Our Story With Arlie And Noah

By sexylikenarry

130 6 0

India Daisy Ashman a normal twenty two year old. Niall James Horan a international superstar. Five years ago... More



9 1 0
By sexylikenarry

"Thanks for this" I said getting into Lottie's car. Niall still hasn't been home, well he might have been home but not at Harrys. He hasn't text or phoned at all. Harry took Fizzy to school and Lottie's taking me to the hospital, Noah's with Louis and god knows where Niall is. "It's alright, anytime" she said. "So last night I was thinking about Izzy and Hunter" I started. "India, you know you can't see Hunter" She said. "But what about Izzy? I've been trying to find her parents but I haven't found anything, so if we go to the hospital first and then to the orphanage then we can see where Izzy went" I said. "You're crazy" Lottie laughed.

"MUMMY!" Arlie said excitedly. "Where's daddy?" She asked. Oh no! I hadn't thought about what to tell her. "Daddy is a bit busy today" I lied. Lottie gave me a smile and placed her hand on top of mine. "But I'm sure he'll come and see you tomorrow for lot of cuddles!" Lottie said. "When can I go home?" She whined. "Not yet baby, you have to wait until you're better" I said. "Niall's posted on Twitter" Lottie whispered to me. I quickly unlocked my phone and saw his post.

@NiallOfficial: Gonna be offline for a bit, don't know how long for but I just need to sort my head out

"Why can't he just come home?" I asked starting to cry. "Who?" Arlie asked. "Don't worry baby" I said. "Daddy?" She asked. I can't lied to her anymore, it's not fair. "Listen baby, daddy wasn't at home last night so I went to uncle Harrys with Auntie Fizzy and then daddy came over and he was being a bit silly and he started shouting at mummy and it made mummy sad but don't worry because I'm going to try and get him to come and see you" I said wiping my tears. "Does daddy not love mummy?" She asked. "I'm not sure darling, but mummy loves daddy lots and lots, and no matter what we will both love you and baby Noah" I said trying to reassure her.

"Hello princess, how are you?" Louis asked walking in. "I'm good, is daddy not here?" She asked. "Arlie, mummy's told you daddy won't be coming today" I said. "Uncle Louis do you know where daddy is?" Arlie asked. "I do actually, he's asleep at Uncle Liam's house" Louis said. "Is he?" I asked. He nodded and sat down. "Lou can you look after Arlie?" I asked getting up. "Indie, I think it's best if you left him" he said. "Won't be long" I said ignoring everything he said. "Mummy will be back later princess" I said kissing Arlie.

"Is Niall here?" I asked walking into Liam's house. "Yeah he's in here" he said guiding me into the living room. "Is he drunk?" I asked. "A bit, he's quite hungover, he came here about an hour ago, he was drinking when he came but I've tried to get him to stop" he said. "Niall?" I asked walking in. "What?" He asked rudely. I rubbed my temples and looked at the floor. "Niall, Arlie is in the hospital asking for you" I said. "She wants to know her daddy still loves her and cares about her" I added. "Just go away" he sighed. "Niall, you may not like me right now but don't take any of this out on our children" I said. "Niall you need to stop drinking!" I said taking the bottle away from him.

"I can do what I want!" He yelled. "Fine Niall! Drink your life away while our beautiful little girl is fighting for her life in hospital!" I said loudly. "She's hardly fighting for her life" he said. "How would you know? You haven't been to see her and don't forget it was only a day ago that she had to be resuscitated five times. Five times Niall, in an hour" I reminded him. "Do I look like I care?" He asked. "Do you remember when we had Arlie? Remember the stress and drama we went through, the worry and panic that she was going to die, and then she didn't, and we were the happiest parents alive, what happened to the Niall that would play with his daughter and sing her songs as she fell asleep?" I asked. "He's still here" he said beginning to cry. "He isn't though is he" I said wiping my own tears.

"The Niall I know would be at that hospital making his daughter smile while she's going through everything right now, he would be playing with our newborn son, he would love me" I said. "I can't do this anymore" he said, his voice beginning to crack. "Yes you can!" I said. "NO I CANT!" He shouted. I thought we could of made this right but no. I turned away from him as my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I answered trying to cover up the fact that I had been crying. "India, you need to come to the hospital now!" Louis spoke through the phone. "Louis, what's up?" I asked beginning to panic. "They've just had to resuscitate Arlie again" he panicked. "WHAT? I'm on my way" I said putting my coat on. "Hurry up, Lottie's a state" he said. "Okay I won't be long" I said ending the call. "They've had to resuscitate Arlie again" I quickly said. "I'll come to the hospital with you" Liam said. "I'll stay here" Niall said taking a sip from the bottle. I rolled my eyes at him and walked to Liam's car. How could he be so heartless? Our only daughter is seriously ill in hospital and he's drinking.

I ran into Louis' arms the minute I saw him. "It's okay" he said soothingly while I sobbed into his arms. "Where's Lottie?" Liam asked. "In with Arlie" Louis said. I pulled away from the hug and went to go to Arlie's room, but Louis pulled me back. "She isn't there" he said. "Where is she?" I asked. "She's been moved somewhere else" he said. "I need to see her!" I said trying to get out of Louis' grip. "India you need to calm down" Liam said trying to sit me down. "Lottie has her don't worry" Louis said. "LOUIS JUST LET ME SEE HER!" I yelled. "India calm down" Louis said. I turned away from him and put my head in my hands and began to cry. I just wanted Niall to hug me and tell me it was all going to be okay, but he's not here and he isn't going to be here.

"I'm going to see Arlie" I said getting up but Liam gripped onto my arm. "Just let me go" I sobbed. "Sit down and calm down" he said to me like I was a child. "Liam just let me see my child" I said. "India, you shouldn't see her while you're like this, come home and calm down, go to sleep, you're obviously tired" Louis said. Why are they telling me what to do? "She is my daughter Louis!" I said. "Come home, Lottie has Arlie, she's in a coma anyway" Liam said. "I want to be there for her" I sobbed. "I know but let's just come home first" Louis said hugging me. "Please just let me see her" I begged. "Only if you come home after, we're worried about you Indie" Liam said.

I pulled my arm away and followed where Louis was heading. He opened the door and there was Arlie lying flat on the bed and Lottie by her side holding her hand and crying. I went up to Lottie and wrapped my arms around her. "They're going to keep her in a coma for at least two days" she said wiping her tears. "Where's Niall?" She asked. "Don't" I said sitting down.

After about an hour with Arlie Liam and Louis pretty much dragged me out of the room. "Louis please let me stay with her" I begged. "India, you're tired, you've had a baby recently and you've got a daughter in hospital, we understand you're tired" Liam said putting his arm around me. "Liam I'm being serious" I sobbed. "Let's just sit down and calm down" he said sitting me down, I was such a mess. "Can we go to the orphanage, I need to find Isabella and Hunter" I said getting up. Liam rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine" he said getting his keys out of his pocket.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The lady at the desk said. "Hi um, about two years ago my friends daughters got put in here and then one of them got adopted and I've been in contact with her but I want to know where her sister is" I said. "What are the names?" She asked. "Hunter Scotland Piper and Isabella Lois Piper" I said shaking slightly. "The twins?" She asked. "Yeah that's them" I said resting my arms on the desk. "Hunter got adopted when she was two to a lovely family and Isabella got adopted when she was three and then Isabella came back to us and so did Hunter" she said. "Where are they now?" I asked. "Hunters with us now" she said. "Can I see her?" I asked.

"Are you a relation?" She asked. "She's my niece" I said. "Let me go and ask her" she said getting up. After all these years I can see her again. "Indie, she's going to be very scared" Liam said. "I know" I said tapping my nails on the desk. "Wait where's Izzy then?" Louis asked. "I don't know I'll ask her when she comes back" I said. "After this we're going home" Liam said. "What about Arlie?" I asked. "India you're tired" Liam sighed. "I'm not, Li I'm old enough to do what I want" I said.

"Where is she?" I muttered impatiently. I quickly checked my Twitter seeing if Harry had posted anything and he had.

@HarryOfficial: Babysitting this little angel❤️

I quickly saved the photo to my phone and put it back in my pocket. "She said she doesn't have an auntie" she said sitting back down. "Can you tell her it's her Auntie India, she might remember me then" I said. She nodded and walked back out. "I hope she remembers me" I whispered. "Of course she will" Louis said hugging me. "I'm sorry boys" I cried. "Don't be sorry" Liam said hugging me. "No, I've made you look after Noah, take me to the hospital, be there for us all, sit with Arlie, take me here" I said wiping my tears. "That's what friends are for" Louis smiled. I gave him a weak smile and turned back to the lady.

"She remembers you, do you want me to bring her to you?" She asked. "Yes please" I said. "I can't believe Niall isn't here" I moaned. "Hopefully he isn't drinking" Liam sighed. I sighed too and turned around to see the lady holding a little girls hand, she had gorgeous blonde hair. My Hunter. As soon as she saw me her eyes lit up and a smile grew on her face. "Auntie India!" She said running to me. I held her close as tears began to fall. "I've missed you Hunter" I said inhaling her scent. "I didn't think you were coming back" she sobbed. "I would always come back" I said squeezing her in a massive hug.

"Where's your sister?" I asked picking her up. "She's gone" she said. "Where's she gone?" I asked. "She had to go and be an angel after Christmas" she said innocently. I knew exactly what she meant. My face dropped. "Hunter shall we go back to your room now" the lady said pulling her away from me. I was frozen, I couldn't do anything. "No! Auntie India" Hunter sobbed. "I'm sorry gorgeous" I sobbed reaching for her hand but she had gone. Louis opened his arms and I ran straight into them. "Isabella" I sobbed. "She's in a better place now" Louis said soothingly. "She had such a horrible life" I sobbed. "I know" he said rubbing my back. "It was recently, Hunt said it was after Christmas" I said my voice cracking at the end. "My Izzy" I sobbed.

"India" I heard my favourite Irish accent speak. I turned around and ran into his arms, that's all I needed.

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