Hopelessly in love.

By styluke

7.4K 136 24

Harry Styles. Popular. Has boys and girls lining up for him anywhere. Louis Tomlinson. 19- year old boy who w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 8

328 7 0
By styluke

Louis’ POV:

It’s been about a week since Harry and I started dating. We hadn’t really… come out to the school yet but its alright. I told Niall about 2 days after it happened. He was smiling like crazy and jumping around. As far as I know, Harry and Liam haven’t talked yet and Harry has only told Zayn about us. Right now it was Monday and I was sitting on my bed playing with my phone until the bus came. It was really cold outside so I decided to stay inside and wait. I decided to wear a long sleeve t-shirt and jeans and some converses for school. I put my hair to the side and of course, put on my glasses. I heard my mum call my name and I went downstairs.

Louis: Yeah?

Jay: Your bus Lou. You’re gonna be late.

Louis: Oh right! Thanks mum. Love you!!

Jay: Love you too honey. Oh! And don’t forget I want to meet that Harry lad someday (winks)

Louis: Mummmm (whines and smiles slightly)

Jay: Off you go now. Don’t want to be late

Louis: Bye!! (kisses her cheek and runs out)

~At School~

When I got to school, I saw Harry by the fountain talking to Valerie. I went up to them and smiled.

Louis: Good morning.

Harry: (turns around and smiles) Morning Lou

I bit my lip as I saw what Harry was wearing. He was wearing a gray sweater with skinny black jeans and his black boots. His hair was slightly hidden by the blue beanie he put on. His cheeks were slightly pink and his lips looked so red. He looked… so adorable.

Valerie: Morning Louis! (waves)

Louis: H-Hi 

Valerie: Well I’ll leave you two be. I need to find Zayn! (smiles and walks away)

Harry: how are you love?

Louis: (blushes and smiles) Im g-good. And you?

Harry: Wonderful (smiles)

Louis: You look really adorable (smiles slightly and blushes)

Harry: (laughs and smiles) And you do too.

We talked for a bit until we both decided to go inside. He took my hand and I looked at him.

Louis: You sure?

Harry: Of course. (kisses his cheek)

We walked into the school hand in hand and really, everything was okay. We did get some looks from some people but overall everyone was smiling and doing their own thing. We went up to my locker where I found Niall on his phone.

Louis: Hey (smiles)

Niall: (looks at their hands and smiles) Hi lads

Harry: what are you doing?

Niall: Oh it was uh nothing (puts his phone in his pocket)

Louis: (raises an eyebrow) Niall?

Niall: (sighs) Okay fine. I may or may not have been texting Lila

Harry: The captain of the cheerleading squad?

Niall: (nods) I think she likes me

Harry: Do you like her?

Niall: (shrugs) Its complicated

Harry: (nods)

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I fished it out with one hand. I unlocked my phone and saw that I got a text from my mum

Mum: Just found out im working late sweetie. Wont be home till late. L  don’t do anything to the house. Haha love you lots xx

After I read the text, I replied back to her and put my phone away. I turned to Harry and he smiled.

Harry: What?

Louis: You wanna come over after school?

Harry: I would love too (kisses his cheek)

Niall: (rolls his eyes) Young love

Louis: (Slaps his arm) Oh shut up Niall

Niall: (laughs) I’ll catch you both later. (walks away)

Louis: So uh Harry?

Harry: Yeah love? 

Louis: Have you tried to make up with Liam?

Harry: (shakes his head) And I wont.

Louis: Harry. He’s your brother!

Harry: Step.

Louis: What is going on with you two? You never like claiming him as your step brother cause you both get along so well

Harry: (shrugs) Things change Lou

Louis: Not like that Haz. (pouts and lets go of his hand)

Harry: If I talk to him today, only talk, will you hold my hand again and stop pouting? (grins)

Louis: (mumbles) Maybe

Harry: (chuckles and kisses him) I’ll see you after class alright love?

Louis: (nods) Don’t forget to talk to Liam!

Harry: I wont. (pecks his lips and walks away)

I sighed and shut my locker. I went to class hoping Liam and Harry get along again.


When lunch came around, I took my usual seat next to Harry. Although, Harry wasn’t there. Only Zayn, Valerie, and Niall were.

Louis: Have you seen Harry?

Valerie: (shakes her head) He’s probably still in class

I bit my lip and started eating. After about 5 minutes, I looked up and saw Harry and Liam hug and then walk separate ways. Harry walked up to me smiling and sat down.

Harry: See. I told you I would talk to him (smiles and kisses his cheek)

Louis: Thank you (smiles slightly and kisses him)

[One day that picture will be real]

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