SaKuRa'S StAlKeR

By Asami-

2.2K 50 36

Gaining a stalker from going to a night club with Ino really did turn Sakura's life around. Now she has to de... More

Sasuke Uchiha?
Next Victim?

Who really is Sasuke?

615 9 17
By Asami-

"Uchiha Sasuke," a raven-haird boy said as he extended his hand for a handshake.

Sakura was breathless. Beautiful... Sakura was amazed by this man's beauty. Sasuke had raven locks with a tint of blue that looked so perfect without no split ends, which Sakura grew a little jelly of him for that. His eyes were like a swirl onyx pool that she could fall in forever, his stare though, was emotionless. His lips at that moment were so kissable but Sakura stopped her thoughts before she actually did something she'll regret. He also had the perfect jaw structure with high cheek bones and a strong jawline.

'He's beautiful but there's no emotion...' Sakura smiled at him and shook his hand. "S-Sakura Haruno." She then quickly bowed a little since she just met him. 'How come I've never seen him before?'

"Your my partner, see you at lunch." He stated, then walked away not waiting for her respond.

'What the hell? Partner for wha-,' Sakura's thoughts were interrupted when Gaara spoke as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"I guess he beat me to it. I was going to ask you to be my partner for the English project." Gaara frowned as he took back his hand from her shoulder and got his handbag, "I'll walk with you to our next class."

'Oh that's what Sasuke meant.' Sakura smiled at Gaara as she followed him to their next class. "Maybe next time Gaara-san, but I do have a question," Sakura stopped walking and faced Gaara, "why are you being so nice to me, I mean like you really don't know me." She looked down trying to hide her blush creeping in.

"Simple," Gaara leaned in and whispered in her ear, "because you interest me." He quickly leaned away and started walking again.

"E-EH?!" Now blushing ten shades of red, she looked up thinking he was joking but ended up seeing his lean back. W-What kind of interest?! D-Does he mean he l-likes me? OH MY GOSH! KAWAII PANDA LIKES US! OMGOMGOMG! GO TELL HIM YOU HAVE A INTEREST IN HIM TOO! ADD A WINK AT IT TOO! Inner Sakura instantly melted with hearts in her eyes. Inner's comments made Sakura blush even more if that's possible and quickly denied Inner's request.

"Sakura, if you keep standing there, we'll be late to our next class." Gaara smirked as he saw Sakura instantly started walking to class with her hair covering her face.

Sakura now fully embarrassed, made it to physics with Gaara but she tried to ignore his stare the entire class period and Inner's comments weren't helping.


"Sai-kun can make the decorations and I can help style it~!" Ino happily stated as they were discussing Naruto's surprise party. Sai smiled a genuinely smile as he nodded in agreement.

Sakura and her friends were currently at lunch waiting for Naruto to come back from a test he had to make up. They thought this was a perfect opportunity for making his surprise party plans.

"First, someone has to clean the mess the kid has in his house", TenTen Ryong giggled as she crossed her arms. She was a transfer student from China that knew Hinata's clan since childhood, so she also became close friends with everyone else. She reminded Sakura of a beautiful warrior. TenTen always has her chocolate hair in two buns with her bangs covering her forehead and framing the sides of her face. Sometimes she'll wear traditional Chinese hair clips on her hair. Her chocolate eyes were always fierce and determine. Hinata's cousin, Neji, would always spar with TenTen since she's a big weapon freak and loves combat.

"I-I will c-clean his h-house." Hinata shyly stated as she blushed from embarrassment. Hinata Hyuuga basically seemed like some sort of princess as her lavender, long waist hair was perfectly straight with no tangles at all. Her bangs also fit perfectly against her forehead and the sides of her face. Her eyes are pearl without no pupils which was kinda strange to Sakura but has some elegance in those eyes. It wasn't just Hinata's eyes but her whole clan as well.

"No, not at all Hina~Chan! We are going shopping for the food and the cake! Kiba-kun and Shikamaru can take care of cleaning the house!" Sakura smiled at Hinata but glared at Kiba and Shikamaru daring them to argue with her.

"Awe come on Saku~Chan! I mean I'm ok with cleaning the house and all, but working with the lazyass?! I'm going to end up doing all the work!" Kiba Inuzuka whined. He is Sakura's best guy friend since her freshman year of high school; he's a loud mouth as well as Ino. Kiba is attractive in some kind of level with his spiky brown hair that comes down just below his ears, his hair also matching the color of his eyes. With challenging and determined eyes, high cheekbones, tanned soft skin, and strong jaw line, to Sakura's eyes, he's a very handsome young man. He also has two upside down red triangles tattoos on each of his cheeks. Kiba also has this little hobby of his which brings Sakura and the others to faceplam, with the hobby being that he takes his dog, Akamaru everywhere. Sakura sometimes wonders how he gets away with it at school.

"Oi, I don't sleep all the time. This is too troublesome, but I'll help." Nara Shikamaru lazily wrapped his arm around his girlfriend's waist. Shikamaru's raven hair was slick back, without a single raven lock framing his face, into a ponytail that looked like a pineapple in the back of his head. His raven eyes looked lazy like if he was in his own dreamland.

Temari leaned into Shikamaru as she nodded in agreement. Temari is the sister of Gaara but they don't talk much from what Sakura has heard. No one would of ever guessed they were siblings considering that they look nothing like each other. With Temari's dirty blonde hair that was divided into four pigtails that were spiked up, had no similarities with Gaara's crimson hair. She also had sharp hazel eyes with bangs that framed her forehead as well as the side of her face.

"We'll see Nara." Kiba smirked as he crossed his arms. Shikamaru's eyebrow rose but ignored Kiba's comment.

"Well since everyone's doing something, what can me and Tema~Chan do?" Tenten questioned as she popped a sushi roll in her mouth.

"Oh, I know! We can hand out the invitations secretly!" Temari smiled as she ate one of Tenten's sushi rolls. Tenten nodded in agreement but glared at Temari for stealing her food.

"Ok, now that it's settled, we can start preparing! But where's Neji?" Ino asked confused.

"He's out sparing with Lee." Tenten stated looking kind of sad.

"Awe, Tenten you miss-" Sakura started speaking but was interrupted.

"Haruno, I need to talk to you." Turning around, Sakura faced Sasuke who looked a little annoyed.

'Shit! I forgot I was supposed to meet him at lunch!' Sakura thought as she nervously nodded and got out of her chair as she avoided her friends gazes.

"See you guys after school, me and Sasuke~San have a project to do. Oh and Hina~Chan meet me at the front gate." Sakura waved goodbye to her friends.

"Text me Forehead!" Ino yelled as she wiggled her eyebrows. Sakura walked out of her group's table with Sasuke knowing what kind of conversation Ino and her were going to have considering the tone of voice Ino used.

Once they were out of Sakura's friends sight, Sasuke's tense muscles seem to relax. They walked in awkward silence till they reached an empty classroom were Sasuke sat down and waited till Sakura sat down.

"Are we allowed to be here?" Sakura nervously questioned as she readjusted in her seat.

"Hn. Hatake knows I hang out here, so it's fine." He replied as he stared at her.

"You mean Kakashi~sensei?" She received a nod from him. "So, what are we going to do? For the project, I mean." She asked.

"That doesn't concern me at the moment," his gaze sparked a bit of care but quickly recover with being emotionless. He leaned closer to her, "what does concern me is the fact that your little problem bothers me more than it should." He leaned away and studied her with his onyx eyes.

"P-problem? I-I don't know w-what your talking about! A-and if I did have problems, it shouldn't concern you." She stuttered. 'He couldn't be possibly be talking about last night, ne?! But how would he know?!'

"Sakura, you well know what I'm talking about." Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

"H-how do you know?" Sakura cursed herself for stuttering.

"Tch. Rumors, but apparently they're true since your eyes speak the truth." Sasuke's eyes wonder around a little as if he was lying.

'He's lying. How does he really know?!' Sakura's eyes narrowed as she got up from her seat and graded her belongings. "I still don't see how any of my problems concern you."

"I question myself the same thing, but for now I'm going to help you." Sasuke put his hands together under his chin and looked as if you was thinking too hard.

She started walking out of the class but stopped at the door, "Don't bother, let the cops do their job." With that said, she walked out, but not without hearing a chuckle from him. It made her shiver and the creeps.

( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)/ (‵﹏′) ╮(‵▽′)╭

I'm so sorry if I update really slow, I just been really busy on my English classes and other stuff like band camp so please don't kill me! Please do tell if I've made a mistake! Also what do you guys think about Sasuke? ●﹏●

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