
By mjj19588

331 10 0

This is a collection of oneshots that involve different Delena scenes. More


When we come to that bridge

160 6 0
By mjj19588

Stefan was screaming to klaus through the phone while I was begging him to slow down.
"I'll drive her off wicket bridge right after I feed her my blood!"
My heart was pounding so hard I literally though it was going to burst straight out of my chest. My parents died off that bridge and Stefan knew that.
"Stefan! Please! Don't do this!" I pleaded with tears streaming down my face.

He bit into his wrist and forced it into my mouth. I tried to spit his blood out, but it was too late. I cried for him to stop but each time I did he only sped up more. Klaus was speaking, which only made me more nervous.
"Stefan stop the car!" Klaus yelled.
We came to a screeching halt on the bridge. The first second I got I opened the door and ran out. There was a collage of tears and blood on my face and the only thing I could think about was how much I hated Stefan.

Stefan's foot steps sounded behind me, so I spun around.
"How could you?!"
"I did what I had to do. We didn't have a choice." He seemed indifferent, causing me to raise my hand and slap him as hard as I could across the face.
"There's always a choice! Why don't you care anymore!"
"Because I have no one left to loose." His eyes finally met mine and I wanted for him to see how much I hated him right then.
"You had me!"
"No I didn't. I lost you the minute I left with Klaus." My brain was so foggy and discombobulated that I had trouble understanding the meaning behind his words.
"You fell in love with Damon." I didn't want to lie but the truth seemed too surreal. Why did every fight end up being Damon's fault.
"God" I muttered under my breath.
"This has nothing to do with Damon! If you cared about me at all you wouldn't have done that!" I was screaming so hard my throat hurt.
"I'm sorry, Elena" I didn't hear an ounce of sympathy anywhere in his voice.
"Just leave me the hell alone!" I whipped around and walked away with tears running down my face. He dint say a word after that, only got in his car and drove the opposite way.
I kept walking forward even though I didn't know where u was going. At the moment I didn't care where I was going only where i was going so I continued walking for about an hour until I came across a bar. It was small and loud so a teenage girl wouldn't be noticed. I went inside and went straight up to the bar.
"Can I get a bourbon?" I asked the bartender. He nodded and without question handed me the drink. It smelled like Damon which made my head hurt. The only thing I wanted right now was to be by his side where he could tell me everything was going to be okay. But right now I was sitting at a bar without the blue eyed vampire so the alcohol was going to have to be my comfort. I downed it and relished the burning sensation as it slid down my throat. I asked the bartender for another and he instantly served it up.
I turned around in my seat, feeling slightly buzzed and watched the men playing pool. One was good looking and seemed to be staring at me just as much as I was staring at him.

After a while he came and sat beside me.
"Couldn't help but see you staring at me." He tried to smirk but it wasn't nearly as gorgeous as Damon's.
"Oh?" I said as I drank the last of my alcohol.
"So whatcha drinking." The boy was cute and had blond hair and green eyes. He looked to be about 22 maybe.
"Bourbon." He motioned for the bartender.
"Can I get two bourbons" the bartender handed one to both of us.
"So what do you say we get outta here?"
When I realized what he was asking I stood up and said I had to leave. When I tried to walk away he grabbed my arm and in my slurred condition I was in no condition to fight back. The bar was crowded and there wasn't many people paying any attention to us. The boy pinned me to a wall and before I could say anything else he was forcing his lips onto mine. It reminded me of the time Damon had tried to kiss me and I had told him I loved Stefan. Oh how the tables have turned. His hand began to slide up my thigh. I tried pushing him away, but when he wouldn't get off I screamed.
"Excuse me sir, but I don't think the lady wants you to touch her." Behind the boy stood Damon.
"Oh yeah and who's gonna stop me." Damon raised his fist and punched the man in the face. Then he hit him again and grabbed his collar.
"Why don't you guess." Damon's voice was menacing and cold.
He punched the guy again but before he could hit him a 3rd time I grabbed his arm.
"Damon come on let's go home." He could tell I just needed to leave so be released the man and walked out of the bar with me not far behind him.
"Elena I'm so sorry." He said before we got into the car.
"For what?"
"I should've stopped that guy sooner."
"No Damon none of that was your fault. I shouldn't have come here."
"Why did you come out here, especially alone?"
"Stefan, threatened to drive me off wickery bridge and he got very...close to doing it. He was going to turn me Damon." My voice cracked on the last sentence and soon I was enveloped in his warm embrace.
"Shhhh, it'll be okay" he whispered into my ear.
"And he had my phone so I just wondered out to here."
"I don't understand why Stefan would do something like that."
"He said he didn't care, because he'd already lost me." I pulled back a little so I could see his face. "But he also said that he thinks I.. I love you."
He suddenly became so vulnerable and I knew what was coming next.
"So do you?" The words were barely said yet they held the question that would determine our futures.
"I don't...." When I saw the hope in his eyes disappear I realized he needed to know how I really felt. It wasn't right to tell him I didn't know when I did. He shook his head and stared at the ground.
"I'm in love with you Damon. I love you." Before I could say anything else his lips were crashing down on mine and I couldn't imagine a more perfect moment. I didn't need for him to say he loved me too because it was all in his actions. Our lips moved perfectly in sink with each other. His hands roamed my body as mine tangled in his hair and it was almost too much to handle. When we pulled away for air I looked deep into his eyes and knew that that was the best decision I had ever made.

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