Gray and Nelly ~ Together For...

Af billiejayy

137K 3.3K 878

This is the sequel to Gray. So I highly recommend you read that story before you read this one! Also this boo... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8~New Beginnings
Chapter 9~New Beginnings Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Prologue ~ A day in their life

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Af billiejayy

This prologue is gonna be a bit long sorry... Their house up top!
Sorry for any errors!

Nelly's POV

"Mommyyy daddyyy! Wakeee uppppp!", "Maybe we should pour some water on them Roe.", "No Pwollo! That's not wight! Let's just keep calling thew names until they wake uup.." I chuckle at the sound of my children's voices and they yell,"Mommies up! Mommies up!" I quickly shush them while giggling as they both attack me with hugs and kisses.

I say,"Good morning babies, how did y'all sleep?" Monroe saids,"I slwept gwreat momma!" I smile and kiss her cheek saying,"That's good baby girl, what about you Apollo?" He holds his head down and say,"I h-had a bad dream mommy.." I say,"Aww come here baby." And I pick him up and sit him on my lap saying,"Why didn't you just come in mommy and daddy's room son?" He saids, starting to hiccup,"Because I-I wanted to be a b-big boy like Oli said."

I sigh, that boy is always putting stuff in my baby's head, and say,"Pollo it's okay to be afraid sometimes, besides you can always come to our room you know that right?" He nods with his head still down, letting all of his curls cover his face and I say,"I can't hear you?" He lifts his head up and say,"Yes mam." I smile and kiss his head saying,"Mommy loves you." He smiles back and wrap his arms around my neck saying,"I love you too mommy." He's such a momma's boy.

I say,"Alright guys mommy has to get ready, I'll be out there in a minute okay?" They both nod and hop off of our bed and go into the hallway. I try to lift my legs get out of the bed, but my thighs hurt like hell! I finally get up after three tries and limp over to the closet and grab a pair of underwear, a bra, black running shorts, and a plain white t-shirt, then I head to the bathroom and take a nice hot shower..

(Their bedroom. I just wanted y'all to visually see it)

Once I'm finished showering and changing into my clothes, I walk out of the bathroom while putting on my socks and walk over to my sleeping husband. I caress his jawline softly and say,"Graysonnn, wake up baby!" His eyes flicker open and I can't help but stare at this handsome beast in front of me as he sits up and smile at me saying,"Good morning baby girl, come here."

I sit on the bed and he grabs my hips and move me so I'm sitting on his lap and say, while looking me in my eyes,"How did you sleep last nigh? Ohh yeah that's right! You barely got any of that with the way I was working you." I giggle lightly and say,"Well thanks to you I can barely move my legs." He chuckles and smirk saying, while moving his hand up my inner thigh slowly,"You want daddy to ease that pain baby girl?.." I quickly move his hand and say, while getting off of his lap,"Nope because then I'll just be in even more pain, and besides you have to go to work."

He quickly gets out of the bed, with absolutely no clothes on, and pick me up and wrap my legs around his waist saying,"Belle you know I'm the boss so I can come in anytime I want!" He starts kissing my neck and grinding into me swiftly causing me to say,"I-I just took a shower and the kids are waiting on me.." He groans while pulling away slowly and place me down softly, then he smacks my butt and say,"Don't worry Nelly, I'll find time.." He kisses my lips one last time and walk to the bathroom to shower.

I just shake my head and walk to the front of our bedroom door and see our kids waiting anxiously on the other side, so I walk out and say,"Alright now who's ready to make some breakfast?" They both yell excitedly,"Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!" I just giggle as we walk down the hallway and down the stairs to the kitchen.

I help them sit on the barstools and turn on the kitchen Tv to the Backyardagans, while pulling out the ingredients. Monroe saids,"Mommy are we gonna workout today?" I say adding the mix in one bowl,"Of course but I don't know if daddy will be able to-" Grayson cuts me off as he comes into the kitchen in only his dress pants, with his shirt and suit case in his hand,"Daddy will be there." He walks over to Monroe and plant a kiss on her cheek, while him and Apollo do their secret hand shake.

I say, handing the mixing bowl to Monroe so she can stir the ingredients,"Well that was a quick shower." He put his things down on the counter and walk up behind me as I put the bacon on the hot plate, and wrap his arms around me saying,"Why would I wanna be in the shower all by myself when I could be down here with you and the kids."

I say,"Good point." Then Apollo saids, as I try to hand him the eggs to stir but Grayson keeps pulling me back to him,"Lasciare la mia mamma da sola!(Leave my mom alone!)" I chuckle and say as Monroe just giggles to herself,"Don't worry Pollo, mommy's got this." I turn around in his arms and whisper in his ear,"If you don't let me go right now, you won't get any tonight." He grips my bottom and say,"Well I find that hard to believe baby girl... You can't resist all of this.." I say,"You or me?" He chuckles and peck my cheek then whisper in my ear,"Come to my office during my lunch break.. Just you princess..."

He lets go of my waist and I nod in his direction, then hand the bowl of eggs to Apollo. He saids,"Mommy, is Uncle Andrew coming over today?" I hear Grayson suck his teeth and grumble a few choice words causing me to laugh and say,"I don't know Pollo, he might stop by. Baby girl are you done mixing?" He nods and she saids,"Yes momma, c-can I pwour it in?" I smile at her and nod causing her to squeal and get down from the stool, with Gray's help of course, and run over to me.

I place her on top of the counter and say,"Be careful and don't poor too much." She wipes her curly locks out of her face and say,"I got it mommy."


Once breakfast is ready, I fix everyone's plate and place it down on the table in the breakfast room. I call everyone in to come eat and they run in here like wild animals! Once everyone is seated and grace was said, I say to Gray, who is sitting right beside me, with the kids sitting across from us,"Are you sure you can stay for breakfast baby? I thought you had an important meeting to go to."

He saids,"Princess you know I put you guys first over everything. The meeting can wait." I smile and peck his cheek but he turns his head and I wind up kissing his lips instead. I begin to pull away, but he brings his hand up to my face and kiss me deeply. I hear our kids yell,"Eww! Daddy stop that's nasty! Grwoss!!" Me and Grayson laugh in the kiss and I say,"Gray stop." He saids,"You started this now you gotta finish it."

I pull away and point towards the children saying,"Look Gray! Our children already look mortified enough!" He chuckles and nod saying,"Alright we're sorry guys." They say exaggeratedly while throwing their heads back,"Thank youuu." I just shake my head and Grayson saids,"So what are you guys gonna do today?"

Apollo saids, cutting off Monroe before she can say what she had to say,"Well I wanted to-" I cut him off saying sternly,"Hey hey hey, Monroe was about to speak and you knew that, now let her say what she had to say Apollo." He sighs and lay his head down on the table as Monroe saids,"Well I want to go to nonna's house daddy! And then I wanna wide the hworses with momma, and then we can go swimming in the pool! An aftwer that, A-Angelo can come ovwer or Uncle Tino.."

I chuckle at her adorable voice and turn to Grayson an see what he has to say. He smiles and say,"Well sweetheart I guess your gonna have a busy day today, huh?" She nods vigorously and Apollo saids, lifting his hand up, with his head still on the table,"Can I speak now?" Gray saids,"Yes you may speak now, but say it in Italian, I wanna see how much you've learned."

I turn to him and say,"Really Gray?.." He saids,"He can do it babe." I turn my attention back to my son and he saids,"Voglio waych alcuni film con mamma, poi giocare con le pistole ad acqua, gioca sul trampolino, guardare la danza Momma in studio di danza, e giocare fuori con Oli (I want waych some movies with mom, then play with water pistols, playing on the trampoline, watch the dance Momma in the dance studio, and playing out with Oli.)" Gray chuckles and say,"That was good Pollo, but remember to fully announce your words or everything will get mixed up and you'll wind up saying the wrong thing okay?" He smiles and say,"Okay dad."

Thirty minutes later...

After we all finish eating, Gray and I grab all of the plates and wash the dishes together, although I told him he didn't have to. Then he grabs his suitcase and say,"Alright I have to go now.." I sigh and pick up Apollo so we can walk him to the door as he carries Monroe. When we get to the door, he kisses her cheek and say,"See you later baby girl, I love you." She smiles and kiss his nose saying,"Okay daddy, I wove you tew." He smiles and place her down gently then I walk up to him with Apollo and he kisses his head saying,"See you later Pollo, I love you."

He saids,"I love you too daddy byee!" He waves at him causing Gray to chuckle and grab him out of my arms, and gently place him down causing Pollo to pout, making me and Monroe giggle. Then he grabs my waist and pull me closer to him saying,"See you when I get back my love.." I smile and say,"I thought you wanted me to come by your office during your lunch break?" He strokes my cheek with his thumb saying,"Well it seems like your gonna have your hands full with these two."

He nods his head towards Monroe and Apollo as they start playing with each other on the floor. I giggle and whisper in his ear,"I can find time.." This causes him to groan and grip my butt saying,"Okay then, I'll see you at two o'clock baby girl." He kisses down my neck then pull away and bring his lips to mine as we kiss each other full of passion, love and desire.

Monroe saids,"Ewww! Pollo look! Thwey doing it again!" We quickly pull away and Gray saids to me,"Alright, see you at two o'clock baby girl, I love you." I pecks his lips one more time and say,"I love you more Gray." Then he smiles down at our children and say, walking out the door,"Bye my little bambinos! See you when I get back!" The both wave yelling,"Byeee Daddy!!" As he gets in his...

We watch as he drives off past the gate, then go back inside. I say to them,"Alright! Are y'all ready to turn up?!!" They both giggle and yell,"Yess!!" I smile and pick them both up in my arms and head up the stairs saying,"Okay but first let's get you two dressed okay?" They nod and I walk into their room saying,"Alright let's start with you first baby girl. Pollo go wash your face and brush your teeth, just like I showed you okay?" He nods and kiss my cheek before scurrying off to the bathroom.

I walk to her closet and pull out a yellow and white striped romper and show it to her saying,"This?" She nods vigorously and say,"Yess! Yes! I wove that wromper mommy!" I giggle at her excitement and say,"Okay Roe, now what shoes do you want to wear?" She does this adorable thinking face and say,"Ummm... My g-gladiator sandals! Hey momma can you dress like me tew?" I say, while helping her put on her romper,"Sure pretty girl, now let's tame these wild curls."

She giggles say,"Momma can you do fwrench braids this time?" I say,"Sure baby girl. Apollo are you done in there?" He comes out of the bathroom and slump down on his bed saying,"Momma when are you gonna get me dressed?" I say grabbing some leave in conditioner,"Hold on son, I gotta do one thing at a time okay?" He nods and sit down beside me laying his head on my shoulder as I do Monroe's hair.

After I've finished her hair, I help Apollo find his outfit, which is just a orange t-shirt with the words 'Stud muffin' going across it and some army fatigue cargo shorts with his white adidas, and the bead choker necklace he always wears, but it's loose on him. Then I put his hair in a low ponytail and say,"Alright let's go to my room so I can change and then we'll head out."

We get to my room and they sit on our bed while I change in my closet. I put on a tribal print romper with my light brown gladiator sandals, and grab my purse and say,"Alright let's go guys!"


I park my car at Andrew's house and get out and help Monroe and Apollo get out. Monroe saids,"Mommaaaa." I say,"What is it Roe?" She saids,"Youwr phone is wringing." I quickly thank her then grab my phone out the glove compartment and answer it saying,"Hello?" Grayson saids,"Princess where are you? It's two."

I look at my watch in confusion and what do ya know, it's two fifteen! I say,"Gee I'm sorry baby, I guess I just lost track of time. I'll be there in a minute." He saids,"Okay baby, but hurry." I nod like he can see me and hang up. I say to my children,"I'm sorry babies, mommy lost track of time and I have to meet your dad at his office real quick okay? Y'all wanna stay here with Uncle Drew or do y'all wanna come with me?"

Monroe saids,"I wanna stay here so I can pwlay with Marilyn mommy." I nod and Apollo saids,"I wanna stay with you momma." He gives me the puppy dog eyes and I immediately give in saying,"Okay lil man, are you sure you wanna stay baby girl?" She nods vigorously and say,"I am momma." I nod and walk her to the door with Apollo holding my left hand and her holding my right hand.

I ring the doorbell and patiently wait for Andrew to come to the door. After about two minutes, he finally answers the door wearing some gray jogging pants and I white t-shirt saying,"Oh hey Nelly what's up? Oh and hi my beautiful niece and nephew!" They giggle and say 'hi' and I say,"Hey can you go me a favor and watch after Monroe for me please? I just have to head up to Gray's office real quick."

He nods, saying,"Of course!", while moving to the side allowing her to come in and I say to her before she starts running around,"Alright Monroe, I'll be back in a minute okay? I love you." She runs over to me and peck my lips saying,"Okay by mommy! I wove you tew!" Then she runs back into his house, calling Marilyn's name repeatedly. I just chuckle and say,"Thank you so much, see you in a bit Drew."

He nods and give me a hug saying,"No problem at all Nel, and okay bye!" He waves at Apollo, then head back into his house, and we walk back to the car. I quickly open his door for him, then get in the drivers seat and pull off with the radio basting Body by Dreezy.

I pull up to Zaxbys and order a two sweet and spicy ten count wings and things, and a kids nibbler for Apollo. Along with two Sprites and a small apple juice for Pollo. Then I head over Grayson's way...

Once I park at his building, I grab our food and head in with Apollo walking quickly in front of me, like he owned the place.. I say to the receptionist,"Hey Brenda, can you let Grayson know we're headed up?" She nods while smiling at Apollo and say,"Of course Mrs. Dolan! You two can head up now." I smile and head to the elevator.

When we get to his office, I quickly knock on the door two times, then walk in and he walks up from his desk with a confused/sly smile saying,"Hey Apollo!" He reaches down to kiss his head and Apollo runs to one of the couches and start eating his food. Gray walks up to me and grab onto my waist saying,"I thought I said just you Nelly?"

I say, trying to move out of his grasp so I can put the food down,"Well Pollo said he wanted to stay with me, and he gave me those puppy dog eyes. You know I couldn't say no.. But on the bright side, I got you some lunch!" He turns to Apollo, to make sure he isn't looking, then turn back to me and grip my butt with his right hand, and trail his left hand up my arm and grab the bag out of my hand, placing it on his desk saying,"You really think food is what I wanted to eat my love?"

I feel my breathing pick up as I feel his hand travel up romper and I whisper,"Baby, Apollo is in here, we can't do this now!" He turns his head in that direction, then back to me and say,"He's watching cartoons on your phone baby girl... He's not paying us any mind. Besides...... I just want a little taste......." Warning! Mild sexual contact so please skip if you don't wanna read that!

He looks me in my eyes as he reaches his hand inside my panties and swipe his index and middle finger across my wet area two times, causing me to bite my lip and grip his shoulders from the pleasure. Then he retracts his hand and bring his fingers to his mouth, sticking his tongue out and licking them clean. Lord have mercy....

Okay you can continue reading now..

He stares down at me lustfully but lovingly, with his pupils dilated a bit and say,"So damn delicious neonata... I have to have more... But I'll save that for later... And the next time I ask you to come to my office, I better see nobody but you mio amore.." All I could do was nod, not being able to find words and he gives me a smile, then grab the food and sit behind his desk in his office chair.

I fix my romper then sit on one of his chairs and say,"I-I got you the sweet and spicy wings and things babe." He saids,"Okay princess, but why are you sitting all the way over there? Come over here with your husband." I smile while blushing and get up from the chair and sit on his lap causing him to say,"Much better." I just shake my head and we start eating and talking about any and everything under the sun.

Thirty minutes later...

It is now time for Grayson to get back to work and he is trying to get us to stay as he walks us to the door. He saids,"Baby can't you guys stay a little while longer.." I say, holding onto Apollo's hand,"Sorry Gray, but we can't. I have a lot of things to do today." He pulls me by my waist closer to him saying,"Like what?"

I say,"I have to feed the horses, ride them with Monroe, work out, swim in the pool with Monroe, play basketball with Oliver, Apollo, Angelo, Michael, and Andrew, wash clothes, clean up around the house, clean out my Rolls Royce cause Monroe spilled some juice in it the other day, and on top of all that, I have to cook dinner!" He rubs up and down my arm and say,"You know what princess, I'm gonna take the rest of the day off, and I'm gonna clean up around the house, clean out your Rolls Royce, play basket ball with the boys, feed the horses, cook dinner and anything else you need for me to do today. You won't have to do anything okay angel?"

I have the best husband in the world... I bring my arms around his neck and hug him saying,"Thank you baby, but you don't have to do all that.." He kisses the top of my head and say,"Your more than welcome my love, and of course I have to! There is no way in hell I'm just gonna let you do all that! You just kick back and relax, and after dinner... I'm gonna give you a full body massage. Does that sound good to you?"

I nod while biting my lower lip, as he grazes his lips over my neck. Then he kisses it lightly and bring his lips up to mine, and capture me in a loving and tender kiss. I kiss him back immediately and bring my right hand up to cup his face and use my other hand to run my fingers through his hair, causing him to groan and lift me up. Suddenly we hear Apollo clear his throat loudly, causing us to pull away quickly and remember that he was still here.

Gray puts me down gently as I notice that his face had turned a pink shade, I couldn't help but giggle. Grayson saids, while wrapping his arm around my waist and holding Apollo's hand,"Alright well let's head out!" As we walk out of his office, some woman, who I've never seen around there, walks up to us and say to Grayson seductively,"Hello Mr. Dolan... You look very handsome today.."

She reaches her hand out to touch him but I pop her hand away saying,"Don't." She looks at me smugly and Grayson glares at her hard and say,"You really have some nerve to try and flirt with me in front of my wife and son, or just period! On your second day!" He covers Apollo's ears and say,"Pack. Your. Shit. And. Get. Out of my building now before I call security." She gasps like she didn't see that coming and run off to her office to collect her things. He uncovers Apollo's ears and mumble,"Ugly bimbo."

Apollo just giggles and say,"Were you swearing daddy?" I say 'mmm' and Grayson saids,"Yes I was son, but that doesn't mean you get to do it okay? Daddy's working on not doing it though." I mumble,"You said that six years ago *cough cough*." He nudges my arm while laughing and I join in as we walk to our cars.


Since Apollo drove with Grayson to go get Monroe, I went home and went straight to our bedroom to change into my workout clothes and went to our gym.

Grayson's POV

When I picked up Monroe from Andrew's house, they decided to come with us to the house so we could play basket ball. I really didn't want to play, but that's what Nelly said she had to do, so I'm gonna do it. But in all honesty, I just wanted to come home and cuddle in bed with my wife and kids! But no, I can't do that because everybody wants to come to our house! Nelly doesn't mind, but I do!

The next thing you know, her parents- let me stop myself right there before it actual happens..

I pull up to our gate and type in the code, then pull into the driveway and park my car behind Nelly's. She has a lot of cars you guys! Like a lot. I won't even go into detail about them because it'll probably takes hours! Anyway, I help Monroe and Apollo get out as Andrew, Angelo, Oliver, Marilyn, and Michael get out of their car also and follow behind us as we walk to the door.

As soon as I open the door, Angelo, Oliver, and Marilyn quickly run into our house and start yelling Nelly's name repeatedly! Apollo saids before I can say anything,"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Momma's r-relaxing so-" he gets cut off by Angelo saying,"Then what's that noise?" I hear it to... She's got to be kidding me...

We can hear music being blasting from the gym, which means that she's working out. We quickly head down to the basement and walk down the hallway to the gym. I walk in with the others closely behind me and see her already drenched in sweat wearing a blue Nike sports bra with black spandex leggings, hugging every inch of her ass.. I've never wanted to be a pair of leggings so bad...

I yell over the music, to get her attention,"Nelly! Baby! Baee!!" She finally turns around an slightly jump seeing all of us at the door, then grab the remote to the stereo and turn the music down saying, while running her fingers through her curls,"Jesus, y'all scared the devil outta me!" I laugh as she walks over to us with her towel and Marilyn, Oliver, and Angelo all run to her yelling,"Aunt Torie!"

She slowly backs up and say,"Hey guys! Slow down y'all don't wanna hug me while I'm all wet now do ya?" They giggle and Angelo saids, while wrapping his arms around her waist,"I know I do." He still has a crush on her.... Everybody just laughs and I walk over to her and pull him away from her saying playfully,"Move you little perv." He just laughs and me and Nelly giggle.

I say,"Andrew can you take everybody to the court, I'll be over there in a minute okay?" He nods with a knowing smirk on his face and lead them all out of the room and down the hallway. I wrap my arms around her waist and say,"I thought I said to relax baby girl?." She wraps her arms around my torso and rest her head on my chest saying,"I know but I had to get this workout in. What are you getting ready to do?" I kiss the top of her head, while rubbing my hands up and down her back and say,"I'm about to go feed the horses, then play basket ball with the boys... Are you okay?"

She nods and I lift her head up with my index finger and notice her now tired eyes and say,"Baby are you sleepy?" She nods and I immediately lift her up in my arms and carry her up to our room and run her a bath. I help her take off her clothes and place her down in the tub. She told me she had it from there so I just went into our bedroom and changed into some basketball shorts and a t-shirt along with my KD's, then sit on the bed waiting for her to come out.

About fifteen minutes later, she comes out wearing nothing but her bra and panties covered up by her robe. My wife is just too gorgeous for words.. She saids,"Oh I thought you were gone already." She walks over to the bed and get in under the covers. I say, getting up and and kneeling beside her by the bed,"I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye baby girl." She smiles and peck my lips, then lay back, getting comfortable in the bed.

I kiss her lips one last time then say, getting up,"I'll see you later mio amore, love you." Nods say,"Okay, I love you more." I give her one last glance then get started with these errands...


Three hours later....

After I fed the horses, played basketball with the boys, played with Michael, Marilyn, Apollo, Monroe and Oliver for a awhile, cleaned out Nelly's Rolls Royce, cleaned up around the house a bit with some help from the kids and Andrew, and cocked dinner, I walk upstairs to retrieve my wife so she could join us for dinner.

When I get to our bedroom, I see her sound asleep with the covers half way on her body and her curls covering her face. It was a beautiful sight. I walk up to her and shake her shoulder gently saying,"Babyyy... Nellyyyyy... Wake up honey dinner is ready.." She groans and turn over on her stomach. I sigh and out of nowhere, all of the child come running into the room and start jumping on the bed yelling,"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!!"

I quickly grab them off of the bed saying,"Hey, cut it out! What in the world!" Apollo gets out of my grip and flops down on her and get all up in her face saying,"Mommy wake upp, daddy made crab legs!" Her eyes immediately open and she sits up slowly yawning. They all yell,"Yay!!!" I just chuckle and let them go, then say,"Finally." She saids,"Haha whatever, can you carry me on your back baby?" I nod and squat down a bit so she can hop on, which she does and wrap her arms around my neck while resting her chin on the top of my head as I carry downstairs to the dining room.

When we walk in the room I see Ethan and Valentino sitting at the table. When did they get in?! How the hell did they get in?! They turn their attention to us and Andrew saids,"Sleeping beauty finally woke up huh?" Monroe and Apollo quickly run to Ethan and Valentino saying,"Uncle Ethan! Uncle Tino!" They all hug each other and I let Nelly down so she can greet them, then she sits at the end of the table with me.

She saids,"Alright everybody close your eyes and bow your heads," we all do so and hold hands as she continues,"Heavenly father, first we would like to thank you for bringing us all together to enjoy this wonderful meal that my husband has prepared for us, and we ask that you bless this food so that it'd be good and nurturing to our bodies. And God-" Andrew cuts her off saying,"Oh my gosh can you please hurry up so we can eat." God I wish I could knock him out! Monroe and Apollo both look at him like he just lost his mind and Nelly gives him a look that saids 'If you don't shut your ass up, I'm gonna jump across this table and punch the holy hell out of you.' He quickly closes his eyes and bow his head saying,"Sorry you can continue."

She continues to stare at him for a good thirty seconds then finish praying,"And God I ask that you heal our brother Andrew and give him the common since to never ever do that again in his life, or else he'll endure some major consequences. Thank you." We all laugh lightly at that part and she continues saying,"And last but not least, God I ask that you keep our family together and strong for long as we live on this earth, and that we show nothing but love to each other. In your son Jesus name we pray, amen."

We all say 'amen' and begin to pass the food around so everybody gets what they want while engaging in several conversations for the rest of the night...

This is our family... And it'll continue to get bigger...


Wooooo!! What is up guys!! Sorry it was so long!! That's the end of the prologue!! I really hope that you enjoyed it! And don't worry y'all! I won't skip anything I just wanted to give you guys a glimpse of what their life is like, ya know?

In the next update, aka the first chapter, you'll be right back on track from where we left off on in Gray okay?

Soooo with that being said, tell me what y'all think so far?

ARE YALL READY FOR GNTF?!?!?!?!!!! (Gray and Nelly Together Forever) Wooo!! (I'm too hyped!😂😂)

Anyways, see y'all later on my next update. Until then.. Next chapter coming soon...✌🏾️

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