The Exile

By CireWire

5.3K 13 4

Kayden Yamada was once a great student at Royal Cross, a base of exorcists who specialize in combating the ev... More

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This is chapter seven, right?
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What's the Problem?
Always find time for a joke
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Family Reunion
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Welcome Home
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Uh-Oh! A Twist?!
Could've used a least
The Final Battle!

The Exile

1K 2 0
By CireWire

The chapel of the Royal Cross peered over mountains—covered in snow and the howling of the frigid air. The building was untouched by time, but the interior was modernized. The Exorcists walked through the corridors and the snowy field getting to their next place of business. No one uttered a word, not even the rookies who just began their training that week. The entire location was dead silent, except inside the chapel—where the footsteps echoed. The Four Elders were holding a meeting of grave importance.

"How long ago did this happen?" The First Elder spoke with his beard covering his mouth, but never muffled his words. His clerical robes dragged whenever he walked around the table, sometimes giving the illusion of him hovering above the floor.

"Looks like over forty-eight hours." The Fourth Elder spoke with his eyeglasses glaring at the screen across from the table. His outfit consisted of a generic priest outfit and combat boots. An odd mix, but being in charge of the offensive Exorcists requires preparation on his part.

"How did we not know about this?" The First Elder shook his head in disappointment as the head of the Exorcists, the oversight falls on his shoulders and questions his role as a leader.

"Our squadrons haven't been able to locate a static source to this..." The Third Elder's words paused as she brushed her pants while she flicked ash from her cigarette, "Dilemma."

Their screen across from the table showed a map of dark energy consuming parts of the nation. No one understood the source or how something so big can easily avoid the trained eyes of the Royal Cross.

"If we don't come up with something quick," The Fourth Elder cleaned his glasses, "That dark energy will annihilate the world in less than a week."

"That's too short of a deadline!" The First Elder banged on the table.

"Well, if I may," The Second Elder rose his hand as he sat silently that no one noticed he was there, "We can bring in the exile."

"The Hell Walker?!" The First Elder exclaimed, "We have no use for his recklessness nor his black magic!"

"I hate to say it," The Third Elder exhaled her smoke, "What choice do we have?"

"We can have Amy escort him," The Second Elder suggested, "If he strays then she'll put him down."

"Amy?" The Fourth Elder scoffed, "She's one of my best soldiers! I can't have her settle for some babysitting mission!"

"Her abilities are not in question," The Second Elder clarified, "In fact, that's why she is capable of watching over him."

"So what do we do?" The Third Elder rubbed the table, "We give this monster free rein?"

"Now, now," The Second Elder waved his hand in disbelief, "Amy will make sure he doesn't stray from his mission."

"What makes you think he'll even decide to aid us after we banished him?" The First Elder stared at The Second.

"We'll figure out that bridge once we cross it," The Second smiled, "For now, let's call Amy in."

"Very well," The Fourth Elder reached to an intercom, "Can you bring in Ms. Downs?"

"Yes sir, right away." A petite voice chimed in from the intercom.

The Elders waited for a good ten minutes until a gentle, but ambitious knocking echoed through the chapel.

"Come in, my child" The First Elder's voice boomed to the entrance.

A young woman in her mid-twenties, dressed in the standard Exorcist uniform which consisted of a navy coat, undershirt, navy pants, and combat boots entered the room without a shred of angst. She was ready to follow orders or die trying.

"How can I be of service, my Elders?" Amy's fixed her blonde hair behind her ear.

"It has come to our attention that something has lurked out of the shadows." The Third Elder lit another cigarette.

"So you need me to lead a squad?" Amy assumed. Why shouldn't she? Her skills and academic achievements have been the subject of envy from her peers since she started. The Elders calling her by name is enough to generate enough authority to lead her own soldiers into battle, but this was not the case.

"This mission will involve you and an escort," The Fourth Elder sighed, "You must bring in someone."

"Who?" Amy asked, ready for anything.

"Kayden Yamada." The Second Elder said without hesitation.

"The Exile?!" Amy couldn't keep her disbelief in check, "For what purpose?"

"We believe he may have the answers to defeating this monstrosity before it consumes our plane of existence." The First Elder spoke out.

Amy was disgusted that her superiors would stoop so low as to bringing in Kayden, a man that she was trained to hate. Every policy she followed was to stay away from the path that he chose. Her abilities put her above him in rank and as an Exorcist. She wasn't afraid to face him, but once again, this wasn't the case.

"Is he in custody?" Amy wanted more details.

"On the contrary," The Second Elder clicked his tongue, "We will be commissioning his services."

"Don't hold him in such high regard," The Fourth Elder gritted his teeth, "He's still a traitor!"

"Sweetie," The Third Elder stared down at her cigarette, "Please don't underestimate him. He is highly dangerous and is a skillful tactician."

The young woman was told in school that the Devil possessed his soul and gave him powers that rivaled God, but to her those are fairy tales. She saw him as a modern-day Napoléon, or just some power-hungry monster who couldn't back his mouth up.

"When do I begin this mission?" Amy accepted the assignment.

"As soon as you leave this room," The First Elder said, "Time is of the essence, so you must hurry."

"May God be with you." The Second Elder said.

The Fourth Elder walked up to his prized pupil for a handshake and whispered into her ear a message only meant for her. Her eyes widened a bit and she nodded in agreement.

After years of service, Amy Downs felt somewhat as an equal to the Elders, and she hoped that this will grant her more recognition from not only them, but her peers. The world stood on her shoulders and all she had to do was escort the exile.

The Hell Walker.

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