The Fakes In Goode And Annabe...

By TheGreatGreekOwl

126K 2.1K 1.5K

my version of 'Annabeth goes to Goode'. Annabeth goes to Goode because her step-mother got a temporary promot... More

Surprises and Introductions
Happiness and Rivalries
The Cold Shoulder
Plans and Lunch Talks
Flashback and Boring Tuesday
Date Night
Getting Ready and Promises
Boring Chapter, N meets A
We Talked. Blue Cookies.
The Party- Oh, SH*T!
What Happened. And Danielle
Special! For me at least..
Death Kid With Black
The Best Flashback
Date Night Gone WRONG
Um..okay. Hi again. SORRY

Nico and Blank Message

4.3K 73 38
By TheGreatGreekOwl



                                When Annabeth was gone, I immediately went to the kitchen and found spaghetti on the table. YUM…

“Oh, hello, Percy. Did Annabeth go, already?” Helen said, putting down a plate and sitting down.

“Yup” I replied, pooping the ‘p’ , sitting down across from her, and taking the plate.

“Oh, well then dig in. Just call for me when you’re done.” She said, standing up and walking towards the stairs.

“Sure” I tried to say, but the amount of spaghetti in my mouth made it sound like “Shcour”.

                                Helen chuckled and walked up stairs muttering something about boys and food.

                                When I was done, I called for her and told her I need to come home.

 After all I did told mom that I’m not gonna be here longer than 4:00. And now it’s already 4:30. Knowing mom, she is probably freaking out. And knowing Paul, he is probably trying to calm her down.

                                I sighed and walked out of the house, towards my car. Not before saying goodbye to Helen, though.

----LINE BREAK----

                                I got home and saw what I was expecting: mom freaking out and Paul calming her down.

“Hey, mom!”  I said loudly so I would get her attention. I did, and I immediately wish I didn’t.

“Perseus Jackson!” she thundered, coming towards me, in a threatening way.  I would love to say, I didn’t cower and I stood up tall and strong…but sadly, I didn’t. I wimpered, slightly and took a step back. “Where have you been?! Do you know what time it is!!”

“Ummm…I… of course it’s…..4:00??” I said, even though, I know it’s waaay past four.

“It’s 5:00!!!!” she shouted. Again, I wimpered.

“I kno-“ I started but was cut off by a very familiar voice.

“It’s okay Mrs. Jackson. I’ll keep an eye on him for now.” He said. His voice was much deeper than last time I heard him.  I smiled at the memory. Mom sighed.

“Fine. You’re off the hook, for now.” She told me, threateningly. Then she smiled. “Go on. Have fun.” She said nodding at my cousin. I smiled.

“Thanks mom!” I said, smiling. Then I came towards her and hugged her. “ I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

“okay.. NOW GO!” she said pulling away, and walking back to the kitchen.

                                I smiled then turned around to face a smiling face that I am very grateful to see, at a time like this.

“DI-ANGELO!!” I shouted as I came towards him, and did a man-hug. Whatever that’s called. “What in the world are you doing here?” I asked pulling away.

“Why? You don’t want me here? You know, if it wasn’t for me, I’m pretty sure you’d be dead by now.”  Nico said putting a hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He chuckled and said. “Well, I was just in town and I thought, why not come here, right? So, I heard Annabeth’s here?”

“Yeah, c’mon, let’s go to my room.” I told him as I started to walk up the stairs.

“Uhh.. you mean, my room.” Nico said. That made me stop and look back at him.

What?” I asked/demanded. Just then my mom’s voice shouted.

“Oh, Percy, I forgot to tell you! Nico’s staying with us and he’s using your room. You can sleep in the couch, honey.”

                                My eyes widened. Half happy, and half something else.

“Why does he have to get my room…” I whined. “can’t he sleep on the couch.” Then my mom walked in and glared at me.

“Now, where are your manners? When someone is staying at your house, you need to be hospitable! This is not hospitable, Percy! What have I taught you!”

“Fine, mom! I’ll sleep at the couch. C’mon, Nico. Let’s go to your room.” I huffed. Both of them smiled as I rolled my eyes.

“Gladly.” He said. Then we walked up stair to my- excuse me- his room.

                                By now, Nico was sitting on my bed*er, his bed*, with his back against the headboard, and me sitting comfortably at my chair.

“So, why exactly are you exactly late? I mean, you are Percy, but, you know, just curious.” He said.

“I was supposed to be here at 4:00. But I stayed at Annabeth’s a little longer.” I explained. “And what do you mean ‘You are Percy’ ?!” I demanded. He chuckled.

“Nothing, man. Nothing.” He said. I rolled my eyes. A hobby that I caught from Annabeth.

                                The next few hours, we were just talking, chilling, fooling around, you know, the stuff that teenage guys do. Then mom called us for dinner.

“Percy, Nico! Dinner’s ready!” she shouted from down stairs.

                                With that, Nico and I raced down stairs. You may not know this, but Nico eats a lot. Well, he eats like a normal teenage guy. Same thing. He doesn’t show it, though. Except when he’s here. He LOVES mom’s cooking.

“Ha! You’re getting slow Di-Angelo!” I said as my foot step the end of the stairs. I turned around to look at Nico, but he wasn’t there. I then walked in the kitchen to find him, sitting at my place,, smiling at me. I glared at him.

“Cheater!” I accused him as I sat down across him. He just smiled at me while Paul and mom just laughed and rolled their eyes.

-----LINE BREAK-----

                                When we finished eating, I volunteered to wash the dishes. With Nico, of course.

“But, I don’t wanna wash dishes, Percy!” he whined. I actually laughed at that. He acted like a kid. He glared at me.

“No, you have no choice.” I said. He sighed.

“Fine.” . He knows, I’d find a way to make him do it, anyway. I smiled.

                                When we finished, Nico was head to toe wet, while I am completely dry. We walked out of the kitchen, with Nico glaring at me.

“Perseus Jackson! What did you do!” my mom growled. I sent a silent prayer to my dad. “ Oh poor Nico. Are you alright?”

                                I looked at my mom wide-eyed, as she walked towards Nico and began pampering him. And Nico was acting like a poor abused kitten!

                                Okay, I’m being framed. This is so unfair. Actually, it was funny. I would love to video tape it, if I wasn’t in much trouble.

“Percy! Make him dry. Can’t you see he’s freezing!” my mom demanded. I looked at Nico to see him shaking. FAKE! I glared at him, before making him dry.

“T-thank you mrs. Jackson.” Nico FAKE stuttered. Which earned a glare from me. “ I-I think I’d better sleep n-now..” he said then turned around and walked up stairs.

“Percy! Why did you do that!” my mom said earning my attention. I looked at her. I then took a glance at Nico, finding him looking at me with a smirk. I glared at him. “Percy!”

                                I sighed. Here goes nothing….

-----LINE BREAK-----

                                After surviving mom’s death sermon, I arranged the couch to at least make it a bit comfier.

“Good night, Percy.” Mom said as she walked up stairs.

“Night, mom!” I called.

                                Then I laid down, and since I’m not yet sleepy, I took out my phone. I found five new messages. Two from Annabeth, one from Jessica, one from Zach, and one from an unknown number.

I read Annabeth’s first.

It said:

Hey, Seaweed Brain! Macy’s house is soooo awesome!!! My house has nothing on this!

-Annabeth-Wise Girl-Chase

Yo, Percy! What are you doing? We’re painting! Ain’t that cool! Oh, and I met Macy’s little sister! She’s so amazing! Anyway, I miss you. Can’t wait to come back there! Love you!

-Annabeth-Wise Girl-Chase

                                I smiled and replied a quick message.

Hey, Wise Girl! I miss you too. I can’t wait, as well. Oh and a friend of ours is here… Need 2 go 2 sleep. Love you!

-Percy-Seaweed Brain-Jackson.

                                Then I opened Jessica’s

Hey, Percy! I was just wondering what you’re doing. It’s just sooo boring here! Anyway, you wanna go to the movies tomorrow?

-Jess K.

                                I replied:

Sorry, can’t. Spending time with Annabeth tom. Luck, anyway.

-Percy-Seaweed Brain-Jackson.

                                I then opened Zach’s.

Yo, Perce! You in on Friday’s hang out? You can bring Annabeth. We like her. JUST HER! So, you in?

-Zachary H.

                                I thought for a while, then replied a safe answer.

Umm.. I’ll ask Annabeth about that. And I’m happy you guys like her. As a friend. Right?

-Percy-Seaweed Brain-Jackson.

                                Then I opened the un-known number’s. now, this was weird. It said:

                                Weird, right? It said nothing.

“Hey, aren’t you suppose to be sleeping?” Nico’s voice said from behind me, making me jump a bit. I looked at him.

“Dude! Don’t do that!” I said as I threw a pillow at him. He chuckled. “And don’t think that I forgot what you did with your ‘little acting’ back there.”

“Oh Percy, don’t be like that! I was just having fun.” He said. “So, whatcha doin’?”

“Reading my messages, Isabella.” I said. He glared at me, then rolled his eyes.

“Whatever.”he said, starting to walk back up stairs.

“Oh, Nico! I’ll get you for that!” I called out.

“Sure, you will.” He said. But I could hear a bit of fear in his voice, which made me smile. I heard foot steps. Meaning, he’s walking up stairs.

                                I sighed and looked down at my phone. I was confused with the message. Or blank message.

                                I decided not to care about it. Besides, we do live in New York. And it’s not my first time being pranked like this by crazy New Yorkers. So, I didn’t mind it at all. I figured it was just a harmless prank.

                                Oh, how wrong was I.

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