Beowulf (BoyxBoy, Werewolf)(B...

By Anissa_Eylene555

1.6M 74.4K 13.2K

[COMPLETE] Beowulf is a 17-year-old who just wants to be a Boxer. He doesn't do relationships anymore, and he... More

AUTHOR'S NOTE!! Please Read! :D
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Real chapter)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 FINALE
Sneak Peek at Sebastian
My Bad
Sebastian Is UP!!

Chapter 19

29.6K 1.5K 281
By Anissa_Eylene555

**So there is a part in this chapter that Kaylene says "go, go, go" and it just reminded me of "Go, Go, Go," By Sleeping With Sirens, so that is the song above. Fuck I LOVE SWS!! :D **


"Oh just your life story and all the embarrassing things," Newbie says calmly as he watches me.

"My life story and all the embarrassing things?" I ask worried as mom prepares my sandwich. "Like what exactly?"

Mom giggles and quickly clears her throat. "Sorry, I was just thinking,"

"Thinking of all the stories you probably told him?" I ask with a glare towards her.

"Don't worry, Beowulf, she didn't tell me anything to terribly embarrassing," Newbie chuckles to himself.

I groan before sitting in the bar stool next to him. "I hate you both," I mutter.

"No you don't, honey," Mom says as she slides my sandwich over to me. "You love us,"

I glare at her before picking up my sandwich. "That's what you think," I grumble.

Mom smiles at Newbie before looking back at me. "Beo, I like this young gentleman." Mom says as I chew my delicious sandwich. "He even thinks I'm cool,"

I almost choke as I swallow down the food hard. Mom quickly hands me a bottle of water which I chug half of it down.

"You really should invite him over more often," Mom continues on. "I like him a whole lot better than your other friends."

I shrug my shoulders and continue to eat. "Don't tell Niles that,"

"I just might tell him," She threatens.

"Please don't, I'll never hear the end of it." I whine

"No, I think I will tell him," She continues.

"Okay then, just know that Niles is a persistent bastard and will start to show up unannounced just to get you to like him more," I say before taking another bite.

"Okay, I'll just invite Ridge over every time Niles shows up then."

I raise an eyebrow before glancing over at Newbie who tries not to laugh. "And how does Newbie feel about this?"

My mother gives me a hard look at calling him Newbie before we both look over at said guy.

Newbie shrugs his shoulders. "I'm cool," He says with a smile. "Besides, I happen to like Kaylene, Beowulf, it's a wonderful excuse to come bug her,"

I groan loudly and get up to place my empty plate in the dishwasher. "She's not that cool,"

I should have seen it coming. Mom whacks me in the back of the head with her hand. I can't help but laugh and jump away from her.

"Mom," I laugh as she hits me in the chest. She goes to hit me again before I pull both her arms behind her back gently and hold her there as she struggles to get free. "Why are you so violent?"

Newbie's laugh has be shivering and wishing to hear it every day. I gulp and shake my head before looking back at my mom. I really need to stop this weird behavior towards him.

"Are you done?" I ask her as she stops struggling.

"I am too cool, Beowulf," She scolds with a pout. "Now let me go so I can hit you again."

"Nuh uh," I say and shake my head. "I'm not going to let you abuse me some more,"

Mom takes a deep breath before giving me a puppy dog face. "Baby, I won't hit you again if you let me go," She says.

I fell for it.

The second I loosened my grip on her she snuck free and whacked me in the back of the head again.

"Ow," I groan and jump away from my abusive mother, all while Newbie laughs his ass off.

"This is great, keep going," Newbie laughs.

"Tell me I'm cool and I'll stop," Mom says as she advances on me. I skip out of her reach and bump into Newbie. Hot sparks erupt from the touch and I shiver before Newbie's arms snake around me to hold me hostage. I fight within myself from liking the contact too much. I want to allow Newbie to hold me but I don't want him knowing that so I continue to struggle, only he has a good hold on me so I don't get anywhere.

"Mom," I say as I struggle in Newbie's arms. Mom starts to hit me with her little fists, only her hits don't hurt, they aren't meant to hurt me. "Let go of me. I can't believe you two are working together,"

"He knows I'm cool," Mom says as she slaps my chest halfheartedly.

"Mom," I groan and slump into Newbie's chest behind me. I know he could feel me shiver this time but I couldn't help it. His arms feel perfect and just right wrapped around me. "Ugh, fine, I give up,"

"Say it," Mom huffs as she places her hands on her hips.

I shake my head. "Not a chance,"

She eyes me before going into a tickle fight.

"No!" I scream and squirm in Newbie's arms from my mother tickling my sides. She knows I'm super ticklish! "This isn't fair!"

"All you have to do is say it and all this will stop," Mom says as she tickles my sides.

"Never!" I holler and try to jump away from her. Newbie laughs in my ear and it has me struggling even more. I want to struggle so he holds me tighter, but I also struggle because the tightening of my jeans frightens me.

"Ugh," Mom stops her tickling and steps back, Newbie keeps his arms wrapped around me though. "You're a horrible son, you know that?"

I shrug my shoulders and glare at her. "You're a horrible mother," I can feel Newbie's breath on my neck and it has me shivering again. Why is he doing this to me? How can he possibly affect me like this? I am not gay, I am straight, another male should not have me shivering and making my lower region tingle.

Newbie finally lets me go and I take a quiet intake of breath and step away from him. I turn my glare on him.

"I can't believe you worked with her," I growl.

Newbie smiles before laughing again. "All you had to do was admit she's cool,"

"Admit? That would mean that she is cool," I grumble. "Obviously you do need to come over more, because you need to get to know her better," Okay, maybe I just want to see him more without outright telling him.

Newbie's smile widens and I catch the glance he makes towards my mother. Weird.

"Then it's settled, he'll come over tomorrow after school," Mom says.

"Wha-," She cuts me off with a raised hand.

"You don't have training tomorrow, so I expect you to bring him home with you," She says in a final tone.

"And what if he had plans tomorrow?" I ask.

"I don't have anything planed since James left," Newbie oh so helpfully informs.

I raise an eyebrow. "He left? Already?"

"Yeah, he went south,"

"Does he know why then?" I ask as I remember our conversation yesterday about his best friend leaving.

He shrugs his shoulders. "He'll be back once school is over,"

"Okay then," I mutter.

"Well then, now that we settled that he has no plans," Mom cuts in. "I'll be expecting you tomorrow, Ridge."

Newbie smiles at my mom. "I'm looking forward to it already."

"Good, then I'll expect you to stay for dinner,"

"Awesome," Newbie replies.

"Now, get out of my kitchen, the both of you," Mom says as she shoos us out of the kitchen. "I don't want to see either of you until dinner, now go, go, go,"

**A/N This is the song I was talking about at the beginning. :D **

"What?" I ask confused. "Who said he's staying? He probably has homework or something ma," I say as an excuse.

"Honey, trust me, he doesn't have homework,"

"How do you know?" I ask.

"Beowulf Geat Miller, if you don't get your butt to your room and spend time with your friend, so help me, I will ground you from boxing for a week." She threatens.

My mouth drops open and I swear my heart stopped for a few beats. I stare at her with wide eyes, my mouth hanging open, and my heart thumping painfully in my chest.

"You wouldn't," I practically whisper.

"Don't push me," She whispers back, only her whisper is final and threatening.

I gulp loudly and take the stairs two at a time. "You're cruel!" I yell down the stairs at her. 

"You're cruel! You don't think I'm cool!" She hollers back up as Newbie laughs his ass off again.

"Ugh," I scoff and leave the laughing Newbie with my mother. "If you like each other so much why don't you two become friends?" I yell before going into my room and throwing myself on my bed.

Only a minute later Newbie walks in. My heart skips a beat as I lift my head to look up at him. He stands in a pair of dark wash jeans, a red T-shirt, and an open black leather jacket. I bite my lip as he looks around. All of a sudden I get self-conscious about everything in my room. This in my room after all. My private space. I don't let just anyone in here.

Newbie looks around the room. All there really is, is my bed in the corner, a dresser, a closet door, a desk with my MacBook and a lamp, my backpack on the floor next to the desk, a door leading to my bathroom, a large window with an attached bench to sit on, and two black beanbag chairs. A few posters of famous Boxers and Wrestlers hang on my white painted walls, along with a plasma T.V.

"Nice room," Newbie says.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Thanks," I say. "It's not much, but it's mine," I mutter nervously.

"Hey, it's simple and cool," He says as he shrugs his shoulders.

"Man, is the word of the day 'cool'?" I ask annoyed at the word.

Newbie chuckles before walking into the room.

"Shut the door, would ya'?" I ask, my own heart thumping at the thought of being behind a closed door with him. Not that I'm expecting anything to happen, but still. "I don't want to chance seeing Braider if he decides to show today."

Newbie scowls before shutting the door. "I don't like that kid,"

"Me and you both," I groan and rest my head back on my folded arms behind my head. "You can sit wherever you want," I mutter.

I watch out of the corner of my eye as he plops himself down in one of my beanbag chairs. We sit in silence for a good five minutes before he clears his throat.

"So," He says. "How has your Sunday been so far?"

I can't help the smile that flits across my lips before it turns into a scowl. "Well, it was going great until my mother decided to threaten me by taking away Boxing."

Newbie chuckles to himself. "You really like Boxing,"

"I live for it," I say truthfully. I don't know what I would do with myself if I didn't Box.

"I think that's awesome," Newbie says. "It's good to have a hobby,"

"Do you have a hobby?" I ask as I prop myself up on my elbow to look at him.

"Sure I do," He says. "I like to race James, running and driving."

"And who usually wins?" I surprise myself at the sudden jealousy that overcomes me. For some reason I am jealous of James. Maybe I'm jealous that there best friends, or maybe it's because they spend so much time together.

"Depends. Sometimes I can beat him when we run, but usually he's faster than me."

"And what about driving?"

"That depends too. We usually come close to tying when we car race. But we have both won a considerable amount of times."

"But you drive a BMW it doesn't surprise me," I chuckle. "What kind of vehicle does he drive?"

"A Volvo S60." He replies easily.

"Damn, no wonder you tie," I mutter. "Are you guy's filthy rich or something?" Fuck, both those cars are expensive.

"Our parents are well off, sure," Newbie says. "But we also work for our money, we don't just get money from them."

I nod my head in understanding. "Cool," I say but end up raising my eyebrows as Newbie starts to laugh. "What?" I ask curiously.

"You just said cool." He laughs. "It must really be the word of the day."

I groan before throwing one of my pillows at him. He manages to catch it before it hits him in the face which only causes him to laugh harder.

"Shut up," I grumble and throw another pillow at him, only for him to catch that one too. "Ugh, you jackass, stop catching them!" I exclaim over his laughter.

"I can't help that your throw is slow," Newbie says between laughter.

"Ugh," I groan as I throw my last two pillows at him. He catches one of them as the other one falls at his feet.

"Man, you suck at this," He laughs.

"Shut up," I mutter as I get up off my bed. I walk to my desk and pick up two Xbox controllers and throw one at him, of course he catches it. "You're terrible," I mutter as I plop down in the beanbag chair next to him.

Newbie laughs and I can't help but smile at him.

"You play?" I ask as I raise my Xbox controller.

Newbie shrugs his shoulders. "Sometimes, what do you have?"

"Don't really know," I say as I turn the Xbox and T.V on from their controllers.

"You don't know what games you have?" Newbie asks.

"Nope," I pop the 'p'. "I don't really play,"

"Well let me see," He takes my controller and searches through my downloaded games. "You have a lot of games considering you don't play," He chuckles.

"Niles downloads them so he can play when he stays the night." I say as he chooses a racing game.

"And you don't play with him?" He asks as he glances at me. "I mean, you don't play the game with him?" He rephrases. I can't help the laughter that bursts from me. Just the thought of "playing" with Niles that way disgusts me, I mean he is my best friend and a male.

I decide to not comment on that. "I usually do homework or workout when he plays."

"Are you gonna play with me?" He asks as he tosses my controller back onto my lap. I bite my lip at that. Play with him in what way? I wouldn't mind seeing what he has underneath his clothes.

Wait, what? I shake my head to clear my head of those disturbing thoughts.

"You'll have to teach me how to play first," I say after I clear my throat.


Author's Blurb


So I had so much fun writing this chapter. :D I didn't even mean to write 'cool' that much, it just happened so I just went along with it.

I hope you all enjoyed this one, I sure did.




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