How To Break A Heartbreaker's...

By LarryHaveBabies

220K 12.4K 11.2K

*COMPLETED* **Warning: It is my first EVER book, it's not at all perfect and is mostly unedited. I'm slowly e... More

1: Who is this "Harry"?
2: Hi, um, you okay there. .?
3: Is anybody there. .?
4: All my life I've been good
5: I hope this stays
6: C'mon C'mon
7: Someone's a little bit jealous.
8: He's SO confusing.
9: Oh! This is Harry.
10: We Should Hang Out Tomorrow
11: Daydreaming, man?
12: The VERY Nice Get Together.
13: Did Harry just---?
14: Loopy Lou
15:Location: At Harry's House
16: I um- Sorry?
17 : I um yeah...?
18: Maybe, Just Maybe...
19 : Oops and Hi
20: Louis' Past
21: Off To School... Together?
22: A Dirty Little Secret..?
23: Fire Alarm and New Friend..?
24: Unknown No. - 15 Texts
25: Please.. One Date?
26: A Public Kiss...?
27: Spilled Secrets
28: I'm Done.
29: Last Day
30: Tranformed..
32: Detention
33: Searching For Home
34: Moving
35: Meeting The 'Flatmate'
36: I'm fine. Leave.
37: Staircase Rendezvous
38: Love or Hate?
39: Old Fear And A . . . Saviour?
40: Memories
41: Gone.
42: Found.
43. New Beginnings
44: Planning
I'm sorry
45: Party Tonight
46. Confused Beans
47: Happy Birthday
48: Out.
49: A Night Under The Stars
50: Making Love
51: High On Love
52: Almost Complete
53: Can't
54 : Out
55 : Always You
Hey Hey

31: Reaching Late Costs Much.

3.4K 193 136
By LarryHaveBabies

So, I am maybe a bit late but, I was busy with the book and studying!

Thank you for 17k reads! Cheers!

Enjoy xx. ;)


'Liam has some serious authority issues..' Louis thinks and huffs as he has to wait in a long line.

He hears an excited voice, and immediately knows who it is, in the line behind him.

Niall and Liam. Of course. They have become one of the most gross couple. Disgustingly cute, and always giggling. Louis can't help but be fond of them.

That is what true love does to you. Makes you want to laugh at nothing at all, then suddenly makes you cry. You become an over-emotional fool.

And if by chance, you are going through a painful break up, the cuteness and lovey-dovey things makes your heart bend and break. You can't just shake off the feeling of loneliness. Your emotions take a toll, and you are no longer that carefree person.

"Hey, Lou!" Niall and Liam say, together. This has become their thing. Saying things together, more often than not.

Oh, and since Niall has moved in with Liam, they're basically attached to the hip. Louis has been searching for a new flat, too. After that drunk incident.

It happened two days after the spring break.
Harry had been drunk and not-so-coincidentally visited his flat, demanding that Louis takes him back.

But, Liam had been visiting Louis, thank god, and kicked Harry out, before he could see Louis.

Ever since then, Louis had been searching for a new flat, so that no incident like this, happens again.

"Hi Ni! And Li!" Louis says, cheerful.

"So, you decided to partner with Stan?" Niall asks, as they reach the booth.

"Yeah.." Louis says, as he fills up that stupid dance competition form.

"Good. It will help people become more comfortable, Louis." Liam says, pretty confident.

"Yeah, yeah." Louis rolls his eyes.

Niall laughs, as he always does. And Liam just shrugs, but is secretly glad to see his favourite boys happy.

"Ooh. Look who's participating?!" A girl croons, behind Louis.

"Shut up, El." Louis laughs, as Eleanor winks at him.

Turns out, Eleanor was also involved in that 'plan' of transforming Louis.

"Excuse me." A deep voice rumbles, from somewhere behind.

Louis doesn't have to turn around to know who this person is. It's Harry.

Of course it is. Harry has been the major source of his sadness, since the start. Louis has somehow managed to avoid Harry. But still, whenever he sees Harry, he can't help but go back in time, when they shared sweet(at least to Louis) kisses. The last week he threw Harry's jacket, from that night, and is now coping much better.

Louis has now changed, so this teenage drama or whatever, is getting way too boring for Louis. Now, he can't deal with Harry's bullshit. He was never one to hate someone. No, never. But somehow, he has grown to hate Harry.

"Excu-" Harry cuts himself off, when he sees Louis.

Louis still, looks breathtakingly beautiful, after all this time. More hotter with all the tan.. It's like Harry is seeing Louis for the first time, like he did when Louis asked for help. Harry shakes his head.

'Remember what Rob told you.' Harry repeats in his mind as he pushes past Louis, his pale skin brushing Louis' tan one, and leaves it tingling.

Louis scowls at the curly haired boy and turns his face in disgust at Harry's 'partner'.

He never really liked Caroline. So, he has every right to wrinkle his nose, when he sees Caroline hanging off of Harry's arm.

"Really, Harry couldn't have found a better beard." Louis whispers to Niall, who cackles up way too loud.

Liam hisses at them, just as their P.E. teacher passes by.

"Be quiet! And go to the class, Lou." Liam says, more like orders, as he takes Niall's hand, aiming to walk him to the class.

"Yes, sir!" Louis mock salutes Liam, grinning as Liam shakes his head. To be very frank, Louis couldn't have stayed here, even if his life depended on it. He can't watch Harry and Caroline. He's gay, for god's sake.

Louis catches a glimpse of Harry's eyes just as he turns the corner. That's just his imagination, probably. Harry has shown every fucking time, that Louis doesn't mean anything to him.
And now, Harry doesn't mean anything to Louis. Louis doesn't give two flying fucks about Harry.

"Mr. Tomlinson. Care to explain, why are you late to class?" The teacher asks, crossing his arms, when Louis reaches the class.

"I'm the President, I have work to do. So, don't bother to yell." Louis smirks.
"Mr. Tomlinson! That is no way to talk to your teacher! You are getting a detention if you are late again." The teacher snaps.

Most of the teachers had been rightfully shocked, when Louis, who had been their favourite student, started replying rudely. Of course, since his grades were still high as ever, they couldn't do much. Just warning him about a detention, or something similar.

Louis shrugs, and walks to his seat. He doesn't give a fuck, it's not like he has to do anything in the evenings. If you don't count hanging out with his best mates.

The teacher drones on and on, but Louis can't bother. He has already studied this twice. He is rather more focussed on the competition.

Louis can't dance to save his life. And on top of that couple dance? No fucking way. What was Liam even thinking, when he gave this horrible idea?!

A paper ball hits Louis' head and he snaps his head to glare at the immature person, who decided that it was a nice way to call and disturb Louis.

He sees a wide eyed Harry looking at him.

'For fucks sake..' Louis thinks as he glares at Harry and crumples the ball in his hands, throwing it in the bin, thankfully nearby his seat.

Harry scoffs and proceeds to sneer at Louis.
Louis rolls his eyes. Really?

"Fuck off, douche" Louis mouths to Harry, and turns back just in time to see, that the teacher has come up to his desk and is crossing his arms.

Louis rolls his eyes. Teachers act like stupid whiny children, honestly. Now he'll probably give him a warning, again.

"Mr. Tomlinson. Detention for a week! And-" The teacher starts to shout but is cut off.

"Wha-" Louis tries but is also cut off by a laugh. Harry, of course.

"Mr. Styles, you too, I wasn't finished before I was interrupted, rudely might I add, by Mr. Tomlinson, here. One more word, I'll double your time." The teacher narrows his eyes and gives them a glare as he walks back to continue his lecture.

Louis glares at Harry. This is all Harry's fault. Now, he is stuck in a detention with Harry. Only if looks could kill.. Harry would be buried six feet under the ground with no flowers on his grave. Louis will make sure of that.

'Hopefully, other people are in the detention too.' Louis practically prays then, hoping for any god, who is listening, to grant this wish.

Harry glares back with the same force and when suddenly the bell rings, both of them are startled out of the glaring competition, which was started at some point. Louis grabs his backpack and walks out but not before flipping Harry off.

Harry practically sprints to Louis, but is held back by an arm. Oh right, he forgot. Caroline.

Harry resists the urge to roll his eyes and smiles at Caroline.

'Fuck. I have detention with Louis..' Harry could only think about this, to be honest, and he pretends to listen to whatever crap Caroline is speaking.


How was it?

I didn't leave you at a dead end, this time! I am very happy because I finally have written smut for first time(in other book) so, I'm being generous. 😂😆

Check my message board, don't pm me, because I can't count exactly how many people want updates, for the next update thing.

I will probably update after a while, I'm doing some serious study. So, until then!

LarryHaveBabies xx.

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