Ticci Toby X Reader: She Is D...

By heyluddy

106K 2.8K 1.5K


S-she's D-d-diffrent.
Who the Hell?
Having a Friend?
A-a-ashes We a-all Fall.
What Now?
The voice.
S-she's R-r-ready.
New Home?
Clockwork? Really?
I-if she's h-happy, Right?
Stupid Choice.
I'm sorry.
A Lot to Take in.
Thank you!

Here we are.

4.2K 116 73
By heyluddy

Alfreds P.O.V
I woke up with the sun in my eyes. I groaned as I heard the other heavy curtain being pulled open.
I rolled over and put my face into my pillow.
"Wake up sleepy head, it's already ten." I heard (y/n)'s sweet voice say. I couldn't help but smile into my pillow. She pulled it out from under me and started hitting me with it.
"Wake." -hits- "Up." -hit- "You." -hit- "Lazy." -hit- "Ass." -hit- "Hobo!"
I raised my arms in defense chuckling. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down. She gave out a squeak and started squirming from my arms.
"Ughhh. Alfred! Come on!!" I kept my face emotionless closing my eyes.
"Bridget made bacon and waffflllleeeesss~" she sang. I growled, damn this girl for knowing my weakness. Food. I let her go and she ran off down the stairs.
I was already starting to miss her being in my arms.
But I couldn't think like that.
She has a boyfriend now.
I sighed and walked to my closet.
There was so many super hero shirts I wanted to try something new.
I grabbed a plan baby blue tee-shirt and some kaki shorts and sperrys. I skipped the letterman jacket I usually wore. I looked in the mirror trying to style my hair but it just wouldn't cooperate. I grunted leaving it its messy self. I trudge down the stairs and rubbed my eyes. After nearly tripping and falling down the rest of the steps I made it to the kitchen.
(y/n) gave me a weird look I guess I did look diffrent, her and Bridget were both wearing their hair up and shorts. Though I could have sworn she was wearing something diffrent when she woke me up. And her hair was defiantly down. I was use to seeing Bridget with her hair up but with (y/n). Whoa.
"Your hair looks good like that, out of your pretty face." I winked at her and sat in front of my stack of waffles.
She blushed clearly embarresed and I heard her mutter a thank you I couldn't help the laugh that came. She was just too adorable! I took a bite. Toby came down yawning and staring at the plate infront of (y/n) with wide eyes. He wasn't wearing the goggles anymore but he was still wearing thoes heavy jackets and that weird mask and gloves. I took a bite of my waffles deciding to ignore it as he sat next to (y/n). It sounded like she was scolding him like a child before she started giggling. I rolled my eyes but stopped myself. I didn't like (y/n) like that. I loved her as a sister. Sure I may have had a crush one her before buuuuuut. No. Not anymore. My emotions were just getting mixed from her coming back. That explains the tugging feeling. I smiled at her giggling figure and ate my breakfast. I just had to keep telling myself that, then maybe it would be true.

Your P.O.V
You walked down the stairs laughing at Alfred's childish behavior.
When you got downstairs Bridget told you her secret plan to take the guys to an amusement park. You smiled getting all giddy. You couldn't wait to see Toby's face he had never been on a roller coaster. Your stomach did summer salts. You and roller coasters had a love hate relationship. You would ride any but nearly back out at the end. You hated heights which made you love them even more.
You pulled your hair up into a ponytail and ran to get changed and wake Toby up.
I hit him with a pillow and he sat straight up. His perfession made him sleep like a light. The look on his face sent you into a fit of laughter. You fell over onto the bed and he looked down at you as your face turned red. He blinked a few times and you laughed even harder. He chuckled as you gasped for breath.
"Yo-you're s-s-so cute."
You looked away, glad that your face was already red from lack of air. He pulled you to him and gave you a kiss on the cheek getting you to look at him.
He caught your lips making you smile into the kiss. You pulled away and ran to the giant closet.
"You need to change into something diffrent for today! It's hot outside and we are going to be in the sun!" you called from the closet. You chose a maroon crop top that was a little loose and had rolled short sleeves and high waist shorts with white converse and tied your hair up.
"I don't want you having a stroke." you joked as you walked out back to the brunette boy rubbing the sleep from his eyes. You placed the palms of your hands onto the soft sheets.
"I'm going to go help Bridget with breakfast mkay? Hurry up and get dressed." you leaned foreward and kissed his nose before running back to the kitchen.
"Oooh~ Cute outfit!" you rolled your eyes smiling.
"Well it is YOUR cloths!" you laughed at the perky blonde.
She shook her head
"Not anymore! With the way they look on you! I could never wear that outfit the same, you keep it." you giggled and thanked her. You heard a thump and a groan. Then Alfred came stumbling in, his hair was still a mess but other than that he look sharp. You raised an eyebrow at him and he looked you over.
"Your hair looks good like that, out of your pretty face." he winked making you blush. You gave a quick thank you and sat in your chair.
Toby came down in the usually outfit just without the goggles. You couldn't help the smile that came when he looked at your plate. You knew waffles were his favorite. He sat down next to you and stared at the plate, you heard his stomach growl.
"I thought I told you wear something diffrent!" you accused quietly. He just shrugged pulling the mask forward so he could slip the fork with some waffle under his mask. He hummed in delight before responding.
"I d-d-idn't kn-know what t-to wear." he said flatly takeing another bite.
You sighed and grabbed his arm pulling him up out of the chair.
"Come on..." you dragged the boy behind you the whole way.
You stopped at the huge closet.
"Pick something from there." you pointed to the huge variety of superhero cloths and jeans.
"Bu-but t-th-th-thoes are Al-alfr-"
"Shush!" you cut him off and rubbed your hand all over his face. "Shush child shush I know whos they are. He won't mind. He has shoes to so get to it." with that you skipped back down the stairs to finish your food.

Ten minutes later.
You didn't think it would take him this long! You grunted and face planted onto the table.
You heard a little shuffling than finally footsteps desending the stairs.
You turned and looked at him and your jaw dropped.
"Oooh (y/n) your botfriend us cute! Better keep him close." Bridget teased making you blush.
He had somehow managed to cover the hole in his cheek. He was wearing tan skinny jeans and a gray button up shirt that was rolled up below his bicep and grey vans. His hazle eyes looked more green today and his chestnut hair fell perfectly. His eyes looked bored as he shoved his twitching hands in his pocket and looked around letting out a huff.
"You look amazing..." you breathed. His eyes wandered to you and he got a big smile.
"W-well I ha-had to look like I c-c-could act-actually get somebody l-l-like you. I still don't but it's a little c-c-closer than my u-usually rags." you blushed as he walked over and pulled you to his side by your hip. You smiled and nuzzled you face into his chest. You reached up and stroked his cheek.
"How did you..." he chuckled you could feel it in his chest.
"I'll ex-explain l-l-later, c-come on." he gave you a kiss on the head and you guys walked out to Alfred's truck.
You and Toby sat in the back and Bridget drove with Alfred passenger.
"So you wanna tell us where we are going now?"
Bridget got a smirk on her face and pulled out of the driveway.
The truck filled with old memories and storys.
"Remeber!" -laughter- "rember when your foot slipped in the toilet while we were playing hide and seek in the dark!" Alfred laughed and Toby and Bridget laughed to as your face got red as he told more embarrassing storys. Toby was next to you trying to catch his breath. You smiled and realized this was the first time you heard him really laugh.
He looked at you his laughter slowed down to a glowing smile. He pulled you under his arm and hummed.
"I n-n-never knew y-y-you w-were such a d-d-dork." you giggled.
"Hey! In my defense I was hanging out with Alfred!"
The car was quiet for awhile beogre there was a bunch of "yeah true". You shook your head and looked out the window.

Hey guys I'm sorry I wasn't active and that this is just a filler. Xc but updates will become better! I'll update the amusment park chapter soon! So comment do you want a cheesy ferris wheel sean or not? I'll try to post it tommrow

Stay smexy!

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