By bfIowers

2.8K 86 32

-- ØN HØLD -- ☾'it's not that hard you know? Just let go' ☾ More

C H A P T E R Ø N E;
C H A P T E R T H R E E;
C H A P T E R F Ø U R;
C H A P T E R F Ī V E;
C H A P T E R S Ī X;
C H A P T E R S E V E N;
C H A P T E R E Ī G H T;
C H A P T E R N Ī N E;

C H A P T E R T W Ø;

314 9 0
By bfIowers

Two pound thirty,

It's a cold morning, not surprising in England. Dana Scully pulls her parka tighter in attempt to salvage some warmth.

The sky is grey and it looks like rain is coming. If only she hadn't missed that stupid bus, Dana curses herself. Her pace is quick, she doesn't want to be outside any longer than necessary.

She can see the shop in her line of sight now. Thirty yards.

Twenty yards,,,



And finally, she fishes in her pockets for the keys. For a moment she is struck with fear, she cannot feel them and,,, /please god let me not of forgotten them/, she pleads,,,

She finds them a couple of seconds later, awkwardly slotting the key into the key hole, her hands are shaking, this would not be so hard, if it were not so goddamn cold.


Scully can feel her eyes rolling back in her head,,, she cannot believe it is this slow for a Saturday morning. There are a few people dotted around the cafe, here and there, but they've all been served, sitting happy with their drinks now.

She sighs,

As if on que she hears that familiar chime. The chime that comes from the bell above the door when it opens, that means a customer, that means thank god, something to do. She straightens up.

There's a tall boy walking over to the counter, he's skinny, unkempt brown hair peeking out from beneath a black cap. Hands in his pockets, ripped jeans.

'Good morning' she chirps, that customer service smile on her face, 'what can I get you?'

The boy smiles, it's a friendly smile, it's such an infectious smile that Scully replaces her work smile with her own smile.

'Just a regular coffee, thanks' His voice  is gravelly, but warm, it's deep, a soft whisper, the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. He has small hazel eyes, his nose the prominent feature of his, quite frankly, handsome face. She now notices the print on his cap, there's a small grey alien face, she smiles again.

'Coming right up'

'Hey' He says, and she turns to him and eyebrow raised, 'Is Kitt working today?'

This is quite a common thing, boys always ask for Kitt, not that they don't ask for Scully too, but they always ask for Kitt,

'She works everyday but Saturday and Sunday' She tells him,

He nods, bites a lip thoughtfully.

'I'll happily tell her you asked for her though?' She means this as a question,

'Uhh, yeah, that would be great thanks, the names Fox' If she were a puppy dog her head surely would have tilted to the side, because what kind of name was fucking fox?

'Sure thing, fox' She says as she hands him the coffee 'That'll be,,,'

'Two pound thirty' he cuts off

'Exactly' she smiles and he hands her the change. His finger tips are so soft as they brush her skin.

'Honey, I'm home' Scully shouts mockingly as she steps through the door to her shared flat. Kitt steps into the hallway from the kitchen, she's in sweatpants, hair tied up in a messy bun, a huge bowl of cereal in her hand.

'Dana' she manages, with a mouthful. Scully smiles. 'How was work?'

'Oh god it was so slow today'  suddenly she remembers the boy, 'oh and this boy was asking for you, I told him I'd tell you'

The other girl raises an eyebrow, intrigued,

'He said his name was,,, ' she thinks for a minute,,, 'fox?' How could you have forgotten a name as ridiculous as Fox.

Her face lights up in recognition, 'ahh yeah, he came in yesterday, American right?'

'Yeah, yeah' Scully confirms.

'Nah' Kitt shakes her head, Scully raises an eyebrow, 'Not my type'

'Really?' Dana asks, confused, personally she thinks Fox Mulder is a fine piece of ass.

'Why? Do you think he's cute?' Dana can feel the red rushing to her cheeks as she attempts to hide a blush.

'Definitely not' she attempts to lie, it's pathetic really. 

'Oh my god, yes you do, Dana don't lie' Kitt shouts, shovelling another spoonful of cereal into her mouth. And then it is like a light goes on inside her head and she cuts herself off. 'I have something to tell you, okay?'

'Okay' It amazed Scully how quickly her friends mind can change tracks.

'So I sold some prints today' Kitt says sheepishly, a smile crawls onto her face.

'What?' Scully's voice is a loud mix of excitement and surprise.

'Yeah, so I'm on my stall right? As usual, and this guy, real business type, suit and everything, comes over right?'

'Right' Scully says, allowing her to continue.

'So he sees my prints, and he's like, are these your photos? So I'm like yeah, because they are, and he says that his sisters having a wedding and she's looking for a photographer, so I give him my shitty business card right?' Scully nods, ' and he's like, I'll take those two, so I'm like dude' she drags out the /e/ 'you can show her the stuff on my website, but he insists, he really wants these prints, so I sell him the prints'

'Kitt' Dana says, beaming for her friend 'that's amazing'

'I know right?' The other girl is smiling, pride written all over her face

'We have to celebrate' Scully announces,

'Dude, yes'

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