Damaged by love

By AlexisQuan

665 155 83

Everyone thinks love is the most amazing thing in the world...... But to this one person it's not. She is dam... More

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Chapter 10


39 11 3
By AlexisQuan

My head was buzzing with so many questions. It seemed like my brains would explode if I didn't get my answers. Why wouldn't they sympathise with me and give me some direct answers.

It was as if a repeat loop was being played in my mind, a loop of questions. But the answers were yet to be found. I was going insane, trying to make sense of the events that occurred in my home.
No one was willing to cooperate with me.
was I being taken for granted!!. Is what I kept asking myself.

Is it my fault that I care too much??I wondered to myself.
I'm all alone facing my nightmare all by myself and no one would even hear me out.
What's the point of having a family when no one attempts to console the other in times of dire need.
What does family mean to the rest of them!!!.
I sat in my bedroom with my baby brother sitting on my laps. I kept stroking his hair.Running my fingers through his hair I kept arranging and rearranging his hair.
I was lost in my thoughts for quite a long time. It was Sharf's snoring that pulled me out of my thoughts.

He fell asleep while I was stroking his hair, he always liked it. I wondered what it felt like for him to be comforted by me. He's still a child he didn't normally express his feelings except for hunger and thirst. I wished he shared all the feelings in him with me.
Sadness, anger,joy, excitement all of it, I wanted to be the first person that he shares it with.

"You must be real tired!!" . I whispered to him and rested him on my lap.
I stroked his chubby cheek and stared at his angel face.
"Do you realise how I felt when you weren't home!!". I softly whispered.

I placed him on my bed beside Amaan.
I kept admiring his cuteness. I felt happy looking at him, peacefully asleep.
"I've been through hell, now that you are fine I dont care anymore". I told myself.

I sat beside the bed and took a good look at both my younger brother.

Sharf is very fair, he could easily be mistaken for a girl. His eyelashes are long and thick, his nose small and cute lips that always get tinted with the colour of his favourite ice-cream.
Sharf looks like an angel when he is sleeping, but once he's awake his brown eyes get brighter showing his notoriousness intents.
Even though he is a mischievous kid most of the time I love him more than anyone.
He is my cute devil and I promised myself to be protect him forever.
I'd put him first above all else.

But, I also have one more who is in need of me but right now he is sleeping too.

I looked at Amaan's face and kept wondering how could anyone sleep so comfortably despite the pain.
I saw his bruises, they looked very awful and yet he's sleeping very comfortably.

If there was a way to take his pain go away, I'd take it on me.
But I know, it's my too naive self giving me false comfort in the idea.
For now, I know I can't take away his pain but I can make sure he doesn't repeat this kind of situation ever again.

I stood up and kissed Sharf on his fore head and next I kissed Amaan on the forehead.
'My kiss for the both of you is a promise. A promise to protect you both at all cost'. I silently pledged to myself and headed for some answers.

I closed the door. On the other side along with my two younger brother I left my sensible self.
I have no patience left in me and I know exactly what I needed to do to get my answers.

I headed to the kitchen. I went through the kitchen drawers looking for a knife.
I looked through the the drawers but couldn't find one.

'Mom where the hell do you keep the knives!!?'. I clenched my teeths with frustration and went through the drawers once again.
I realised I was wasting my time so I got hold of the scissors, which didn't look much dangerous.
' this will do for time being'. I told myself and headed to Abe's room with the scissors in my hand.

Time for being polite is gone.
I kicked open his door with my foot. It wasn't locked and opened immediately when I kicked.
Abe was lying on the bed,his eyes closed and he had earphones in his ears. He was probably enjoying music.

'Enjoying music!!!, while I'm going through hell'. I whispered to myself.
I went straight to his cupboard, opened it with force and grabbed his precious possessions.

It took Abe some time to notice that he had an intruder in his room.

I searched for the things that I knew were valuable to him.

Abe pulled out the earphones and slid his iPod under his pillow. He stood straight and watched me go through his belongings.
Abe looked alarmed and was wondering what I was doing in his room.

"What the hell are you doing??" Abe demanded.
When I didn't answer he repeated again.
"What do you think you are doing with my stuff!!??" Abe questioned again.
I continued going through the belongings ignoring him.

After going through a few things I found what I was looking for I grabbed it with one hand and with the other hand I pulled out all his clothes that were neatly arranged. All his neatly folded clothes formed a pile of mess at my feets I kicked the pile and the clothes flew all over the his room and next I went to his bookshelf.

"Emma please!!!are you crazy!!!" Abe shouted.

Abe was dumbfounded at Emma's action. He had no idea how to deal with the situation. He froze in one place and kept shouting ab her.

" Emma look at the mess you've made of my room". Abe looked around not believing what he was seeing,
"Emma would you tell me what's the matter, at least!!".Abe pleaded.
Abe stood still watching Emma trash his room. He was cautious and didn't approach Emma. Abe thought Emma would bite his head off if he tried to stop her.

One by one Emma threw all his books on the floor, while She was pushing off the books she found his favourite collection of comics. Emma grabbed his favourite collection and turned around to face him.

Finally Emma was facing Abe. Emma' stare looked threatening to Abe. Abe silently returned the stare and questioned her.

"Emma what do u think you're going to get out of this madness" Abe pointed at the books that were lying around.
"You've just stamped my favourite thirst" Abe said pointing to the mess that were his clothes.

"What has gotten into you!!! Will you speak up!!" Abe screamed when Emma stood silently without answering

The books weren't damaged but Abe was furious, theses were his things and his love too . He felt like his privacy was being invaded by his sister and he couldn't stop her.

Emma stepped on a few books while she walked to get closer to Abe.
"Stop!!please stop!!" Abe begged Emma.
To Abe it looked as if his kind and caring sister was being possessed by the devil.

Emma stood facing Abe one hand held his favourite comic and the other hand had his favourite pair of  Nike sneakers. Both the things were very precious to Abe, they were his favourite shoes and his favourite comic.

"Emma!!don't hulk on me!! Just talk!!" Abe shouted when he saw Emma pointing scissors at his shoes.
"We could talk this out, let's be civil, please....!!"Abe suggested. He was worried for the things that Emma held.

"Talk!! Fine"Emma sighed. Emma was about to open scissors and ready to cut.
"I'll talk after!! I cut your love to its bits and pieces!!!" Emma said pointing at the shoes and comics.

Abe's eyes were widened with disbelief. He never anticipated his sister had such an evil side to her. Abe was at a loss to understand what he did to provoke her . Abe ran through the events of the day in his mind, he was thinking what it was that awakened the evil in his sister.

He couldn't remember what he did that offended his sister. He fell on his knees and begged her not to ruin his shoes or his comic.

"Whatever it is!!! I'm sorry!!, let go of my stuff" Abe begged.

"It's not sorry that I want!!" Emma screamed at him.

"What is it then!!!" Abe asked.

"I want u to tell me how u ended up with Sharf!! While you were supposed to be with mom!!!" Emma demanded and glared at Abe.

Abe agreed to Emma and begged her not to ruin his favourite shoe and comic.

"Spill it!!" Emma scoffed and threw the comic on Abe's face and next aimed the shoes for the face, but it flew over his shoulder and landed on his bed.

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