Believe (The Nightmare's Regr...

By idle_iris

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I've have been wanting to write this for three years. Finally gotten to write, it. Warning: based on memories... More

Prologue: Believing
Chapter 1: It was my birthday?
Chapter 2: Why a doll?
Chapter 3: More prophecies? More wars?
Chapter 4: Were gonna need help to fight evil from a person who is evil?
Chapter 5: Weird Dreams.
Chapter 7: I am a Stuttering Walrus

Chapter 6: Where are we going? The Underworld

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By idle_iris

A/N: I change point of views in this one, usually I put one point of view in one chapter but I made this an exception.

Jason P.O.V

It was the next day and me and the gang went to say our goodbyes to Nico. We all walked towards the kid. I wasn't every happy of the fact that Nico had to leave. That boy needs a rest. 

Everyone else also seem in a sour mood because Nico was leaving. We turned to looked at Nico, he looked tired like he didn't sleep very well.

Understandable, because of the whole nightmare thing. So there's no point asking.

As we walked towards my sister's tree. Percy asked a question."Um, where are you going first?" Nico rolled his eyes.

"I need to go to the Underworld" he answered Percy question.

I've never been to the
Underworld, but I know it won't be pretty.

"Why?" I asked. "Because the prophecy says so, remember. Well at least I assume it is." The son of Hades answered. "That doesn't sound like it's going to be fun." Percy stated. Nico gave him a sarcastic face.

"No, Percy this trip going to be like freaking Dora the Explore." He then put in a fake kid face and shouted. "Where are we going?" He clapped three times. "The Underworld!!" With fake excitement.

Everyone laughed at the Dora the Explora reference.

He later, rolled his eyes and frowned. "Okay, bye guys, i have to go." We all stop laughing and hugged him tight.

Percy then said that if he ever need a place to stay he could stop by at his house. "My mom likes you." The poseidon kid said. Nico begrudgingly nodded and Shadow traveled.

Nico P.O.V

I materialise in a familiar throne room.   Hades was sitting on the throne with a stack of papers beside him. He raised an eyebrow when he saw me. I bowed as I took a step forward.

"Father, I'm here on a quest to search for someone. The prophecy said that you might know where this person is." I explain my reason. Hades nodded. "I see, and what exactly is this person name?"

He asked. I quickly answered. "I don't know her name but I know her title, The Nightmare's Regret." Hades eyes widen as I said the title. Then later, he's eyes looked sad and full of regret.


"Persephone!" He called his wife. "Yes, my lord?" She answered, giving dagger eyes at me as she walked in. I rolled my eyes at her action "I need you to get me, the device." He glumly gave an order.

"What devic-oh." Her dagger eyes soon change to pity. I gave her weird look. She looked back at Hades and asked. "Are you sure? Maybe he's not ready yet?" She tried convincing The Lord but it didn't work.

He raised an eyebrow. "Since when you cared about my son?" I snorted agreeing at that resort. "I don't." She admitted. "But, I do care about her." She started.

Hades sigh "So do I." he whispered to himself but we all were able to hear.

Who? I thought.

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