appearence

"What?" I asked

"Why are you dressed like that?" Harry groaned while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"What's wrong with this?"I asked in disbelief

"Your not leaving much to imagination." Harry said

"Are you saying I look like slut?" I asked harshly

"No, I'm say-"

"Harry, you just said that 'I'm not leaving much to the imagination'" I said while mimicking his deep voice

"Jess, I meant I di-"

"Just leave it alone. I'll fucking change. I don't people saying I look like a slut." I said harshly "God, my dad even let me wear this. What's wrong with you. Maybe your gay." I muttered more to myself then to him. Being called a slut is the worst thing your could ever call me. It hurts the most. It reopens scars that I wanted to stay shut. When I was in 8th grade I got pregnant. Now if it was under different circumstances being a called a slut would still be wrong, but there would have been a reason, but I was pregnant from being sexual assaulted Not from having sex with random guys. I lost the baby the 6th week in. The doctors said my body wasn't ready for a baby so there for my body terminated the pregnancy naturally. I'm not gonna lie and say I heart broken. I mean of course it was sad. I baby dying is always sad. But I wasn't ready for a baby and I was forced to have one.

"Jess, Plea-"

"Fuck off." I spat and grabbed some new clothes from my bags. I went to walk into the bathroom but Harry grabbed my waist and pushed me up against the wall, he went to kiss me but I turned my head.

"I don't want to act like a slut do I?" I asked and pushed him off me and went into the bathroom to change. I locked the doors and slipped on my new outfit. When I opened the door Harry was gone and so was our luggage. I walked down the stairs into the living room to see all of the stuff in the house gone. It was completely empty. I noticed all the guys sitting on the couch. Harry moved over so I could sit by him but I chose the small spot next to Zayn so I was half sitting on him and half on the couch. Zayn put his arm around my shoulders in a friendly manner which made Harry growl, Zayn shot him a look but took him hand off anyways. Typical Harry, overreacting about everything. All the guys were talking excitedly about Florida while I sat there glaring at the wall. My iphone vibrated and I looked down and and saw who the text was from. My face paled. How was he texting me? Tears slide down my face. How did Aaron get my number again. I broke up with Aaron 2 years ago before I left my old school and went to my fashion school. Why was he texting me. Aaron treated me horrible. He was an asshole in the extreme he was the one who started calling me a slut and started the bullying, even when he knew the truth, because he was the one who raped me. He hurt me. He ruined my life for the time I was at my old school. I was confused until I remembered that date. Aaron would do this. Every year on the day he raped me he would send a text asking how his kid was. He never knew about the miscarriage. He assumed I still had the baby. I know why he did it. He wanted a kid but no one else did. I mean we were in fucking 8th grade. I opened the text and what I saw only made tears run down my face harder than ever before. It was one of those silent cries.

"Jess? Jess!? What the hell happened? What's wrong?!?!" I heard Liam scream at me. I jumped and pulled my head up. I wiped my tears fast. Harry was next to me in a second with his large hands on my face.

"What's wrong baby?" Harry pleaded. "Please, tell me." Harry begged

"I-I" I didn't know what to say. I looked up at the clock and it read 3:30.

"We have to go." I said in a hoarse whisper.

"Tell me." Harry begged.

"Later." I told them all. "We are going to miss our flight." I said and with that I pushed past them and we walked to the car. And headed to LAX


When we finally landed in Florida after the very long and tiring flight, I grabbed the couple of suitcases that we did bring and didn't put on the truck and headed out with the guys following right behind me. I walked until I heard Niall complaining about being hungry. I turned around which caused the guys to stop suddenly. I looked around and there was a food cart to the far left.

"Niall, there is a food cart over there." I said while jerking my head to the direction of the food.

"See ya!' Niall chirped and headed out.

"Be quick!" I yelled after him. Niall just waved his hand carelessly in the air signalling he heard me but I questioned whether he would hurry or not.

"I'm starting to think Jess runs the group now, and not Harry." Louis said with smirk. And using the word group instead of gang because we were in public. Not like it mattered much. They all looked dangerous. Covered in mass amount of tattoos. Some matching. They all dressed dark, they had their poker faces on, except when they talked to me. Harry said it was because I made them happy. They liked that they had added a new edition to the 'family' as they would call it. Harry said I changed them for the best, he was happy that when I came along that instead of just doing nothing we had movie night every Sunday, we would order out Chinese food every Monday, we would have a couple days a month where we did surf lessons or paint balling, or sometimes even air hockey. He said that I made them feel like a real family and that's what they all lacked they all grew up in broken homes with drug ridden parents who beat on each other or them. They didn't have a family feeling. Harry said that I brought that to them, I made them feel loved.

"Why would Jess run the group now?" Harry demanded

"Well, she leads us. We follow her. Like usually if we go somewhere your leading us place to place. Now that Jess is with us she leads us and yells at us when we do something wrong." Zayn said agreeing with Louis.

"Or he is just whipped." Liam said which caused them all to laugh except Harry.

"Shut up." Harry bit back harshly. He then looked at me. "Your making me less manly" Harry told me with a grin. I attempted to smile back but even Niall who was just coming back with tons of food in his hands could tell it was painfully forced.

"What happened?" Niall said with his mouth full of food.

"Let's go." Liam said

"We want a explanation when we get home." Harry said while the other boys nodded. I just sighed and took Harry' hand for comfort to which he smiled a little. I could see all the other guys smiling slightly too. When we reached the outside of the airport the humid Florida air hit us like a brick. It was even more humid here then It was in California. California is more hot than humid though. We all got into two taxis In one taxi there was Harry, Louis and I and in the other one was Niall, Liam and Zayn. Harry gave our driver the address and we drove to our new house. After about a 15 minute drive I saw the most amazing house, it was huge, It was in the perfect location, I was right in the city, but it was also right next to the beach, we also had our own private part of the beach too. It had the same driveway as other houses, we were right in the middle. When I asked the boys about how they would do there gang shit while having the neighbors so close they just laughed and Harry said that he didn't want me around that so they bought another house just for that purpose.

"Like it?" Harry asked excitedly.

"I love it." I breathed

"Good! There's more!" Harry said and dragged me out of the car while telling Louis to get out luggage, Louis just groaned.

"Please Louis?" I asked

"Fine." Louis huffed

"Stealing my job?" Harry asked with a wink

"Of course." I played along. Harry kissed my temple and then the hand he was holding. Harry drug me into the house and then up the stairs and then another row of stairs until we stopped in front of a a black door. I looked up at Harry was smiling down at me.

"Open it." Harry encouraged. I opened the door and saw the most beautiful room. It was very spacious and beautifully furnished. It had a huge window that out looked the water, you could see the bay and the boats. Everything was perfect. Harry tugged on my hand and lead to another door to which he opened and I was a huge bathroom, that also looked out upon the water. On the other half of the bathroom was a huge walk in closet.

"Harry ho-"

"There's more." Harry interrupted me

"More?" I squeaked Harry just laughed and lead me to the last room that was hooked onto our room. Before I could see anything Harry put his hands over my eyes.

"I had some people add on this room just for you. I know you love fashion and art so I wanted to give you something special just for you. Your own place to do your own thing without being bothered by us idiots." Harry said with a laugh, Harry took his hands off my eyes and my jaw dropped. It was perfect. Every last square foot was perfection. One part of the room was just for fashion where as another part of the room was for relaxing and watching movies, another part of the room was for rest and inspiration. When I questioned the bed Harry just laughed and said if we wanted to have sex in here it was alright with him, to which I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm. I didn't have worry about hitting Harry too hard, he was like a rock. But the minute I told Harry that he didn't have to be so careful with me, he want on a rant about how he sometimes doesn't know his own strength and he refused to hurt me even on accident.

"Do you like it?' Harry asked nervously

"How could I not?" I said while kissing him

"I'm glad you like it baby." Harry mumbled into the kiss

"Wanna go try out that bed?" I asked before I could blink Harry had picked me up bridal style and brought me to the bed.

"How could I not?" Harry said and laid me down gently on the bed.

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